Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1965, p. 7

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ip speaks to jaycees at get acquainted nite dr harry hsrley mlua rid lacs member of parliament u ted tba adoption of 4 new flax in 190s u one of th major itaps in creating canada as a fend independent bit on en he spoke to in george- t0wh chajnber oej2pnirjuerc fel 1 their gct acquainted nile l the north hilton col 4 coon try club tuesday ja- sato the ceortvtown junior clum ber program some thirty jay- t and prospective members attended th gel- xwj ualnted bubt nd beard dr itajy atid an fctobieoke jiycce hardy meeker tbere was alio a film oo parliamentary proeafdure dr lurley was lntrodared by ccdrjtrtown jie avacrctary drdiui jnkidaqn and hardy fciwkfcr ly ik triddt of ths ll juaw chiiobrr aody matter of eerrakcu- he placed ibe adoption g the tew tla with tbe ribl of cans u tail lbamsrlva c- j ustlfrhxli citlses for the flrmtjiei tiow lh 1047 and innultii i which u wit the uwaalhe nofld gt v4 cwtstiuitioi u cauda empllmwited nity belt by th jsy lptatoutander 4b etjbtrol of w kiaj w io aojuat om al tk ktaii traa thejr warobemhlp- ivl jmdin to canada takin fu rightful plaetf in- thjhanjfitla dr lurley bid the fcutc- tecat wblw rrvirwinjf the ron- atltutioa of cnsdj u part of tatiujuwr tent to propc tiv batmber lets play bridge by bill coates tha prorua started kt 800 ikkj vat titer at 10 but a dtt- ruwuun period after carried it on umil dot to midnight oflai the moat difficult hand to puy are the raw level ebn- lracu u one bid and the two bidst one rule hit i keep in mind in the contract is that you dont have to win the first tight tricks just aoy right will do take time to find whit the opvoijtion bss before you cotiunit yourself ik re u i d to illustrate this potal this hand was board no 2 trout lat weeks duplicate j fuu t the arton bridge club dealer feast s nortb south vulniralu w 6 k 10 04 hra q ck 10 0 3 w tt s 3 sa qbs3 hj 1 lljc 10 4 3 2 ik 0 7 4 3 2 oto v offowcr vetoes dam plan claims not conservation th un awaited credit val ley cotuctvttlon authority tfbwiaa whlrb would create us latnpe lake in a twrte of daws threw of theni at cvsorgtovfrd idlest willljlttis ju iuiverrrek ha bn dealt a cripplint haow by the federal lovern attest which all but dooms uie 6 niullftrt dollar projrt a cvca official ales fllack veil of georgetown said the icral govrmmrnt rrjertitl the plan ruling it wi more of recreation than a conurvi hod project and didnt qualify far federal grants tfee authority would have add a quarter of the cost had tb balinc beh shouldered equally by the provincial and federal itfoverb mehtl- the on i terie government had already approved the plan and it re- i ejulrcd only consent from otta- to be undertakrn the plan had htt clear rd ihrouilh par ticipating m unici pall ties includ ing georgetown 1 ihe ronslrurtion of he dams plus channel improve- menu would b spread over a period from 10 to 15 years j one conservstiott authority representative pointed out the project was intended more as a means of assuring equal flow in the river than as a means of recreation tlir georgetown dam wss to lijtve iwen built on mountain virw rd south hungry holl ow and would have been one of the largest its likely the authority will now take the matter up with the provincial government to see what measure can be ta ken to uve the projrt ca j a c uutfc sj 8 7 110 8 7 3 1 a cj 7 0 4 1 t1e bulilinn rut buhi wtit uirth fill 1iy 1 ibl rtdblr c wilt all im this k typical comptillv bid ding on a part score hand al though three no trump is on for eat west its a hard eon- trart to get to and not too easy a contract to make norlha double is for takeout ksfcts redouble annmincri good hand and willingness to double the final contract kaat holds the clubs however and doubles two club with the hope of setting the contract west led the three of spades declarer ducked in dummy and east wins with the queen kast returns diamond which south wins south does not need to hurry about gating tricks in masons pay tribute imm isp amhaaekv -il- gavel gift for new credit master out66img masteced wilion pre tents gavel to nawly installed mailer bart fiddler at crodit lodo installation night tha gaval wal a gift from mrs fiddler tha local lodg room was packed to ovarf lowing for tha ceremony at masons from all ovr ontario paid tribute to tha incoming master grand lodge was represented by rt wor bro earl wilson district deputy grand master of wellington district fact soutk should try to find out what the opponents have iloeue the hearts in dumsny thi loae another diamond u returned and ruffed now south leads a spade and wrat shows out this ia all that dec larer beeda to kbow west op ened tbw bidding without thr ac king or queed of ekber iptd- or hearts auo he did tut have the c of dumonds ytit m otxniog bid wtit mut hold the king slid juej tj disuihds and the a and quma of eluta- wbeji jioulh re gale ihi ledrtwel rdfs a spoilt and returns a dtsjuoifd the tinese ia truoip istik4 aood y in the baik he sur to lead the jack so that h writ do4 bot caver lb j ia may be irvfksttl liclfrr ihouid lose only five tricks two spade d a ade ruff a heart and the e of club experimetth show early torn planting to be effective ut of planting protects carried out on the fsrma of ltiock harris uilton hit 0 and ieu uccarthy gtorgslown k h- 3 proved the importance of early planting of corn com on each of these farms was planted at three dates from early slay u early june at ilrock harriss corn ptunted on if ay 11th yielded 108 ton of silage or 37 tons of dry matter pr acre corn planted on june ftth gave 13 ton of silage but only 33 torn of dry matter per acre the early planted com had almost 5 tons leu water per acre with a higher total dry mat ter content in terms of bushels of grain com p be tzr ly planted yielded 75 and the late planting 30 bushels at pete mccarthys the usy ifilh planting yielded 108 tons of silage 56 tons dry mat ter the june 4th planting yielded 188 tons silage and only 48 tons of dry matter com pars live bushels of grsln eora were 104 and 72 several farmer in halton and throughout ontario had diffi culty in picking their grain corn last fall because of the high rainfall in august and de layed maturity of tha torn early maturing corn hybrids sa necessity to eliminate risk of not being able to get the crop harvested the liat of corn hybrids in order of maturity can be found in the 1066 field crop recommends tkoj available at the agricul tural office hornby surprise bridal shower for brenda robertson officer are installed st andrew couples club st andrew couples club bad their first meeting of the new year on saturday janu ary 13rd it took the form of a bowling party about 13 cou ple net at the church at eight oclock for a short business meeting and devotions ths officer for 1063 were ins tailed thy are mr and mrs an drew skilllng president mr and mrs william burt secre tary mr and mrs william an derson tressurer mr and mrs jack pickup publicity kev kelvin and mrs johnston the bowling was enjoyed by all ueni high single and tri ple went to mr john zorge ladle high singles mrs hel en anderson ladles high tri ple mrs eileen bradley the evening concluded with refreshment at the home of the rev and mrs johnston the general meeting of horn by united church women was held at the home of mr lew hampton the president who opened the meeting with the ihetne sog followed by the lords prayer the minute of the lfcet tneeting wenr rad by tha secretary mrs orviu cre ton mrs harold stohaon gave the treaurr report the dev otioaal period was in charge o mr- johnston neeiandi who poke of w khould coiuider rh day as gift fron gd- mrs k urutexd conaer of ciiuhju and snl actio o sokaoa social justice for ue indians add stated there ar- lfl4 reservations in ontario letter were read front mrs colton in aklcbwaa and from mrs noble in the states chrwtnia card were packed ifod the reoialiader of the meet ing was spent quilting luneb wkb sarvrd by mrs- orvllle greiton and mr grr i- etalr aaslsttd by the hostess w a surprise tiuscellaneous thirwer was held at the home of un arthur sweeue of mil ton in honor of miss breads hoberuon a bride to be of the bear future the chair of ho nour wsj decorated in pink and blue streamers and bvws of rib bon th gifts were placed in wishing well which wae beau tifully decors ted for the occas- ian hrenda was aaslated in op ening her gkft by her sister mr k roger following die opening of her many useful and beautiful gifts brenda titended vote of thanks to sll and invtt ed everyone to visit her when she gels settled in her new home a delicious buffet lunch wss served by the hostess and a social time enjoyed a euchre party was held re cently at the boyne commun ity centre with 12 tables of euchre in play the prixee were awarded to the following winners mre vecnie bradley mrs alfred ford wsrren tss ker snd jim shir id i a boun tiful lunch wis served by the ladies msny locsl friends snd nrl- 1 ghbours watched the great dis play al talent on sunday after- 1 boon t 430 pm when david austin son of mr and mr charlie autin perforated on the tiny talent show on chan nel ii hamilton with hi guj tar a surprise birthday party wu held on saturday bight janu uary 30th at the riviera in nor val in honour of jim plant who eelebrsled hi 2lst birthday the 29th the party wa arranr ged by wu cenicune rutledge and was ntwoded w u friend a beauothjy decorstil cake wu the to si a drcdrsurt an lh table and wu made by the gwau of honour suurbt law mrs haa plant dauiring wu enjoyed by all mr and mrs cla ci and family who have be a vtaylng at the home of mr and mrs dlbert downs for the put two faioitths have movd u their new horn in niagara falls t mr and mrs peter cbu and daughter ilia moved rec ently to london birthday greetings to nucy pil tenon and janet hill who will relbrste thtlr birthday on february 2nd to tanya dean- tng pobruary 4lh to ander son mayoa fb 7th len buck ler on february wh and janet calhoua on fob 10th on saturday jsnuary t jesnle gordon loba of streets- ville were hostesses to peel and district county lodge no 3 for the election and installation of officers the slsle of officers for hh15 are as follow county miitress m price uxm mis tress r smith j d mistress l stringer recording secty m blinchard de secty m hunter treasurer a neaves finsnclsl treuurer ii mcneil chsplsln r bird lkc p me- res secty ltc h weather- ill sincere sympathy is extend ed to john a simpson and fa mily in the death of his fath er alvar howard simpson who died suddenly at the tor onto genersi hospital on fri day jsnuary flth stresses corn sileage needs high grain content dr charles f rogers of wooster ohio convinced hal- ton county fanners of the ne cessity of high grain content in com silage he was apeaking at tha annual meeting of the halton soil and crop improve ment association january 10th with over one hundred halton farmer in attendance by demonatrations on squeez ing water out of the many samples of silage brought to the annual meeting and by discussing the various tastes of these silages he stressed the need for early maturing high er energy silage mr jack gallin soils 1 crop fieldman discussrd new trend i fer several trial have been conducted throughout ontario using trace elements on field crops stat ed jack gallin but no in creases in yleidi have been found from their uses on gen eral farm crops he discussed the cost of fer tilizer and stressed that farm er must become accustomed to figuring out the exact cost per pound of nutrient they can then decide upon the cheapeat fertilizer to buy following the discussion by jack gallin and slides on the halton ptsttfr competition mr a h martin fieldman riant food council of ontario pre- masons installed in office matonle jpholoir by ctui trolt cmdrtlodge officers inklallad at tha installation night ara bros paisl arnulrrlst robert lawon- sertflddler dougtattallmer wlttlamtharrif i i dartrll brown wallace foatsr david goddan and jack arnmlroria stnttd chtquf to the twelve hilton county romptlitori lir smrlllt hilton co op tlldmin prfffnttd thr sold watch to don matthew the cinadun seed grower auoeullon awards tor over fifteen year of tervlce a a pedigreed teed grower wera preiented by ur a 11 uurtln to w e breekon burllnetoti rr 2 hush u reld cuelph and cordon utile acton riu henry stanley dltcuued tbe 1004 project carried out in cooperation with tha eountlci ol peel wentworth and lin coln chairman hush beaty arked that all soil l crop mem- bert consider new project for ibm- and pass on these sua bestions to the eieeutlve the officers chosen for the eomtns year were president tlusseil llurren campbellville rn vicepre sident sam harrop uilton bb s directors hush besty mil ton rr 4 johnston neelsnds hornby rn 1 clarence ford jr milton rr 4 john will- mott milton rr 1 it c al exander georgetown rr 2 james carney georcetown rr 3 earl wilson nerval rr 1 vmi bell burllnstan rr 1 harold mlddlebrook uilton rr 2 tom foster csmpballvlle nr 3 lloyd stokes campbellville rr 2 sandy buchanan moffat cal vin altken acton rrj icy roads blamed gr hits train a combination of snow and fof wss blamed for a tralncw accident during tha weekend when a ijmihouie area wom ans vehicle received an estim ated 200 damage at an acton cnr crossing constable merv harnesi in- veitlgsted and reported the car driven by lira helen llnd say was unable to atop on slip pery rosds as a freight train was backing acrow frorri a sid ing no injuries were sustained by thedrlver of the ear cqnotttt ouavh rwrtdino sano mao ouavtt trau wid rof sou stoni woik tom haines lenwnillama vtl tjjoi nmmwtt taek 4ak itm pacbtr georgetown representabve rick smith for a memberaklp that suits your driving i a good start for 65 lr gewgeion there hevw bn only five fire cells since december 30141 vu wfiid is very good record but the fire depl it always hoping for a longer fire free berlod and we eel 1hel kt this time of year efter our heating equipment hat worked la long and hed it is wise to have furnaces stoves stove pipes and chimneys checked by a proper servicemen and so extend chr leiplle from fire the fire oepl thanks everyone for doing audi a good ob and lets all continue the good work i your fire department websterjackman ltd mercury srreehville a oooo thaci yd tuy sales leasing and service to all makes mercury meteor comet british ford mercury trucks 124uaj orlh 1774s9 evenings until 10 pm saturday until a pm save on your 1964 income tax whlu rtoviolno km imttmmint kakwkd maximum you savi incomi diposit 3000 t 300 i 5000 soo too 10000 1000 260 15000 1500 575 20000 2000 900 25000 2500 1125 estimsted tax saving for a married man no depeadaots tfnrel befere march 1 enj take aevanlee ef hieae tss savbes call or write today for our new folder on reckthed ittiwemerat savings hani halton peel trust savings company mammon 31 main st north 4513345 milton 352 main st ttt t2134 lorne skuce mgf g w kennedy mgr convenient office hours ooo 500 o0 430 900 630 fridays 900 630 fridays we act as trustees for company pension funds attention bird fanciers we hove wild bird food mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water soften salt master rabbit pellets and master dog food ivt sell and rarjbah master feeds master feeds tiwaynonn dial 1773513 wr georgetown -3- wi muvth trrm

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