Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 9

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fam fine i peter jones wwu at kennedy it was work now play later qfnlsl snldct us ray lawn oeic and cl smith s3 ww or it vow mn brown 30 larvqito cru iheir ccttnbul oni to the kinndy home and school s fun fair tfhtcfi was he id saturday aart brown was orw of the convert of lh fa r wh ch druw p overflow crowd of nager ihopprt age n thii yaar tha fa r boo ted an suet on bk tale film show roon and numfcroui booth lets play bridge w amill cera tile care and handling oi entriee la juet a important at rubber bridge aa it ia al duplicate bridge lest week plajrere caaie to grlei on a hand uut looks very simple i can only aniline that they did not handie their entries too well the bxnd was board no 3 the dealer was east north south are vulnerable nerth i h hj 10 g s 4 3 i d q j 1 c a wi etui s j i j lla k q ii void d i s ii a 10 t 4 cj j 10 t- 1 3 itt ta k q 10 7 3 111 nk 3 tk 4 j susfttd billing i ujli w r nnh lkl is uble 211 ial is iiu 311 pets is isis 4i all tail jutl one word on ihe btil ing when wiutk ihowf a tlx honour night for ag chief fanners applaud francis ah card spade wit by bidding thrrte lime north kboulu be glad la carry il lo four spade north hand 1 vajud at 11 pa 0 luppoft ox s ii west lead a club alt south needs tumo is lake the ace lead one round of trutnp and ruff dub now south can j iv up two heart and j dlanmattd but fuuf kpde u cold more than likely wet will uad a hljch brt once dum y go down wrl ahould witch to a trump uj cut down club rffs now the be iiouth ran do i lake out trump sow ifw k in u of djamond i nuat b bed re club ar toyrhed if out wins i vrro ltd ills i kuand tjed ksi tariff hid are th thud diamond in i dummy will providr prkintf pf for south s club loker j th cards must be played in this order u that north a only j hur entry is uwd at he rifchl lime if dummy li h rt of enlrlf plan our play to nuke the tfct u- of entnei u titjy winners it tfitige club kart 1- ttion 1 and dakr uilum mr k cjmpbfll and cifnn nanti lr s sullhan nd ur iljrb uk ullouh 5025 patient days is i hospital report figure a ktallktlcjl report from rgatown and district urmori ml ltiupllil on tht uitlhr month o operation in loot thowi an lncrai in patient aarya but a drcrciv in tht avcrasr patitnt load total patirnl da nvordtl t tha boipital to the lit of april wn 5 023 last virdn ting th tarn pnrvl thr tnl if wil 4 0 th daily averagr palirnt law ia far thu yar ii s5fll mmupartnl wilb 83 0 laat yar i thf prctntjji of availablr beds ocruplfd during tht firtt thrc monllu avfraiivd dj 4 pr cent for adulti and chill ten and 411 prr ci t new born in march th percent aiff wai ahtil v hi her for adults and children 3 0 per rnt and lowrr for newborn 36 2 lltth ihr fijfurea tjir the first qiurtrr of tht year and tha month of march itself arc increases the avcrafr length f stay pr patlnt for the first three months was 10 5 days for ad ults and children and h2das for newborn dunne march it was 0 i days for adults and 6 1 das for nrutiorn there have iveen 41 ma ir otveralions performed 1 lfi mi nor operations aqd r4 tontil wrtomiea and appndrct mules during ltvih to far in march the count was 10 majf r 45 minor and sit t an i a x raly examinations this year were made fir 411 inpatient 710 outpatients and 107 rhrt xrayi so far there have vvq emer renry viiiti to the hospital this year 04 of hone in march the report shows the hoi pttal full time pertonnrl l and at 100 at the 1st t april ke lief staff totalled 30 overflow audience greets drama music at school a well tulanrd program of mutic and drama grlel an overflow audience at show case r4 presented last wed nesday in the bitth school au dilormm senior and junior hands and choirs were dirrcled by r harles wilson in an amhiti ous procram ranffing from spirituals and hymns to the classics highland i ulliby was a solo number by vivien parry and llary jane 1- mmer soo and marion whan lantr the frvening lrayer from han sel and dretel both plays had a forricu settins a rattle of wlta was presented in chine ityle with property man patricia row nun on itjr throuchoul to irranui nrry and pr p tlie rant inrl id 1 tonv mr auley ieliclly alkinvon shar on collier norma hoh ahjn adam and vrcd it b rt sunday omi r ivr pi ms i hat lis seltint in mi xiro w 111 llrcnda 1lliotl tom lira hi v volanda iiulckettu jane raff an 1 i atriru i inrr in the cast miss j an llnwen an 1 mrs ann inney dirictrl the students produced b mirhafl i clr rhak the h w was a stand lout and ptaw an music re lceiel incrou appljme from the audience t nplrmcntini the performers were eicrll nt stafie settincs and coslum injf mora than ipo fanners frienda and wejlwlahers turn ed out to attend the al fran cis nicht hut tk francu retiring axrlcultural repreatsntative lo tha depart meat of afrlcujtur for hal ton wa prefntd with a p dally commlaaionad oil paint in and watch by members of the- 4 h club ud by local far mrt prrfjt at the tatixrin teas arthur bennatt aajbciata dl rector of the department of acrtcultuui who told tha au dlencv ha ha knowa rtaoi for many year and pointad obt b markd prajreaa in the ruunlna uf tha ilaltoit kfrl rilturl commlsaiod alnca h look charge hv io he waj art innovator said rmtt u did hot have to walt for a directive hom head oftsc befor he put intit praf uc hw ideas v acting as matter of rre monirri was ceura atkini mnu of the haltn kr conwrvilicn authority wbo introfurrd eltht variety acts ptitci by tbe 4 ii club mem bar rs i rrei uavri five yrt of j service with tha llaltoti tart cultural department behind him he was with the uaal inc county for five yeri and two and a half yart iaaiaut ant rprenlative in south slmcoe county be for that along with rrencia dougul hurnalde taautanl fegrtcultur al vepreentauve for hajum and karle y uuir fruit and vegetable spclatlit with the department have resigned their positions the trio announced laat won th they will go into partner i ship in a farming venture in northern ontario i as he accepted the preset tat ion rrancia told the audi ence he found hu year with the hal ton nfflre a rewarding ripeneiice and he found it now that he was leaving diw cult not to feel pangs of re gret i have strong feelings about farming as you all well know that a why i have felt com pel led to lake up farming as a career he said j rinv coulter president of the ontario wheat board asaocii lion made the presentation of thb olororrown hir thurwey may 7 ha page s use watch to tha npreaeot- fiv as ha handed over the vatch he laid may you never now keep shirley waiunf he wae ierrlni to lira fraada uanry j sunley who fakeaj ever the position of hallos rv nrrakdialiye on may i told the audieoca he la tf forward to hla new pftettlwi with eaferueae he told the gatharing thar he haa been giren every aaautance in hie new poet in adduio- is wl dom and advlca from mr fraocu- stanley though a yotanf man bringa many yaara ezfic lane with the department lo aia new poajtion h enured fanning when he was 1 and then attended tha ontario at ricul ural colc aj c uclph ailar grmdnaunn in animal huabandry ha retlarnnd lo tha family farm irt lanark coun ty during this perinel he farmed part timet and worked aa a junior tuld man with tb rrovltacjal department uf ag hculture hunley enttrd full tithe work with the department 111 13 aa aaaiatanl agricultural repreacntalive for lanark county in lod he wu txana- fjtd to wellington county where he continued working aa feu aaalalailt repraacntative he taya he will tnov his wife uobel and bis thre aons axd five three and one to wilton th- aral wk in june hla wife ia a native of ottawa and worked u a atenoarripher for the canadian d growers aaeoclallon forty per cent of canadfaaf tf production la eentartatt j ontario hoipital tree forcit providei sound barrier a small forest that will pro vide a future sound break bet ween the georgetown and du trict ucmorlal hoapltal and the cnr hamilton line wu planted last week the crelit valley cohmcv tlon authority planted 6 000 trwa including 3 000 scotch pine 3 ood spruce 500 silver maple atkl 500 mixed varieties and a volunteer work party of georgetown ltoni addel 111 cedari nn april 25th the tree planted by the uoni were donated by mr xcaifnt ttuctions n nursery stock special on rose bushes iw umj evergreens tlowebing shrubs shade trees clump birch hedging stock ckoo howl complete i ns of greenfield lawn food and weed killer ba led peal moit webbs greenhouses 1 ti wiui hlihl 1 nerval hon oilj srhwegner of the 8th une o ksquealng double your prize money get a sales slip from these stores cpcc kunmvkins rncc aiwtino ktok wlih each turck- ese l keyal deuuoh bonny kins baby wear barbers jivviuuy i gifts open ldlh luiii friday id im i bm sat new mdd1ng at factory prices us1d fuxnituki sll ec w- u ufillj purnitur1 younfj st next to laundromat open 9 am 10pm complete i ne of freih and coolted mean i 0 grocery suppl ri 0 froth produce free delivery kay s grotery 84 guelph st 877 281 1 refrigerated fur storage barragers cleaners 1 dyers main st and guelph st swry somtianl tl kuuttiinwi4w yke nw ye4mk shj sew singer 600 with 20 features inclurlinc push button llobhin aik for a dcmnmtrjtii n singer yowne sewjng centre main st n 877 4331 tire sale goodyear 7k4 lueli wall yukelail 12 95 wry car wash ml rexway cmes ttrvici stm cueleit al heaway ttrnsr taxi 24 hour sevrvice courteiy ard promplnen vhone 8774817 owned by ed ami wally ma ricadquafetlrs ror mothts day gifts english cups and sauce rt 91c boxed chocolates lb 97c summer puries 198 3 91 3 98 holmes u to 1 00 store 1 1 main st n l7vmouym chryilrr valiant karoo trucks kai hs ahrl s itvick maveal motors 44 main street m 177 mil trim fit nylons by hanes sriaer heel demi toe for llin back ihoet the evelyn sh0ppe 7 main n 877 4831 shop 4acksons for mothers day gifts everything mother would like you ii find at jacktoin for fresh dairy produce call h77s411 steens mapie iiaf dairy 10 water street fascinating new photo game win 1000 ii your winning entry la acc6aipanled by a saua slip 5 00 prize if no sales slip with entry i name i address i phone w 1 1 1 k 1 i street no or building i i i f i each thuraday for is weeks itartlnc april 3 the herald will publish a mystery picture ftf iff f- x which will be a portion or settment nr attac hment nf a huildins or some other landmark w e thjt mn b y the local pilbllc 12 to the first person identifying the picture each week the herald will pay s3 00 if the entry con tains a ulei illp or proof of purchase from one of tha partlclpatinfi businesses the priae will be 910 00 3 all entrlei must be brought or mailed to the herald and must be an the official entry contained in tha news- paper advertisement 4 kmployeea of the herald are not eligible 19 entries foheaeh weeks eonteit must be in the herald office by 9 pm on the follnwlnc monday they will ba placed in the contest box when received 8 the first correct anawe drawn from the contest box will be judaed the winner anil will he announced in one of the contest advertisements the following thursday 7 the decision of the judges will be final in all aspects of the contest a if there is no winner one week tha li 00 prise will lie added to the following week a civnlesl double your money with a sales slip from these stores i shop thrsi syorrs hmter thi cpntrst you may win 51000 last weeks wherzit maple avenue baptist chllrch as a sales slip was inclosed a double prize of 1000 given for the first drawn correct answer lo last weeks wherzit check the arove ads for winners nami yc1u may be a double winner cash your baby bonus cheques in silvers childrenswear txpt silvers bfcpakymxnr stoii aaain st georgetown portable tv idaal for summar take ii anywkara 13995 wig0 appliances main streat north power lawn mower service speights auto electric motor tuneup 32 water si 17372 rrooch t earrino sets 25 a speciavfor liltu pope to qiva to mother this waakend mcnamara jewellers 33 main n 877 24b1 you1l find the ilcoest selection of mothers day cards georgetown stationery and office supplies 1 mau street s i77-j45j- check our ad in this issue for spring specials cotton bros rampton georgetown our beef is always top quality red brand superior food market ma n si north complete line op elizabeth aden cosmetics laura secotd candies youngs pharmacy limited 4 main streat north phone 8772741 get a bales sup wtokfoflk of these stores attach it to your an8wek and you may win u jkflj 51000 mm set our mothers day gift selection a fine variety of purses floral arrangements slip uwl jewellery shoprite sctqj00 store rgaaabibbbbbl yg

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