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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 13

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high tales thtngk6et0wm high school newspaper stage o henry play as christmas feature never by jaaa harris tfc ceotcclowd herb school cash celahraied the eaaon by fir a hearr tk caff of the aloag tba way bar tvl breiaeblld was eller- d here a txapre it ahdlrai coovejed the li ide raeaerkably tae east mnl into action produca eke play ooly tbe aflarnooa before tax omttmu faaetahly noon w oae of pleaeureble traaanad tddustry o rehearsing the slay add constructing the aac everyone relumed id tbe vafiiag to continue with the rahaaraiag an td paint the nei the ehow oaost go on jane nod join crjf u stage 1 eaaeuurere ward id ohared of aradine the set since lb pe tition betawed the boy and girts tyaad was td be rasarvad tar the eaaamhly u tardef to all the students tke set wad taadd vabeped tbe imw wodld fond th third welt it vshaped dealt bled tbe action on the stage to be keen frooi anywhere la ad addhoniad tnoibb belter than um unuel time a ltd aet ting of wbicb tbe audience ions the fourth toll tbe play tbe gift of ibe alary depicts lb joy of ga ins aaad ait tbe a tare ewrafice aledellod tuewab played he role w delia with enelueaty save bed her bedel taeul leeks abara dad bold eo that abe coom bo bee- bate bend jim atarllng 4ir valcb theld tor christmas uitf lery portxayod jim wb couch feellag jaa pdenuble atcb to buy bia ktfe tbe tor m kbem const- for wbiob abe hal beed yearning tbe sales lady waa ably played by kvel tnj kobcrtd who alad read tbe epilogue joed harris wu pronrpiar beck eta valerie kllcho and tlutb kidd enhanced the eodeiineia of the actor whfc tawlr bukeup know bo nor man llsfaaoa and john crefj supervised the lighting the stag craw toallaled ol sieved kvintt steven lareoni ttieh axd uidduetod and rred rob erts ihrlid mlldbod tbe bodorry ktiebnnd trod we terloo unvejty lent an aura of ouallly ebd prestige to the proe4ingsj sweep basketball games in preseason tilts by lub harris fur tbe pait two uonthi bow tie boyl senior baasel ball teairi baa been preparing for their lough tchedule which begad kruljy jan 8th id lcit cbcner tbii year oppoiltlon will eorda froai si jerotaea guelph calleslau and vocational imtl hru jobu r ron and uuhop macduineu with this jump to m higher level of competition georgetown will need to wn prove greatly over int year a eetortj if uiry with to bring the title tbe tdaa only toil one res hapa tbe player will have in proved enouyh to make a good thowing tbti year so far in five enhihtlioa ga inn the krda ami diufi are undofealed however the con petition waj far below the u- ual calibre of their league op- ponenta coeeb uclaren hope that by uilng two well balanced 11 nes tbe team will be able to run and buatle all the time umjb tiring the opposition who uy play the aarne five men for nearly tbe entire game so with lota of deter mination and a fine team f dance advance sales help cost of year book by kbwe cem whdd a group u ua got tdge tier aponaored by khr bel umy we formed tbe year book cococnlttee for about s aaira we wondered kf abould bare a yeay book and u are would be able td ftaadcej k al ute aurdeote didot bave a year book w ytay we tlaougb we nrould take a obaocw we deeded aporoalnt- k y 500 booed told u cover coal aiter aoeoe puablng we finally aold tba rutrad duenber dot way td itnancd rt id au rocalpti before we order- ad the ihudw at boukl ilea- lrod thu we did id uctuber rjovebaber add thed at the iut ear id iwenuef bud tlorlng our lunch period and alter four oclock rbil pauline he our pra- ident augietad dkhc 11 la very apectal dance bcaue it wall tall ua whethar or but we aconcueci our maid object to caver abe bod alao tbe boy or girl who baa paid bia or her full ingdnt lor tbe year book will be privileged to get into the danci free stirring at our jum will be a five ptee batid with a girl aluger who will aup- ply the top rsee i would like to thank every one who haa bought yr book wbo are even goini to the dince nova solia native joins school staff bur tkrouxh griullon rick i fort w r hojvir1 gortretown alui u with another ytr ofiwill b iblc to make thtir pr ujidm bwahind them per tunc felt to umr bw luaue basketball rebels face tough guelph competition by dawn wihevaak on wednesday january 13th bbe georgetown junior and se lor hebeu baaketball teama played boat to the john k rnu cvt junior and aenlor taanu tb two top eeoreri in the aenlor game for georgetown wwf jack heppea and jim en gliah tcb getting three beak eu next beat point gettar waa jeff nurae who made three foul aboti ind one baaket ringing up a total of five polnti- the final acore wai j r luae 74 and the george town rabeta 31 in the junior game the acore wj j p boti 44 and the goorgetown rabela m not ai lab aided acore ai the aen lor game becauee the eompell tioit didnt prove to be ai lobwh- aj the tearai ire not yet fa miliar wldi the tougher compe tition in thla new league bet tea reeutu can be expected in the- future keop up the good work giogl eight teams competing in curling league by carol preiwaw kvery monday after achool at the north halton golf and curling club four nnka of eight curlers throw forty two and g half pounds at granltej down the rink over the hog get it in the line and try to houee thie may seeni allly to those who dont curl but to thou woo do curl it is anything but allly every monday four rinks of curlers iklpped by dave ucnal ly carroll firriell sou dun can don coatley bui mithews bvb fogtl diane schenk and john hamilton help other teen maorbere to curl the curling ia under the directorship of mr ken jackson who tries to heap the curlers in every pos an way curling etirted on nov 30th nd then are two games left erf bhls draw as of now the top atandlnjf teams are carroll kamella team with 38 points skip carroll farnell vice t skip dave rarnell second les lie quackenbusb lead ellen blohn i bill matthews tealu wllk if palnu skin bui afalhewa vice skip joy llalnea second laibe briabaia lead wayne king individual points are ai fol iowa bob fogsl 30 dave uc nally ross duncan hvt don coatley 1 john hamilton 18 diane schenk 11 tueadsy dec th a team of curlers took part in an in vitstion match at oakvillr they held up their end of the game and won two gamea out of three members were skip bill matthews vice akip car roll parnell second david parnell lead barb evana school will compete in public speaking this yesr for the first lime georgetown district lligh school hsa entered the public speaking competitions entry ttu sre already paid for a junior and senior boy and girl these atudents will be selected in competitions bald in the caf eteria classes of pirtlctpanti will be allowed to attend tune limit for juniors is 5 minutes and for seniors 7 minutes con tests will tske plsce the week of jsnusry 25th topics are in each english teachera class room last yesr we were extremely successful in the uons compet ulan this wae largely due to he keen interest this year very few hsve ss yet indleeted thoir interest in entering pub lic speaking i a helpful ex perience whether you win or lose dont let past fsllure dis courage you in every field you must serve your apprenticeship and experience helps to achieve success the lions are gen eroualy donating 50 as insuf fteledt entries at present do not warrsnt a school prelimin ary participants will go direct ly to the local competition to which we may send eight en tries this will be a regular supper meeting of the lions club to be held the firs or second tuesday tri february thu is i good chance for those wbo did not win the hydro to try again and where are all thoae who coupeted last year these winning jun iors bins be even better this year leaves cowmtcial staff to enter business work by yareae law mr lewis taacew naercaaj subiecid at c-eorg- teea dutrict high school un dortaaj tbe cbriaasaas tvatldaya id ooce- egaid aeae world id bis few years bare be t- casoe well liked byau ud waaj always ready td bia lime alter school boors wf a laud rat aated for help a odd of tbe kiabjecia be taudtt- mr lewis was alad active ta the 1hct eid kerved as tbeir leaded tbti past yea lie gava guidance aad kept tbe club sctlviuwj running aloog ably he was not only a u but a warn friendly bwoat and w werf to wish biu the but of luck id bis htm work last minute basket defeats girls team by ik orb on waddeaday january loth tbe eorgelowd high school girls hleketbal taams plaw baa to the girls taalns troao hkkop macdonnell in cuclpb- the senior girl played a te nfir game losing only by odd basket which was scored id the last tnlnide of play tbe tidal acori wu jt the lop scorer tor georgctowd wsl betty qusckatvbusb wbo chalked up ii points leille quarkrnbuih scored 13 points and pal clock 7 tub amoraearrawn hckjud thawaddy peaj eyas ims truancy peclinei probleas minor says attendance man tbrt not nearly u much tniaukiy u titer a fourlora yceirt wtftcv i uartcd kj kt- iddwaw otfker uy uevold mot cftnntwhn oa hu job for us gatxum public public scfacj bowd tw mifb hchool botvii knd tha ym u axm school fiortl wy euterm ctu goritowii hih strbool wrl wivfli to its tchift2 u mr duncan j guln ur gillii wu born ind ruied in nihv water ford us whr he omtinrd hit luchelar bt commerce de grtv ror the ptti wo yean hi wu an auditor with the unn4ujri co ud ol tor onto mr glllit home room is 210 and ub horn room cut is og tht subjocu ht tetvhes ire i ytl wdvl bru wlwurt bookkeepin typing math and uomlay winner bill hm- buxineu practice mr otitis has ilton and bill coau urs j twn the place of mr 11 lew i dixon and urs al ross uoyd is on the teaching stsf kleix and duk wiuon the hinior fir is afto put up sood fifbt thy lot their time by only ihr poinla the mil score betoj 2523 top scorers for juniors aro jtil kwiuhtd with s points and naraty parker and bev gosunx each ekctuintina for 0 points final clearance winter coats save up to dominions hold majority gdhs parliament election by david bleney ror the past few years a model parlisment hss been held tn halton high school stud enti from georgetown wll be going this year aa in the past this year however the psrlia ment will be held at george town high school on february 20th members for this parliament are elected by the student body after the two parties dominion snd ns tionsl hsve rsmpslgned on their respective platforma thii campaign wss complete with posters and lapel pins the election procedure hss been modified at georgetown high to ault the needa of the students now instead of hsv ing the membera running in the individual ridingi the ten saembers of a party run as a alate and the number of mem here esch party sends is dec ded by pcrcentsge this yesr 67 8 per cent of the vote wss dominion snd 12 per rent waa national the rlectiona are held in the school a cafeteni with five separate polling bootha one for each grade after the polls dose the ballots sre counted snd the percentsges sre work ed out thli year the atudents took ihrlr cues from the sdult vol ers and o3 per cent turned out clim williams when somebody asks you for in honest opinion of him quite bit lass thin honesty is the beat policy ir attend cedar glen winter at home mr snd mrs ay soence snd children snd mr snd mrs slsn norton rodney sttended tbe winter at home on sunday afternoon of cedar glen at bolton thla is a new camp and conference centre for wor kers in the united churcrt there was a urge crowd there chlltotsl m i e er skiing sleigh riding tobog ginning or enjoying ride in horsedrawn ilelgh they were taken on l tour of the iullld ings and all the facilities in which conferences ind train ing prognmmes will be held refreshments were served the kpencee ind nortona enjoyed it tbe sleigh ride beinff a thrill to the children we uaually think of the aprlng for the flooding time in our village but it seems this winter the lower end residents re in eomtipt fear of the river as early as christmai eve it itirted we hope something cin be done for these resident who hive witer in their but ments jn this cold weather if you happened to be watch ing the cbc new sunday even ing you aaw some film of tbe homes front afcllaaters bridge down the river including the ice jam also many watched the firm on country time satur day it 6 pin to lee the boy thompson farm and the usuil round up of chorea on farm many children were thrilled to tee mrs thompson who is their partlime achool teacher hue district couples have weekend at vineland several couples from the district enjoyed wketid at prtidhommm over th january 24th week end ur and urs bill idildlaw ur and urs jim irons mr and urs gar net laid law ur and urs jim buck ur ind urs uoyd la id law ur and mrs len caruso ur jnd urs clark lyons ur and mrs carl laid law ur and urs peter ponv eroy and ur and mrs gordon laldlaw james robert barnes baby son of ur and mrs jim barnes wu bapliud by rev roy it win during the church ser vice at the united church on sunday january slat sympathy fs extended to mrs gears leslie and also to the family on the death of ur george leslie in guelph general hospital on sunday january slat change meeting order to resolutions as pres two chances in meetlu pro cedure were endorsed by coun cil on monday amondlmt thv procedural by law there will be no set order for bresentatton of motions s the bylaw has balled for prom now on resolutions are to be presented to the clerk who will number then ndjund themlo the mayor for presentation in that order on fur trimmed and untrimmed models the evelyn shoppe jkulw r m0l4 twomeui haholb uoviat ahwrtj offur lveo the title has been rhand at on time it was a truant officer with rather unpleasant overtones however ur uoyer says be always gets a good reception with the par ents eadinf up by thanking him for railing them 1 try to play the part of a public re 1st tons man for the school board he says ind eiplsin to the parents i m only trylojj to look alter their children the reaxons for truancy are varied with little children it la frequently a case of just starting out and wandering off wilit older pupils iometimei they haven i got their work dene they simply dislike school or just laziness a specisl problem arises when both parents go off to work before the children are up according to ur uoyer it s very easy for a kid to con vine himself he a not feeling well when there s nobody there le get him off to school he ex plains usny umas the parents have no idea their children arc not at school and are very sur i prised when the attendance or itcer calls the attendance officer u not sent out without some cause however only when a poor at tendance record has been ac quired is it deemed necessary to send him to the horns there are no families in the ata who are giving continu ous trouble right now com mented ur uoyer this la an en courage ing statement since his area covers all of esques ing township except acton and all age groups from kinder garten to high school umaioiai an alligator may live to be 000 years old but has hss no soul and death ends all says a minittcr it s a long time to wait for a trip to nowhere attends funeral of cousin in samia isle k l divtlaott rvd cur wilson wre ilrt prtie winners at the second msra thai euchre sponsored by the w i in limbousa uiuorial kail oa uon evenittc ur geerg burt and glen scott won seconds and wat icyde won lone hind prise lunch was served afterward tin w i ia ho uilng s block priabng clsss beginning on teb 13 ur john glynn motored to ssmls on sat where be at tended the funeral of his cous in the iste dr sloane of tor onto we extend sympathy to urs russell ucdonald whose father ur wu service of uilton died on sunday salvation army seeks 10 increased grant the average age of the un wed mother is steadily drop ping cap is in g king of the salvation army told halton county council last week with most of them between fifteen and seventeen as he appealed to county council for an increase in their grant capuin king outlined the work of the army in brief noting that this year is the 100th aiinlvertsry of tbe found ing of tbe salvation army he reviewed the operstioa ol the grace haven home for un wed mothers in hamilton not ing that thv home admitted 175 girls in i0m with seven or eight from jtalton thu was an increase of fifty over the prev i qui year with regret he point ed out that there was a long waiting list for admission to the home the wide scope of the army was emphasised when captain king listed other services of the salvation army in child rens homes receiving homes drug addiction homes trade schools youth activities ser vice to the armed force i the house of concord for the you thful offender the milling reruns buresu and even an antl suicide bureau in closing he asked for a 10 increase in the 1500 county grant the request wu re f err ed 4o the finance committee local man s tribute to winston churchill john boyd q gatrey drive ia supervisor at the ontario mining school it brsmpton he wrote the following ir the students pewspsper winston jpinckk chuatchill sir wlnalon churchill the man of the century born it blen helm palace near the villus t blidon oxfordshire ifniiind helived ms entire life devoted to his country a brilliant states man a born leader great great mm i do not intend to enter into the complete back ground ind history of sir winston that is for the histor ians what i will try to write is a personal account of whit events have iffocted me along with millions more in the war years second world war in particular when 1 uy this man was art effect on millions of people it waa he alone with certiin guldince from higher authority that surely saved the world from i fata worse thin deith let me begin in 1940 tround ginning of september when the ilr ritds cornvnenced at tint time i waa stationed in london nd every evening from dusk tbe city wis getting pastlnx thousands of people were head ing for tbe underground shel ters as i walked past them in variably- heard people uy churchill wltl fix them after radio broadcasts heard in the shelters every word wis tonic an inspiration i hope that soon that bell on earth would end and that churchills voice waa britains hope when she stood alone when he said we thill fight on the beaches in um fields n j do it now while men and materidu are available rec rooms kitchens dens new floors fr e nuuf hstrva aptjjajmhrtent phone 8772234 utroidaux beaver 11 watststl hewrs u sm bm r until i jrt st 11 hewt 1771234 our homes we shall never iur render people were proud to be british and proud indeed of winston churchill never in the field of human conflict has so much been ed by so many to one earthly man one rouit remember that this man al that time was as years of age it wu hard to bcl leve that he could be seen fre quently climbing old nsbfelti of bonabed buildings a big cigar in his mouth showing the v for victory sign talking to the man on the sire i patting a childs head a man with a purpose a man with a job to do and the whole world resounded to the name of churchill aa the war progressed tht bsttlt ol drit aln won hli voice could be heard aero cnslsved europe encouraging tha people to fight from within he said to the united states send us tha taols and we will finish the job snd indeed the job wae done i quote at thla time a canadian member of par lata ent who ssld winston church ill produced hit moat monura entsl achieve en ta at this time when the world was shsken by despair snd paral yied by fear all men who today enjoy liberty and all those who will rejoice in freedom in the tut ure will si ways be indebted to him during these war years he travelled to the us by air and sea apparently unconcerned about hie personal safety serv ing working and surely pray nz for a solution to tpuickly end all the horror and blood shed and tyranny in the world that time surely came when the free people of the world tbtenroraugusvand unbelt t j md sources d day loomed on the horbon and the mighty armada aped across the channel and cburchlll laid two simple words cod tfkeed on d day plus four the old mm wss on the bejschw of normandy cigar cane and the familiar v sign what a proud day for the sol dlei4 sailors and airmen in deed a proud day for the whole free world that day was the beginning of tb tnd for hitler as the allied armies ol canad- unv americans british and rreoch forces ol all free hal low cheered tftelr heads off a day that will live in the memory of frte men dor ever in a few month the world wajfivee again mcculloch tsm cauufj sjum hwaa ass aaaaa taw aaaaf at a axea tale saw kriee aa lad bawfaduiar al tba dadstl dad kaawaf task um haadh asti cdb 4 aum sat wars el bad daeiiai nwui ealewud tank tab- ban tat j4 as wall as aucwca mi brat anaacaa 4 ashgr0ve welding new and used saws sales ind service r j i793s4 oaarfrdtown by the grace of cod ind peo ple everywhere must aurely re member and think god for pi ac ini on thla earth sir winston churchill as this great nun is botgeo- hls resting place in that peace- ful english country village t tor one will with mixed emot ions always remember my own persons contact in these war years with the man of the cen tury in conclusion fellows as you thumb your way through your hletory books wherever you see the name of sir wlnalon chur chill remerabef he could well be the reason you ire liv ing in peace ind prosperity in this great land j boyd vfcugir hill 3c

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