Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 18, 1963, p. 4

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georgetown herald ivimmud b km rwwipipwi ttajhj 22 miin strmt 3 gaorgttown ontario w c mbk rmmw page 4 thursday april 18th 1963 editorial comment new prime minister g- canada will hva new prime min ister tht week when lester pearson takes over from john diefenbaker t is devejopment which will to same extent please members of all political parties for it was evident after the federal lectipn jhatjrhe progressive conservatwei ouldnot holdoffice regaldleis of fech- mcatities by which the outgoing govern ment might have stayed in power a few months longer election results both in total vote nd tn number of seats acquired 130 for the liberals were decisive enough to mean that only the liberal party has the capacity to form a government with rupture be hind the scenes in pc leadership with defeat of several pc cabinet ministers and with indication mat social credit and nop might syppott the liserats at jeasl m the early stages of a new government the handwriting was on the wall the fortunes of polihcs are hard and -brutal- nb onr should khowthera better than a veteran of the political wars like mr diefenbaker whatever his reasons foe try ing to hold on even for a week or two he haslost even more support for no one likes a poor loser people are contrasting him now with st laurent who when his liberal govern men shared the same fate a few years back gracefully bowed from office and became a respected senior elder mr diefenbaker should have done the same strong shift in halton in no riding was it more obvious how political trends can shift than in halton less than a year ago sandy best had a majority for the pcs until the service vote elected liberal dr harry harley with 98 ballots to the good this lime five thousand people must have changed their minds for harley amassed 9366 over best prior to the service vote it was a county wide sweep with a maionty registered in every polling division rural and urban in prior years dr best had been on top in similar fashion when he ousted county liberal candidates ust as decisive- ly- the halton results reflected a national more than a local situation no one can deny that dr best had been an able parliamentarian he had made many major speeches in the house of commons had been mooted many times as being slaed if not for a cabinet post at least for a position of authority he com bined academic qualifications and ability as an orator wih a career as a farmer he has youth and energy wh ch is an asset lo present day politcs his defeat was foreordamed by nat lonal events and by an opponent who had many of his quahf cationi for n h year at ottawa dr harley has also proven adept in speaking and action halton has been fortunate n be ng represented by men who have made the r presence felt and who combine an interest in national affairs wiih the equally impor tant task of looking after the smaller de tails of halton affairs on which we coun from a federal member of pari an i sugar and spice by bill smiley i i afenl knew what w ilk w all yew felka in inland town but hit u ni tlma of yar for the hauuwlfe in that parta nar the waten of hw gnat laktt right about now our worn enfolk should be coquns irto their own la most localities trie ladiej bless and praue them are working like slaves hounding their huihaods cbav using their children and sea erqlljr snaking life unbearable for all about them i house- cleaning time but in this neck ftht wood things an different tha gait work fust titiard baal lutt as bitterly and turn thing jut ai topty tufvy as their inland sitters but nobody pays any attention to them at least rtane of the males in the family do ten ojuart pail of small sit ting in the middle of the kit- that paperlnt done sitting ar ound drinking rfee will we as this b a family type column i shall draw a discreet veil over the rest of the scene c but this is only the first phase id the spring hardships at 4hc lakeside ladies they ve almst tot wed to it oer ihe years they realm that uo it your self is more than a jogn it is a way of life the rejl or deal lies ahtfad this commences when the smelt actually start to run and th derch en running fight en thrr heals theglfli dent mind their men going smelting at 1 im end crawling into bed with them cold and damp ab out four in the morning they have got used to going down t get break fa it end finding only the ftw women with the foresight to get at their sprint leaning early in march t much reaction around here chen to be cleaned they are not reall dismayed about standing over a hot stove those who leave u until the for a couple of hour irvine lce 101s out of the creeks mihr smelt fumes wreathing their as fll orgel about getting rosv faces while the family- help attention or sympa works its way through about pounds of the wee crisp- fifth of a series letters from a trouble spot letters from a georgetown soldier in viet nam new park for centennial winn h nun to tnt 1 r 1 1 i i il m i t 11 n ri 1 piiltin li uti t rv ir in m il 1 i hi t rs 1 1 m lonl h 1 1 i h til in 1 v 11 f 111i the ill tun i ib rh 1 lut ii a new town park serving particularly the residents of east georgetown is mooted as a possibility to mark georgetowns 1964 centennial year mayor hyde expressed this hope in a recent speech and councillor bill smith is particularly active in promoting the idea which was propounded at a meeting last thursday in the municipal building stumbling block of course is avail ability and cost of a locatom and the fad thai georgetown with fairly high fax rate at present and a plentitude of placet and protects on which to spend tax mon ey can stand no heavy drain on trig town treasury it would thus be necessary to leek a targe share of the cost of parkland acquis ition from public donations whether res idents would shell out as they did for the hospital or would be cautious with their donations as in the case of the swimming pool is the question the proiect is certainly needed and it worthy of attention by both council and interested citizens meanwh le there 1 the po b i ly oi creating a number of neghbourhood play aroas parketes as tney mignt be callt i omln which in many ways would fill the b ii ish 1 for youngsters n ton m iri jt tin we th nv part cularly of a vicanl lol u j near our home where night after n gin muni in summer here s a ba 1 game football iu in the fall sleighnd ng in the winter it il ideal for ch idren and isolded enough putuli 1 l we hope that no ne gnbours are adversely affected by the commotion but this playground like most is sub ect to the good nature of he properly owner who if he wishes can fence it off to the public or eventually will sell it for liki ihit i ol building it it not proper to expect that he will forever be a good samaritan and iii r pay taxes on properly for children s enjoy tin 11 u fpni mm would it not be possiblp for counr i u il tin to look into purchas ng such playnounrl ipd ill areas upkeep cost is small a bi ol wplh vl ir s w poultrv ni cutting or grading now and then and that t ukk ms is aboul it and it could pay d vidends to out do hillnrl- ihlt rile tin s 1 nr 1tli hiu 1 1 1 it hi 1 li 1 1 1 lid t k i oi vllu mill 1 1 ir 1 tin in i if ch u us 1 m is j r- i jt i 1 ill i n w 1 1 ill- i rkr m i i 1 jt it 1 1 in 1 n inn v i tu k k r hi it 1 f 11 m i ii il 1 u 1 h wi hil i sip 11 r 1 h pit p nli s irk i i tin 1 1 1 hi r if n 1 pio in i 1 f 1 u i in a hundn 1 k i 1 i tint 1 luinrln i ruts of l unit ship s ml v s lnni liri p if r is itf ii i 1 hi m11 li m t 111 i 1 i 1 k r i si irs ii i in i ih sun w hi it 1 i mi f 111 v 11 georgetown herald i publlihtd by horn i newspapers limited jlortciuwn ontario i welter c biehn j iutlisht r gerfleld mcgiiry proiliiclion impcrintcntlent lrrj ii rl v aileon braille nitts rl lor accountant ihiie parktr i aihcriisiiii manautr m w n 1 a clirk tisl 1 uu l irr i k i rlcr imir j 1 1 i hil iraplur i islie laik date hastings li ti ilskrrwllc mlci ilson i mtmlirr o tlii cunilian wuklv niwspipiri 1 association anil the ontario association beau he like school of por poise cleamng its uay through a gargle of herring this is routine but there comet a breaking point attar this smelt nonient- womin carefully lay their ptenmto have tht old man halo them papar a room on hli day off comet tha tiro sha gttt all tht unk out to do tht job turn around to call him and ha isnt thara hee a couple jhaa bean going on for about or 10 miles away watching tha ten days even tht old man rainbow trout trying to jump and tht kidt turn a bit orwn or mucking about tht when w me body suggests banks at a stream looking to iptckled or splashing about at the mouth of a crttk seeking soma sign of the smtlt running up armis home after four p m tht old larij has just wa ici the piste off her hands tinishul the cohwehs off her luir and put the adhesue l ipt on hit scrape she got on nlct feed of smtlt and thats about the time it usually happens one day the lady of tht houst answers the doorbell and there stands one of tht nti ghbouri thought ou might like a little treat h snns and tepi aside to displas proudl a hush- el basket overflowing with un- hcr 1 when tcpidiier she s sitting d wn with a strong cup of tea iniiif to ttll herself to be rea sirulile irving to muster en oijli strength lo begin peeling the potatoes for dinner lets get at that ob kiddo he cries auntily his face glow ing from trash air and tht three beers ha slopptd off for on the way home well ntvtr gtt on namely a smelt that is the day tht man of tht houit comet home from work to find his smelt net rip- pad to ribbons his chtsthlgh waders chopped into two inch squirts sixty pounds of smtlt rotting in a heap on the front porch and his wife facing a suit entfrtd by the neighbour for assault with a deadly weap- business directory w h carr p eng consullin in ft- 1 iul fn nrr lift mntiitiinvim nd s trlanglt 7 1211 rat tr 7 3300 n n 1 l in ih of ir s i rrk1 carr a westwood ontario l nd surveyors 118 m mi i nn u ltd s trlingle 73211 w h carr b f weitwood tr 7 3300 ret tr 6ol64 11 n 1 11 sh 1 generations of youngsters linrs iii hi i tli- lmili- ugion notes by dtn n piatt legion memhers are seldom asked to devote much time to ward impmiements in tht branch most work 11 under tjken h the job s proposer hence no call for volunteers is necessary wi ay seldom bt ciusc occasionaly the call does go out and one of those times has come up with a plan on friday april 26 the winingcst and dmlngest wing ding and fr to take place in many a day will erupt at bnnch 120 al ong with entertainment flown in at great etpense from far reaches o the country th tables will be graced with gas tonomical delights pn pirod y- ottr own ethtmiry art member roul that would delight the palate and should devote a small por iof the most discerning gnur ton of his available time irrd gourmet that t a glut mcmberhip drive the ac ton wearing tails l und iirday has heen postponrd in kill lr held out of town j lttr dale j scrapbook i thf rorniriittee to hindlelhi huilding of our rrmih srrmji book his hern icnlaliw v up and the quest for old pi lures is about to start fori hi present iim murphy alrx tivlnr or yours truh wil gratefully rrceiv nil offinns any picture depicting i cu reoplc or ivrnts is ofintrrisl add as much written inform lion regard in j the picture 1 pnssilr in order to hilp th ommittee arrancc the hunk 11 irl pissi ms of i o doiu hi urn ih li i pi ik quisitinn of new memhers important lo the future of the legion a fact that concerns -tta-ah- the only request the branch makes of the numbers is to bring a guest m ihc thrasr fhn-itehinmf-aht-iifimn-mr- mhership the evening wil olofiicil ordrr jllllju- ilsfij trll inr t il 1 h lis i j in ms l hir lir rm 1 ii 1 h irthnr 1 i r u 11 ik n hi s i uu if hi pi 11- it 1 m 1 k n tisi ubhiiic in i ncli s 1 n i i hi hi hi iht u eiiinn u is ulun mi mli l nil 1 fir 1 th 1 ir t icmitimid n l wiki bible thought for the week and iimis t uu and spk tn to hi in wi 1 ml 1ji mill ir t v iv ii 11 into m n h kn 1 1 in 1 irlli mtlh s 211 11 j t tl piiwir i ir lil uiii ir mi h 11 uln pivs i m 1 ntrik i mil 11 inn 1 ptoir ulhortt is hi firi i mt is i i n krmtrd iu barragers claanart shirt launderert tr 7 2279 ih mi n s imi 11 iph all work done on premltei donald a cay tubs thurs a sat lor appointment call tr 7 31 georgetown chiropractic 3 main street south e i buchner od idoclor of optometry optometrist 181 cuelph street scott tar rldg wednesday evenings only by appointment tr 7406 dale bennett latimer baines barristers a solicitor d0ugls v latimer terence f baines trlangle 7 3381 23 mill si georgetown wall ac h thompson jrd division court clark a commissioner tr- 7 2943 frank fetch lltlvsld alct10neer prompt scnlce po box 413 to 7 2864 ccnrgelown george c hewson barrister and solicitor iis mounlamvicw ltd s irretal building georgetown sultt s tr 7 2211 jifj look after the i sports zone champions found the competition lr stiff in there are hundreds of eli gible members in georgetowr 1 oward membernip some need only a slight nudge other x juiccumboniyflprrarvtwbrttfn anirf ppproaching thoe used by picss gang the methods used are lift to the discretion of tillsonburg on siitirdij he membpr trie tiranrh askscame home empts hand rl onlj that thene possihle mem i h is ls a comptratisrh n bers become dctual memberj ixptnenci for hesc imvsior hinirg and dining hnr sidermt hi ej n wi r long heen accepted methods thev have handled 11 com r c entictmint with this thou ir to now mabc ihej m i i in mind ihc membrshipa n t rirss and rtf rtinmf rnmmitlv tin dtipl nd lnt 1 m pooled thnr ertries dnd came mint schiluhd for icxi sj drilling miuna iinrler n tlli i n ip m pictures may pop nut from ir imllork nil pdn anywhere so be sure lo save rit k t ixis ioiimi them for lis anr nd- in it trn the names of ihe full eorr im vibiclis hid m itn nittee will he puhllshed 1 1 pnn in t rnfu when ihe complete group i il a ui i 1 f kilal btitili 50s0 draw lht nn hl i um ind lurky winner percy chaplin ltt i ks r 11 ticket seller pal chamber ijj1r n t ink m li arnold rathbun representative sun life of canada georgetown 2 gocr court 11 -a- h i i i i kv i did n nslvf it st johns united church ri limn out ty mnisr re jnm fleming oriinl mrl choir llr r k r harrlton arj i hmt thi l im nh w th a in 11 ui sunday april 21t ii i in s r hips n 7 pin ui h s rv l l iii ii 1 li georgetown animal clinic v zeviri dvm b foolmin mrcvs 100 rlph sired clinic opin 7 pm 0pm mc41 wed fbi sat aflarnoon 13 for expert eyi cari consult o t walker occulist prescription filled 12 main st b brampton 1 1 1474 res gl 16243 hours 9 am 6 pm dally friday 9am to 9 p ra evemngs by appointment john d ord qc barrister and solicitor 116 mounlalnvlcw rd s carretal building georgeioun suitt 1 tr 7ee hair styling or appointment 8766s8 231 dalrai b1 at webar robt r hamilton ro optometrist fyes hxaminrd prescriptions filled 10 main st n fo tppo tpt 73 wt frederick a helsor arriitar and solicitor 116 mounluihkw rd s carretal building oorgrlo suitt 1 tr 7 2209 china foods tkeoul or delivered open wed fhi sat h p n n p to p n fhonf 77tl monuments pollock a campbell dhmcas on rfoutst insptct our work in o1 ci ilcry phone 671 75m 52 ttairr street north mijaiiilersodql barrister and solicitor 61 mil st georgetown t van sickler b a barmtor solicitor nelars dr williams bldg i tfl miin s th 7jst

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