pkrihtr tjk l a i uosqctqwh hi k alp- tefrsrlsr aatrll 23 4 homebrew rule hurts hornby redshirts would lose pitcher a prxpu4 ru 4 which afw lb flnuh of rcgular wbuld mike v it illrl lut kfiyikeuoo play lb winning tejn dub to ihr kbhou coiimy 4wn the lultoo county loop sotbcq akioriestiimi u tuc dvwtcctf to the 0tri hurjj othcithaii lor ulejit wju bo suftbctl aocitlfto puyotf diuud bhortllit ft ktneralj th rule it tbe onlvfo uectiitjf qf ihi- tumklaliuit tallow iw una putycr out- tbe mumtiik bj mut yjjiidc the fccvtn tail radiui for born kcheuuud but club ulkn latnnedlkl cuja and ficial indicted that it would twc uitide pliyrr if the r held it kbout two wtk clutf u lounniule tirir i teaau in h lultod the ml tu u diiruud county leftmiw tram uit w wmtd prohibit ny club jrum wt uily four rr to trturn luank pljiyttb tht tlu hot live thf four are ouuh ial- within a hvrii mil rkdiui ol trmo uwvilu k hornby th cumimtlly pita william u a doubtul ttiu rule wm ruort lotmtry hi lb moment wd the havw un intnxtuffd st tlilwo iowvil clubi from ut very founiuuk th uinyyar hsv eojbiid to on but wm ovrflimikhd by wmi the proiwiwd ivnhilli teams in their tut to kp limit rul would hit hornby iut who mnvfrj away fromiued khiru th hwdl they their ar2 1 would low on of thtlr but the kenitil lvtlini it the j pilchem jacuue paijuetl nvoiit t among lb clubs ijvho moved to milton after that if fcuch a rule wr en i lut yar an forj it would tumv local i th kfad shirts rould alo hoy of a thane tn maki- the low another uitrhcr john team aftw they became too wlllinott who mid he would old for minor bawball retire lhi year the meeting will alwi ironj tht only other hfj shiru out any other problem for who wont h hark till year th wpfotiilnk wawin ai welliar graham gilllea and ar driw up a onstuutnn land beiribn and ulike in kiii a nrkt biiriian bark for another yar will be jamie cunningham either pitcher or abort atop don chuholm catcher hun me liti third baa charlie gil uei rlitht arid hou cunning ham cntre field and oav uslie left fld i two years ago hornby won the ontario rural softball chimpionahip in the c divl tion last year thy entered the b divuion by choice and sot u fir ai the ontario ana la the red shirt wr rllminat- d by klicddon intercounty baseball stars may play against georgetown campbellvitle merchant may let aom real opposition in hal- ton county leagu bate ball play thli tummer coach murray lk of llaity ii hon cardinal uy aeveral rormcr atari of ha ml ban en- thc in the senior intercounly lcafiue larry cunningham tayi h i interdtm in playing hrrc in hanulton ttut he didnt make wednesday afternoon lady bowlers at of afuil ith thu wmli kiulli cat hjiij 3u2 ttx jiu ym cume lufk 2818 iikky slriket 2i02 cmtt mrnvrrt 2m2 th kedun 1301 th umkrli i1m 1jlllry luliicn 11 h wkly high triple w kpir 7j2 wkty high slrtgli bamic fjnond 501 ten pin bowlers cancellation of om of tb featured wuim aad a aliijhuj amavler crowd una laoyd or didnt u nuch of thm aaouai naeamy for tbe geort- town rituxe skating chavi khh canaival saurdiy for the rlnk time the vhow played to two aodieoce- about 300 tooat of thea children uoded the matioee od 00 wcbed the locl skaters end jptifli atari glide through their routine d urine the eveoio pewormaace- a caat of cloa to a huodred had pari in th bbee in toy- land production which dpcio- eted the first half coiourtul grouaa of enioul wvoden ol diem aheep hod khepikexdeaae auver belu ad cockle ahell doll flower aikd xarf aoldiex brxmaght the tale to lie oil the k in contrary uiryjt cerderi jeo w jabet moody ah wm- uohert mitchell end the clown we colleen cummin liodw moo hey and krd uunro were jack and jm w lie jobnaod leabn lewis and chrutine kumley wr th tiirw liul hilled and jant ucatiua wj the bird of 1w adke kim hobcru pleyed the utah queen- a ahiteeit metnbr group of ice prcikhtui ahared th babwice of th progrebi with hkatintf aolout david hutua gale uviniiloti and aiklrew drntfv tatncia and urrry allen and jactjuelin llowell and lavid kutlon wr th feeturrd pairs in dance uooda llill nbile a mrmbrr of the 104 olympic skating warn and sharon davis award winning skater or th woodstock ikat in club headed the bill and surrvd in th tacond half- sha ron davis wu alio lh ualler- ina in the closing bahet uod- erne 31 24 is 13 28 17 15 11 april 1mb 1m4 kaittv siurr satellite lintatone atta solucr hocket latk s1hkt kockeri whammiei uufil kool kali weekly hi 0 yrlplas uil iour first practice monday night brown zzz zl ui nmmtnlri thr nefiro outflfldm wu v why high slngut j lloldrn 221 k janiifson 200 w wrtthrrill 102 swtml hioh yrlplftt b kncleby smrt high slngui w wralhcroll avjgl j cirncy 1m k norlon 158 it brown 158 a jit ljurent 157 d0mtar bowlers april ulh 1m4 shirlfy iowin 1w bob lowin 17 bab viurt 192 sylvii kurd 110 j cunningham hljup lome huntpr 100 terry bludd 10b wm fmdlry ion bud toil b0 airk llolmj 70 mktl wjtly high trlpul uy hobton 811 bob lleaton 703 wmkly high slngl bay llaluon 332 nick dvlch 244 tmkunt high yrlpli bob kiud nick dovlcli w4mhs high slngui bob elrd bcrnle dor avrgg bob eird luy rob6n bob lowitt 213 mlko gmrl 200 juck culhbtrt 207 iad1es w high trlpli mrloi1 elllbll 3 sylvu tard ti7i wmkly high slngll marian huott i 270 sylvu uurd 671 wmkly high slnglu ifgrion buiott 270 j81jrrt kurd- 248 vlviwon high trlpl fe 4 823 ft high slnglm ouuundinc member of th gait tewfr ouuit that wdn the oba senior crown lait all an allround player he liaj anted power and a fine arm nhl atir murray oliver aaya he wont be playins in the intercounty and may quite baa- hall allocrthjr oliver wai another atellar performer with gait last year a third hamilton product who atarred or gall laat year krle lomax haj not ben con tacted by the club cards who finished third last year should be in good pitchihjj shape anyhow ac- oordnf to lake 25 year old pitcher who was in the st louts farm system la expected out we should be in sood ijtke commented we are ettabliahed now we have bood new players and every bodys back front last year 082 850 378 380 230 218 881 870 350 225 205 202 107 100 varian bowlers april isih 104 tim- landing bob wbiter 122 luy addy 120 hon greeo 103 eric rosa 102 bui mcdonald 03 jack knlpe 88 men wmkhf high yrlplm nlllmcdonld 783 bob webater 878 wmlriy high ingla ray addy 271 ernie saajth n 280 maurra high yrlplm bob webater 813 harry haylock 70 saiimi high slrtglm eric hoaa 330 charlie jenner 327 avraga bob webater 216 bill mcdonald 200 ladies wmkly high yrlpus bea jone 780 dorwn long 857 wmkly high slnglm boa jonea jig bev breen 378 smsoas high yrlplm doren jenner 825 ethel trouten rr seasons high slnglm ethl trouten 368 boren jonrter s30 with handicap jackla boss 349 i- avaragas jean eraham 201 be jonea 108 figure skating ice review two shows 1400 attendance promise headliners for local wrestling chief sunny war cloud johnny valentine the beail and other atellar lyp in the wreailing galaxl wl be part of a iteady proceauoo of iraiv pier crank tunney irorao- tlon will be funnelling into georgetown come uay it was learned yesterday famiid wrestler joe uaich who work for tunney told the herald he hop to kick uay 3 with aupercoloual uay i2nd with a iiircolol card lie laid he couldnt ui me the headllner this early but uromued gcovelown fan would a the same crop of wreitleri featured t at map le leaf garden he rhymed off a long lit of crowd puller that sounded like a whos who of pro wrest ling the arena board 1 hoping the injection of wreatling in to the local sport scene will make the john st building a yearround centre of activity all star support ladies will cater for dinner the ladle allstar support group will he catering to a dinner for all five minor hoc key team which benefit by the uens and ladle sup port group the end of thl month hurried couples bowling april mth 10m yaam itartdlttf drifters 42 plinlslonn 40 knockers 34 plonwra 34 astronuts 33 cannonballa 30 ballpoinu 27 iratica 28 bunnlea 25 blowen v 1 jetaona 14 loickyatrlkera 14 men wmkly high yrhslm earl ryder 788 gord graham 760 wmkly hgh slnglm gord graham 300 earl ryder saatona high yrlplm tom klrby 030 ace bailey 880 smsohs high tlnglaa bui bingham 421 rod johnson 402 awaragm with hdcp charlie jeoner s23i george nun 230 rugger beavers too good f quebec champs thl u obss 0 the toughest weefceaia oi the achcdule for geotrfrtown fuiucr beavcra x round trip ol itejexiy 700 mite heavy eslertalnlnx acaaioa roondesd out by a baud cjuoe oa sunday with deabp hiver qucwc champion laat made u rpugh hcavcra oanste axala proved their abili ty by taking hi them things lit their llride to hand tbe jutmik tcneky tnbrt a lilde fret tlayirig the firet hhlf ag ajnt a kutt wind the ccsurre- tttwti uaitt wre prcawd hard by the tmta lion and full bca sady klkvckoiasie wa tal led on a numbe of timee to rlrar the ball out of danger which he did vrry fclfaxtivy iiart taiaving paid off when at- kunaloia torrd a try and li- judge added tle convert half time wr wa 40 for the bvrr with the wind uhmd thx tn the tecond half jteavfr be gan to roll the forward brought the bait on thhr fvt elout to their op04aent luxe lee judge snapped up the too ball and awmprrd uvrr to score a second to but hn convert hit the poet and boun ced out that made it b4 ilea j vers le judge kicked a pfl alty goal ureakouta by deep iliver wcre quickly squaihed by strong tackle by ituu hradj ley and keith key hum alto gave heaver a good ihare of uie ball from hti positioti of hooker he filled in for iete carri who wu out with an eye injury ken adamtron went over for the final score in a grand team effort hut hradley ho- ger ueecham keith hesy and kandy uackeniie wit out- 1 standing playing hi first game waa ry teeter and he alto had a great game the deep hiver club u very i fortunate in having all thefal cllitiea a rugger team needs and i well supported by the community aald a heaver of- ficial it is oftei wondered if georgetown sports fam realizr just how good a tram this town poavsetse already beavers have scor ed 43 point without reply from the opposition they en- tertaln canucks in town suo- day at thr park kick off 3 00 pm canucka were one of the j two team who bet heaver lait year the score on that occasion was 63 mainly on a disputed penalty goal which probably would have cod them the ontario championship ma p sends congrats to midget champions winning the ontario midget a hockey championship war rants congratulations from hal tons member of parliament gerry ingli who coached the georgetown midget to the title received the following let tar but weekend ottawa 16th april 1mv4 dear mr inglis 1 would like to extend to you and to all the members of your ataff and the team my sincere congratulation on winning the ontario champi onship lajit tuesday night i know this represents thr culmination of much hard work and long hours by every member of your organization may 1 extend to you and tn them my beat wishes vours sincerely harry c harley md up hilton green beaks orange juice bread dough fisk fries vegetables nash and mcdowell rlumblno and heatino water sofhsmm at water sythtmi kapalra 1 alteration tr 72842 acaballey- tom klrby ladies wmkly high triples martf spires u f sylvia exard w wmkly high ilngwe sylvia bearaley sylvia eaard 282 high yrlplm sylvia eaard 882 mar spiral 1 t73 high slnglm sylvia- norton s3s ann falconer v 316 avaragm sylvia kurd 327 mart 211 jgan graitun h 307 t3 283 daylight saving time to comply with a reso lution pattad by tha municipal council march loth 1964 i tkerefore declare day light saying tims in georgetown from 2i00 i am sunday april 26lh ending at 200 om sunday per utk joshth oibbons mayor ftacltm atwil 2x v k 21 this u hte w4 to stock yoor freezer taka advantaga of these spatial boys during igas big frrucwt food sl the tug adwaiv tge of- ffoien foods u hiat tb0 ti no petoaration- needed jrituen i the peak of freshness these convenience foods afe a fg timesaver this frozen food xale u lust nother reason why ve lty aa ioa yei always m a urrle mm trsae yew cxpectf fresh fork loin salei loin roast opork ik pwtue i ik v ssak saasj setmiertelet ji gyw 37 coiiwt cur loin chops roast tasukfts klnduis sld side bacon lis 6 6s alplfw or nmrow che a- w beefsteakettei jjb ttnomltl nutritious slkedbetf liver 37 laas is 59 29f matt cheez whiz hosxtaiity strawberry- rhubarb pie j7 chkl nji kt lsvu betty crocker cake mix v 39 w as vssrs frosting mix c 41c embassy cigarettes 316 fry s cocoa t 59c fancy iga applesauce- 229 maxwfll houu instant coffee 109 0aa0 detergent 79c corn flakes 2 53 caiifocnia luscious wd uautih strawberries 3 400 us no 1 gkade h f cau0rnialettuazz ontafelolhor house f cucumbers i7f ytxas us no 1 otabi u crisp carrots 25 in ioa konus yams extra j32 kecehr an extra 100 isomm yae with ouakek oaymeal cookie mix 32 or pkg whiye vaseline 4 02 jar sweive att extra 400 bonus yape with x it cohoe salmon fancy red hall tire tin iga kanuy fcuntlt 14 or ir facfue koyale tissue white or pink 2 toll pack receive an extra 200 bonos yap with solo matoatlne 2c olf 2 one lb pljt fakmhoutt roiitl rtli apple or cherry each suceo cooked hami tablee vacuum sld o br pig fe1 sotatocs can no 1 grade 10 lb bag lucky shokk ms e boisvenue 16 byron si 3072 and itufusta vou can ktdltm yoott tases free gifts eaton merchise certates tuesday afternoon lady bowlers yaaix stsneing country cousins kool kati flyinc saucrrs llss heens 141 122 120 117 pacific coast non strikers 110 ttralnika 109 lieu feathers 100 mountalnrrrs 10 georurttes w fllntstonrs 03 noyal jills 71 swinirinf six w waakl high slnglas u marchmrnt sb 11 norton 200 k harlow with handicap i marrhmrnl mb4 ii norton 304 e harlow 205 weakly high triples u marrhmrnl 775 m kplres 713 ii norton 103 j with handicap y l marchmenl 773 j it zoree 745 ii norton 718 seasons high triples i tronic 810 x m norrle 788 with handicap h nnrrie fast super continental service from georgetown cn super conlinantapfilurtno wacllnlno coach aaala all tatarved in advance at no astra coat coach kttandanta fast tall rvlce convenient arrivals and dapartutas at principal polnla relraahmenta and lounge lacultiaa meale at popular ptlcaa up to to lbs ol bsoo0 checked tree couttoty pillows scheduled fun houta for children in cluding ttaa bingo lor adults equally low latet applicable tor leaping car travel with added taature ol complimentary meals white days 4550 blue days 4950 for information contact your local sestoxa high singles marchmrnt 114 harlow 338 emmrrtnn 334 with handicap marchmrnt 3ft4 teague 304 turns 350 high average splrei 200 831l treble 507 treble 834 u marchrawt 208 people buy the herald to read and read the herald to buyi v the place to play championship golf course scenic panorama of sprlnafilled lakes and wlllovy trees bar erfd lounoev vsjyperb cuisine oheen kt hayets and tournaments invited limited number of memberships still available north halton golf and country club oeooetown inquiries dong bruton pro 1779901 mm kinsmen club op georgetown inc junior and senior girls softball hague registration saturday may 2 1964 i from 200 pm 400 pm at main gate of park registration fee 100 11 16 yoars proof of age wjujfed i hfm limited registration motdiyvji4pmilfm t 7 pm at perkfof thoeiryiiaiwas- tth