Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 1

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eorgetown herald rtsta the imks the home newspaper for georgetown and district j ads hut pay v place asi 4 klttw hnaft cumtfleal passes hr eetllnsv ta herew b wfcera rw office dvl otlraa w a hjiuin on twactay may tti m4 cecry pfioar teas ceasta i if its got fins and gills extend bell calling brampton free june 7 imrr jaui itvolo who cares about the size thf nlcc tuimo tbovt opening day of h trout leaton n that the f rjt catch prov dei a big thrill ftv th junto nglr no matter what the size however titters of fishermen lend i to be m uttw mo demanding bobby sev ce oals h woh n treatment from iter i sharon while displaying mb catch for herald photographer peter jones opening day iwm friday kdth sides retreat strike parley failed tbe first nactlna between lith and stone limiled and striking mploye held on in troblo hu been a edcdpjeu failure tile lion leah ttowntree alslef of labour in an at dpi to apd a settlement of bo mdayold itrike ral a toroolo meeting between iemertt and offietla of 14181 dtalnrt so urn mine workers of america cock president of the nun local uid the meet wti a waate of time and lie uid the meeting lasted about two hours with the npany reverting to toeir or i rihal conciliation offer of 2i f cent wage increases ovrr years and the union ratting tome of their les amendments re holiday hour of wore when the temaion ended the wrtiea were farther from a uetneftt than they hive been borne time we ve rever to where we were six nthi ago cock aaid smith and stone explained iat their offer of an increase wage of 3 for each of year was made after conciliation board meeting just jrl0to the alrikein er to avoid the strike and oaeouent losses to tbe em ploye the town and the jipany because the increased of did not prevent a strike i company poaltion now is to here to the board of con illation recommendation whl ku w for each of three aaya a company state- nt the 2w offer represents b17 1 cenla per hour in inc f union is asking for a increeae for bach of two gibbons it could put town back thirty years ou uonday union president rex cock told council tbe of fer has been well received and appreciated and that council should feel free to act if it could assist in the problem however the dispute m be fore vlr bradley of the dep artment of labour he said and it is up to him to conid er the respective petitions and snake further suggestions lie expects to hear from the de partment later this week hut or the belligerent at titude of smith at stone or kriday we may have reached aome area of general agree ment mr cock will llie union ha aiu ised th cil a week ago to enter the company thrv are free and picture for the town has writ willing to meet 24 hours a ten both union and company day seven days a week tore offering his services as amid solve the conflict he said hex cock cancer fund campaign over top get 5500 the fluid rmlirt of the kol cftnfw soariely rcbd its suoo bbrctjve this wrrk tbe cwaplgt brdftl ins y by keg bvtmuabad hd a urc bumbcr bf volunteer who cuvkucd for tnoory which u toed in cmkrcr rrarcb and to auitvt vutinu of tbe disease airs terry balnea fend mrs dvug latwifer served at area chairmen in iowa add mrs i hjuotiihcid headrd the rural campaign krgrtiwn ii grouped with acton in ui north luhon or giiiuatinn that town turpaiifj iu hioo ubjective by xioo tuakiny a total of jiiou cunlri butrd in the two foidteiwnliet while the caiiipiitn it offic ally 6vrr it n ttill not um late for doiutlom to be iiud tie rbdirmaa uy sons of scotland may be town organization with about so potential inem hers tlod up it looks hk the i xptriala of tbe land of the heather will form a sou of scotland akaocialiod locally at the moment the local or taniicr mrs tom hutrhukon of prmetf lharlca drive does not know whether tbe meetings will be held in ceorglown or mil tan ainee the two towns arei forming one 4ocation there are branches of tbe auocution all over canada andi the united states and any one of scottish birth u welcome to join fmenwhll mayor joiuph qjkboiu autboriiod by coun ll look at we weather w mln htdneiday 28 41 43 sunday 30 s3 40 rday 1 m 43 sturday 2 83 as eiday 1 83 34 flboday 4 v to nmlfy s to tgxilar april si trtln heclpitiuon or april 7 jfsaow 1 rain 3 40t ft alld r c scott offering his services dieman the linger thia goes on the more it affects the town s whole economy said mayor we are ami have been sua eeptible to any area or move ment and i anure you move they must pinned to wall man haif two broken legs a slreetsvitle huftinru man is resting comfortably intr orgetown hospital today aftrr buffering two broken legs in an m accident al georgetown golf and country club uon day night peter dugan 33 ptoprietor or a btreeuvllle hoe itore was pinned againut the cem j ent block wall ofth golulub clubhouse by his own ear af i terlt was bounced ahead by j another cardrlven by doiua catqh of brampton dugn was just leaving the clubhouse and was walking be iween his car an austin sta tiou wagon ant tm wall when the accident happened ulu calon iv wan moving the family cair an olds coupe from iu parking space fprher mother when abe apparently hit tha accelerator accidental iy dugan eollapaed at ihebaae of the wall and wasnt moed until lifted into the george town amhulance tie waatfea ted at the scene by dr a e madntoah 1 just checked on him and he la reamntf comfortably and- appearsi quite chipper gcor cotown hoaolial aidmlnlatrator grabam gllhooly told the he c raid yesterday one leg i bro ken m two places a the accident happened at about 10 30 pin immediately after a fashion show at the golf club damage to the car wax 0o nonswimmer rescues child from drowning in backyard pool a woman who has a dread of deep water jumped into a back yard pool and saved a five year old boy from drowning rndjy urs ray dutrhbum of 70 delrex illvd who pulted oung bob held from below fcse sur face of the water after leaping in wn herself saved by mrs j walih 7 sargent rojii a neighbour i un ihitchburn xaid he was tn her kitchen when she heard trreams when she ran ouuide to inveillgate she ourulj both bobby and his 3 year old brother bonnie inside the ten 1 eedenclosed pool owned by ur and urs rmil uber i can t swim and have a fear of water but he was going down in the deep end of a swimming pool she said i don t know what would have happened if bote mrs waub hadnt coma along urs dutchburn said the youngster was coughing and red faced when she got to he pool a edge his brother was itaudmg nearby and crmg once she got a firm hold of bobbie urs dutchburn began threshing the water and call ing jor help at the same time urs vvauh came into the pool are a dbclor rxamtnetflhe boy later and determined the rohl i water created temporary ahock and may have prevented him from swallowing water anoiier neighbour mrs a ucgillivray took the youngsters home and their mother took bobby to a doctor a office for examination she also got in ttfuch with his rescuerr think them gloria patri choir f winner at festival the gloria pain choir of the christian iteformcd hurch was a prize winnrr at th 1 eel vluic retinal the choir scored m point to win second plarr in its cuu tbe adjudicator com pi i mented the local group which la led by charles crimes and uid it had been a difficult decision to chooe a winner so close were they in standard of performance this week s pmss kun ix4 georgetown athletes win 4th consecutive track and held meet us alhlrtfl haw raplurrd the jrour school track and field inert for th fourth er in a row tk theft was held tufday on ih ontario agricultural col ugr grounds it curlph tirorgrlown aitikud 262 poinu lo edge milton with 347 arlon had i37 aud hnn 151 in the weighted wonnj lyileni that ie the uiull i schooji an eual eluncr this wa thr last year for the traditional rour school mrrt nest yrar eorrtoun will lie coinpt ling in a different ditl sloii vve lol i number of o ir best alliutc lo other scjioou since last year including mike cumuiini ial barragrr jim j hlair and dave lire w iter said 1 logical mucalion dept hriil in mrlarcn but everybody dug a 1 ttle deeper stid came up with a gtuul team effort april building permits include new apartment huilding perrrtit with a to lal value of 15 4m were is sued during april of this total 130 000 was for the controversial apart ment building being conitruc j icmi by o l v construction loaoo was listed as the value i of a freilhl elevator shaft al provincial paper j the remainder uas for re aldenlial buildings telaed a knontb wbep or getowb council mauekted a tuatutner opinion aurvey on added monthly phwie epcna and froe railing to ur amp tun tbe nrw plan is now set or june 7 a 3day phone survey wai made laal wk by lountauon al surveys bind by lull trlepbone for the job and by a rvararded vole council om uonday dropped their oppoi uofi knd voted unjuuiouily or the move the euupjny conducted bud interviews w2 urban and flat rural litulti found 41 in favour of frtc raiting lo krimpli n 37 7 agaim1 31 4 who tail it piakt i no difference to thejn ami 3 who would ripreu no opinion krora this tke deduction was made that wjth onr 38 opposed tbe company would aerve the nainty of lla etiav tomers belter witfl the extend ed railing l have beert bppoaed lid uayor clbbona and have bad many calls from people on both aide of the juttod the aurvy tymilts are hot what i espreud but i bound bv ibeiu fend aj far as i fenl ran lrered the matter 1 clud soot councillor accepted tbe 1i firm orfer to viul i toronto aiul monitor ralli u i tliy were made cr j youna uid he frit the survey had ben luipartial and a smaller survey be had made on hl own alto convinced him that the majority wish brampton repealling prefer maples council obliges petitioners maples verus mountain a mi was a main diurubion subject at uonday s council meeting a x sutherland headed a group of ralrpayrn from hale dr ami allrn ltd uiiit bat three dead trees lie n placed and four boulewrd gaps j planttn with mapes slnilar lo other plantings there be mlrnts had sharl the cost of original plantings and he fell they should have a say the town has purchased all mountain ash this year partly because cost is lower and part ly because they are 4ower in growth and are being recom mended by nuiaertei couneillnr worried that if the rjursl was granted other streets would also wan i map lei tit ere are a tola of 60 replace menls to be made nie eoun clllor estimated v lowering i crab had been uvo on an other street he added envis ioning a series of tree ehoo- ing delegations mr sutherland appeal got some results f council deaded to replace the three dead treea with maples but they would not sanction the gap tilling nor supply an extra gallon of paint which ur sutherland asked be added to the gallon- already given the stret for painting tr guard 540000 from defence dept shot in the arm for avian factory objects to expense for fireworks display you will spctid 2o0 for fireworks yet you won i put a hydro pole on our street keats ave complained ted francis to council uonday he was objecting to the town sharing with the legion the coat of victoria day public fireworks council has granted hi request for a iluht on keat which will he placed on i telephone pole but mr kran cu now wants a separata pole installed in a better location thiabrought impassioned atatement from cr emmerson would you rather see a light on your atreet or the light in a childs eye when he view the mreworkst he ask ed the town apendi nls money o aave children being maimed by uaing fliaworjca themaelves he added avian aircraft limited arm strong ave have been infor med hy the department of defence produclion ottawa that approval ha been gran ed for a cost sharing dovel opment programme on the a vian 31r0 droplanr for 1m00oo this funding will complete a t million dollar programme to make the two place avian c roplane avail able to the military and civil market in slew of the export market potential for this pro duct a sueahlr benefit can he expected for the economy positive assistance was ren dered hy the help of local up dr marry llarlry and the good office of the air craft branch icpartment or defence production tht ag reement endorses five year of 1 effort to perfect a jump taki off gyroplane conforming to vtol conditions yet simple economical and safe to oper ale by the private pilot combining the best qualities of helicopter and gyroplane simply the helicopter has a powered rotor the gyroplanes is free spinning tha 2lflocan lake off ule a fixed wing air craft or by using an auxili ary drive to the rotor achieve a jump uwroff safely is a key factor as the plane is non spinnahle non itattable and can accomplish spot land in if the engine cuts out the plane will windmill safe ly to the ground ground re sonance tbe bugbear of hell coper pilot has been elimin ated by a special avian des igned rotor huh kate and ec onnmy of operation are out standing the operating cnl la approximately fie per tnilr be kind to animals week five local ladies will attend church rally t lv local women wn a ih campbell h h 4 in ualle yountf tlntl cotu urt k l thompun 21 kdhh st mri f norman younj m edith sl and mn w m geuleltk 1 glen willumj will be among iwewe hundred preabyterlan women from ac ross cahada meellng in the chmrchv of st andrew and st paul montreal uy8 and 10 it wiube the largest wo mens rally in the history of 3rbe rresbyterian church in jjanarhl delegates from local auxlll arlea will celebrate too yean of presbyterian womens work in canada and the bottiannl versary of the amalgamathirrof- three societies in the wdmns muinnry vnlv wtm ami a flxrd wing pilot can learn to fly a 1jbo in an hour with load capacity of boo lbs its initial cost ll on third lhal of a comparable helicopter this allcanadian alrcratt has aroused interne interest throughout the free world from such divers potential u- sers as bush pilots oilmen businessmen and even mission aries a special version will also be available for crap dus ting a dazzling future is ex pecleil for the 2180 which may well hasten a new era in safe economical flight hrferring to a itory in last week s herald that rumoured the ssie of avian to canadatr avian official uid cstti ilslr hsil shown interest but there wss never a completed ileal accident victim improves to leave hospital soon still hospitalised following an accident on march 17 don carbutt ii improving in health and may be home in a few weeks the hr 4 resident wasse rlously injured when his panel truck collided with a train at the 4th line crossing ills two young aoni lost their lives in the accident he has since been hospital ised in toronto western he la recuperating well from head injuries and u auh being treated for a badly injured left arm division l i i v petei jones photo some people get downright friendly jthis is re kino to animals week across tha nation the sevan days sat aside for dls plays of mora than average affection or the family pet various people observe the week in various ways one blearyeyed clt izen admitted to switching to throwing soft slippers ol the neighbours cat during itsmld night yowling- instead of the alarm clock another confessed to splktnglhe water in the golflsb bowl with cooking harry as a goodwill gesture local equojjrlonne carol ann barber exhibits genuine affection for her favourite mount abovehln a display of kindness that should maker aome humans envious flash fire damages tractor norval farm a flash tire did serious da- mage to a farm tractor 1w miles east of norval monday fire chief erwin lewis said the fire burned off two urea and consumed the hatter and wiring the gas- tank which was ul blew up shortly af ter the ire broke oul tbe owner wesley hughes had just filled the gas tank and was suiting the engine 3 hen the tractor burst inioj amea v a farm truck waa looked onto the burning tractor and hauled jt ay bora is mimpi and a driving ahed tba was threatened by the luneav -cpfrtii- ii a nai

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