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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 6

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geo herald 22 min trae s georoelown ontario w ci page 4 thursday fbruaey 4rfw 1965 editorial comment auxiliary seeks members ledi who might wufi to give few hours ol rrey tinei to pubjc wvic by helpttaj any of hw tbovmenriofii5oakt should coniecf the hotpjte tfcey wtji fc cordially wskgmd ertd aside from eke ir- vum rhoy on reside they yvth be vramting hw rlwxu whor yksy tud tke auxiliary meeting we hop tke builiry will rwvw be placed jfi me tre pontic a scxr of ike mn s groups wktje without a tadtev tux ii wy hw group could not xti if it it tkan we will keve lo begirt fcrvorkef firvf for gvofowi man i auxiliary to tke udta auxiliary louily we re wliin trier ere mny ladies who will iniwr th eppaal rwd hatp ltap nciury extra services at tke kupital churchill coee to die during rather doll winter period wbes it we poaatble to attract the at- rf the antira world wtthoa jw w in n edvniiowr uu wftalt tke womans aukluery of georgetown kosphsl ksoetj a ch for volunte this thrivirtg organization formed ev er baionv tke koapftel wet bulk ket pjeyed n unportartt rot and has a continuing job in fihing many function wkck would not be acdnornically poaslbla otkwwt tk gdf shop tuck wagon vljto con trol and library farf ae all handud by tkai pobltcpiled udui at it m levqe vol unlaw aid than oba ara all puaiant ortat and providing anough women belong jo tke or genii at tori aaad only take a few kours wary month or two however unless a continuous intaast is maintained and rww voluntas- om it land to fall to tke lot of tkat faithful few and tke ckore becomes ofwoui vpy a0 a canadian race jtmiilla4dxirt r any parliitfwnt tkat could maka tuch a kaih of deciding on a new caaadun fuo deiarvet to hava anonw luu to occupy iu tima white it ignofe moe important hilrvgt ouy uggaitlori would be full icalir diuuiilon on racial origin which itlll bob up on application fomu although the intar- mt in knowing where one t paternal fore bear cme from doein t teem lo be at inv pottnt today wa h corn right out and wy that w are much more intereiled in calling ouriap v a canadian racially than we are in worrying about whether wa have a flag which decline all connection with the commonwealth for years we have bn indicating when in official form requirai it that wa are swim bcuie the aarliett tracaabla mambar of our falhart ude of ma fam ly migrated from that country tome two hun dred year ago charges not justified extra water ohargei for a fir hydrant on hi prop my are being duputad by a georgetown tnduitrialut arthur klaa explained hit point in a letter in the herald lait weak and would teem to have a good reaton for hit beef particularly when tke charge wat only inv poted a year ago while the hydrant has been there longer than moit people remem ber unfortunately both mr klee and coun cil got tome what hot under the collar when he attended e council meeting a few week i ago and it it hoped they might get together and totve their differancel amic ably before it blowi up a real ttorm it teem to be a matter of tempering the towns legal position with a feeling for the industry value to the community and to our mind this no more males us switi than having a fruit ulad for dinner one day makes one a vegetarian in the first place the generation be fore mitjm have come from france brazil for outer mongolia for all we know and even if he didn i me mixture of racial ttre ns in six or tavan generations dilutes that racial ttrain to microscopic tra ce racial or gmal can be a matter of pii6 or otherwise t n individual but it should be a matter of i ttle consequence to anyone else even thote government statistics for which the racial questions are sought have i ttle tigniticance after a generation or two hat passed we think canada hs bean in exiitnce long enough that we should have a good proportion of canadians racially speaking and it should be quite proper to call a per son a canadian in every sense of the word in this case we don t think ratepayers would criticize council if they were to for gat the dupuled charges move me hydrant if they so wished or amend legislation lo allow it to itay there without charge white mr klee i position is somewhat unique there are other cases too where we feel e town by law imposes an unfair bur den on property owners we refer to an extra yearly charge for sprinkler systems installed at e fire prevention measure the property owner i assessed a substan tial yearly charge for this and yet does he not actually render an extra service for if ftr were to occur and be checked he has reduced the work of the fire depart ment and quite possibly saved damage not only to his own structure but to ed joining building as well giving blood makes winnipeger proud a thought for today we wbh to think someone for title note from winnipeg it wti tifned a dlood donor xdltor i wilklng elonf the tireeti ol downtown winnipeg one tuy when i met a friend bo in turji introduced me to friend of hli the friend looked around at the buildings of the city on this clear day and tald lint life wonderfult in an instant thoughts of a bombs the hungry at chins a japan the berlin wall an sbiuty other things very dread ful flashed through my mind to the next instant x thought id htyelf tonljsht t give blood i then turned to this fallow and replied yes life k wonderful th night as i lay on the bed giving my blood i tcallted tkat i was glv intf to another person by don ung my blood the person la the next bed to me in too r ooxery room said to me its bout urna i give blood i bare ejuly r u ibexosa- ether donors such as ourael- tes hut night as i returned borne oa the bus i glanced up aft the- bus cards and saw the at cm appeal tor blood it was the ono showing a small bay receiving blood from some person ba joay never meet juadlng ttus nuda an the proudeit man on tlt because i gave do you want to give too then don t forget the next blood donor clinic on llonday february isth 1083 th mail bao nothing to do this teenager say plenty february 1 1045 dear editor i would like to bring to your attention that the teenagers of georgetown are unappreclative and buy all they want to do is sit at borne and complain that there is nothing to do in georgetown while id fact there are dances and other recreation going on la george town on tba weekend to tire average teenager to com plete exhaustion era no one bnt no one can contlnuato provide recreation such as dances when attend ance can be counted on your fingers it costs a lot qf money to bring bands in and with no support frpm tba buy teenag ers no qne can continue to bring in bands tba high school slso shows no consideration to others try ing to keep dances in george town with the student council hsvlng irregulsr dances not consulting anyone or even car lng why doat you teensgers smarten up or you are going to ba out tn the cold without any recreation and student coun ell why don t you show some consideration for other people dsn wagsuffe district news at a glance tub district at a olanci acton final hurdle in the creation of aetoai industrial park on hula si n wss cleared last week wbea third end final folding of a bylaw for a 50000 debenture issue was passed the isad is now resdy for sale to industrial property seekrs nockwoob tbosa past and present who bad attended ss no 8 gathered at the school last friday evelag the school was closed at the end of the month sad the new central eremosa school opened feb 1 bbamxom- dollars wss the price paid by dale estates ljmltad for iu long time competitor walter e divert limllertflnsl elc- ing of the purchase took place frijiy the merger creates the largest estab lishment of its kind in north america wits over eo acres psychiathist ubges tests for mps news desk extras by yetvy ruuy stew ww poutlw illke wlurdry but required on j i ly gc llinsgr jirvii ci kirl jirvii the bn tsle- pulbkj tite naa hgve teen phone boupuys ires uinagsi informs its that local custom- era will start receiving tbair new telephone directories feb 1a lie notes two aosjor changes in the book taisnile and all other exchange names bsve bea rvpued with numbers snd the format his been chsnged so thst esch plje will contsln four columns of lutings instead ef three as in jammed closer to the nsmrs ellmatlng most of tbose little dotted lines he said the four column pages makri for less printing expense snd less page ftioplng by the customers the eovrr picture this year is a sketch of the helton county uuseum at the kflso conser vstion area writing about the bell georgetown herald kahifcea by he mwee4 luiij georgetown ontario wiwr c uhrt eublubrr tuhum mccilvrty frodueuoa superintendent terry hirlry news editor alleen brsdley accountint st prwnt books th wmp- ibout the b leslie clark la vlj u j mind uj of an aniwrr on a his- u rilmn any atldad the citra column without ibcraaalnf the site of tba pag er reduflaf the site ol the number which may seam under hothouse glass strbttsville whm an rlderly streetsvule woman walks out of prison at the afe of 71 yaara in 10u she will have soaat so yeara behind bars iv inotharly apnaartai enior cltlsen plaadad ffullty last wk to 10 eoubts of for gry since lftit she has bn coevkted on iu chirgn and ahitcnced to 154 yars in prl milton the uutan district hoapltal board expects to mt with ontario health uln- utr a b dymond soon to preas for additional bads st the hilton hospltal the onurlo hoapltsl service coasmlulon rbud to grant a 80bed add tiea in deeeubaf when latrtoaj become hard dont throw them out pour boiling water over them snd ut stand for about 10 minutes before removing from water and rurtlni 6f aquaesinj lory exsm which didn t help the pupils scholastic average but must have earned some thing on the teachers laub meter the tumped scholar wjote in deiperation if alex snder graham hadnt invented the bell nobody would be able to hear the telephone ring we re beginning to behave the only reason a barrel of monkeys is funnier than a bar rel of people is because you csn get more monkeys in s bar- rel we submit in evidence the results of the junior chamber of commerce survey whst s wrong with georgetown which concludes we need inhale a wading pool a public audi torium a recreation director a recreation area public school auditoriums and gynaslums more hsrd surfaced roads gut ters and storm sewers better approaches to the town better weed control more public park lng public fountains and toil is better drinking wster tree planting dead tree re moval and lowen tax ell inadvertently the sugcea- tlon that mandrake be hired as town manajtr wm left off news echoes front iha urm wl rive ruru 154 and 1944 10 yiak aoo a toronto star csrners from here were enlertslnsd las wednesday at a special night in their honour service awards went to earners leo tucker lome klinrjbeil snd david smith first yesr awards went to catherine smith arthur and burton sweezie paul and tom mar shall diana hill end lynne snd monty hyde other paper carriers from here were bill msnderson tom copeland ollie and eric poulllrup llndstry and win alon weetfterall mary tucker murray ross and doug mills 0 clarence benhsm will be joining iha municipal staff soon ha was hired by council last tuesday mr benham is e lifelong town resident who lives at 55 market st he is a former manager ofthe brewers retail store and has been with the personnel department of the beard more and co aclon for several years 9 if ell goes smoothly the first houses in the proposed delrex subdivision will be started in may building will start on the h craig reld farm a0yaia0o a letter was read from branch 120 canadian region asking council to jo all in their power to persuade prop erty owners to give preference to reluming war valorem in the sale and rental of properly council expressed full accord and said that anything trial could be done in this direction would be the georgetown girls pipe band concert parly has been presented wlce for troops at brampton army camp and toronto in the past two weeks besides the band dllecibyfircmglooghlenrrheoncetpartytociui ded owen hughes as master of ceremonlesj bill mcdon- ald and the rhythm rubel the seotland swlndlehurst trio and the three bsi george barber jim and clare burns in acrobatic nurrtbors frsnk uultin advertising uinsgrr ur wlluun gsgxls clerk tyollt anne currle reporter peter jones photogrspher dive nisungs gluen j yrclerntuts jerry uihusky ileraber of lbs cinsdlu weekly newspapers auoeiitios snd the ontsrle aseodstlaa sugar v kin by bill s m i 1 1 y he was forever england with his anal superb amee nea an retiring tnm ufa aawl it was tiae to go tvit u plumble tha a reduced to dotage asetulity ha wa spstred rvlmcw w etstv mt kit cr1lj i ttwv w team t mw hamrt4vttet ful h u- eh af tl- wu koore of m ttoatalgir nan of the lo of ha butituuocl ooa can lmitahta the kfltluh fealliig like this bj qud victoria did af try ftvbru yjetf the throe quite a uau was hi wlnitoa ard juat that sot a wptrtiun but a bub and thst was why he was hlu lo seiie and shake snd strslghtea the heirit of the free world with his courage and bis uars his defisnee and his prsyrrs during thru dsya when kurope snd the world were threatened with a thou sand years of darkness meat l us have tevral au a4emtl ut 4 ckata chur chill was a wu woif 9 h cufj w iha ma was raeh usrtarv asjif rfaeisr he wm earttily realist fcw ke wsj jsjvewmejr fcflsgf ij tvs was tftlfloh fcartj wifui4 ka we4 arraaant j kubla he wj lfiaalallft u hh li- ha was rotftuu but ka wfcr aatlly ha wss a bujrj atkar hllrvese uit sa calradutv i was 10 when the phoney war ended and the german legions smashed through rel glum and life suddenly becsme very real and 1 shall never forget the thrill the sense of hope and of resolution that surged through us when the lion a growl rasped over the atlantic on the airwaves we iha ii never surrender its difficult to rtallte thst he was 63 than aa age wbea most the struggle 1 saw the old firs si once and was almost trampled te death la the proeeaa it was ot an airstrip b naqdasdy is the innrol 144 a after tit- ianaioo we wr drawn u a ft ad is the dvat an heat etfl- cm ba fropt other raakj ip the reer and we stfedejhen turing curves 1m satt ma hour 0 9 suddenly a uttie acout plea pepped ktxtaoo bzu etiuued 00 feet ka troel ef in the piket cttrah- d out we cauld mm hie sir vinurthlti strloa u a grumbled ur dugiut for ail bsfus tbed the back cockpit tofhnvej lud a vest ehenbte vus with a cigar in it uis- ad at us he wt t hm hu like a lwy wkla ujrsi mi a a rhkiw he wumd s wit aursus he atios i valrte hv wti i h k mrvuemee kiwty tmiwe which lnhd waixii the fcevkl uhe diftwwrf ibn ha wivw u embrm ing wave that said come ba in rlor our total fcotoplsv ment of officer pilots waa al ntmwt wip out when the war ranks surged through arund snd over us to cluster within touching dlstanre of the old war horsve he talked for fiva ntlnutas earthy vocabulary caar nx ployed whan addrcuing bu w- glona and than be was m the inervdibly foolish and galuat old niafl hopping h siifruay airfield risking his skla te have a look st us and ut us have a look at him and human ha was my fav orite story is the oue involving lady astor the hard nod asp torgucd old aristrocral she be csme enraged during an argil ment with churchill tod fired what she though was the part ing shot if you were toy hue band 1 d poiaoa your coffee w to which the greet ttaji re plied promptly and politely madame if you were my wife td drink it we shall not see bis like business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments mide dsily call tr 74441 1 male st c chiropractor cersm w cerutt dc 6bm dally w eppekvtmint house rills irrsnged 1x74011 ii a mile l mirt octomnrist wmcmilligan 35 mill st appelnhhenls 177471 a y walk1k ilo doc okfomlykuy 11 usln st s brsmpton isl447 res 4s1uu hours 0 s to s p u tuesday to saturday wldiy 0 ijo to 0 pm kvenlnis by appointment cahk 1 wgtwood ofttsrle land surveyors til llountslnvlew rd 8 trisnele 7u11 w h cere 8 westwoed tk 74jm res tr 414 dax developucnts limitrd builders el flite hemes trd walter pscholok 1774111 er 177 mis barragers etaeberasmrr ls under rs til y44 is main 1m ouelph all woht evte prentlaea bible thought forjhe wkh h bbein cod forbid that we sheum rebel esklnst the lord and turn hi di fremilwlni the lord joshua mm we- travel at our own risk when we run ahead of the lord or lag too tar behind robt r hamilton otiteeteirlst 116 uounuinview rd s carreul bldg for appointment 8773971 monuments rdllock t camhrll designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phoni ill73m s3 wster street north o a lt prank it c h ucensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr txm1 ceorgetovni strostortowm animal clinic 100 geelph street v xevlrst dvm dr r oeskln clinic open j i pu mon wro sirj satunuy ii ajn rd divlsleh ceurt clirknrcemmlmlonee tfltkj dale bennett latimer baines rsrrwer t fcllchw douglas v latiuxr tkrenck r rainu trlugu t3tl s kill st oeorgetenra george c hewsor rirrlw and ivtum 11 iloubuuivtew rd r carretsl building ceorgetovni tr 74111 frederick a helsoh rsrrurer end utufves iii uounuinview rd r carretsl building gsorgetowa tr 7os m e maiifjetson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georoetoum tr 72444 tvansicklerbjl kurrlster iellelfw never cdr wuliaus bldgx m slain a ts t45i1 kapfan orrj el seltchera sidniv kaplan llfl slountslnview ed carretsl butt 774h4 -r- j tjii iwjhftii

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