Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 12

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service p vrl ijorvtio y preu photo open immigration office here mavot jo otmons officially welcomed representatives from the immigration dipt last week at tney opened e branch office in georgetown to provide an extension service for mis area sealed front ara field officer jim buchanan left and mayor gibboni standing are tom reid left dillrict settlement officer and jack cardwell officer m charge of the hallon wenlwoith and brant counties araa the office in the georgetown municipal building will be open thurtdayt from 10 am lo noon and from 1 to 330 keeping eye on ottawa tories postpone meeting tb tory nomination conven j he uid it wu important tiofl or hi hon county km tint each conservative ridlnj been polpond until at least association have a candidate the hoiue of commons facet ready by this aprlng february 16 uf who j joha hepw president of three children 11 sirli the hi lion county roariva and hai livad la carapbellvllle conservative association mid for the past 13 years ha if th executive haa decided notjowner of coulters general to bold the planned mid-keh- store ruary meeting hut awilt furth ottawa developments a march data it now brliev cd la be considered i llr it in hit fifth year natta- caweya township municipal af fairs serving his second term i as reeve this year municipal board resembles ombudsman in functions special ltkhtfy second of thrarticut youvx carried yoiir beef a- gainst aaarnrmrnt or um am ount oi money youve been off ered or exprojwuud proper ty beyond local authority and no youre before the ontario municipal board you know tht a chairman three vutehairtnea nd eixhi bember tasks tp the uunlci- na beard but youre surprised to find only ca men bearlo your eaac the board 9d annual report explain tc tvo members are quor- um to hcai and dispose of any hppllcaliori and the chainsan may appoint one mnbr to bca any fepplkatioa and re port ta th oatl in such cages tha decision or order u kusde by tv0 thei members one of wbow must be the chair- aoan or a vlechirtnan ta this way the hoard can handle more thau a thousand bearini year it sits as a tribunal subject to the rulrs of natural justice which rejhat the tribunal shall be frre from bias and that all prtou having an la tere t in lh subject waiter shall be beard kight of appial chairman- j a kennedy points out that in questions of ventlon should he held on the law tnd j xhttt our main concern is the little fellow uw lea chance ba as to protect fatmael the more we think about him says mr bfeanedy u u la this area too that many of the boards decisions infuriate local poli the board doesnt get embroiled in argument with it critic nf w did says air ken- body our usefulness would vanish but be aocv goad hall in u2s and started topractke in oshawa but windsor offered a bj chance for a lawyer who spoke fluent french which be learned while be grew up in sudbury ister or ftnpal affairs he got mr kennedy an accept the vbof vicechairttea of the it wouldnt bother us that mr time one could wub kennedy would aocoe prove human enough to laab hack si soma fulminating lo- cal paliuco he u forthright and articulate person who clarity of thought and speech has not heed ttjuf3 under the weight of but vat kktow- lrdge of touniclpsl law woitkip ai ft ronti r after deciding to become a lawyer rathet that brwpf- rrtnan he workrd as a report er in kudbury trvwtf ttbr places b grid us ted from oev he practised in windsor for 35 years with about half his work- for municipalities in area he appeared frequently before the municipal board whose chairman was then lome oaauning when mr baptists pledge monthly aid for niger mission ufhiy pe i eat down to sapper and to review the high lights of the peat year at maple a veope baptist church wed nesday eunaaryetix board a ibm- ymir years ut- er be hecatos the fxjxo s yea- chairman thats a tar cry from the day hi sudbury when after greduatinx froat loyola colhtge with a- bachelor of arts de gree la 1b3s he took job to fliubce his lsw studies the only available job was a driv er of 8 horsedrawn grocrry wagon man with a ba 1n all cauada doinjf that ob hit in uses nsetabprs party leadership sre present ly running about twotoone in favor of audi a meeting appeal from the board to the court of appeal and on all other quettlona there la an ap peal to the executive council of the province the cahnet with one exception which u that appeali on highway expro priation valuta ran be taken to julia the court of appeal lo the rh9 uncl outira of the hoard fall into two broad pints of calegonea lady 74 would give blood if allowed litter iron tin uourltitn georgetown canadian ltl crou society i have given i blood i ilarled giving at 62 year o age and ol coune they uid i couldnt give after 85 ifrora 1653 to 10131 i have rh negative blood 1 fell good terwarda id go have uppar and go to t nn rn the rjuxrcfc reflected a teedy arowtt a all depeit- reeata erer the preriooe year with double ciina la the young peopwa society wblet mnayill oeer 33 aeta atdnday aaeetlag sunday school ebroeaeat ateyed ai its but a ertmarlance u- dudljuy the suuuuer ov wae ua with record atteadeno of ml laet march fourteen beer vera erlmllted in yur and tviao cuiabed te a nea hlxh ol injt3a a sew uueetooe u aet is the uk- int om ol m jupporl begusnjjig ihia uonlh bee and wrt fred could mil u upported at laooo per month the could have bee uvui la certelowri thui peat year kjtd hill retura u the niter repub lic thla july mluwary eom i wual uve b the only j j f abac with other tnwunan krb thu filsire will go peat tha u50d muk lot loos outstanding hlghllthta thla year were the record attend ance at the kuter vkeatloa school and the laauguratloii of a lurnnier ramp both eveta ceorgelowti rira chief kr- a k clemfnt of ulltoa art agile in lha planning vlu lawla and aetna ktre ioitera and trophiaa glen tugea chief uirk holmeawere nam- stringer of lllltoa chruunaa d lliepeetlon chlefa ef the hr safety dlilrlrt chief hilton county kire prevention george wright of oaavllle an auditing committee vu named including r baiter dlilrlrt chief wright and cap tain don chertlngton all of oakville feh tv tne riot if ij av-ll- vnon wranwa sun uhop camada 47 teeeelr creea baumpton lewis inspection chief fire prevention bureau bureau at the uon bureaua elec- li ulllar waa chairman for part of ifu following the rei ufnatlon of actona deputy bill wllllahta ahow and come on wedneaday allan m uaaaon 4s uayor of oakville agreed to enter the conaerva tlve rce for the federal riding i turned to office aa reeve in if nominated i will do the the recent municipal elertloni beet for the country aa with overwhelming aupport whole he aald i jonaldered to hold karller william coulter m aupport in north reeve of naaaagaweya townj ahls and a reaidenl o camp- jf t lra no other eandl- bellvllle declared hla inten- datea for the tory nomination uod to be a candidate at the the twoman battle would pit tory nomination convention i the north agalnat the aouth jaiice mayor uaaaon holda neither candidate haajuued tlto hacking in the oakvllle- a ateleraent on their platforma i burlington area la light of the exlatlng lilua i uoa at national headquarterm i meanwhile in ottawa re- during a visit ta neighbouring pllea to letteri aent out by dal peel county in ibm oppoai- ton camp preaidenl of the una leader john diefenbaker progreaaive conaervatlve af- urged haltan toriea to get a aoclatlon of canada to aaaeaa wie li the field i opinion aa to whether a con- home about 11 oclock ur coulter haa alio been deputy reeve for one year and councillor for two he waa re- j people that could blym dut wn 1 u wei miller of the oak- villa kire department wu re elected ehjjrmitt fee prevemlert the bureau organiiea fire prevention programme on a ecuntywlde baala and ia made up of repreeentatlvea of hal- harold coulaon of the ullton tona five fire departmenta rtre department waa named j fta heiponilhility for the aound vlcehalrroan with burlington p growth and development of fire departraenfa bob gray ai l cou municipallllm within the frame- aecretary harry wllaon of j membenhlp feea work ol the atalutea with par- oakville wu returned u trea- departraenu who economic aurer participate it waa agreed at the meet- ctmmirtee chalrmab l0 nqunl icreaaed committee chairman named grant of s1260 from county kleetloa of officara resulted in the following deacona mr gordon garner 18 chipper court mr ralph trip park st mr wllllaht gaatoa 63 john st k mr kan could 7 gray gate mr kdmund rtr- li t7 maple ave and mr hen ry hlenko 14 ceorge ol ur don milu m uclntyr crea waa made chidman of the uahen mr- val stein waa elected preaidenl of the wus and pat lllggj preeldeat of the young peopue society ur w gantoa and mr m tripp will aerve another year u sunday school superintend- ent and treuurer while mr ic karta aaaumu lha reepotiai- blllty of clerk jurisdiction aa arbitrator in i aeeao many trong healthy jt utertureithl year the additional moo at pierre drenters show determine com pen- ipl- laatlnn to be paid hy the crown un i in the right of ontario or its crown corporation by munici palities snd other local author- certain private easily ask them they tay they are afraid i help at the georcetown clinic everytime 1 open tha coke andljjj in by put it in the dixie cups we riuom have apple juice too i reatly enjoy doinathla and ive oav the growth and economic r missed a clinic since they atabllity of luunlctptllliea started urs john kerffuson 1 coven boundary revlilons by clinic convener and ursllsws and ditsolutloa of munici- kleuwhof presented ma with pa 11 ties approval of capiul a red crou pin vii be 74 at j undertaklnas imposition and christmas but hope god blvei recovery of rates and levies ap- ne health and atrenath tojproval of reatrictad area by- lawa official plana and plana o aubdlvialon and assessment bureau drawers ltkky re- irove them on a dry day and douglas wilton of oak- will be uid for extra fire pre- rub the bottom turfarea with ville public relatlona chief vention literature a candle rostedale roral flowers for all occasions cul flown end fnjneeei twon we wire flowwr- w aw tat 71t3 heat your home h thompson hardware hllmilmrj k watlms help for yeara yel donating blood la not pain- ful every phaae of the pro gramme la under profeaalonal aupervlalon specially trained bunea will uke your donation so why not come to the mon day february 15lh blood don or clink and give a fellow clt- lean a chance lo live displays pioneer items tells community history at the regular monthly meet- lag of the tewa cotta womena inatltute mlaa florence wright gave paper on sir john a macdonald the meeting waa held at the home of ura how ard douon on thuraday after- boon january 14th mra lealle young apoke on the early hlatory of the com munity and had on display auch pioneer itema u a butter ladle and a tobacco chopper there were pictures of aome of the early settler and some docu ments pertaining to early meet- ingi ol no 3 school the ney1 meeting will be held at the home of mrs jack mcdonald on february 11th when tha group l looking for ward to hearing mrs mark- hotsen a former member who will be back to tell them about her home in denmark vfaltora will be welcome hoards concalftu 11 is in this area that the municipal iloard cornea vary cloae to aervlng as a sort of ombudsman- applications for soning changea take up i great deal of the roarda lime and these in particular affect individuals peter jones photo d0mtar mans discus thrower this roitofo iron scuiptum dona by local artlttcculpt plorro dremlers 7 aaelntyre cresc is one of isvarel workt ha has on display at his own ihow at the gallary samou in toronto this wk th sniyiv opaned last weak and eon- rjnutu until february 14th mr drenlers toomhirinlll ernpbyoo isjhowino hit works in iron and water colours in hlaeafftlblrsan his second in to yean there the gallery sewnou la on aaarkham st in toronto the discus thrower is ib hlah and is entirely forged it weadone six months go for a show in winnipeg aar drenteradoas his forge work at georgetown welding hesitates brand young offenders with record magistrate kenneth langdon uid this week he haa a great deal of difficulty ruling on trials concetnlnji persons of a young age he ataler he was concerned over having to brand young persons with a criminal record which they will have to carry the rest of their uvea the magistrate gave himself one week to decide the disposi tion of a break and entry enarge against a georgetown youth magistrate langdon told the iouth that conviction- when concerning a home could bring liftt imprisonment and whan concerning any other building lmnrlmmont of up to four teen years the local teen sger is char ged with breaking and enter ing norwood motora norval early chrlstmaa day police said that the youths flnger- prlnta were found oh a coke bottle in the garage provincial constable thom as duby of the milton detach ment told the court the youth wss found hiding in slush un derneath truck when a nei ghbor complained of noises at the garaje he stated that several coke bottles were found on the gi- rage floor along wlkh filled thla to permit wrthtnrdhtculretandbartlyfllled beflsro p study suggestion for county ambulance service the door waa not quite clos ed on further discussion on a poeilble helton county ambu lance service which the town of milton naa suggested at last weeks county council meeting after being slated for no furtheraction by one com- jnlumjhemembe dehted ton reeve john elliott of geor getown pointed out that most municipalities are satisfied with their present arrange ments hut since it was the wish of council the finance committee would study it fur- tier chips entry was gained by smuhlng a rear window bf the building he said magistrate langdon dismissed a breaking md entering charge against a second youth who was found standing on the sidewalk in front of ha garage when the police came now you can get thepizzaz of a mustang in a falcon the beautiful low coat falcon now comes with all the whoosh of a hot performing gt tracer nolh- inglike it since cinderella wenttothe ball thesltf una mustang engines are now available in falcon pick vour brand of alula from any one of these three 289 cu in vsai the zoohn the 225hr or the high performance 271hp vs choose from three transmissions 3peed aunv malic lepted or 4spd manual both fully ynchronlsed with vb engines if youve admired falcon for its economy thla years news la evert better the standard 170 she is mbre economical than last years the optional 200 six will glveyou that extra txjwer with emajfiruj economy and 41bm fakon mure hudtap with uuslsug lurdlop clonl forget valcons fcttended maintenance 6000 mile oil changes and 3600qtnll major lubrlca tlons your dealer will tell you all about 111 get behind the wheel of a new falcon aampla the pluu of a mustang see your ford dealer aoon whooshl wrtttamuruav unotnmtuooa nttrvucdmhw alltmemtxtur ofacauopees uumrvwwnkrm tutuuhieur mjiraiaanuimmieiii tobuyokurjwkatotarmrokmw 5 ouelsa si bui u uam a luijuskjlrukivinrl uslirhul vu tian ila st0neh0use sales ltd

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