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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 25, 1963, p. 9

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xht 0i0k01t0wm htmld thondar all u 1h1 page glih williams bon voyage party precedes jet trip laj install mrs john bird ashgrove wi leader the april w l meeting was er h mn c b dick a held on the ibth at the honulhis wa canadian industrie of mrs iord ukon with tlierieeting she ilnse lndustrus president mrs fred nurse ijnd told us the first indumrj opening with hi ode and tne in canada was mhing and tur creed the secrelar read thellr ding timber gold what last months minute- and ca iputp and paper w the roll whch was aiu i in all branches pulp and wered b if ou had i pper ls ulir industr change vour occupation what the first mill was in 1893 in would ou rather do one n louebec ard the used ragsaiid iy anted to be a nurse one nen for raw materials mr misionar some thou tlick also mentioned ome of thejr cre do old now lojthe places pf mlustry in ge change atirl om wanted ajrjctowrt and their emplojee change where i lure it be ftm mrs charles austin thean worls tilled the new officers for 10- report of flowers ibr sielufh the are as jouowt nd thew l par were ien mrs john m bird also an invitation from ctor vice mrs james garnet soviet vas read it was vflid 2nd- vice mrs john rudde 1 tba the to jiellth contends secretarj treasurer mrs bo- iltend trie tb banquet moafc crt alexander j assistant mrs ire all were in favour lhar francis thompson qistrict di drop the children fro n rector mrs clifford hunter germans we sure spun son iu lternate mrs milton brd or the preslnt directors mr percj leslie as this was fie annual mee mr clalon wison- mrs w the standing committn mrs rred nurjc pi n 11 gave reports and thce i l mr llod davison as trv gratiiing thetr s itant mrs a j ruddell efcio mrs bob alcxamu- mower committee mri knh ad drawn a large chart shov lunningham mrs charts andy pewhunt son of mr ng our receipts and expen cs ustin mrs i ecil wilson mrs harvey dewnum of or last ear which gae us i courted contnu lee mrs ro georgetown will take over the ear idea how and where om bert cunningham mrs frank a c organist in ones goes district direct r i uddell mrs jlector bird aii williams absence irs w cleave reported uitditors mrs w lbert cleave he district am ual is to b w stringer agriculture manln bar h attended tlimehouse on mj 22nd lnrll nie of the sessions of oea mrs frank w on rive th al d unan h m conference last week in the ominating repot and as our fort n jonn i rnree george hotel toronto resident mrs f nurse is e hunter home feonoimes social eveniof thursday in st albans ir- ih hall mr and mrs reg williams were quests of ho- rour the evening was ispeot in playing euchre and dancing t irje music of the gaynotcs of brampton the people j wat den erie wallice faade ihe presentation speech when he presented them with a pur e en behalf of the parish rev r stubley expressed the appreciation of all to un williams who has been ofgav 1st in the church lor many years they leave by jet plane shdrtlj und many on the trip to their homeland i unch served by the ladies of the parish brought a delight ful evening to t close oh to be in england now that spring is here a holiday to ens- y wished them wem ihnff mrs tttltaert clenv- health mrs t brownr-idfit- xpressed the thinks of all tn mrs l0r n ttingfield cm embers for the splendid t i ears work she las done and ani tdl alon mrw lt bob alexander prcscnttd mcnabb mrs j wickson h a pretty deenrated tnncal reseirch and current j congratulati ift which whin optned cor j mr b uce mcclur- hunter who won tim andladdiehame3 are bck to appleby college oak ille after spending mid tei m holidays at home dahodil luncheoners poll specialist givcs h to local group nancy number oi aincd the institute cup i i aucer for wh ch mrs nu hanked all the hdics mrs stringer in eh irge i he protrram called on m lilion bird for rhe moti 1 reatest canadian indusir the proper rearm of you canada currci oents t mn percy leslie thin a p vern picke public rda s mrs john bcllbodd nld medals for singing at ttu itienport festival in toronto ecu was held in the church on thursday april la theiucu were greeted at the door by mrs c a dick and mrs w bird after all had partaken o the food from beautifully de corated tables in the bueme t everyone went upstairs where a program was held mrs c a dick welcomed the ladies and then called on mra frank wilton and mrs jamea carney or piano duets dellfttuul solos sung by misv it van artel the carnival u youll never walk alonv nd climb every mountain after which mrs j m wiek son introduced he guest spea ker mrs william mcfadden 61 omagh wiio with the id of a map told us o their itay in brownsville texas for two moathr it is on the southeny tp of vs about v slie nf guelph i quaint old city with cry beautiful homei the main industry is agriculture level country- and fields a carrots for miles can be seen the people are very friendly snd hippy and they go all out t entertiln tourists with mc thanked him on behalf of the vies pot luck lunches golfina smiely for his instructive talk bowling and shuffleboard ben case and robirt barber they were also on a bus trip who had attended the annual to the king ranch which in icomention of the ontario hor- cuded shopping and sightsee- ucultural associition a dele irg the week before lent ral of the sociel gae brief they hive a colourful ties a retorts h j herder as the with gorgeous costumes she chairman reuewed the work old us of the warm way they of committees on local societ received guests and felt as ont projects with the people so we mu t a door prue draw resulted sho the friendly spirit to ev in lucky wins for mrs 11 scott erj one she concluded hmrr h j herder mr -d- afterwards he dlsplajed wright miss 1 molcsworlh rme articles from texas an i miss 0 huddcll mrs w r mexico a beautiful mexicar norton and miss btrlwra wrap th men wear a shop sprnule i p ng big pure and mist the meeting was hrounhl to beautiful skirt and blou e i close with refrihinenl with the season for workini up the garden at hand thoughts of members of the georgetown horticultural sod ety turned toward the soil at their public meeting last wed nesday evening in the howard wrtglesworlh school mr earl muir who is exten uon specialist on fruit veg ctable crops for the dept of agriculture at milton had been invited as guest speaker and he dealt wth the various soil fac tors which influence plant growth factors sucii a the pro portion of sand clay and loam the degree of acidity organic matter content and plant food supply are not only important buj are interrelated in provid ing the favourable condi tions for plant growth ah un derstinding of these relation stlips lsbasic to in underslan ding of how plants respond to different seasonal conditions under the management that we give them later mr muir an wired numerous questions for those prisent chris v alker that the group committee would purchase a lent or the scouts and cubs they are bad ly in need of pots and pans tor camping anyone having apy to spare please contact keith webb the scouts are plann ing a carwash in the nearfu ture following the business hour lunch was served by the hostess r and mrs murray lairfl and peter attended the wed d ng of catherine laird diu ghter of mf and mrs mac laird q guejph and flying officer harvey kusimaniuk in st andrew a presbyterian g urchr guelph on saturday afternoon april j3th cctngratulations to mr and mrs george grasby george town oh the birth of a bby bo another grandchild fo mr and mrs trl grashy easter lilies in the preshy tcnan church ii faster sun l were placid there b lend lej florists tsorsal many from nuival and dist riet attended the musical med th discussion and follow- boa mane in peel compo ing a short business period he school brampton lasthinch was served by the ho- eek and enjoyed the pcrfor- htss ounce m grass fure ume b with a norval united church hiconc more the esquesing fire croup met at the home of bet truck has had two trips 10 ly anne eyre on sunday evltbe town lilne recently when emng april 21 rev l freelbunung brush gat out ofcon- trol for fast confidential loan service cau ion chimy at atuntic finance 11 main si s arnold rathbun representative sun lif of canada georgetown 12 gower court with gorgeous coloured beit vtd bj the social committee durinu easter week she gang worked in the pattern and all i i in a trio at st john church h i noval mark ollit i service sunday morning n j erl the speaker and soloist and mrs ralph wn the two ladies for their duits norvdl scouts ctiov srrutu and si phen of olt i c n t mn charles austin pie i w hf o wlth gl a airport tour mr iiid mi watirloo in trc sundu mr and mrs ctcil ilsn i albans parish hall ilc saturday afternoon inal nlch j thf q tnd a lovely afternoon township of esquesing auditors report for 1962 to the council and rdlfpafr nl hie township of estucsing deir sirs vie hac made an esdininalion of the buok jii 1 dtc unit of ihe township of lsquesint and its asotiatel board tor the year ended december 31st 12 the examination has bten conducted in accordance with the regulations of the dtpart ment of municipal affairs and there is adit tied a completed questionnaire covering specific auditing requirements the statement of revenue and fxpenditure d shows that the township had a surplus on ihc jcar s optrations oi a 2i60 this has been added to ihc surplus broueht forward from prior years which now stands al 18 012 37 there is attached a statement of ains- and losses from the budget showing how the surplus arose the chief item ii a reduction in road expenditures of 8 970 34 from the budgeted figure ve call attention to two ikms in the bahntc shell taxes unpaid of s 121 198 61 bank loans 100 000 00 the continued annual increise in the amount ol unpaid taxes is a mailer lor concern the unpaid axes represent j3 of the current jears e a jear afio ihc unpail laxes were 30 of the current lev there are limits to ihc amount which a municipality may borrow on bank loans and unless this trend is stopped the township will evcntuallj find it cannot borrow enwugh money for current expenditures we suggest increasing the present penalties of 6 per annum to the maximum unwed b ihc act and movmr ihe tax pamcnt dale forward ont month the large bank loans are caused b ihe unpnut taxes the capital rescrsc fund statement r now slinds al 7 883 71 after conlnbulinh 11412 35 to the tost of the new municipal building in 1902 the present hlance is more than adequate to lake care of 1963 ihartes on the debentures issued for the municipal hall there are ihrec items includt i as payhle to schools whith should be paid over due to milton hih school distrid portion of suppkmentary lev f r 1982 119 fw due to acton high school district portion of supplementary levy for 1962 56 4fl due to georgetown acton and milton hifh 1 school districts their portion of supplement ar hich xrhonl debenture levy of 1060 1961 and 1962 a8 72 auditors opinion we hereby report that in our opini n 1 the financial transactions vhich hate tome under i our notirc have been within the powers ol the mumcipilitj 2 the au lit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the departmmt of municipal affairs 3 the financial stati p isiimn if the n 1962 an i ihe resul revenue fund balance sheet almtl ash on hanj cash in bank accounts receivable due from province of ontario due from other municipal i lei due from georgetown fire area due from milton fire are due from acton fire area due from norval street light area due trom school area capital due from capital building fund taxes receivable lcis allowance for uncollectible deferred expenditure re conservation total assets lubllltlm temporarv ians accounts payable dobenture interest due due to other municipalities due to schools due to glen street lighting area deferred revenue reserves surplus total liabilities and surplus th 1st mal group loin hell iheir regular m n iceting on tuesdaj cv april 16 al the home of mr les trancis with lie pitsident keith webb in ihi elair it was repined thai there are now 21 scouts ai d 5000 5 650 25 2501 15 2i uihs atundi ig the 26 974 43 it s 5292b2 the cul wn- taken to a 157628 nmling alio i grrjetown 557 31 i o for the month march 11 akl jc 2 rrinti and amlanl i ami site and trine wpbh in chaue f0ngs restaurant fast service on our famous chinese foods 3m07 1h sc his lakei m hon airp irt on salurdis 12080661 april io and enived ihe t u iwf lhe lr w decidei 10 off on all pickup ofdtri phone 8779791 31 main 51 s georgetown your red cross saves lives you too can save a life at the blood donor clinic wednesday may 15th knox church hall 2 00 to 4 30 or 6 00 to 8 45 p m new donors please cau mrs fkouson ik 7as17 transportation and baby sitters available revenue fund surplus account rialancc at beginning of year surplus for year balance of surplus at year end statement of revenue expenditure actual total taxation revenue j 371 601 90 long term debt charge recoverable 638 08 contribution grants and utidiea ontario government children i protection 1 123 85 direct relief 1382002 highway improvement 57118 94 payments in lieu of municipal urn 73 68 unconditional per capita grants 19675 50 ont hydro electric commiiiion 18 57 licences and permit 4 68100 inlercit tax penalties etc 5110 58 miscellaneous 184 37 discount county rates 197 74 and nu prcient it p 1 tj a ended that date nt airly the inancnl i decern ber 3 1 ions for the year s 475031 52 litwndlrurit iccr hoskin o kcrie number 219j general lovcrnment executive and legislntivt administrative other protection to person and property slrcit lighting puhr wnrh r f 268410 21266 57 2312 15 budfltt 360 713 76 800 00 17 600 00 6115600 116 00 17 20000 4 750 00 5000 00 200 00 2 700 00 20 242 00 2500 00 capital and loan fund balance sheet illation and waste removal social welfare child assistance relief assistance welfare administration ummfl66 104 00 19120 17 172 08 54 82 assets general rixcd a i due from sch ds for debenturcsl pubteimhools high schools due from tile dra n ge due from other mun cipa it e cash liabilltin rjicipal huildi k irnnture drainage debentures public chool dctmntures due to other mun c palilies for debmtui investment in capital assets s 341 10036 268 543 education including debt charges recreation and community services dobl charges long term charjei t 53304 82 iess own share of school debt charges 50710 27 7 7m19 7 083 62 57 396 23 2 67353 short term interest and charges 3745 03 discoount for taxes taxes written off 70 000 00 county rates 7 794 39 adjustment of deferred revenue 346 183 96 provision for allowances reserves 268 560 43 and reserve funds 32 058 42 surplus for the year 237 150 83 12576 04 1j5113 384 00 404002 88411 8440 00 8295 60 1200 00 200 00 40070 54 947305142 f 47633376 riviera norval ontario monday starting april 39th 8 pm bingo changed to monday from tuesday admission soc free cards with this clipping 12 wednesday starting may lit 9 pm barn dance old time modern western and square dance to top radio and tv stars admission with this cupping 1 saturday 9 pm dancing in the glenn miller style to ron bagnato and his orchestra enjoy our outdoor patio and dance floor this summer reservations admission 2 00 teenage special jhe charm ames with little caesar and the consuls adm 75c sunday evening april 2tfh 9 to 11 pm western floor show top tv and radio personalities

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