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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 7, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by horn nwsppt rsumitad 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c biehn publishtw thur march 7th 1963 editorial comment th seek federal seat with three of the four major political parties fielding candidates flection talk be prevalent in hallon for the next four weeks sitfitig member dr harry harlay with confest trjb cottnly seat for the liberals while sandy best who served some years as a p c member until his defeat lasi year is asking voters to return him to office last week the wdps chose an oakviife school teacher ellis fullerton as their candidate as yet there is no indication that social credit will contest the halton nding though in fhe 1962 election a cand date from this party did appear al the last minute the close maority m 1962 which re lumed a liberal member after halton had been a conservative seat for years forecasts d lively contesf there is a large percentage of uncom- fine job by children those who attended the tom sawyer operetta last week at wr gglesworth school were loud in their praise of the youthful singers and the fine stage setings which transformed the school stage into a bit of early mississippi river days the show reflected credit on teachers also who had worked with students for several weeks polishing ihe show lo near profess onal standard a school operetta is someth ng which lives on for year afterwards equally m the minds of young performers as n those of the audience we still vividly recall our own hockey interest grows after keeping the public guessing for a few weeks our hockey raiders came through where it counted last week to w n a semi final berth with welland m the first round of the playoffs the ra ders iced one of the most un predictable teams m local hockey history this season in the early games they were practically unbeatable then hit the skids for a time in a combination of bad luck and im provement by ihe opposition al time of writing the first playoff game mifted voters in halton as- evidenced in the rujge majority amassed by mr best in iwo elections and the liberal emergence ih 1962 atfthe same timethe ndp has made inroads into strength of both parties and ts closer fo the wmnirjg seat than at any time in the history of what used fobe known as the ccf the coming eleection is one of the most unpredictable nationally serious splits behind the scenes have rent the government and in a smaller way mr pearsons announced stand favouring nuclear arms has had repercussions in que bee where social credit and raoul caouette burst on the scene with startling suddenness iast year at present there is a possibility that no party will have a clear majorty on april i 8th and that coalition or another election will be the outcome participation as a grade eighter n the mer chant of venice strictly a background role with no dialogue and little acting but still a highlight in our public school memory and as a parent we have watched our threesome occasionally in featured roles more often as members of the chorus but each time a star in the eyes of a prou i par ent f next week chapel st school will b stage w ih he r own operetta this one i a seaso ial ir sh theme we i ope there won i be an empty seat as these you g people show their musical and dramatic abilities the mail bag ofagfeed to three day liter on page 37 under the fsl lust belief advertisement a body such u the b3g should be called to licence newspapers this would aha form a court of appeal for in dividual companies and organ- izatlons who had suffered from reports published in haste wi thout confirmation should the board find the publication re sponsible then the newspaper would lose its licence or make recompense as the board rec- agrees with berger licence for papers 1 chtlvin drive georgetown ont march 1st 1963 dear sir mr berger wins a case 1 11 co along whole hearted ij with mr tom birder in his ilattmuit that newspapers are ommended unahk to report the news fair thls lntnk would the 1 jiki accurately newspapers more wary of un how ofun wt read and hiar reliably soiine and give some njwrh trtiulsuxauod- xth prnlecuoo to mr pumie- fth wiruv rt ports which peier jones turn ollt to to so much gossip r thc etneral public ha no recount again a newspaper ome it is primed fvless he is willing to ramble his he sav ins on a foik action ft as s6irconfideiee whlfth time the media will pave w fear w hiiii its- moneys wqrth any as your hbpei as eld as pur wa he can he tarred and despair years n wrinkle feathered wifh a lw inchtyiuf skin but to give up en- headline on page one and ap thusiasfr wrinkles the soul j you are as young as ypur faith as old as your doubt as echoes went to wetland by a lops ded score the second game will be h story when you rad this but was still commg up at ed tonal deadline win or lose however rdhfs stm will be in there pitching in a bes of 7 ser es the team needs your support n orally and financially nothing could help lm wm more than to see the arena lamrm d to the rafters as it used to be a few years bkk let s all resolve to fake in the ren u i ng games and help ra ders on the r march to another provincial championship not without regret and with it mre lift i r h a few secret mitgivingt i made a big thing a couple of yean what happened life cackled go franled scrambled and with glee and i find myvitlf on lightly addled i took mytelf numerooi committee a member atlde and we had a lenout of several organisations lurch talk just the iwo of us ing out of bed to teach sunday school collecting for the red siinlir ll ih d t cross putting out the ichool mi iwv much 1 iikt r do hi yearbook and giving help to int i to k ii lit- nn backward students after hours mil k h s wlll m i i 1 hi ii lie war ir u tin- win j i j i v ii mil h ml it of us to i i f tu a sollt r f i iur dollar il u r im i ini i t i mi i i t i i chrontihr nf indies n t s r ltl r n mm aboil n inn a j itif r s 1 t i lu i nth if old lain hth sccs 1l x sll f fi hue a brif a luiur of p ij r- pm f tll l r v t ii llu p ofhn a m ibr 4 n n i i il s tn 11 ti 111 m these are only the maior ob i itaclet she has thrown between me and my courtship of that cool but complacent lady known as peace she has also bashed in the rear end of my car loa ded my eavest roughs with ice to ihe pendulous point arrang ed for my cat to get in ihe fa mily way aga n tricked me into getting five weeks behind in my work broken the zipper on my snowboot and put my hot water system on the blink i give up com back you old trollop and i ii embrace you as of yore and forqet about peace who never did appeal to me much anyway from the pages of the herald march 1953 and 1938 10 years ago f a comm itee composed of mayor arrrjsirong councillors hale and mcg ivray was appointed to work in conjunc tion wi h various town organ nations in planning a cele bration for coronation day june 2nd sykes quarres which provided the stone for fhe toronto c 1 hall queens park build ngs upper canada college and many other prom nent build ngs has been sold the business has been purchased by iwo brothers harvey norton of i rnehouse and lome norton georgetown cr goodlet reported monday that most of the supphei in the old towi hall taken over wnen tne recreation com mission re gned have d appeared bx cable has btcn removed and records and record players were gone hl suggested the bu 1 ng be boarded up be- fo e anyth g else is laken cr douglas sargent suggested a by law be passed to ensure fu ure subd v s on in own provide roads severs a d water n order not o burden ir e town rate entssively 25 years ago 0 a the csounc i meeting monday counc i set the tax rate al 49 mills one less than i was last year 9 i was moved by cr lyo is a id seconded by cr brown tin a hsrd si face road be co 1ru led on john st minal i st t ery st and that part of k ng st between fi ery and queen s lie itddi was carr ed i i y s i 1 iy i or i ng m s sne proprietor of geor- l c t r i re or l tr jt n l had entered his i75 wo of c gnret es and tobaccot e same i n e albert livingstone repor- ii s ol n la a tht same day two m i were ar ested 1 ik sleep g in an all ston lumber ard and ctwged w rh the hefts they are lodged in mlton jal ij d gd was m ss ng if kit i i nl i i f i straightforward canadian wutcha gotten mind ui ton 1 ilk i i u iu the mail bag says 6na act guarantees separate school rights 40 furnn si lormmn ont t rob 24 lf3 dear sir the tillc of voiir ulitorul of feb 14th a far rj from brotherhood was aprupos since the contrnt of the edit onal was cert imlv tint far cry rrom ilrotln rhuo i we can rnidily undi rst md and sjmpmhiri with ihe quin dary of man 1rolrl nf find even some flnmin ilholirst is to the insistenre of itoinan a tholics of their moral ditty and lejil rifihls to hac a ca tholic fihication for their chil dren lnli um ha been ed ucattd in this atmosphere this insislen c mnot he easily understood himcicr mjnj agree with mir rntrlen lion thai the knrmlcdre ind example and leachlnjw of christ in ft 1 i himself is inseparable from eduratmn or from im other phise of life this aineinnt wilh us i evidenri i in th d sifim mini with n the pr itemant of com hi i a country problem x the racial oririnally french and catholic was now at conftder ition as a result of british conquest fnnlnh and proliant thus the nshti of tht french wen included in the constitution ii inrintri of sipirte sihtnn be intoli rani f- unilies of ir ious reliioirs denominations live side by side and aij in joi th sum free torn in wor ship nr not lo wnrshipi a ua ranteeil by tin stall the si ite wis en iled for man not man for the slate and tin fa ir inn tbi s so 1 pi in i i i ml ill i ml he rh about ill eis i 1 1 ji n sioi ind siiiinli i i full lv 1 olhr 10 i m list i m i thir l of o pirilld ion of i u drjwn in the in ilion ss ims lwiwun tin problem in tht i s ami th um in ontario the 11 s problem is one of a balllc bclwien thi public and private school yst jnis the i s his onl nn sj sitm of public mucat in in ontino howri r both so nllcd public mil stpnti sfhools are part of the public sthoiil svvt m ind the tnt drpt of fdueition here il is not a battle between public an i private schools but in stead hilttitn prowt int pill he and catholic publie srhmls ibis is not j phj on vor 1 but an exploration of tin h il positions of our schools jbbn vhted in demilfptjon b lln expressions public and nep- arate srhonls time and time iim our highest court s ihe privy council of fngland pr ir to fmfi the supnmr courls of canada an 1 ontarn have insisted on this firt thit the separate schools so ilkd arc as publie as lh piblic si h ols so filled aiu thil we havr in ontino twi swtrms of piihiir fduntion it i pro t it bo at ult aftei i li lints in 1 obi i st ik i i sv ti ii iv sbnuld miu msi t on th oils mliplin llu protriinl public sihnol bs1uir lillv and morall we are eih en lilleil tn iuil in it in nl win is tins lusii r kht m oh jrlioiubh lo sum i rolrst mr rd dog paddled my way out of h turbulent jtream of life at a weekly editor into the quiet backwater of life at a tchool teacher i figured i would he back and float thera for a while raiting up before i lank quietly out of light am ong ihe bullfrog and the pot lywogs and the tepidity and the mud of the academic pond ve cortritul up v m s iur ippnintment ai scnrir inisiirerof rsnucsin vhool n a no 1 perhips our histnr inl legal and moral interpre 1 lion of ihe publie sdiool simrms hi rinlarin will h of some help to you in jour new i ndi ivour tv smeerelv ixn and orothy burn ihi hi st ihinfi for nn m do stated the physician i i i km up smokini innk ind lp ii and keep vr iv slnrl hours i really don t deseive the ht at replied the m le pitieni wlm auond besf itil 1 mi in p in thil sheil i fill n tn georgetown herald pub by hame 1 j gewipaperi limtfed ficorgetown ontario evrjlifn m uilhp ilh hfi hi t doiiu iit hi i ind im emrmov n k 1 flns in mv oilier paiits it t uit nof that simple you can i utt turn your back on life that aging but ttlll lively mittreit you ve kept in style for yean had so much fun with and expect her to lei you walk quietly into the arms of that other woman dear old dim dull peace she wont ih it stir 1 hurl ahusr at in in public shf ii i throw crml il our wind nv on moonlit in hts sh ii trip 4ioliasjvuni djl heijib wnls n spill ihililj she 11 put iblath miuirnu in jour attic bluk lhouthr i decided to be better fa iher life chortled when i took up skiing the kids were embar raited when i come home rea dy for a fatherly chat every body duappeart when i aik them if they d like to go tor a met family drive they look at each other significantly and roll their eyet only this mor rung kim taid dad you don t teem happy anymore you re viponds the name i mli tuk s t mir kiln v p id i t mi lliji i li i puiun ni i i h i iiuk llu liirld nfunil to ui iur miph unue n i l ph si is lum itipp n 1 hi i rr um is n imr n is in i i i if fv ribs ls lis win fnnls i i xl m ni mr vipimd is known in so it of ihe pupil er i it ih rncr as uncle duk or lhu im in rr his iniil li mm mtimdukc mis pictun is on of th tin r in n i s ipjir pr mi h i null sriii hk ill of h rro sin nuirds he hid in h bun el iled to hint milu i n bcl n thi nld iw itlur is his mitu pupil sihol ni iiiiintinci s business directory w h carr p eng triangle 72211 ret tr 7 3300 donald a gay tues thurs j sat for appo ntment call tr 7 3401 georgetown chiropractic 1 main street south carr j westwood ontario land surveyors lid m nut i in triangle iv lid s 7 2211 w h car tr 7 3300 r b res f wettwood tr 66164 lever hoskin chartered accountants kit juem w br impton 1m lale 1 15 44 irloria si toronto phtno ml 4 9111 e l buchner o d li i tor of oplnmilrj optometrist lftl uilh strut s tt ir bilk wednesday evenings only tiv ippiiintmi i u tr 74081 dale bennett latimer baines barristers a solicitor dol gias v latimer tlrence f baines triangle 7 3381 23 mill st georgetown frank petch liclnsed auctionhih prompt service po box 413 tr 7 2864 gcornetown george c barrister and hewson solicitor 1 in mount un tirrctal 11 diorkot cw rd s hiding tn suit 5 tr 7 2211 barragers cleaners shirt launderers tr 7 227 ifi i nn s llifi uilph all work done on premises bible thought for the week what i tell you in darknett that speak ye in light and what ye hear in the ear that preach ye upon the houtetopt mat ihew 10 27 tnntsn wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 7 2963 for expert eye cari consult o t walker bramplon gl 1 6243 12 main 51 s gl 1 4474 re hours 9am 6 pm daily friday 9am to 9 p m evenings by appointment john d ord qc barrister and solicitor 116 mnunlainview rd s carrel a i building tiorgmown suite 1 tr 74956 georgetown robl r hamilton ro optometrist ejei rxaminpd trescriplions titleo 60 main sl n far appointment tr 73971 frederick a helsor barrister and solicitor 116 motintainvlew rd s carrclal building georgetown suite 3 tr7 2209 m e mande qc barrister and solicitor fl 61 mill st georgetown tr 7 246d ate hmre a pnv u k a condtsctnsiun tu nhoiis b protisl nt at the timi if f if h rauon we had it th s cu i iir in ous reluioiis denominations catholic ind protestant beinc the broa 1 d stincuon recoeni red bv the bntuh north am erica act of 1b67 the bna act icclion fll is a constitutional guarantee nf the ncbts of the minorities i i the protestants m quebec and ihi catholirs tn ontano actualh th pro blem was iwnfold we think 1 a relikious yet also a rac lal problem the rehgicms srhui boinls in it srrn h nn mi ir to athnlic schools hv the on urio bitvi rnment but mini its legal dutj hv virtue of the bna act a duty the applira tion of which has been long ovrrdur man is born without emnt lonal feeling hut learns ml erance or intolerance depend ine on bis teachers we as pd iplr walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgilvray prrtduclion suprrintendent office staft held shell ihelt until vi ive tried isl plai tu twtk tbm hk and dtids of th hildren if the jrow into intolerant mat urilj then we ourselves miat looked the other way when the flaunted herself i ve held here at arms length until i ran out ol ermi terry htrley ailrcn bridle j h th now edtor accounant hfn lh- ipprolhed r hide parker ceived a kick in the pants for advertising manager rny pains leslie clark dave hastings k s n mf lhr wnr4s lib itaskcrville mles ilaon rfpicrmineii i wmild n wr member of the canadian ar nn mothir enmnutl jun weekly newspapers another ork inialinn d mat in association and ihe ontario inf m fm time in invlhin or association ido anjlhinj for anjliodj unkss printing of distinction sttmtrms ihthiumils f fvmlllrs vn doim iui rids georgetown herald animal clinic v zavlrt dvm b footman mrcvs 10h tilpb slreei clinic open 7pm b p m mon wed fri sat afternoon 13 hair styling persimlind mffire tor appointment 8766581 221 delrei blv al weber monuments pollock a campbell dksigns on reou1st insprrt our vnrk in grrenvond crmetery phone 62 7580 62 water street north g a l t t van siclder ba barrister solicitor nolanr dr williams bldg i 36 mam s tr 74531

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