Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 21, 1963, p. 9

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scout corner thi ocj tookshclf our pc i cubs entertain recently it was rather surpru- k cl dslnrk p1itv ing to find a lack of knowledge ml jl rduu ra1 on the pari of the bojs when questioned about jungle names usl thursday evening t asd atories jungle atmosphere pck first georgetown cubs iith baste element tn -the- were- hosts t fourth-george- t cub pack and the proper use of this can prove most use ful jn the- pack program i would strongly urge all pack scouter to obtain and rjiad the jungle stories bj rudyard kiplms id pass these j atoriejjin to ihe bojs at ctrn tires there 4s a romance in the boy and vll explain to him what a wolf cub pack rs and how h operates as a closeknit jroup if jou fyua hkean evening session on jungle lore and us uses within the pack i would advise jou to request from adc training d ward tr 7 8m a night be arranged for this in the meantime read the jungle fed by dennis wright and book 75cl all the mowgli stor david shrubsole a round les 95c both by rudvard kip i chief chief was led by cub- ling and jungle dances and j munro and acm their variations 15c these i iunro of 4th then mrs are exceptional fine books munro related a story to the and i recommend them hijrhh boys about the legend of jab- for your personal or group h jri bird from australian ab brary if ou order them from origines distria news at a glance toawn pack and leaders- jor a st patrick s part hey in the hall df st johns united ohorch the meeting opened with the grand howl led by uurli bieha a program ot relay group games ant contests un der the direction of cubmas- ter mrs layman assisted by scouts david shrubsole dennis wright glenn broom c a liquor vote is also to head pete mcnamara david held in may by chingua blayney henry king and john layman war enjoved fit cooksvilli increases ranging from 100 to woo a year for secondary school teachers in south peel were an nounced monday night the increases are the re sult of new salary agree ments reached with the south p1- boatdof edu cation in the future star ting salaries will range from 4600 to 6000 with a maximum set at 10000 brampton brampton town council has approved an earl liquor vote braroptan residents will be as ked to cast ballots on liquor with meals and cocktail loun- hockey ran by fourth george town ladies caused much ex citement songs around the camp fire cotton ker ask for elmer ttal pack scolders bjmc bramp ton march 18ih 25lh and april 1st three momlas e eniiujs j troop scolders basic r south waterloo district camp wit dmmbo ma loth nth and hdlton member differ 12th weekend camp hor in isji j p formation on the above cour with leader oil rlflo aes contact d ward tr 7 m i just as the pc candidate in we are ten pleased with the halton riding dr sandy best interest taken in the traininfi differed with his parly leader courses by the scoutcrs in our p m diefenbaker in district we hae had five urging nuclear arms for tan pack scoutcrs and five troop a lne slan bearer scoulers lake basic training p harrj lurlc has presmteil cousy township slora the elora bantams de feated durham 4 in dux ham mondav to win the wo a a championship in two straight games they will now enter the om 11 a pladowns orangevilli a busload of 40 girls from uarkdale high school and a ii busload of 50 boys from col prizes went to bill hlllier lllk school spent of 1st and david mcnaliy of ngm n orangevillc high 4lh school when a severe snow film shows scenes about rim of asia group show includes three local artists a im pertaining to our mis sion studs book on the rim of tomorrow was shown at the general meeting of the ucw of st john s united church on ednesdajr night in the church hall mrs ii wngglesworth gave a short synopsis of the film which portrayed ihe way i of life and struggle for exist i jence ol people imng on the nra of asia nametv horea ok i eight months after lis open inawa tiawan formosa andimg in july 1w2 gauery house i hong kong sol 43 charles st is arrang- kiflv per cent of the popula in a group show with new tion are voung people who are pamtings sculptures and draw asking vers pertinent quest jmgs by ihe fifteen artists jtionsjec ace we going jwb are permanently axhibi who is going to lead us u at ihe gallery w here does ijie church ttand the new exhibition will run j from 51rt 23rd lo april 15tlj auction sale al the june meet thi glftftqitowm hiralo me i ttonajay nurch xi tmj the aots mens club ol st page john s served a delicious cup of tea at ihe close of ihe mee ting j m matters 61 bwuree industry polities the age old family of special interest to the people of georgetown in this show virijl be recent paintings bv frank black and itarjrfrio naxer and portrait of john gunn pain tfcd by dotothy stone for the corgctowjn and district mem orial hospital traditions are hard to break ijjut thoi whohae become l c hrlsuam eanhot r believe wb ancestor of idol worship theyj a find it hard 1ue to tamilv ly t alt 1o break ivjiy and adjust xoaht new fefe mrs il iiilhooly isl vice i nresidrnt preside at he rffee- s kvd tsm 0o4000oo000o2 nod assisted y lanes transport j pc vciass-c- trmm i in the worship ptri m i l lllkl refreahments were iened sl0rm halled lr la wed and the meeting closed with nesav n tne hues were the mnue hou and a pratr comins from collige royal in iiielph ous pnnclpal m in the past few months at least opposite to part head ihe flag is a doien are writing part 1 cor uxei pearson respondente course and simu suc are planning to attmd pari 11 dr llarlev said thal he wa at blue springs this ear i approatlied by people in tm training wa can get it for rldini abtmll lhe mallcr a you wholoiau mr pearson was quoted lasi district badfce with all lea week as favouring a dislimlne ders please inform the di canadian flag hut definitelv uriel commissioner of lhe num not lhe rid 1nsign in a ret ber of badges their letluin- em poll tunduilid m ihlion will require the district badge riding the majority of rtplies hj refli will be sold for 2v and will be favoured the bed lnsign p- worn on thi hifht slieve just uarley sml thit no pirluul below the roup shoulder tape design has evir been disuis by all uniformed members of by the liberals durini lhe 1 the distrut hxlra badges will session of pdrliamnl be sold at the same pi clme bidded the girls down in the locker rooms and the boys m lhe auditorium in the inormni the were all served brcakfasl and sent home caleoon the inlernational plow inn match world plow ing c nlest and canadian contesls will he held oct 8th to l2lh on the farms of onn snnlhe caledon ft is expeiled 125 00 will visit the matches during thai period aurora duk blue independent on servatie c indiildu in the ap nl ffdiral election officially withdn w from the race last wednrmlav uung mr blue not want i split lhe prnrreisive situe l or do any to lhe prime ttimstir georgetown gymnast jumps for shilo n nr idtiiieko i b mrv h hlihanlsou nading a trio of artiliery apprenijce gymnasb staiioned at h lurc uke h camp shilo manitoba take time- out for a breajher and a lha jbl the em shod chal during lhe western canadian apprentice solder p was nn firothtrhood i lourney 1ield at camp shilo march 4th jo 7lh from the and mrs lttimer tjosed this leh are mike marsh georgetown ont bill douglas king part with praur ston ont and don hoover of richmond hill om they mr- j itimhain suppl sec were part of a 1 00 man learn lhat lackled appreitces from r t ir nad the suppl alloca the royal canadian school of an htary engineering at chi md stated that anolhir lwack b c the b c boy took the even for the fust time tt j nd 4 winning four of seven sports on ihe progamme about 300 wcretveral items fl o4o4000040o404o4004 canadan boys between 16 and 17 years of age are taking b dis and it was twoyear academic and miliary courses in western canada dicikit to hold a bakt sale hotk5tha manager in preparalion for a career m lhe regular army 00 manh 29th and also an i 9 main st wait phone 8776936 t the dependable ljo source of cash i10ns up 10 umm0 ok more niagara finance company limited from the sot t63 chevrojl regional lond turn unif arms are required for north ern indian scouts the region al office will he glad to receive any item of uniform send to dennis lewis 2074 seabrook circle oakulle planned man more about this at scoulers council dear scolders this has been most busv and encouraging month busy from the point of view that all were involved in boy scout week activities and encouraging for me to see all working so hard to make this week a sue cess many bouquet 1 are in order starting with our boj scout week commune chairman ted von zuhrn panrle com miltee dave h4f w window djsplavs liarlcnc harraer plaza i ne dbplajs ken rider st john s inter f hurrh for the use of their hnlitus and spc cial thanks to mr hen harris on organist for prnwil ni us with music and a selection h the choir and to mrs annell who assistr d in arnniil for the girls in th rhoir 1 1 v 111 the leaders a six 1 1 il 1 1 mksj for our isit iiki th s wi 1 k because without ou and onr bojs our orlamzation would hi non xtstint thire 1 felt lhat thi ft ik i tion must be sctlltd lnfon tin centennial year 1917 if the residents of ihltnn county want the bid in 1111 then 1 will support and prps ent their views on this nnltir he said dr harlej claimid tint mr pearson had hi en misquoted and lhat he ncur rejected the red lnsikn bitause to do so would mean the rejection nf the british symbol whieh me ins so much to so min pmplr oakville i slates frea imi titilo are rlliott s advise spring check on drainage systems ions this liny stout rk and congratulations arc in order lo vl lljnds j srvir kd al keith wbh hiinks lid li rorer idrk qikii scoot and many profinrniv indus wire awarde i lo bus n lhe rtnks a batxtihls lmnuts liar juris on behalf of i j n lent mir ry jc ran 1 in brother free loader- 1 in ml unllics for 11 word about toiilinw bv allend thaitf round and about halton dunu counlj this week we have had cnntrv several minor floods from the list w mild weather with tin first for lb thaw farm people alwajs gel urls a little sprttik fever they talk lists 1 about the signs of spring an 1 look for the little brown pal ches in ihe fields that are starting today sprint is definitelv on the way and farmers will soon he on the hud some will haw id wet holi aid others will work nuit thro tth them t it in le vil we drea- wet spots jii i depressions can ensure a lair jly evenly elrvin fidd ami a ny presmtat siniht forward sprnir seeding of mrs thelma penn from hea i n i 1st uk it coin an ihmilv vinfifd mrs hli ott his a i itunln head p n m st imped on dime sil vi r it estimilcrl value jh11 but if the i s m n hue iheir way i is tn pennv an iiicrii c nn and threntened to arrest mrs i unless she turns it ov streetsvilli a strcr tsville bo norman won the lions club 6 public speikinfi rinal held in frindale li his con1et wan f iur hovs and four o wen he one fina compeliti ng eighteen hmh schools acton the file of lhe town owned ym a iinldinjf tin still iini been determined luisds ivtnitut mirch ulli thi coiiiicii heard a reinrt from a s iluilnrmit lininj thn tile dra nafic systems ever like everything cl lhe f nn reqi re d s check up the oul ids very important a sub in outlet or a hrok n end ti slltl the red m lilt hr effiti and in sho lid ing sour itl r the iderably the bet ked to see thai lb pjinrhi cl f arp hroken at th end or are washing out x to eijht forrt length i of the pr li li m huilrline ii could he sold and the prorecd uird for youth aetl ities pres ent tenants could be led and ihp public tr tn noiifnd the town is innur inlleremed or coulrl be dicrled in ihe bofltd until ll ceases operile m a y milton i hivint 0 1lp d falhe spok with tin it for thi of thi tile hni 1 lin e lo sldrt plan ning for lhe summer months j e pre camp irdiiiint appl tions tor camp ptrnilts ptan camp programs eir i woul 1 itronfclv uri u to consult the requirements f r ramping as laid down in ill p t r as thees rules uill be slnctlv d hered to in permuting camp license we mil be dirimmi these further wilh s an dl srou ten counn or md vidua a your request once again thdnk or lhe assistance giwi to make our boy scout week a s irccss yours in s uhng v c u i district commissioner inveslroent i he pipe should he 2 larger than the tile and dr good life should le a gatvau vueil culxixlji swmfttw screeji or rodent gale should be used il each oulltt if caich basins are installed in the sjntem these should be clrjned nut their mam pur pose is tn trap silt o irit lines do not fill a pleasant sir ill dt ross the farm to rhrck on outlets in the early sprina will contnbu e more to the effectiveness of a tile drainage system thin anything else one 11 council will hold i special meeting this week to consider a if the town wanls ti supply services to a propn a good j f in rypla en pinel just uulsirlc the own limits and hi if council lors want to attempt to annex itii pfwftty irrtw lhesepor- tion the 11 n named industry would hmld hehlnd halton cen tennia manor 1 do further information on spe cifie problems or drainage s btems can be obtained from the milton office of the onta no depl of agncullure arnold rathbun representativt sun ufa of canada georgetown 1 2 go war court a whexai mow valuf 63 ghnrqlll minmjminmlfimitismesh arthur scott motors limited 61 guelph street georgetown tr 72251 be nirt to m bonanza on uw cbctv netarork eich sunday chtck your local lilting far channel and unw-

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