Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1965, p. 8

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ihiji- jrawe srxaui jcp5fflpc5 rrij i j financial pokeemanone job of municipal board y owysi klwavey t the herald last a tltxee article your ease comm before the muxticipa board the hearing gets nicely under way but tbea one oi the board members present talis til and must b rvplmmt you find that the whole proceeding elarl all over again from the beginning iheyse not picked up t the point where they were inter pled natural justice both aide the v1r made on them by must be flvaej ample opportune rapid popauilan growth tty to state their case c i 7r ojviil t x tisla b strict oitb lred uk wacqbcr ra aulgntd to sjrttllic fcnblkau6r4 and uwa alio la ls lacal terminology liwy fen eonajdervtl sed of ftlmkjl each applications h thane i i i niual orf ad for an unavold abla raaaod ti hearto u ctunmaaead da novo vaftlaty of wmk paler jones photo all the aids a oioioatovvn jwmoklal hojhtats volunw five year old could want a del nicknamed candyttripers becauta of the new red and while atrlpad unlformi thay wear donnad thair naw habit sunday for iha f ril t ma and brightened the hoipitel corridors mara a young patient yvonne queinai age 5 is surrounded by stripes and the facet of yolanda wiener helen van klink nancy parker arid batty york thi ocoftorrown and distglct memorial hoipitil auxil lary members who are the committee in charge of the teerv erje volunteer aidl mr ludy daboer right aid mn blanche goudekettmg left are ihown with the aidt in their new candyttripe uniforms in the front row from left are christine mclntyre sunn graham nancy parker betty york josnpe sigurdion back row from left mrs deboer helen van kllnk yolanda wiener diana schenk rila van hermelen viuian parry and mn goudeketting mining from the picture l chrutina schatti shriners meet here give wheel chair to hospital lait wed n fid i y evening come thirty five members of guclph and dlitnct shrine club held their meeting in georgetown ten locil shnnm attended the occasion was the presen tation of a child i whcl chair to georgetown and district me morial hospital the aroup had a quick look at the local hospl tal after which thry cicnted the chair to ftod v hittalccr hospital administrator the club then proceeded to the north hilton golf and country club where they held their regular meeting ilob bullock the oriental guide in lumeses temple to ronto gave i report to the mee ting on their various philan throples especially as pertain injr to their work with crippled children and the nw burns hospitals for children the treasurer of rametei temple cordon k johnston also apoke briefly giving a financial picture of rameies temple the guelph club fi a part of this group and in eludes member from surroun dine communll ei acti fer filu oranjtbhle j george town a long others the group was thanked for their gift by one of their mom bcri john t armstrong who also happeni to be hospital board chairman this year the local men entertained the club after the meeting rabies causes death of nassagaweya dog rabies cqptlnuc to advance to ward georsetown ilalion court ty medical officer of health re ported lut week thai a do belonging to a nassagaweya township man had died of ra bias dr archie added that the dog a owner is being trea ted against the disease as a precaution although he hat not been bitten tuesday labrador lie trie- vef family pet at the home of mr and mri robert arm strong it r 4 acton was put under quarantine following confirmation that i fox found near the dog tied in the yard was rabid u the two eases arc the clos est reportod to georgetown alnce the disease wise discover etl in the south of the county three weeks ajo i the doctor said the njmi- i gawoye nun took his dog to burlington animal hospital when h irjd 11 behaving ab- normally the patsuilit have jot in fected from a wild animal the health officer concluded it died after being taken to hos nltal the armstr gs discovered fos lying dcod within range of tfiolr dogs ch vctcrin arian or frank oakes was contacted and in turn referred the incident to the federal ilcaltlt office at brampton samples of the tons brain tissue were sent to the dom lnion laboratory- at hull que bee am the report back with in s low days nflrr ed that the animal was rabid liable ii a csoae of the central nervous system end csn result in death to huntans it contracted rabieses trsns milled to people through bites from wild or tame animals whloh ha the disease dr bull- stated that persons bavins tots should have tliom immurlzod against rablos lie warned rso tlut animals act lug strangely shuj be avoid ed harrison schoolboy is injured struck by car a ten year old harrison pub lic school student was struck by a car on the road in front n his home thursday jan 2fl robert dumper of 29 sargent p car rd was taken to georgetown and district memorial hospital ullb face abrasions and abdom inal injuries after bring hit by a 1030 chrv being driven east on sargent hy william john stoyles of g3 mclntyre crcsc a police report asld the car was travelling east on the boulevard when it hit the boy who was playing near the mrd ian strip the youngster is blind in one eye thi ckosgkyown hkrald thursday fab 11 1mj page 8 and came to rest against tree he was forced over by car seat destroyed bv flames constable harry i iherty handled the investigation there were two other motnr vehicle accidents in town tues day at the john t culvert can driven by deorge jnmm ijine 1 academy rd and hi chard n shortlll 21 hing st r collided and caused proper ty damage estimated at 250 at the corner of main and church street cars driven by geraldine whittoker 4 byron st and fay sherk 75 mclntyre crcsc came together in tight going cars were parked on both aides of the street when the cars collided fronton damage here was 2jl john j lahey 30 ann st and michael george 10 nor mandy blvd were the drivers in an accident at the queen- mcnabb intersection saturday morning lahey was driving east on ltcnab and george u south on queen v a pickup truck being driven by larry f picketj nit 3 georgetown altidded on the ice covered pavement at the corn er of guelph and water st friday and collided with parked car operated by ttobcrt james cain glen williams volcomld dimaffe in this one amounted to 9125 freering rain made driving conditions bad when itonald held little ofljbotsvtlirknr ded off the highway opposite 100 guclph si sunday jan 24 his tar fiat toned a traffic algn fire calls maintained their average of one a week since the start of 1065 when a car sent firemen to stewarttown saturday noon the brigade had only to fin uh dousing a smouldering front seat in a 1000 pontile ouned by bernice ward the car was parked in the drive way when the seat was disco v ered in flimes snow and water were thrown on it before the fire truck ar rived and men needed only to mike doubly sure it wouldn t flare up again gem diamonds are being dredged from the ocean hot torn near south africa shores this li understands w whtn 6bj considered the huitfertiljf varmy of th hairing tbd oub approves municip al application for new eapi ul tpadlturc totalling bun drdj of tnlllioiu of dollars a year in the paid five years the amounts ranged from riilmntf la 1m1 to s3l 033780 yd in iks laat ytr it handled 1601 applications for approval of r- alrteud fcrva bylaws heard 1w appeals from rommlttees of adjuatment and va appals uoder tha aaueumant act it mubud la 110 xaua of eotitpnaatlou for e propria tions undr the conservation authorities act the llkhway improvement act the municl pal act the ontario water he kourei commission act and othtra it granted annexation apnll eationi affecting sress ranging rvoirt k 0 06 of an acr that smiths falls took from mon tag ut township to the 1 1 700 acres tort colbome took from humbert tone and wain fleet townships t is called on to decide on establishment of a nursing hotae on a residential street in bay ridges and of a multl million dollar shopping plara in western metro poll tan toron to natural justtci in all eases the board rigid ly follows tb requirement of when a municipality pro poses to levy a special rate to pay of all or part of a project for example the boafd re quires that notice b publish id so that thiue against whom k is proposed to levy the spec lai rat will bjvi an opportun ity to object if objections art made the board holds hear log before the application is consjsiered for appro vaj it would b btranj iixieed if the board s dcciloc pit d evvryotie ttu boards fch- uual frwport puts it thij way under y drcumstsn- eex the onjy aolutloo is to re strict ezpetoditures he say th only other poadble aolu- tion u add t inns sources of re- vfnuo tor the munkipaiiti pimancial fosiecajt the oaib has obviously been pleased with the ijxreased a- ceptaxye tu the procedure whereby touniahpalkie aan flwith the boaxd firtw forecaat of their capital faseda ori that forecaat the board es tablishes s quota for the tnva- tlpaiity for the current yvat such rsactionv erilicum are ta be expected but it ap pears that over the yrs more and more people are taming to readixe conununity serves its rj best interests by limiting public ducusaloa of the dede- lons of us trlbonals to fair comment in soy event the duty of th board under the ilatu is elear and must b followed m cmamcmi lucobsteo the leglslaturv s selwt com mltlee on municipal law has suggeeud some changes in the board g functions it would take auiiient and espropri ation appeals from the uunl elpal board and plc them be fore a special tribunal with queetlonj of law going to the ontario court of appesl it would tt the urns time put ths municipal board into the lid ef law gallon with this recommendation that on an application for annexation or amalgamation employee relatione and condt tltns of employment and all disputes in connection there with ibill he considered and srbitrsted by the ontario mtin tcipal board board chairman j a km nedy has no comment on the propoula undcrsumdably since the board is a creature of ths legislature he has however appeared before the ontario taxation committee the body studying provincial revenues and their distribution it was a pmstr seision but he has recald the general theme of hn re marks as msny si iso ontario mu nicipalitles are heading toward financial trouble because of john willmott president beef improvement group the annual meeting of the llalton beef improvement as- aoelsuon wu held on fehru ary 1st at tha agricultural office milton the activities of tha ontario beef improve ment association were discus sed by the ehalrmsn jim snow hornby and by john willmott milton henry stanley arrl cultural itepresentauve dls cussed new trends in beef feeding and management officers chosrn for the com ins yesr were as follows test president jim snow georgetown rr i president john willmott milton jul 1 clce president tom foster campbellvlllelttt 3 secretary 42000 in township build permits building permits valued at 12 000 were issued in esquei ing in january building tnspec tor w hulls told council a greenhouse accounted for 7000 and an addition to a scale house at associated quarries accounted for another 13 000 the remainder were dwelling a shipboard day is divided into sin wstches each of eight bells duration v n need cash fast 50ro niagara loans or more kf jfw any good retuon fl niagara finance company limited vwlalrtstfteirnoi treasurer jim mckay geor getown uh 3 directors teorge beadhesd mitton ril 2 newton huddell limehouse itn 1 frank hall streetsville rr director to the ontario beef improvement ass n john willmott i bndehying purpoee of this procedure u to trensfer from provincial to municipal level the task of surveying in the first ipstence at ual the debt boaltiod of the nmnicipel- ity bout present and future and the future effect on the u rate ducloeed by hucb a study this procedure will fcstrulnly result ltl woei of the beeeeury control being enercud by lo cal elected rrprcmnutlvr and minimum or restriction bv this bsfrard wilt be neceiry in such faililon does the board act as a financing pot iceman but the policeman is not the banker it doin t col lect or distribute the provinces revenues much of the spted spilled oh the board is really s h ex preulod of the frustra tion of harried municipal rep resentatives trying to match mnuutlng demands fm serf i es with limited revenue sources but rtisti the worry of the legislators at all kvu of government harriftoral 10 ataia it h n 74su heat your home omt fwrwt cl tllul i i n wfc s tw ta k- kcilut win iv v wrosllbioos n h thompson hardware huauiho miatimo six a day to britain only boac ktus air canada jt direct from cansja to britain with choice of up to site aise hts a day as many as 40 flights a w tills sprint and summer i and you can fly direct from toronto or montreal to u thr major british cantras glasgow manchastar and london sa your travel agant 0m tshcs octoo cjihe or vou surrrttal wesntaa ajsmraw coacroeuitmn tsrrrm ah cmxkbm youi loca1 ioac agent barber henley ltd 27 mill street 877 22u comsvute traval sarvua at no eulra cost fo you waiting for spring to renovate and redecorate why loans for home and farni improvement are available through your bank right now wise canadians talcs advantage of the horn improvomont loans are available wlpto ihrourjh your bank at low interest rate skilled nwnaratbualryrnowwadlv avail j youcanbotrowttpto m000 and taka up able during tha cold vuoathar and tha job a v to repay gets dona whan you want it materiau i in ganarous supply afd ohssaaon dis counts and axtandad pavmant plana can make your ranovation budget go much farther under tha national housing act special a farm improvement loan ohert you up to 1 hooo with as long as tan years to repay government sponsored small business loans are also available through your bank for ranovation and wpalr of smaller busi ness premise and equipment everybody benefits when winter work is increased doitstnow ubyaitrlrydfkalaojajaorcr bstaaa to ail building and remodouno maiemals cau beaver lumber til 73334 frt

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