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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 28, 1963, p. 2

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all candidates on platformmilitary honours at proves popular with public continued from page 1 a reduction in uemployment from the present 84 per centj to 3 per cent would add 4 btl uon dollars purchasing power to tat economy oi wtuob one billion would return in taxes said the ndp speaker then the basic income tax exemption for a married couple could be raised from 2000 to j30o0 he flatly opposed nuclear weapons for canada there is no defence he stated he clai med the bomarc useless against missiles and blamed authorities for minimizing the danger any committments we bae should be to future generations he declared he ou ence position rejecting nu clear arrijs but supporting i nato turning prt of ais med force oyer to united na tions reiect nuclear arms and let canada be the first na tion to put its hit in inter national action he conclude want stability twains tve a brochure in my hand which s dont pay ny at iention to me begin henry timmins independent conserv ative i m supposed to have a negative approach he claimed all the flowery words couldn t cover up diecen bakers mistakes some isolated hear hears greeted this remark he claimed further that very utile of the money co ming out of halton came back in he then attacked govern ment owned industries such as polymer at sarma and the ur anium industry you cant break into them he said ra dlo and telewsion were not mis bed it seems canada is not ready for colour television but every other country has it he compared lester pear- bons proposed legislation to the new frontier in the sta tes which he said has been re jected 85 per cent by con grese you don t hae a con gress to block it declared mr timmins thank god said a voice from toh back of the hail we hae a good canadian par liament added another voice mr timmins predicted that pearsons promises would lead to the biggest government and greatest taxes 1 want stabili ty he added with the coun try out of the headlines and back to normal nunicipal loans wilson social credit is the oppo sle of social debl explained irving oj social credit candidate in outlining what he social credit has to offer he listed stable steady honest government young leadership new policies finding a wa out of debt and freeing can ada from heaw interest char ges were his principal points municipalities should not have to borrow at regular interest rates he contended by the time you have paid off this tchool you 11 pay twice as much he claimed that the government has the right to lend to municipalities at one per cent but instead the bank of canada sends them to the chartered banks where they have to pay the regular inter est the reason the consenat ives took so long to convene parliament he opined was that they were looking for en ough kleenex to dn thur tear after election while the li berals were btesing them a come back so thev could get down to nonconfidence claiming that the liberals and conservatives were tw he asked is social democracy as the d partj advocate what you want to his discomfit lire a loud roar of yes answer ed him from the audience he promiied social credit would halt deficit budgets loan lo municipalities from government banks extend operation ani assistance provinces and free business from govirnment interference looking directl at the area of the most heckling he conclu ded social credit is a grass roots organization so the more fertilizer you throw the bet ter it grows years referring to he itawe goverrirnerrt remarks of former wet came from the tack ot the hall the conservative speaker fell tie with the commonwealth and the unwd stales should joe strengthened but as an in dependent nation also ibe nato and norad agreements should be lived up to 1 be ieve m equipping our army with the best weapons in the field at economical he listed some of his govern menu accompuaamentit fifty million has been advanced in small busines loans be claimed and three times the volume of business in the shipbuilding in dustry has been done in the last few yean according mr b wa all thia happen last three weeks sai voice called out ignoring- the interruption the tspeakersawtthjooo jo have been treated in the latf five iheat of foi speakers he commented that many ditatojhipa have tak government quoting ndp lead er tommy douglas he conelud ed the liberals gave to sta ble government for 22 years it was so stable it didnt move at all j health plan harley we need to create 250000 new jobs a year began liber al candidate harry harley only to be interrupted by lets have them make colouring books yelled from the floor ive never even seen one retorted harley have you to combat the 420000 un employed figure we will have to start making goods at h me which we now import said dr harley to do this a dept of lndustrv will be created whose job it will be to prom ote new production using the car industry as an example he said 350000 million worth of parts had been imported in 1961 by cutting this down by 200 million 30000 new jobs would be created he claimed j a liberal government would work with britain the common wealth to gradually reduce tar iff barriers decrying the dec- dine of private investment in canada he suggested a national development corporation which wii seek capital from the public this way investors and govern ment would work together to finance new enterprise at this point give him a membership in the n d p was heard we must buck the trend of outside ownership dr harlev continued not by antiamer icamsm but by increasing the number of canadian owned com panics he advocated portable pens ions to which the worker con tributes ai he earns and draws on retirement this would not be supported by taxes meas ures taken by the liberal go vernment would be according to dr harley the extension of family allowances to allchild ren still in school canadian scholarships for university and tudent loan funds for those to whom scholarships are not av ailable what about medicare de manded a listener i m coming to that right now replied the speaker a health plan providing free cov erage to those over 95 and to children in high school and to any family where the bread winner has been unemployed limi for two months or more will be established all other adults will pay the first 25 a year of their medical hills it is a 25 deductible like car insurance however it is not i premium if you have not bihs you pay nothing concluded the spea co nobles funeral on saturday afternoon 2jrd of march nervals grand old man was laid to rest colonel alexander laing noble died early thursdav morning in the georgetown hospital as suit of a broken hip he hid celebrated his 96th birthday quietly at his home on febru ary 18th mr noble had been a link with the past history of nor val his very clear memory of i molished recently whc the highway was widfctlcd and straightened and oldtimers felt the loss of this old land mark keenly now with mr nobles death this part of j nervals past will indeed be history to be happy memories to those who recall the good eld days he was buried wearing his halton rifles uniform tor the service the red lnsign people and places who lived j draped over his coftnn and where and for hms long where his sword and cap rcsud on they moved to if they left nor lop of the flag this was in val and what became of their 1 keeping with his wihts as he families has amaied everyone had his funeral planned for he wtu always interested inalinany years reviiing the plans community activities and events during the vears to meet the and could recall past events ihanjts as tht occurred the quite clearly making a visit hymns whuh wire suns wire with him a pluiure t his choosmt ako it w l he was respected bv all who bis wish that tne pallbcan r- knew him an elder in the nor were the flders of the i niti d val presbytcrnn church for chun h anil the honoran pill 3fl years and since churcn hiarrri ihi oh m i jnil pisi union in 1124 an elder in th olonrk of tin limit sioti non il united church kikiimnt im m j hre it was with sad hearts thai larruil om in dt t ul in hu the people of the community cunih paid their final rcspicts to oni follow mg the fin 1 1 il m nice who has been a part of nor i nit 1 of ntm il i h siricd val for almost 100 years al lunch al 1ht htn- to the mi though his onh outings m re n fnimls ami nliiim uho cent vnrs were attending tttmltil from a di inur church fairly rorijlarh ho will sninaun o ilie ill lint u be greatly missed his dtdlh extended to hi- inul mr- r- is fell as a pernml lo toll hied mm in mil htr fa who knew him part of norvat milv pr hli i limpn or gone with him llcllcwlle mil in r f milv and the flour mill whuh he ow lis two siti rs mi nnir- ned and operated in the ul noble ton nlo am mr ii lage for mani years was de 1 aing imernt i mrlpl veto expense vouchers for staff councillors still keeping a sharp eyeon jivc him nuipu to rhrc convention ckpinn for staff when he piys tvptni money and councillors council on he said monday again debated a p t ccdure which would force mi h q platls tllls jtdt mission of vouchers for ecr pense occurred l improve highway no phn- are hunt midi this year for m jnr impr iw ments to the rtisurn highway but while iter a flliott and crs young and tmmerson were for the system others thought it too restrictive and a morion to this effect was lost deputy reeva hunter point cd out that it is difficult to ask for receipts for meals and ether out of pocket expenses but cr young insisted that this is noriml business procedure ind is done in industry certunly i want lo look af i ter town finances hut 1 fi rl jwhen a count lllnr takes the s let public huin be expected to ai count for every penny spent ith a voucher was mayor business tripled best sandy best said he hoped for a majority- government which woul i slill be in offici during confederation ciuunary in 1067 wr don i feel an rl ection was notessan and nn ther did the oiht r two pari ker during the question period which followed all of which were written questions submit led during a fifteen minute recess a few of the question asktd were can canada afford nuclear weapons financially haw ry yes the liberal party feels we should have ihe hist we already have equip ment which has cost a great deal and they should be eq uipped with warheads best yes we can afford the best most of the cost is in the hardware which we already have i think but i simply do not know the whole costs timmins defence should not lie related lo cost nat the lona survival i not i quos hydes opinion you can askl for a receipt for a hot dor l suppose hut certainly i would r t do it he sugfiested a reasonable amount be set for such expen ses i don t see why the town should pay for our hotdofis said the r hildebrandt we are far too lavish in granting convention expenses and wr don i fill as murh from some me attending as we might be approach to low last year council intimated lo ihe dept of highwavs tint somt arlion miuhl be tiken 1ft imprnvf a nirrnw bumpy rnul av and on monrl a idler from ihe depirlmnit ikid wht council miuht hi in mjnd the mid is hid mnorllydc i il bul in eii nrlilurr i in t hi con hm tl ibis m ir till hum iiliiii is p tin g and lo bold hit milkro i for 1054 he advised the ttiwn clerk cr powers thought the mo hon loo rrstriclive to expecl detailed receipts for eviry ex penditure mayor hyde said that depu y beeve hunter has been par ticularly generous in spending his own money at times for meals for industial prospects if we pass a motion like he fed id ik quite jut les ho er he coi ot i was peirson the govern m oul lo defe vilson if il comes in def ence no choice but if arming for arming s sake no the it sue is nol atomic it s economic wbtrnonthtotftytetr i son we have the bomarc is it he advocated education and cost i0 mucn lr ii um arch bursaries pointing out lem as u expense the nuc jarjy-ajonjcmolhxjicjiflf- c t our platform he pliedto i demand mm the my idea ii to take the on juoidjhe joan lrea sorer and1 grants to i nivernie have been given in the last five years he fell ihe position of central mortgage and housing towards older homes should be renewid pensions should be contnbu tory said mr best if i impos aible to continually raise pen ions out of tax money onlv he held up mr rnharts portable pension scheme a an example of federal policv expanded airline and ra iwav service should be invvtigatcd vte should build up convention al weapons so we have an alter native if unemployment insurance benefits were reduced 25 per cent do you think there would be less unemployment t1mmin a lot of people lake unemployment insurance u eling they would not make much more if they were work ing if collecting u easier thin working the reduction might get some of them to work harley by far the greatest promises promise prom number of unemployed want to n pull ng he said young said the lot this reslnrli i councillor rould n voucher for s bill for and submit be employed thin should nol be done as it would penal lie ihnn whn af narnettly tnnlt ing for work best this question presu mes there is free loading our government has extended the time of benefit and the am ount however we have to take a clo r look 1 think there should be inireawd contrib ution not in amount but in the number of ptople who con tribute also we will have to make sure only ihe needy are benefitting after a brief rebuttal speech by all five randi tates the m c ting broke up at 1130 for dependable sales and service plymouth dodge cur mm valiani hat fat go tuirks jnhrikltkihll tiucki comejcl maveal motor sales limited main st north tr 73611 kick efkctivi march 27 it 29 30 w reserve the right to limit quantities loin roast o pork 39 lb pure pork link sausage 49 prril extra bonus ul- itapeswith the ltt following items l receive s1d00 in bonus tapes with instant coffee chw jtnbn 12c h i u r johnsons hardoloss gtocoat ijillitu receive woo in bonus tapes with lyons discount tea bags pk 100 omo deterqent lse oh glint ihi vankirk chocolate buds it phi ioa shortening 1 lb pki colgates toothpaste fimlly lit cigarettes popular brandi cm of 200 receive 4 00 in bonus tapes with van camp beans and pork two 15oi tint white swan tissue colourod twin pock royal gold ice cream hall gal booth cod fish sticks proitn i oi pkj loin pork chops or roastctnlro cut any pkg cooking onions no 1 grade 3 lb bag tenderloin j stokely fancy 48 oi tim tomato juice brights fancy 15 oi tim applesauce red seal fancy half mo im c0h0e salmon nabisco pkg of 18 shredded wheat 249 227 39 29 receive 2 00 in bonus tapes with stokely fancy corn craam ityl 2 tonoi tin no 1 grade tomatoes 14 o tuba celery hearts no 1 grada bunch sliced side bacon tblkit rlndla lb pkg sliced cooked meats tltltt vac pkd 6 ol lb monarch regular margarine goodness me frozen french fries 2 8 49 si oo a touch of springi produce of u s a no i grade asparagus produce of usa no 1 gr carrots froh l cmp produce of u s a no 1 grado cabbage garden fresh indian river good ma grapefruit 35 2 ib 8c 639c join the 69th week of the iga weekly shopping spree for win a weeks free groceries i full details at the store winnings to date over 1200 00 this weeks winner miss catherine tuair 34 htwton crmcml gworfjutown gas price drops another two cents i from mitih rubrmh and careers leadership with th canadian army ii i id ihcnmr an oflucr in hr hi itidti mv h enroll lulluii in i all llin iv rwltulnii h hid lo fill hi officer candidate programme location nth mr i hn hruii roii jun rl in it thurri quitr limehouse mrrrrfith irarkcd in i mini is- lanre tjv enmllink in otjii r aaiahp officer tram mc plans gtt full dttiili from your local army rttruitr o mil thli armed forces recruiting centre iso main slrtt wait hamilton ontario i i i i mini mc without ohlifij t i i tin 1- or cm cr ojiportnn i i rs ai nlf it i r- in the canadian arm at dcrton on iur 1j attention all homeowners free home oil burner service to all our customers enjoy lfi troubla frat and worry frc sarvlc now in effact by bill bailey the oil man georgetown tr 74031

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