Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 18, 1965, p. 8

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tu jose photo recent received at sam ttnaaajmo mm rtmoca reooni of h- valentine ball goryekwi1 ckpr ol tlitf kfrfwlal okw o hw dughl of rtw emplr0ol tos mr vd ma harry curic at th roote valentine dnc in u north hallon goh and counity club fruity nqht tt annual dancs was qujraled tuct when licih ww told out vvlct in advance riding redistribution causes controversy among politicians ui w th twau ky gr kuw txwockuuilcbt wltll th impartial commlitloa meth od of redistributing electoral district lie heavy over quecul park the day after their fw wiry reac tion to lb report of tu spe cial coounuuoa on kedlstrlbu- tloa t electoral dutrlcls la oaterid individual nutmber ef- dad la one way or another by th proposed change bav bubalded to bitter muttering- while a few itlbil gerrymander when th report au tabled iba mhahiri hav aine become mora cautious la thai public statement they do not want to appear u crit ic of tha principle involved that of redistribution by an bapartial eo dazzled by figures they remain critical of the ontario commissions method aowever they believe that a teachulion with figures and lack of political sawy led iba three coannualonen to ira on the electoral map line that ignore the reslhles a historic economic cultural and geographic groupings the politician can point to a aeor f curlou new bound aries to support their belief the aputtlng of proton and ueaoeler from gait for exam ple the placing of the atea- eottlt area of klmlra in the taim riding with guelph in stead of with kitchener the spotting of dryden in the kalny mver riding and the slitting of a toronto riding by use don valley kah woal autautles drafted by the report was the thme ben ur justice edward a klxhardaoa chairman rvofes- aor k grant crawford and on tarios chief electoral office clerk of the legislature rod trick lewis- the preliminary work however was done by a eteustkiaat a loan from the department ei municipal af fairs and a law student from the legislative clerks office at hand without the slightest thought of politics ajid that the politicians ssy was the commissions mis take a greater political aware- bees would have prevented such errors as the splitting of coherent muniripsl cultural and economic entities such as the gauiyeatoalltipeler grou ping a nonpartisan commlislon csn be far awsy from the reali ties 1 public life growled southwestern ontario was a undf u terrific problem mr lewis said we chopped it and re- k rob worked it with the population 1 by the eommluions pre figure and geographical facts i posala wokmny rectory fund benefits ladies guild donation uvely hearings these and many slmllsr addllles mske it certain that there will be a lively time when the standing committee est privileges and elections tomes to consider the redistri bution legislation there could be many chsn- go in the legislation before it becomes law but radical re drawing of the boundaries is not expected party leaders do toot wish to destroy the com mission idea they hope that any revision will indicste to eueb commissions the need for consideration of other than airictly statistical factors in re- shaping political constituencies titnus of reference the terms of reference given he special commission indi cated these factors although in a rather vague way the camsolsslon was told to consi der the concentration of popula tion in various areas of the province ae adleated by the 1bs1 federal census tu ladle- of sl stephens anglican church guild met on tuesday night feb s st the f un kea ella urs arthur plant the president welcomed the ladies the mln- of the last meeting were read by un betty royce the secretary a report on a re cent banquet wss given by urs bill bradley during the au- tusslon period plana were made for two future haitquris with urs jeaa harrop as con vener for one and urs usry tnippance for the other business concerning the re cent vestry ueetlng wss dis cussed and it was decided the guild would give generous donation towards the rectory fund a wedding was discuss ed snd also the worlds dsy of prayer ura john busaell wss chosen to represent st steph ens this year it will be held at alhgrove united church following the business per iod urs plant turned the re mainder of the ueetlng over to urs cliff hunter who vss in charge of the program the roll cell your blrthdsy and favorite song was answered by the nine members and three visitors present a paper uusle in the home was resd by urs hunter a short poem with a lot of value do you just belong was resd by urs plant urs hunter asked esch member to choose the month they would like their meeting to he held and also to think of some idea which could be used for the program period during the yesr urs ella presented esch lady with valentine name card to tack on their dress so they could get better acquaint ed with each other the meet- lag was closed with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by urs betty royce snd everyone enjoyed a hilar- lous time a vslentine lunch was served by urs hsiel iteid and urs evelya tyner e the afternoon sewing unit of hornby ucw met oh thurs feb 4 at the home of urs cliff wrigglesworth st which time a quilt was completed to be packed in a bale lunch was served by the h uiisttd by urs lew sampson the eden united church yps met on sunday night feb 7 at the home of don and usry hamilton jane halt presided a bible quix was conducted by bui uarshall plans were made for fridsy night feb 10 when the group will attend a ahow and dine at restaurant afterwards the varying conditions and requirements regsrdlng repre sentation as between rural and urban electoral districts the existing and traditional boundaries of the electoral districts of the province the community or diversity of in ta o t of such districts barbershop cuppings travelling m issle slaps from here to burlington on januu7 15 tod 16 torn imfa from tbcar- grtowtt chapter of um efeb- qfix sjrmmtr kmaenoa job jim tnrnbult riph knd glen m to kitrhfrimt for th district midwinter kmembty at tb cooeatot uoul at leoant eucutiv beet tog it u iun nod to nav a cjutret pknlc for thm unv met pla4 barbecue bmt lut tk- bit lob la ltws ara counaellor tot wvuion 0 wbkb inciodm lbava kul york and scarborough f a vultortt ai fctrcept ceorgv hnr cbapbsr tnting wer bobkokf dav cairai m vie prwmeot and kaac yoda h1u ixiuj- ara coua- muot auo atiendtnjt tuur ainfitlmi ar aid ursuii and wan j tb uurcbapur barber- sbop uilw wblch arrivw berrt lut irvar vld vaj bo du- tuy id tb lurld ollk via- air for twmsj uttm mki pr aniud to tk fcurllattui cbajv ur vioocby yb- 1 by locu trfctetit gld uckluchl work u prtrai3 ei tbt taikeu chapur tmrtmu it will bj bld id th corghowd lujtb kcbool uetrcb 10 n nw aad brwii ttalformj r u or- what thk society 15 9 tb socletyi purpami u tbis quou lfrom tba inttr- utloaal llylfc to pertt- tuta tba old auericaa buli- tut ion tba urbrtbap quar tet and to promote and tticour- ak vocal harwony and good ffllowihlp amonjt ita iaambri utroukhout tbe world by tba konoauon of local chap ter and districu compos- ad of wtmbtra nlerttd tn tbe purpotas of tba society to bold local district and inwrns- uoaaj eon tests la quarttrt and cborus alnftnif to encourak and promote tha cditcatlon of the public in music appreciation of turbarsbop quartet and chor us sljtlng notice to creditors and othitt im yui ittath op maruha j lawsam dataaiij all persona bavins claims ag ainst tbe tstatt of henrietta lawson lata of cewgetown deceased who died on or about lb snd diy of dec4nber 1mu ar baraby notiiiad to send in to tba undersigned raraonat rprsenuuva of tha said de ceased on or before tha 1st day of uarch 1009 full partic ular of their claims immed lately after the said date thi aid persons representative will distribute tfie assets ol tha said deceased havins re2rd only to els i ms or which it shall then have notice dated at toronto this 2flth day of january 1005 ilarittu true company urtttod 11 klvej it 8al trm otvt by ault 1 ault their solictors herein 41b tha tevenlnc unit of horn by ucw bald their febru ary kneeling at the home or un orville grextoa with el- evea uembera nd on visitor pisdt due to the absence of the president mrs jim snow airs tom bouafletd presided for the tbeetlng a n mtfti i mr- v hatel stewart was first baptists thank deacon for service a special tritwlt was paid a ember of tbe vint baptist cburcsi deacons board who re tired from tbe office after nine years wbca eburcb km ben and ndberenta convened in tbe cburcb bail or their an nual meeting and elertiona mr ollw wldtnec a trae baptist deacon aince ibm de clined to aun4 for tba vtfum this yr tbe ebalrmafl of tb board lior carter knention ed sir wblb9ea pt aervicw to uwv cburcb and said be cocv aidered tt a prhrtleja to b scnvo vnb bjlh tb 1mq deaseona ftaord tn- dode atr carter ur walter townencl h wuoo win flld air aj hobaon sir don ald uvintatane and mr kov buttrey mr ken mccoh la tburcb treasurer and airs dould llvincstooe u alrrk tuportj frocri tb varloua br inlieilone wltbin tb thurtb nr clvd at tbe mecliitit wblcb followed a eupfwr all troupa lodksied good at tendance and progress id each udmdiul kbaa of work of tb ebtirch tber wr eevral bote worthy vrtnu bi 1m4 and tb wer kneotiooed id a aunv uary aurly in tba year th wom en society who marked tbelr adtb year aj an organlxaliod amalgamated with the sun shine club to form one ladle group tbe sunshine society to commemorate tbelr fifty years th womens society do nated a portable communion set to tha church so that the taking of communion would be available to the elderly shut- ins or member hoapltaliied la february 1w4 a new el ectronic orgsn wss purchased and dedleatrd in november the members and adherents enjoyed a fam ily evening which included a hot supper and a coloured slides show urs r r cor- bett and ur s hshn supplied the slides of norway wbub tbey toured last summer gristiao you weak observed t gtmies- tha ncth eteaontstsnra qtu- rajas turd t tkc opentiasjltmsl atalrjh with ijsjb plain mi urn rtseiluns is rery dose- any- eaev uooklnc thera sriu be nlafet fatewarr 7 at st jsad- rws church mnfrntalnetsw 4 sxndatr to chrlatiaa youth week- re bms c jceusstoei s7 sl andrevs churrh ulrlrmij the esssiiiilllj pointing out per- tieulaxty the imnvmliase ecu- denical afotrexnent and concr- tulatlnt al preeectt oa ihclr participation am inteteatin anel ester- talninc proxrataxae eas pee- eaaied hy tbe teapectiv actat- ers x candle uajht rae one of the hjahhttrts u the ening lynne wukee u the h guide co betty duffy linda kitchener and marilyn kitchener to tbe tth ceoramown co mrs k it york txhurlct coeanslaaionee apoks a few tbe ibbpartanae and of tb gvhw lan and asked th fnidee to retugti hoo pad eooecstraie o these lave a food for thourhf so all culsaaa are nrajed to ob- tain their plau now and araid tie nssh- mr haafcstt ahw mealed that sooae stotui00 dnlvscs are lle- esseed 1b ontario of which saber two thirds wal get swrs peraana renewed this year dlivera a dotified when their reowwa date approachea and can then renew then at the nearest dept of traneport office or through the null aaor than toofxo krarra apeeiee of aata time running out buy car plates now it advice the hon irwin llaskett u sumj a wariilni to all ontario uouriatj that time was run- nln out for than te their ear plates in a ttaument made to nowe- meo ywurday at queens rarfc tha dopt of traaapoft mirjstrr said ttmre ai only about rosed ale floral flowers for all occasions wfootmte csiuou a cut flowers and funeral designs w wlr flwr w jubeef ix 7iej pack mm taxi owned by welly huawy ihom i 8774817 chxiasy end tarnprnass need 50 till pay day try atlantics thqfty fifty thir jj ttu pay oay wa wk m mitt eland menetjar atiantic finance cocpomttom umitto fhsuye mt oth lleawict the means of communica tion between various parts of atich districts together with i tbe physicej featurea all other related and rela- is ttro- factors pnd wtth partlcu- t lar reterence to rural elector- w- al cuatrlcu shall as far as jsractlcahle lndodo the whole folt any one municipality in one wtortcjdisbrtct- and tnembers airs john wall ace read the minutes of the last meeting mrs willie craig gavecthe treasiirery report the ttdler were reminded of the general meeting which will be held on wed feblt the program schedules weretau ad out to all the members to devotional period was in charge of mrs alva bbwden durliar the program period a ol cootie wa played is friends of his community ex tend their sincere sympathy to the family of the late percy uerry who died suddenly st his home on tuetdsy feb 0 st the aire of 76 he was the beloved husband of amy howes and dear father of mrs jim medougsll loli of sud bury and keith of rr 1 hornby sirs uary rradley spent few dsys with her dsughter and family ur and mrs peter bel- ford of cooksvllle friends were sorry to hear of the unfortunste accident of dwight may of hornby who had his throat slsshed while playing hockey at the vtilton arena on thurs night the many friends of mrs henry peacock extend their sympathy to her and family in the death of her father john rswlliufson who died on wed feb 10 at the reel memorial hospital in brampton birthday greetings are ex tended tn barbara break on feb 24 to betty jean uarch- uent and clifford break on feb m the ladles of st stephens anglican church guild catered at the norval junior farmers banquet and annual meeting avmyiit ph i t h had accounts collected oil any accammt ov4t 500 reejardlesa y y kit ii w collect w bar is ri elletli hr u h ebaro by canada is roes t celuctua amey kelly aiken box 3m oraovui ontario theres work to be done yea there hi plenty al work to b done jobs that you anrlclnata dolnej u tha spring could be dart haw check around your hotna ar place al bualnau and yeu will ha surprised al tha many obs la be found sa may w aay piaaa ta o and attention bird fanciers we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water softener salt master rabbit pellets and master dog food irvf sell md nc9mmtmdwh master feeds amster feeds ctfwajtttdvvn 1 dial otlsia wf thjvm heat your home do it now for information and assistance call your national employment office 1 union street brampton 4511240 stewarttown hall tbe ban quet was attended by 103 mem bers friends and past member better farming electrical aervlce la now a- vallable to ml per cent of tbe farms hi ontario including thousands in remote northern anas toaeryejtajural cust omers ontario hydro oper ates mora than i9kwidufiaof djstrlbuuoa line r h thompson hardware flumbino hcatino tit 7j97i pity to go all ihat way and not see britain enjoy tha sights ahopa ahow and pageantry ol britain this sprlnav on your way to europe it wont oot is panny antra in far jat direct frorotoronto to london- only boac and ale canada fly you ther hava fuu on your atopovar than chooea from 1400 flight a weak to 63 european cities seal your boac travel asnt all own tlll wo lb tks booe cam or voo aanraai avnsus nnrt youb ioca1 boac aocnt is barber henley itd 27 mill stretit v 8772214 v cooipleta travel aervlce al no autre coat to you j bell linels by arnold bladhford your telephotte ssiansger m direaory delivery soon i out with th olo in with th miwi im rw- tyifi sl cure m hi kratw taj 4lrmrf m twlv tkla ttttw f yw twa mihus uafc tka f k aw twpaat but iwtotatw w htr kmuly w km imum bj 1 ha tw hj tkavhj llrtlnvs kt tnaall lm mrmht sa avbv v4ifw ilnm avj avald wratj mimuk w auf fa utk hw haaur ua aj a ii tiawrt bmtor yu call liawy hhu hiim tu4ka ual iw rcajufl ymir pt- aoaal ewupkawa iwnikars ara atllj awallaua fraa al thar uat call tut buslitaaa owla t772tl atid ta1l wd y a moving time in sprint so they ay a younj mans fancy turns to thoughts of love but there appears to be room for other thoughts too such aa moving the hit thih takes plsce esch sprlm with increased reffularlty veople move across tbe street or scross the town in tesrch ol blcjer home a smaller apartment or sometime a more tsshlenable sddreas y u youre one o the people on the move tbhf year dont foreet that your telephone service ha to benoved too by tlvfng us adequate notice service to yourfnew residence csn be ready tor you when you arrive thus ireventln pos- elhle loss of hnparcant calls as soon as the details ot your move are complete call our business office at 8ti23fi3 one of our aervlce repre sentatives will be pleased to look alter you aim to be heard if folks sometimes hsve difficulty searln you over the telephone it msy require only a si nt twist of the wrist to make your voice com in loud andelr seelnt televlalon performers talk or sing over microphones that may be loca ted 18 lnohea from the mouth or saopended overhead out of alkht may rive us the impression that we can do tha same with te telephone we may carelessly uut with tha telephone tranamltter held anywhere from beneath tbe chin to above the hose v but the telephone is not broadcaslln device tt i an instrument designed for peraonal and private con versation it has been engineered to operate most tclen- ly when your apeak directly into the mouthgl w your lips about an inch away you need apeak only in normal tone tp bfard elarry if youhmd the telephone dirtctly in front of your mouth snd apeak into tha tranamltter jtu kjfoft tftf

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