Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald pagc4 tmussoayndvembat 131k 1964 editorial comment delrex ghost dies hard pwkapa it wouldnt b goroaltwvn muction eesrpelgn u tk ghoet wiich ks hetnd tatj pwcitoro few dcd didnt melt t uit one ppfnca t dketfnb 5ln looms on lh koruon lett wask two toondlkxt ckgd two oiw fuiwefned council mmbtrt with circulating twnind tummi tomoon the tny were prodlrx in thl hs to dl- mtociat tsmtlve tnt two ppd the tcele elmott too w tn other way fcnd b- umg uiwmlrnj propegetev by teltlng no lend rlw without tnduttry tund w kd hoped tkt thi itlrkd of wir v4 factor in i quimr century of e mending r- mernbtnc day tarvkot sunday wi cw of vhe few we cn remember when me wethcmn povided luilabu letting it wa bithl tunny november day end mefe wi no hint ol chill in the tr the hours letvice wai a perfect ona and thotvai who peeded nd thoi who attandod e fcpeclalort were tble lo achieve a feel ing of reverence which hat often baan dlt- lipefed by cold and wind wa wondered ltr why thought could not be given to changing the ramambranca day data lo provide a moa tuitabla lima of yf in our cold canadian climaia prior to 1950 of court there could ba no thouoht of thu for tha day marked rim end of world war i hoihlitiat and was lion talk had irmppeeed into tha umbo of hliiory and that whetever candidal might find as platform pjenlus land releaue would not baj orw of litem perttculely whan mere eppeer to ba a tkente of tome tutwe oc- cm in lellu wuch hve boon going on barwam counol and land developer would it ba unfortunatw if old feud were to ba revived mnd tha quattton one again get oof of all pfoportton w would lika to lee to minimum of tha past and tvome mphaaii on tha futyje when council candidate ilart building liselr election plttformi this yr jointly hippy tad occailori tha ceite- 1on of hoitllitte and a renernbrtnc oi ihoia who did no com horta from thai war with addilkn of world war and m koraan conflict ranwynbanca ift hwj locaj point to tha day and it could ba d any lima without detracting from ita purpou thara li akvayt a dangar that on- ona on parada miqht contract a tarwxit chill whila standing for tha hours ivarvtca and human nature being what it it thara a difficulty for molt paopla in following a memo il addreis with inuratt wtnla tac- i rally hoping tha lpeaker will ba at brief at postibla to ona can get indoon and warm up wa tuggett that tha day could ba changed to late iprmg or early fall rxmmmm va retrospect en refnejfibrance ft imn met km fa vn- at that wlniji and mmfe kanr jka aaan jothla t abont k- if i4 1 iatar joaea pbolo their memory hallowed in the land they loved good netvs for halton wlnle appreciating th govarnmantt economy mova in cutting tha number of hia rva army groupt in canada it u par donable to ba happy that tha lome scots will continue as an active regiment tha regiment has a long proud record of service in halton and peel end proved he worth particularly at tha start of tha sec ond world war whan it provided a fast recruiting basis and personnel for many rny branches on overseas service the local miltlie company besides its primary function of training after hour sol diers lo be prepared for emergency pro vides an element of colour which we would miss and the lown would have one lets attractive building were the armoury in the park to be abandoned the regiment mutt now tntentdy its f forts to uitify the government t faith in keeping it in existence by providing a stan dard of excellence which cannot be ques tioned harley to halton whkty msikvations fev ml hamy hauiy m kr halton tba adulate ol national fenca tha hon foul halfr fcaa aaaoanced th tvorfaalu cian of um cattaduu raauvaa includlnj um miuua nlvll hemtva and thai air ton alu- ulaiy i would rlrtt 111c to uaa- tlontha chlium aiteoual 1u1- ton county itte troa seou hol caudlajl infantry carpi u um uilioa and peal mulua xlnll thay an loci led in fetratnptoil leaa four companlea to bl tbeaa eoupanlat a nd d prevlouily located in lakarlaw and oranjtevllla are to ba relocated id brampton b company of tba lome scob pnaeouy in oakvllla vul remain there c company of the lome scota leal ona pla toon located in georgetown wui remain in georgetown 0e pla toon of v company la atuton will be moted to georgetown two email unite n oalnula of ludkal and dental adrlaory ataff eech conautlng of ona of ficer end one clerk only wql not ba included la the reorgan ized milltt- tt will ba keen therefore that apart from relocation and the loaa of two very amall adrltory onhx halton will maintain ha place in the militia in um lome fieoteberlmeal ft ng n commended that tranenortauon be prorldad to and from place- ofirede end u la expected thil wta be wthariied in the near fnture the role of the ltuua as seeq by the minleter are aa fol- iowa 1 sopport of tha hgidar army needa s000 men co to proyjde a- tralnlnf gorce for ttmea of cmeifodcy to naport the field force sihrlf eulea lftooo meio 1 internal memity ofoo men the atrengrh of the mlllua wulkajronaa town offkea above therefore be pproxlnl0aupermarkat xdjxx bulcera and men the changea in naval rt- erve will not affect llaltoa while the dosinjf of the rcaf aux iliary wing la lumlltoa will affect mme of um mambera of thli wing who realdajn hilton ty have done an uceuant job particularly in heecue work md are to be highly com mended the aavlnga which will reiult from uieae changea are approx imately iym00o0 a year while maintaining reserve forcee at an adequate levl tha recent charge by the leader of tha eppoeluoa that tha propoied changea in the conitlluuon of canida would divide canida haa been emoha- ucally denied by hla ex uiulaur of juiuce ur fulton who ata- ut tha propoeed changea are al- uoat idenucal lo tboae planned by aha coiuervetivee when uiey were m emke this wai dleclo- mdlm memo aaot by ur ful ton hla previoua colleaguea in tha home of comuna 4 to nut u national i vital reapohalfillluea ostjo ifcircbaaa the preaent town hall ended alto and erect new building the district at a glance amal rlof aea riaked bselr uvea lo remove elx gallona of highly expkeive chemical from the northern wjectric plant it wat diacloeed laat week- it explod ed mlnutea after ftre chief martin and three nnployeea burled it tinder 1 feet of earth rnttvilli three llararlea not golf eouree will form toronto towwahlps permanent tribute tb canada centennial the cent ubrariee lot the go ahead laat week from townahip ooundl oakvilli oakvule- banker can truthfully boast now that he brought down three deer with shot while hunting in the beaton area north of slmcoe he spotted five deer coming to ward him on the dead run ha fired and three of them fell mortally wounded okanoivill the onngevillacbinnber of commerce has backed propos al by mutual income states to r aj vh a a ir actoh acton dlitrict high echool glru may soon be wearing a un iform type of achool garb monday tnuteea viewed a un ion ihow of different types of proposed uniforms by home ec onomics students parents and students favour uniforms kockwoob the historic ttoekwood ac ademy may be renovated by the ontario federation of teachers as their eentennlar project the federation la also considering newburgh college but the hockwood academy has an edge because of its scenic loca tion mlltom georgetowns subdividing re gulations will be studied by members of milton council fol lowing reference last week to a subdivision planned for the north aide of miltons rlighime drive councillor best suggeat- ad g00 ratlobe stipulated chkltlnham there was quite a blase la cheltenham on a recent sun day morning fire chief win- lams martin and hla depart ment deliberately set lire to two brick homes no longer be ing used altogether five hous es win be destroyed la this manner ainee the brick yard is closing and the vacated homes make ideal flrflghtlng atactica a-tw- news desk extras by tarry harley sriw hvr kum gorgtowa drlvtr ap parently prefer to hive ikeir accident at wtlonj in town which are potentially far lass divgroin than at least a half doi4n spots w can think of off hand whir in theory motor mishspe should occur but dont otsa of the most inviting u a sharp curve below tha waatarn en trance to tha john st sub way there is no shoulder on the road here and a cuard rail which one offer ed soma consolation to driv ers who hit tha eornar at the same time as an oncoming car ia no longer ther if iny one mlajudffts tw mib the roruquenfa he at the hot of a sheer 15 foot drop e other poind that look like naturals hut just don t show up on the accident re ports are the blind corner in the middle of cross st whrte the pavement narrowa to a single lane an inviting spot for a headon crash and the blind 00 detfree corn er at the bottom of the park ave hill where park meets water st if the town had a wfety committee these loca tions would no doubt pet the improvement treajment whl ch makes us think formation of auch a body might be an asirt m mentlonlns cross street leads ua to another bus ejeatloh how about changing the meinlnfllfsa tafii on ome 6f the local houlcvardi and replacing them with names of kueh dlitinct derivation as princess anne dr although there is no residence there at the moment it ia not un possible that u sometime in the future s family in geor getown could tnake their home at the corner of cross and back out then who would believe them m if you get the feeling you e seen carole simpson of tha controversial new tele vision program this hour has seven dsys somewhere before chsncea are you re hunch is valid carole it the sister of nnbert simpson 23 victoria ave and her pie ture appeared in aug 1 1033 issue of the herald when she vulted her relatives here at that time she was one of the five stars of the satirical re view the kitablishment which toured the major us cities she sans all the satir ical songs in the production this hour is a cbc ihow their best of the current crop ii a in channel fls sunday nlrht 10 to 11 time slot carole cornea from a real show buslneai family her father toured in vaudeville in australia and her mother was in the chorus her sister in enirland released a record late last year and another suter sings with hand nob of georgetown alto played trumpet with hand georgetown herald rsaiuhee ky tiee mewwmtrs lueakej ceortelbwu oolisie wiw c uhe publisher tihulj twcjitfrey production superintendent twry harley ailaeh bradley news keillor accountant ue do ujuj aiuertlaljijf usbuef un wlllisji geui clsrk tybtit june cuirle kepartar peter jones photosrapbe laalle clsrk dave heutinjce u- cueon j ucclemeau jrtry ushusky ftleuber 6f tha cansdlaa weakly nwtapr3 elsaoclauoa end tba oauria aaaoeiauoa mioss ewnlgrtnta to worid war q al4 rm teal abovt day if you dariac tatt two lmleav all t c i r ar or aa italian mx-iatknirr- aftaot v wotfa t world wan of thu cwisiary an aacuat hlaiory to efaool coiidran and tha aid fttrbea of the tha day a- rtooa- laid down their uveas ofsfht tw freedom p- gebe thejd aoiemrl bat ucv taomprejeaadioc am laat bo bo uaat it intertaree with buibwee ur- casaota will tall voj wtth taara aa his turnlpa id tiwlr that therni aw bswke if fhey have to cie oo an no- wfsmoea 11 lunufciurn will arm yoi that tha otmdey in taarvptioa af rwiuctioc will rtw thswo to thj wl at view- all tme a fftveee rhw eatecu deyf wwy m cv it dee ta a mmmkw h breel m tw 11hv whhht a oweoej l vera hu ceou u irheae7 twikaad w a twaaaa uv bfe htcse aj wwiu a de le um whu brhau kaiei keulun lead cwu w dia- i and a nn uh wwam i jl in navwaady ttda stemm i wi lmnkia gihh ix he had a bairy face hi rtn aod a nm af bad loatt one day he dropped a oofjouod wh prbj by cbdwat uij delbotiac elee eajbip axid the tap w- rather kriwtiea to axawtaa lea iww wwaka v tlaao h waa aaot to aenfied m tea lvas ran wlyut baeai mam the caal bje arpotte tw cvmn ttcbtar aboat tto tack hia jetsiaooad hi tr uflkj aad prepexed to dofem hlmeeh the xtr lmw fr of bear went halo the rjrink the garrau hfhtan tarstad out to be two oil apcariu oa hla wiidctej and ha wag ear jbr t7dcid wheti he vrirrh ad told ua trlory ft lurtx raa out dy hji by fij we bailed out krd ui bar chut failed to ooasl i i fie m drmry h l day el of wa oerrtad a u wo m ua ulbu w wua h eeerfaued we ttwvd walmh kui w mr jv burna au-irlu- ke m hw ha fw use khl ahd i reosembei half a hun dred ether ioarini hoya lu- rhlng hvi timid hort wr9 byi and boy card atlff and whed the lat poet plays their rwt vwqulem h tha slil autumn air pi there my fee all crumpld kttd a lump ej bhf u a boiled 4a ih toy throt scrap atetoemnbraoca dey not u long u 1 tu atill cry and thiv free beet- et h uitlod hell biw th4 parade is there any iweanlug in it any wore 1 dont know how you feci but my answer u i hwautvdlsi reattlorury yt it u baaed bot on facti but on amotion ym a aucltcy far remem wsnc day theres fcome- thing to tnlt the eye in tha jaunty gallantry of tha old vu u they try to match lhl- swlrta af yean to hare a stiff ug lgl w hanedup yyhy gjj thougljj alrve and ikerei aonwlhlng al tatut equally lauthlng la ha vets ef weru war u tbey falighted uiclr bick tull in lur pott lgnre their ami vlng at thau fnni the side walk sod fof a few brief be- mints tu sway loodd years ibj beeouta teugh caoadlaa tmeaa atrldlag towanl their daetiay h det oe yei uek ee huee ssmmt ti4 hj aeweeraxeef 1 cwkttuea 16 thu la the blitake that hum anity keeps ea auklag alair a butl has beed toaaemaed ba what he appears ta be rather thad aa what he la business directory chir0praq0r bonalo a cay dc appointments mida dally call tr rmol 1 mil lv uerselewa usthe classifieds for results news echoes cram tha aaoaa el tha rlareld 1s4 and 1944 10 yeau ago e teenagan proved thalr worth a parformart whan tha younfl people toclaly of st johni united church preianted teen talent night monday taking part were don souther glenrta doharty paul prult bill whitney don seddon belly greig boi yrtfcey paul and michael armitrong roger addy peter darlington ann hyde carol seddon tonl lee gall mcgllvray jim sunnucki doug wriggletworth jan hanien gall mllaham leanne darou gail king judy mccumber tom dobbla sua crabtrae and jack sunrtucki e nick ferrl ahd blaua inglli each cored hat trlcki tail night to pace geor6lowrt raiderj to arl 114 win over milton coopt in tha league opener del and junior beaumont had ona apiece d- bud varey harv chap- pel and pate bradkln alto tcored one each e elmer tha safety clephsnt makei hli oklclat dabut in georgetown tomorrow when a loot ponnsntt will ba holitad at tha two local public ichoou it will ba tha first time the elmer campaign hai moved oulalda tha toronto area 30 yiars ago e eleven separate dais rooms will ba added to the sunday school pf st johns united church it wa announced at the annual church meeting rooms- will also ba provided for the choir and various womans organlza- lions the kitchen and banquet hall will also ba greatly enlarged by the building program e joe schertzl norval lacrosse playar has been given the rookie award for the year 1944 at the brampton la- croite bowjjoe who is wall known aa a hockey pie- yor did not own e lacrosse stick until this year but by midseason he was considered good enough to play for tha senior excelsiors chiropractor caram w cerbett bc oaea daily by epaelntinent house calli arranged maall ua mala st fclertfc card wiftwooo onlerle land survey 118 llouotatnylew rd il yriaaele 7411 w r carr b f werwej tr yjjoo res vr 44144 dax devetopuents limiyio kuillders fine hetaee rvap walter paehelak k7741l er vtmll barragers cleemereshlrt uurtderers tr 74w is main 8 ltm cuelph all wersi dene en aremlaee wallacr thompson ird dhrulen court clark cemmlulener tk73mj classified ads bring results o t walkrr ro dogt optomitrist 11 uln st s rrimptah 4s14474 set 4d1ams hours 9 i m to fl p ta tuasdty to siturdiy rrlday b aw te pw kvedlogs by appolntmettt robl r hamilton optamatrlet 111 uounulbvlaw rd s carretal bldg aor appointment w 8773971 massage meurla h mattor rjsl 9 cleavaholma dr 774090 or 907 home calls by wtingmt monuments pollock a campcru dbsioms on bequest inspect our wor la greenwood cemetery phonr e2l7sm u wabj sheet north olvt a m k pitch ucknmp aurj ptoaipt perrlce pa bo 413 ik tm oeorgarowa romttosvn animal clinic imoaolih street v sstx7 dvm dr r b oaskln clinic open s 8 pi mom- wrd fri taruraay m dale bennett latimer baines narrleter l douctas v latihxa tnutncf r bjunia tbiaagls vxml george c hewton karrtaasr and seueisee us uotutalnirlaw rd m carratal building ceorgatowa v tr- 7jjii frederick a helion burrlater and tetlcrter iis lloualatnelew rd a carratal building georgetown tr 7s36o m e mawlersoti qc barrister and solldtor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 tvansicklerba errmer etlkasr mmara dr wuuaass mdjp m atato a tr kaplan ord sttjniv kahaid 118 aloodtalrrrlw jul 8 carratal bnllrnng s77mm t- irjj

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