seven georgetown teeners at toe alpha conference wuma maaoav jan hall i morning or thaw who wiihcd tnpcam criap randy uibbert i tu attend and regular croup gvry johnitdo ann drapar hfi t of jwejtty to twenty- aad carolyn from freeman th toor than 530 tenairr uixoujoui ontario no took fcart their christina holiday to at tend the fhth annua onur lo youth conference on au hoi ptoblejna tba toe alpha cooierwc look place from sfikfky after doon beceober 37 till wed be4y noon tfeeeioder so at the park motor motel in nlatf ar fell tc alpha hlatrd thjf hapmi rrora the crk alphabet and prwlad to work but the v meaning ivach our canadian to aeg liquor by ipreaenunt lf lluatla o alcohol abr ok yh utu ixturt dufuilon ucrrt ohlrtioi and rcratwal m uvibei uad up tu program the conirretua bpciied with krvetinn and an lutvducthut at thf i alpha kifcfuuve by hv v- w swaluy general irrlfcry ontario twpfnw vedrruion amontf sunday kpcakrrfl wr air thorn aa a kftott director of youth work ontario trmtxrarw drat on who spoke on the urife lo pliiri r gordon winch th fedr to thr uba apoke about the naturr of al hol and ir gary cormack psyrhialrut ontario uonttat new toronto apokr on thr dan tr of alrohol to the human body monday speakeri wre or marvin a hlivw vicpril dent of thr national council on alcoholism tpraktas on ilia 1ecullar lyohtctcta of tenag ddalwturmd the alcohol rv hlvu vaeln north amtrlri youth hfv krnnrlh uanrll auulant kdltor to the united church ohaerver apeakine on youth in thr new as itrifi dler jothua monk director ol harbour tjipsti which it a sal vrllon army jroup who hrlp thnwwhj ik willing t h helped told how peopl are helped krv j r vlutchmor live peraoqa were very inform ative in conerenoa ended with a farewell lmcneon and a apeecb by rev ttobeyt short u youth work committ ot on wluouf uo wb co vntom het foukfold rtjkosat toe alpha teenager cjopud u to roovry f aftyal evclviv tliie laforoutkio u th alco hoi probjein which u 0 mtr net and coocni to rqath lb to otter other young po- ths clocoattoww ulatalo twway jeaawary k ims page 3 eiaj implication on the prob lem e to provide fellowship through recreation f and aocial activitam d to encourage the dwej opcoeot of youth baovemeot to help fellov teeoaxera find aatisfyinj kiabatltutee for drink in through a progranl 0 rec reu6d and adocauoci major tnphaaia u beinf uj od tbf alpha pa a eaovemant workioat fore of uenaera losownj foudow uvw i wovioe- of oo urw to ruiouie aohoj vdu- cetioo memberip hor 1r alpha tt open to ill youni people vbo ar widujj w accent tb declaration of hirpote yor in fonutw writ lo the oolar visitors in town others are away for holidays fy miai wendy earle who trad western unlvcraity anjj reaide at spencer 6oa wa visiting her mother i mr john huu and aistar i imamm k tt 1 geotfrtowa for the houdar jtv lv import una mprtnt4 yderali6fl u hi torowto o od tola a belter uhdentandiaf oj the auuhol problem through pr6uaj obrrvatl6n of the so- lkglott mdyats aew zone newspaper will augment noi replace us by dm ruh ware lo gcrfl0wn we are all mernurt have by now rr t w t thu uw whathar civd their cow of jnr 117 i or not th teiini hav heea new papr lffioa new a made up but players should kevlrw the new papr is adviw uika lorusao if they not intended to ripuce this column lit corgtowa but aug tnviit it and five member an idea of acuvitlf around and abt i ai indicated by as occas ional abeeat rvtn this col uma u s jnaidrable ehore for this laty writer and thr thought of an addltionsl load i makn iht bones wilt llrncr the call u still out for aula lanre a csll which has to some extent bcn antwcrd but not sufficiently as yet i hfohts as last year wtnncr of thr zone fivepin bowling troi hy georglowb will be host for the tournamrht here next iat unlay january 18- three teams compowd f uranch 120 top bowlrrs will be on hand to mart all comer adviae uik lorusao if wish to play thk ladils an early surting tlmr will be used for the nit ladje auxiliary meeting the janu ary 21 maetlng will begin at 1 so p m in onr to allow more time for election of offl cers uemher are urged to make rery effort to attend this very important meeting installation lira kb 120 will install its idos panrj of officers tonight htiaa fet wunau iorth tlay apeot the peat wckcnd viaiiiaa with ir ntf mr iceancth wnloa haylaw crea tnie wj bta firt visit mince uajasig town with her family aevea ycari julo mr and mr bhcldoa ur and family kwin m hul hr parvou mr aod mr h ifslt and brother y uall or kin and thrlr diujthter atul son trt law mr and mr kred htlu f corg flown for chruunaa ur and mr norman ixuindi llavld ubua and htvn duffrrin street wrre in downs- view visiting hi sister and husband ur rind ur floyd thompson mr lou ml biolh er mr mary loundi of cree more was a curst too misa uary crux i trapafi mexico city is a guest of ur and mrs w t craig held and dwiek clijppr court for two inontlu and is attending harrison school to study ng ush while visiting in town mr and mrs a herrrra and daughter viri from spain are bona gurslj too and will be making their tjiomr of it georgetown second best to a trio home from hngland for christmi wu i phone call from vrad warnea to his parend ur and mrs thomas warora 2 church 111 crescent rred is working i for chelsea cloisters which rormer united church moder tor ipokr about ine menace and retain the crown for 10o5 of the liquor traffic and stat don wilkrs nick brown jack ed liquor companies should he itimpson hob nicholson hud forced to pay damage to vic tims of drinking driver jig saw fume tuesday tpeakrri were lira n il larkar eaitwood centre hamilton talked about building for security chief jaues mickey metropolitan toronto pol ice department spoke on the drinking drivar and law enforcement magis trate d a kauri ulkej on alcohol and the juvenile val aria chamberlains topic was what toe alpha meant to mr don paraonsrast president of toe alpha gave a report com paring life to a jigsaw puz zle wednesday speaker was rev john linton dd general sec retary canadian redrration on alcohol talked about the queation of liberty devotion were held every hill and georg nurse will comprise one of thr teama number two team will be com posed or trev williams lloyd dean gob collier lome cioss scolty patterson and cord king the third team will he msda up of karl wil coi jack cuthbert bruce mc cartney andy st ljurrnl rig sigurdson harv chap and john dunlop with such a crew how can we lose snooker eomea next on the list and will take place in brampton on saturday janu ary 03 branch 15 the boy with the pool table will be at 8 30 members are encour i jij to attend clin williams new year resolution used for roll call the united church women held the first meeting of thr new year on uonday evening at the home of mr alf bpen re with mm a hunsdale the newly elected president tak ing charf 8he conducted the opening exercises and then mrs trcd engltby took the de votlonal entitled faith ran bring hope in ihe new year followed by nil singing my faith looks up to the the roll call waa answered by a new year a resolution mr j hunter took a chapter from the study book on brawl it ema of business were dealt with and the closing prayer waa given by mr una wheel operates a large building con ulnlng flats in j a restaurant hf is hoping to b able to make a trip home sometime this spring mr and un john i ay man uewson lrn entertained her mother mrs rrank lxelby j and her sister mrs hetty j purley and daugtttt lynda from himroe at christmas and also luted ur layman s moth er mrs bruce layman who ij a patient in hotel diru hospi i tal iq st catharines yhetr dailkhtrr vrancri nure in training in st joseph s hospl tal guelph spent the holiday her 4 pi daysale chebe suces 42o waxed paper 4 v york s1ew 4 delsey tissue orange juice biscuits 5 ho 51v cthbu1 igamargamne5 st ee j taailo khjo u nozxm rutkkv cntatth m0w0npib 5l ke mixes 6s bearsjiom b iga catsup 6 kleenex tissues- hoats for thr tournament and jer wlin also assisted the hos although branch 120 haa nrv er shown much prowess at the game we should give it a try a list is up for name saturday january 30 will see our top crlhhagc players troop to arton in an attempt to return the winner s silver lets play bridge by btul coaics it ha been aald that 23 per tent of the contracts at bridge are made or lost on the open ing lead i cannot varify the ex act figure hut i tfo know that quite rfw hands can be made with a favourable opening lead that would normally be doom ed to defeat if the opponent lead a different suit thu 1 am very surprised that no declarer made the fol lowing hand for surely aomr west would lead the diamond king i know that i would have if 1 had bean in west position dealer west both side vulnerable marth sa j 0 8 fl ii k j 6 3 nj 4 2 c 8 wasr k q 5 4 111007 c k 10 6 5 south s 7 3 2 h a q7m v a 5 c q 7 2 ihe bidding heart four hearu one spade leu the opponent enter the bidding at a low level three hearts can be pasted since his hand la worth at least 14 points in support of heart he could jump to four as i said earlier i would lead the diamond king from west s hand and i am sure in thr three times that it was played that some west would make thr time lead with thia lead declarer can and should make hla contract the trick it to count to ten one spade five hearts two diamonds give eight and elth two club ruffs or two more inades make terl win tht diamond with the lets with a dainty lunch mr bob addy who has been in sunny hrook hospital for a bout a month is progressing nicely and expect to be bsck home to his daughlej a mrs kred fngleby soon r mr and mrs c wsdsworth of hamilton visited with the c barths on sunday -they- have recently returned from a holiday in florida krances crisp of the 10th line attended the toe alpha conference in the park motor hotel niagara falls for three days of the holiday she waa sponsored by first baptist church for some who may not know about toe alpha it is the young peoples group affiliated with ihe ontario temperance federation with headquarter on davenport road in toronto the balance of the holidays frances spent u 1th her cousin mrs g mc collum of st anne a get well wishes are sent to bob engleby who was rushed to georgetown memorial hot pltal on sunday evening for an appendectomy christmas holiday isitori with mr and mn james cof ell and fsmil lwlng street were her parents mr and mrs albert bourdon and htr brother and sister tn law mr atul mrs wm pettlt krnneth and carol toronto and mr cofell s mother mrs beatrice cofell his inter mrs jean carroll and his brother and wife mr and urn donald co- fell joanne and brian all of toronto 1 gr 5 use 160 hire ure tomato juice 7 i j 7 it 7tc l jm m applesauce kebnel corn iga milk kraft dinner butuk uacij ii u i torf taorf v iwr wmtitm hcafctv trthkjy kxsd canada no 1 oiadi ncw wunswtck it potatoes u c kxtva fancy uo delicious apples iwltk kf ika cm na celery ga1nnihsm tindm 6kfin broccoli aaa aiu mm is iga peas 8 curks soups 9 iga detergent 2 t ta m at ms tf nfrgkreals3 1 39c 29t 29c fu iga ginger ale ioa lucky shomm mks uanchakd 14 gwr cswt jo u vi 7 100 ftm6unl uttvimwn bt um l puuktwft three dtclirtrj ended up in 4 heirii ilthough probbly not on the blwidli that t hav u wtcd the tint round of bid ding u itnlght forwird weil caa double the first oppor- ittpiltjr to ahow hand with lor any ault that part- bid having paued he cannot have an sfl0lf bids avalla ace ahd lead a trump to dum my a kins and a trump back trf your ace since trump don t break you cannot ru cluba do not take another trump out yet now lead your low dia montl wett wlm and leadi a ipade you mieht a well try lrtrlthhm kaat-uvea-the- jo and returns the trump win in dummy anil dlacard a ipade on the diamond jack now the ace of vpadei and a spade ruff set up two cood spades in dummy use dummy a last trump to get there h declarer tries to set up spades ny repeated finesses he will loseji diamond a club and two spades i un afraid that what happened lo our declarers last wmkt wlnmra ltl pair i gary bills and brian hamilton 2nd pair ear kmond and mike xorusso 3rd talr mr and mrs j coats this walts wlnnr the wldje- winners were karl emond and mike lonuso ga iy- ellis and brian tlamllton lou bertasson and bui ilamll ton seven tweenies become brownies in ceremony saven vweenles were enrolled inbtownles by brown owl mrs hewitt and tawny owl mhr dave hastings at the home of mrs al landry gibbons fl wednesday january 6th the tweenies making the jump were sandy mundy dar lene guuk phyllis lusty christina landry lydla van alphen donna record and sharon king first year stars were presen td the iame night to denute milne annette grltuni elilne washburn deborahbeu zlngra hlddleatdn debbie butta and dabra lynn stevens second yr stars went lo deniae stokes stella dubelaar and wilms christie refreshments were ser ved after the aremonies al read the herald classifieds during jacksons january clearance sale real value in mens executive style topcoats warm wool fabric loomed in england up to the minulo ityle w th detachable half belt sale p ice h 95 styuk in stripk tailored blouses mada of quality polished collar with long eloav shirt cuffs rod black blue- and brown strlpas 298 ladies minted cotton sheen overblouses coasplolely waihabl rcj jisb 299 lapses dress coats 225 fabulous fabric and coisufitectjyr sbrrw with fox fur collars i quality ladies fefid up uauty lad1is j f 7 stretch sum 598 sport shirts jurs and ityle 198 wthabledurable ih rtj in various colours and ltyles reg 298 saletrice sharp shirts allioalor look material red and black only washable rag 5 os teal bargain 298 17 cood selection of girls dress goats t l- dkasttcally mduced feices ukttri car coats wool coats with warm quilled lining regularly priced at up lo 3005 salehtlce 1398 mtwsdujj car coats with simulatad fur trim shawl collar r0 up lo s2 95 1298 koys flannel shirts slim i k 4n 79 koys warm lined jeans ahd in vtrong corduroy chino slzo4 to 6x slzc 8 jo 14 179 x98 hoys am guis ski jackets 48 100 dupont quilled nylon sizes 4 to ox dont miss this jackson s 38 main street north centre i 11 nasj v y jpy