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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 4

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u to mexican capital atusons oh operation airlift kut afco matt d m mubt aulsoej of 16 aari st wltlrg to boi matury rwftfton ciwrwed pur bt toronto bound lor ttu aaoruican capital wltw they will t rh unvilrg o mp iww trctor liftjr mor thin 5000 mf catati afj li prtonnl fron all prtt of north am ri ar winging lo mexico ctty during th riant th wki in one ol tha urgt irvduitnal cnrtered t hfi ev tged- at tbotohuacan city of rtw godt wrwrv tufvorfchjppct tilled the tol mor thin 2000 yean ago they will tee dnhc ponl parad ol aoicujlur during a vint to chaprngo agncullural col- tg tvy will witntu ijnomtltom of hv nw a qu4pm3rtt togetherness civic pride lacking survey claims the final 40 iwr cent of the junior ckwiuir oi cociflerct mirvvy whits wrong with george loum hu uan cooxl ted and th raulla were relet d lo the herald monday the iijm part of th aurvey which dealt with public opinion wt published last november th balance rcjulrd reeirching by tha five man survey vouirnlltee beaded by david jona tbe jeyceet undertook the project to that ortaniuuoaa aueh as their own would have a chart of georgetowns i irons points and shortcomings which would b a ttoula whan planning a community servjee the jaycees want it msde elear that the following sum- twy combining tubmitted opin- l6clj and th remits of the com wltteet research does not nec- taaarily rleet the feelings of th georgetown junior chamber of comerce suotmrtiry ef cftmihonify survey cwiiktd in th yaar 1u4 pfl georjelown a town of 11060 with neigbbouridg village to tailing ia population of about 2660 people population growth over th laat four year of about 4 per cent per annum xhtml 20 per cent of school traduatet leave georgetown aach year bocaute of lack of jojb opportunillea the reaaon it the low growth over the laat four yeara haa been the lack of job opportunities pro- vtalon hai been made for growl in the town by available serviced land resident and in dustrial a new sewage plant and a projrranvpe of school ex pintion a lack of civic pride and loyalty u noted in the town although people in the town khow merest in wiving the towns pxobloms the people in newer tec t ion of the town lack an appreciation of the cultural ami hutorloal landmark in georgetown the moat notable complainta were 1 poor togetherness 1 lack of civic pride t tutter civic leaderahip 4 haerutional facilitiea ft uck of induatry lnttprvmanu naud in ordw imimhanca 1 more lnduatry 2 improve oopcaraace of town sa hecroatlonal iacilltiei 4 more support for community projecta wortulp cantrea there are 13 worahip centrca in the community and 10 aep- arate religions- the worship ctntrea arc not asked for as- alslanc in commualty lmprovo- knent programmes and hive no active community programmes srttt church e are lir cood con dition and hive good attend- nee- kconomy th0 economy of the town li hot wu di versified and thb major wageearners arc icmi- killed industrial workers a large percentage of people work out of town merchandising centre- nearby eitlw attract a urge amount of buanu there u adequate housing la the cotnnuinlty with the exce tlon of apartntent bulldltigs there are no leribus bltmi areai serviced- land is airttflnl4 to isteract ny lnduatry taxea jorivot attractive to new indua- r about 20 per cent of the raai economy is agricultural k- the eoniiunjty economyi iaot ahdwinf a good rate otex- -i- mritfce town baa adequate ujlwtter aopply but idmeiean drlntok wat er appearance o the avrrigr household li good adequate ffchtltiw are available for ihip- ping by rail air and motor frelibt to acquire new induitry the moit augitrd ideas were lower taci twtter council atti tude and action better public ity aod direct accaa to 401 the local buiineuea generally havr attractive commercial tronla but fountains and tollmi are lacking thvre ia a lack of dentists and nurea in george town there is a alto a lack of parking in the downtown areas local busuiets neds stimula tion tfturiam georgetown it not a tourist town no guide book is avail able only a town map ther is a pauibility of developing the old dynamo and credit river valley town lacka hotrla mo tels and theatre and attractive ealins ipou apparatc the entrancea are marked with tlgna but appearances could be improved the streets uck hard surfacing cutters and storm sewers but are well li ghted and have trtet signs there u no town beaut i flec tion com million and the ap proaches to the town need un provement plant more trees remove dead trees and better weed rontrol needed in- town cleanup burned buildings- health aj ufajy health facilitiea are adequate except for an insufficient num ber of dentista and nurses ktfutailort public and secondary schools are adequate and future enrol ment la planned 2 yeara ahead library is ade quate and is well run 3600 books are withdrawn each month public school auditor iuma and gymnasiums only re quirements needed orfinlttlona thrre ia an approximate total customs of other lands topic of talk to wi herafcy wi meetinf wu held at the home of mrs cluf wricgleewortb oo wednesday january 13 with nine member aod three visitor attending mrt sua auy the president presided for the meeting mr cutt whtfluwortfa was id dure erf the motto b not furiettul u etitertald ktrmtgcrl for thereby mu hav o4erul- bed angeu uiwja ur wriulevwcrrth introduced the jurat kpeakri airs aitugarat korrtajrioti who choae a her topic customs ia oebr ubda whch wv vrty utirt4tia to all iter atory waa bad oa rter trnvl to canada ks a war vide and a visit to 1andet aut rtmulrviuu abd alky st julin ctuetrry mrveral picture of ttlimoruu wr kbowu aaweu u bota iu- acrlptious from the hadvufwa of two tuasdun gravg sh alw told of uie liwug balwts uf thu peopv and had on dis play son thjrlti inaov u un en from the flax grown and a acroll and other articles nutde of raffia froni the iwijiani congo lwtures of uir fiower tuw wre sttown abd many inurt jlng buildings fvom there aha travelled to holland and krance i she was very maddened by her fviwl to the fcjum of paris wtir tl rwutfee from alge ria were pouring in she con cluded by rwiiarkink how thajikiul the waa to be a can of 47 urxajiiialions in george- dian allien and eipreued her town not including church or j love for canada the land oi geniiationx tbcie are ortfin plenty iiillone for all age- group ei cept late teens there is a b htuie need foran interclub council t volr thjnkl w tableritt canadas finest udoruui kano uv oniy at coardinate activities mot felt the clumvr of commerce should take the lead in major community improve ment projects cevernnmfvt apparently a comprehensive plan for growth and develop ment doea not eaast for the town although a planning board eiiata no ciuxcn group eilits which rfudiea various civic needs public discussions are not conducted and the cit- izena are not well enough in formed to participate in tlice ditcuasiona civic buildings are in good condition but municipal office lacka office space the community has adequate uwt for public health traffic etc traffic and toning lawi are not adequately enforced social aeeruut social services are well provided and financed by dir ect appeal and government grants the major social prob lem in georgetown ia juvenllr delinquency recreation there ia a need for a public park and recreation area for the east end of georgetown in cluding arena tennis court wad ing pool and auditorium thara is a heed for a- recreational director extended lo mrs norrlngton by mr mcphrrton the roll call a rhije or ruhm of another country that i like waa answered by a variety of national cut loma the nunutes of the last meeting were read and appro ved and the treasurer a report was given by mr hoy wilton thank you earda were read for christmas cards and donations sent out an invitation was re ceived from the milton district hospital inviting the members to attend their annual meet jiag a letter was also receiv ed from the dept of agricul ture with a calendar of events in the agricultural field for the month of january and a reminder of the achievement day mr hugh oconnor and mrs russell king were golni to attend the block printing course in milton the meeting cloied with god save the queen lunch was served by mrs hoy wilson and mn h king aiusted by the hostess ayimu famcv tomato juice aylmft choc hmvts peaches clotattlaf iolro pack whitetuna ailhjrpoh w 5 roses rour kraft ctacke kjuwk med- cheese 4 59 2 53 39 49 53 tin discount vjlk tvo beef sale florida finest grapefruit 1059 tomatoes itxt 2uu 39c new cabbag wrt2 29c cm u 1 or cucumbers 2 29c green peppers m i or or 25c avlmey ckk ayuser 2 tliu mn 2 1- 39c bmurry j4i j wllh i4 miu r il fruit cocktail cut wax beans tomato soup iga jam red rose coffee 89c white swan tissue 2 49c pbaynfy hieurtn j t jrrhiiili klrm r ilirm tlw j hospitality apple pie 39c prkm ih fb 3 4 s 6 w umnrv tight to llmlr quh iimvs mix 1m nd match tm jancy peas corn peas carrots lum or mixed vegetables 5sf89 kaf siu0b6 hi wast toued raw ht hlsl shccrutoin ctou cur las soiaus mui aso bi wu sosaoi haum0somis kwiu lasjcn oaa nsoa us mm as nuttms ffidoam sukman- sosbbj sum wast tjou tiff hi mast ksshh shooda wafl outtt ibs 10u wf wast kwa katt soum lotflds sttwhg ib 6t6w osjoc suchkhuva mabasetits sffiioifiuo lij j 641 41 so 741 22l 64 641 s2l 40l 4n 541 52 52 54 3l 521 52 34 15- twmam 99 kvvvxvvxvvwxxvwwx save iga tapes for free gifts louise snow joins town office staff louise snow waa hired by council monday to fill a vac- ancy in the town office for a clerkstenographer daughter of etquesltls road superintendent bud snow the at arts her new job neit monday previously employed in guelph the attended geor getown high school last year mr dill devlin was honoured with a hirthday dinner party at the ma tonic hall on mon day night jon lbth when fl me tube pa of the devlin clan ga thered to greet him with birth day wiihca for his 70th birth day the birthday song was sung and music supplied by his four wini a large cake with candles and roirs for dec orations was made in the shape of a seven mr devlin waa pre sented wllh many lovely gifts for which he extended his sin cere thanks thrthdsy greeting are wished for the following who are cele brating birthdays glen plant on jan 27 joe shea on 2ath mrs irene saunders low sampson and jim plant on the 2wh llil stout and calvin cor dingley on the slat 1964 drama festivals best sec lyn would like to make it two straight awasdwinninosrr dmonk lynne hyda whosiet for ihs georgalown utile theslre woductlon 6f under rhe sycumor tree erned honour at thewejtern ontario drsma feitlval lastyear would like to repeat the win thl year here he flnlihei a prelim inary painting of the let he awlll build for the little hut the little theauvi entry in the was wetlern ontario drama feihv- ioa lucky show j awahamu ji twlng st ocorobwm 700 cites total commitment as requisite of club success mrs maudie baylay paat provincial and iast canadian federation president of the bualneu and professional wom ens clubs was the guest apeak er at the monthly dinner meet ing of thr georgetown club mrs hayiay spoke on the ad vantages and dividends reaped by total commitment and of curing the personal and intel lectual hiccoughs or ehecr mental and physical laiincss she outlined a few of the things that the federation with the help of alt the clubs had ac complished in the past ten years and this indeed was an impreiaive list she also spoke most forcefully on the estab lishing of the foundation fund this fund is being raised by a thre dollar levy on each mem ber for two years after which time the interest will be avail able for use in the many pro jects undertaken by the feder ation she mentioned several ways that money could be raised to cover the levy foll owing her talk there was a question and answer period some of the questions being answered by mitt gladys lun dy who had accompanied mn daylay mrs doris 1lair hot in rial advisor newmarket waa an other guest and spoke briefly to the members and guest the honored ffucsu were pre- rented with coriagea by mlu hilda erwln mlu marlon ttob- town adds voice to churchill tributes tmi ctioroirowm himalt thursday fab 4th 1u5 page 1 in ton introduced mrs raylay and ahe waa given the appreci ation of the club by mlu mar lon mckean mrs astrld horn by thanked the regional advit- durlng the business portion of the meeting reports were heard from the careers pre view committee stating that all the speakers were lined up for the lreview which will take place early in february at the high school miu jean mackemie reporting on the dessert bridge stated that the original date would have to be changed since tt conflicted with the rebekah birthday euchre an ad will be placed in the coming events giving the changed date mrs dakin who is locally employeed by stmptonseara for their interior decorating de partment was initiated as a membrr it was reported that the guest speaker for the march meeting will be mrs shirley giles the first woman to be appointed a bank manager in the history of canada sh la manager of the yonge and ttosclawn branch of the bank of nova scotia the meeting closed in regular form pipe cleaners are ideal to free the jeta of a gat burner when they become clocged they are also excellent for cleaning combs georgetown added its voice to the worldwide ajuinesa at the death of sir winston churchill with a motion of re gret at mondays meeting most eminent statesman ho was termed by mayor gibbons the mayor aaid georgetown owea its present happlnaaa contentment and peace more to him than to any other fact- a callant soldier the worldajor winter parking regulation no motor vehicle shall k parked on any street in the town of georgetown from midnight to 6 am from december hi to march isih v by order rqyhaltv chief cohllabl brake re line special 2500 most cars genuine mixta lining ucensd mechanic daves sffi 24 hour towing service 119 gualph sfreil ijtjml halton coktayivi medical care plan e twctorl mill ml m vl mlltl 0 ey ymtihmith iitmliullsiu e cenllmmmik j all sumkil oprllm 9 aiumthatltti sarvlcm vmmoyee groups regirdlau of il individual er empteyee oituphuyenll al any time efhmt year rates only 10s0pf men- family soo stogie payablequarterly or annually rhaltono7mebtcai strvices ben474 mlltnl rwij i meate mrtd me iriformallan na bligkilen i 1 name i 1 f- address t3 rhr- c aiii vatt fcita5i3 prfftyttofyg

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