games contests enliven j clubwomens holiday party members of the business and proiensional women s lub sl i turitrnas festivities off lo an earls tarl tuesday evennu when tftei held iheir ihriit mas dinner part at the north halloo lolf and lountri uub the preside miss jean maiweiuie receded the mini heis and their auest il aioik i t ait hour before dinnt r the robbu burns urate was kin rnfore tunone began to en jo the wonderful i hristmas dinner of uirki r njrlt hroush 10 the diluioin lhrisimspud riiim a tables whuh were all agllttrr with i-andlc- and bowk of frtrimuas balls rumhi wai dispensed h for the neninjt wilh the e eention of the cocnspomlcnci whtih urismed of a icltir from the buisan winner miss ttiather vrnout a iludinl al he school of nursiiin at si ilsephs llosniul guejph and he rereading of the tmital n to brampton k lnb in januaiv and tn rtplwo this our ten l members viinilud the r in y exoansion stalled as fund campaign iht iu plan- lu evpaiul ihc program now 101111 011 j i rwlqiin him bu i tempoi arih ide irai ki il hi taiim iht i uluri ol ihi u tent rfiiipaisn for fund teokm 10 attend after doner th uucrtain mnl committee comprising mrs maun en walk r mrs aifa wilkinson and mr jian bundle took over the had arranged an interesting ad quite oittn hilarious ntleclion oi games and lontcsl- thi en tranie oi a urv diutioulitc and pileltke santa uaua complel id the theme v hritnias iifls were distributed tud l hri swigs and laiok aiiompamed bv mrs pwrl barbi uulid the ten happs 1 hrisima- parh elect georgetown dentist retarded aid president m ifie el ill id the oith hilton soua tioo ufr hciardeii thitdrui u morula itisht or kn milan 164 in auep nit ihi position he paid tribute lo ritiriiij pu mdenl leir ddinn lor hi long u nu nn j iffnrls on l half of the reurdid m ihe mka txrinlne i i hr tomm confirm morette forenur after probationary period thi gtorgitown hiraldl thurtdav dm 5 1h3 i i patr 9 i rather than h ihc new ioum the outpoint out irohationait iurnni lor u wis pointed out thalwhik six months lrank moretu was iniimit is timttid in making lonfirmed- in this position bv snih appointments after an el counu on thi 3id 11 lion a ilaiisi m ihc muni depum kreie win i- hun opal i1 allow- this if a cer ter opposid lounuls iiiwv tain pinentagv of he ultlnh aini thai h ipprom s ol mr itiomil will aso stne the next morilu hut lhoukhl the aitual ai with mmii neinbtriion aprxmiiininl houlri b inaiip timiirn the ilausi is lalid this christmas make it f f a gift for the home a from we ve got them the new 964 store hours until christmas ml h monday through friday sat 9am 6pm television appliances norih halton i lrgel tv and applnno deal rjkvc3- 33fc xjer t