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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 2

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w to meilcamcaprral- alusowj on operation airlift ml ad jkftjtf k m muvt aulsoti o 16 ufk st twv wirlrtg vo bord mafuy fryoort twrd lin t tootto bound for th aacn capiul wlwr thy will im rh unuilirg ol aaf rww vctor i na aao than s 000 aaf tusun wwjjut prunnl from all prh ol nom anwkca ar wing ng to mmco city doriftg wrftrtrnfuael in on of th laryit indutlnal couriered sir lift ew iitged at tfcoiohuacan city of hx hods whaie sun nav shippers t lld il tol rnovrf than 2 000 yn ago tfvey w li tee dmtic pagaanf prde of agriculture during v tif to chap ngo agricultural col uo sy will wiwttb iwtomltliom ol lri rww aaf kjufwiwot togetherness civic pride lacking survey claims customs of other lands topic of talk to wi hornby w i meeting wis twld at uwj horns of mrs- cluf wilnrorth on wednesday january 13 wiisj nkj membcn sod thr visitors attending mr stan may the raidcat presided fortw autin kn cutf wmulewortli wai id dure v um tnotto b hut twgettful id vaurialu tinnier for utervby aoa bav eoteruj bad aojfek unawsred air wriulttwurui uurtdicd th juosj kpcakr mr utkrt kurriajrioa who rkow w ber loff cueta us otlw laadj t w hry lourcatiaic to i all he fetory wu baj ob w imvtl ixt csnsdj w a wr ibrtcw atkd j vint to ttiridrri jnd msndrn kir ids and at i jnlrncjilrry brvtrai piflur tj tihkikoruu wer siwwn as rll a worn lij- acrliitioni from tb hedttrw oi two canadian gnivei he alto told of the living habit j the pop4 and had on til vuy som artiflti tti6v of 1m fa xrimi the mai town and a scroti and other articles madr a raffia f roi lb- lwijhn loquo ytcturit of thr flown slw vr ihon ajul iuiay inurl 1h buildlnjft krojo there aba travlld to itolund and krarva shr wai vrry jddrnd by hrr viul to thr alum of pdriil rtrf final 40 pr wut of the junior ckahiwr of coowiarca mirvry what a wroaf with cfeojtonl haa ba ccmj trd ad thrulti wr rauaa- v4 to the herald uonday thr tirai part ol tha aurvy which dealt with puuw opinion wi ubtiaaad laat novntr tha bubf rruird rmaarchtng by th fiv man aurvry voitiraitlm iwadd by david jonei tlia jayc undertook thr vjct to that organitalitma buch as their owd would have a ckirt of georgetown s itrong kainta and ahorteojuings which wuld be a fcuuie whan planning a ttiowdunity aervic the jaycet want it madr clear that the following turn mixy combining mlxnittrd opin imu and th reaulti of uie com toltte a retrarch doei not nrc- tssanly refleti the fwhngi of tke georgetown junior chamber a coairrce ry cammimiirv swrvy f ih tk yaar 1u4 pat carghn a iowa of 11000 with aeixhbounrtg village to talling is pofhilatloa of about x660 people population growth ovr the ual four yer of bout 4 per cent per annum xbout so per rent of school graduates leave georgetown eh year bciute of a lack of job opporuinillra the reaaon lor the low growth over the ual four yean haj been thr lack of job opportunitiea prey vuion haa been made fpr growth in the town by available tervked land rcaldent and irv kulrtal a nw towage plant kad a programme of school ex puulon a lack of civic pride hod loyalty la noted in the town although people in the town ajaow intereat in solving the town a problems the people in hwr aectiomof the town lack an appreciation of the cultural o4 hlatorloal lamlmarki in georgetown the moat natablr complaints were s poor ogetherneta 3 lack of civic pride bttter civic leadership 4 lueraational facilltlea at lack of industry tfifv4hnr nauj lw oror of importanca uora industry 2 improve appearance of town 3 ttecraational facillues 4 alore support for community projects warship centra yhare are 13 worship centres ih the community and 10 ip ante religions the worship e nlrea arc not asked for as auuncc in community improve- hrtit programmes and have no active community progranuiiei tha chutxhm are in good con hit ion and hive good attend iks kconohty vto aconooiy of the town is not vll divaralfled and the aiulor wageaarnpra are semi ah iliad industrial workers a urge percentage af people work nut of town merchajidiilng mhtref in nearby cltlea attraet a large amount of business there bv adequate housing in tha community with the excep- ttl buildlngsv there are no serious slum areas lurvked land if avalublri to ract new industry taxes vr not attractive to new indus v tier otoi the is agricultural litjs economy ts food rate of ex i bss adequate supply but kdjlnklng wat 0l r appearance of thr ovrrmgr bwdaehold i gooj adaquate fftdtlhm are availablr for ahip ping by rail air and motor frhzbl to uxtuit new industry the molt sujhfeitfd ideal were tower laves iwttrr council alti tude and action brttrr public ity aad direct accrja to 401 thr local buiineues generally have attractive comwrrrlat fronts but fountain and totlm are larking there is t lack of dentists and nurws in george town there is a also a lack of parking in the downtown areaa local business nfrdj itunula lion taoriwvt grorkrtown is not a tourut town no guidr book n svnl able only a town map there is a possibility of developing tha old dynamo snd credit river vslley town lacks hotrli roo tru and theatre and attractive eating spot appaaranc the entrances are marked with signs but apprarsnre could be improved the streets lack hard surfacing gutters snd storm severs but sre well li gated and have street ngnt there ii no town beautifies tion com million and the ap proaches to the town need un proveweflt imsnl more trees remove dead treea and better weed control needed in town clean up burned buildings mssllh rtj tafary health facilltira sre adequate except for an insufficient num ber of drntlits snd nursra tdutatl ptihhc and secondary schcwili sre adequate and future enrol menl la plsnned 2 years ahesd ubriry is ade quate and is well run 3 600 books at withdrawn each month tnjhlic school sudltor iums and gymnasiums only re quirements needed oreejsa4loni thr re la an approslfhatr total of 47 org an nations ib t forge town not inrliuling rhurrh or fanixations there sre or in iiatlons for all agr group tt etpt late teens there is a nevd for an intercluh council to coordinate activities mott frit thr oumhrr of tununrrrr thould takr thr ira 1 in major community tmprovr ment projects cvrnm4vf apparrnlly a comprrhrnilvr plan for growth and drvrlop- ment dors not eiist for the town although a planning hoard nuts no ciuiena group eiiits which studies various civic needs public discussions sre not conducted and the rit liens sre not well enough in formed to participate in thrsr discussions civic buildings ire in good condition but municipal office lacks office space the community has sdequstr kiwi for public heslth traffic etc trsflic snd soning laws are not adequately rnfrred tocial assncias social service are well provided snd financrd by dir fct appeal and government grants the major soclsl prob lem in georgetown is juvriulr drlinqurno reirmllsn there is a nrrd for a public park and recreation area for the east end j georgetown in eluding arena trnnki court wad ing pool and auditorium there is a need for a recreational director louise snow joins town office staff louise snow wss hired by council uonday to fill a vac ancy in the town office for a clerk st doirrtrht daughter of esquesiqg osd superintendent llud snow she starts her new job next uonday previously employed in guelfth she sttended geor getown high school isst year wlbr thr rri ii4w from ale ris werr pourtng in mir con cluded by rmsrking how ihsnuul she wis to be s ian dian cilimi snd ekprewd hr love fur tansda the land o plenty on behalf at uie inttituu mrmlirri a vote of thanks was estrndrd to mrs norrlntton by urs ucpherson tlir roll call a rrri r or rust mi j an th r country that i like wa answi red tiy a variety of nationsl cut tomi the nunutes of tlve lsit meeting were read snd appro ved and the treasurer a report was given by un it ay uluon thank vou cardi were read for christmas cards and donations sent out an invitation was re ceived from the ullton district hospital inviting the members to attend thrir annual meet ing a letter wai also recelv rd from the dept of agncul lure with a calendar od events in the sgnctfltursl field for the month of january snd s reminder of the achievement dsy mrs hugh 0 connor snd mrs russell iclng were goln to attend the luock printing tourte in milton the meeting cloied with god save thr quren lunch was srrved by mr hoy wilson and mrs ii kint iikmlrd b thr hottms mr bill devlin was honoured with a birthday dinner psrty at thr uasonic hall on man day night jon 18th when id members of the devlin clsn gs therrd lo grrrt him uith birth dsy wishe for hi 70th birth dsy the birthday long wai sung and music supplied by hi four sons a larue cake with candles an i rosrs for dec oration wis made in the shape ol sevrn mr dehn was pre sented with many lovely gifti for which he extended his sin cere thsnks itirthdsy grretlng are wuhed fa th following who are cele- uraunl birthdays lrn plant on jan 27 joe shea on 2ftth mrs irene saunders lew sampson and jim plsnt on the 2fhh flit stout and cswin cor idingley on the slat l tablerite canaoas rmtsr uano tar onlv at ayimis rancv t0maip juice aylmfs chokci halves peaches ctovckuaf soud kc white tuna au njirou 5 roses flour ktxan csacstfl kadutfl med cheese 459 2 53 39 49 53 tin discount j beefsale i florida finest maklh utdusi ok huly dlo grapefruit 10 59c tomatoes l 2 39c new cabbag cucumbers hj 2 gren peppers rc 3 29c 29c fruit cocktail cut wax beans tomato soup igajam ayl ckk aylme fmy 1 has 2 45c 39c 8t 75c with fiud mtu ar ilk 49c 89c red rose coffee white swan tissued a ddavwpt htumcuhli m m zi orrhinui u firm ih j hospitality apple pie 39c 1 1 c iimys mix 1m hj match 1m fancy peas corn peas carrots or mixed vegetables 5i89 stuosk tat mst mua kiw hi m1h cross cut u lotaiss masi ssb es rou sosatss kin k0 kott idsais stttti km tboft hi siuk kssrtiuno fear bosm sukwt- osabs buk hut oos cut as wisr sosaos sh6um mast outtx m kou pot mast hub katf kosflbs kostuss snwsig s torn am i sucatef uva hatsbklks kbjtosfiues 641 4- iol w 22v 641 641 521 401 4n 54l 52- 52l 541 521 52- s4 rokibbatfiat 99 save iga tapes for free gifts ha lucky ihofi j auahamu it twine si qanw 7 m cites total commitment as requisite of club success town adds voice to churchill tributes ithi cioroitowh hkkalb ttiurvjy fb 4th ims page a 1964 drama festivals best sec lira miudir ibyliy pait provincial and 1iat canadian federation prrsidcnt of the nuilnria and prolftiional worn en clubi wai the futst aprak rr at thr monthly dinner meet tne o the georaetown club lira luylay apoke on the ad vantasea and dlvldenda reaped by total commitment and of curing theperonal and intel lettuit htrtouiht or aheer mental and phyairal lailncn she outlined a few of the thlnia thai the federation with the help of all the cluba had ac compliihecl in the paat ten yeara and thia indeed waa an llhprtaaive hat she alao ipoke moat forcefully on the eatab- llahlnl ol the rouhdation fund thia fund ia belna railed by a three dollar levy on each mem ber for two yeara after which time the intercat will be avail able for uae in the many pro- jectl undertaken by the feder alion she mentioned aeveral waya that money could he ralaed to cover the levy foil owink her talk there waa a queation and anawer period aome of the queationa bring anawrred by mlia gladya lun dy who had accompanied mra uaylay ura dana itlair itccinnal advlaor newmarket wka an other fueat and apoke briefly lo the membera and nueata the honored sueata werei mnted with coraagfei by miaa hilda erwln mlu marlon ron- iioid lyn would like to make it two straight award winning stt dbsloncmynnfl hyd whose set for the georgetown little yheetf production upder hie sycarnore tree eeittwd honours t the western ontario drama festival last year would like to repeat the- win this year here he finishes e prelim inary pointing of the let he will build for the little hut hie little theatres entry in the 1965 western ontario drama festival inuin introduced mn tlavlay snd shr wai given the apprcci allon of the club by ulss itr- lon mckran mrs astrid horn tiy thsnwfd thr- itfgionsl advis- cwkrartown adrlod its voice most rmmrnt ststeman he tn the uorldwldr sadness st wss termed by slsyor gibbons the death of ir w i rut on the mayor said geargelowa churchill with a motion of re- 1 owes its present hspplnasa fret st uoriday me tin f contentment and pac mor to him than to sny other set a esllsnt soldier the worlds or during the business portion of the meeting reports were heard from the careen lre view committee itatlng thilsll the sneakrn were unett up for the proviaw which- will take place early in vebrusry at the hlsh school uiks jesn msckentle reporting on the deurrt bridge listed thst the origins dste would hsve to be changed since tt conflicted with the jlebeksh birthday puchre an ad will ne placed in the coming events giving the chsnged date mrs dikln who is locally emploeed by simpson sears for their interior decorating de partment was initiated ai a tjiombcr u wss reported that the gueit speaker for the march meeting will be mn shirley giles the first woman to be appointed bank manager in the history of canada sh is manager of the vonge and hoselawn branch of the rtank of nova scotia the meeting closed in regular form ripe cleaners are ideal to free the jets of a gss burner whan they become clogged ttiey are also excellent for cleaning combs winter parking regulation no motor vehicle shall k cwtked on any jtmet in the t of 6i0koet0wn from midnight to 6 am 1 fltom becemur lal to march 15th by ordef n roy haley chlaf cohllabl brake qt0 reline special 2500 most cars oanulna miklaic unlno licensed mechanic davits sffi 24 hour t service 110 cualph slrml 1773951 halton ccmjkrativi medical care plan bxtera ealla mid imk lrit vla vtailmllh knamlnallaha 0 ma majleal aa caaflmmtva aiuaalhalltu sarvlcm 1 all surgical qparallana jja employer tlroups rogarduu of iim individual br emukym oroupa may rll al any tlnva ol ik yaar iim i mmii i rates only 10 so lr mm family s 00 slnu psybl quarterly or annually ttuwnootmstcal services i b6k 474 mitten ti itivw i imu wnd mit lnbnnlkn na abllfjiuai i name r jlil

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