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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 4, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald fwbttalmcf by horn ntmpimn limbed 22 mejn slrml gexxgntown ontario w cwihn puhtukw page 4 thursday march 4lh 1965 rrr fditoriat comment service clubs important cogs tf kjnirrvn club it marking it 0th ogwn birthday htis mormh and th lki0ry club aeon hi nth with tha lento lions ctub vavhjch has well ov a tjuarte mntory of local xislrke then doba ruw proved of ineihratbu wowi la georgetown jlfnct the dubi sre at ih bck and call of ny womwiiu civjc iwivic be it a young- ter wbo nedt rjlasifts a band at tick tak ing for ihs fall fair a large prcct ukm tha bicipital or aid to enpplvd children uarui while rjomg about their good ki chr fully and with vigour sarvlc jctob member m to have a good lim bohi at the r d nnur maa tings and they go along p helping others 1hf it uarcely any town activity which doas not eiitar owa its birth or som of ilk growth to a larvlca dub i the k nimen hive created a parkette playground and are investigating construc- post office possible site t tha ontario pol ce commuiion report bai a separate build ng for the george town police department at one of itt mam yacorvnendat ons and with tome trepidation after the jjoliticaj publicity which tha old poit office building received a year ago we luggett fhaf if be considered at tha possible site the building has two of the requisites jwhich the report demands enough space fend within walking d stance of the down town business area ft has sat vac an for over a year and it is possible that tha own- r might consider a tela if there was a reasonable profit on their investment didnt ouite make it although the little tbealr playert didnt quite make tha drama finau thu year they have nothing to be ashamed of in their presentation of the little hut last week wa viewed the play on opening night war impressed by ill high standard of playing and direction and with tha adjud icator shared tha thrill of hi superior stag tatting which ha termed of conv pfately professional calibre tha play was not an easy one highly sophisticated it wat deceptively light farc with an underlying commentary on human beingi and their bhaviour under a certain tat of condition the author took some pointed digs at what people will do under two sets of circumstances civili zation and desert island living tha lines tion of apartnwnts for senior chlienjv the ftptarunt have he easier sl campgyi s onv of then major yeatly choea the community swimming pool wt tive balrv tii id of tfn itom santa cfui parade girls toftball ia4gue seme clhim dinner christmas wlfar for nedy families are only the beginning of a long list of club activit and thara in many stints which bcusa rriy are for individuals tr never public iid it can happen avn that club mamber thermal vat may not know tha actual name of a person who has benefit tod from their ganaronty geogaiown has been fortunate in having men band togtther in thata public spirited act i vi t ii wa should show our appreciation whrevt possible by support ing them whan they hava hckets to tall public functions to attend and it never hurls now and than lo say thank you for jobs well done the budd ng might well tie in wilh tha town s current interest in having a mag istrate t court m town to hear case which now must go to milton and oakville tlvera is off street parking space available tha build ng is of sol d stona construction im pressive and ideally located conversion to a police building would cost money but if money must ba spent we could visual ib renovation as fairly moderate compared to what a new build ing could entail there is already provision for a separate caretakers apartment if nae ded several offices and enough area to tarve georgetown s foreseeable future needs ware cfaver ana required the utmost polish in delivery and nuance to put ihe story across tha four performers never once let us down at they unfolded this comedy of manners the adudicator s mam cnti cum wat that too fast a pace was main tamed on opening night and soma of the lines tended to be lost a fault which wa are sura wat corrected in following performances we share in the disappointment that the little hut is now merely local history and that it will not be given its hopedfor performance at woodstock this spring but the company should be happy to realize they have given another fine thow for georgetown audiences one which wat thoroughly enjoyed by the people who attended harley to halton weikly observations by dr harry harley mp for hmtou at the end of latt weak par lument pasted its firat piece of lefliullon md it went through aha home of commons with realty only token opposition apart from the opening day nd the following thursday the house of comamni has set clod down to work wltnout too much trouble the labour stan dards act provides standards of work for those employees under federal jurisdiction and prov ida a standard much better than anywhere else on this con tinent ai in example this touch better than similar leg illation in the united states on friday during the last hour usually devoted to private members hour groat coopera tion was evident and rainy mall but impowant bills oas- ped the houm tit commons since monday parliament has v r pension plan clause by clause this of course is a very impor tant matter and deserves a great deal of study u js evident that it will receive this and it is lik ely that this debate will take v two or three week time as use canada feiufai plan will af fect every canadian in some way and the economy of can ed m a whole it u necessary thsuit be considered etrettll fully one oi the afternoon sessions was taken up by a question ot privilege by the ndp one newspaper from british colurm hta has charged that six of the nine ndp members from brit ish columbia were elected with the assistance of fraudulent vo ting practices of some of the unions the ndp wsnted a complete investigation but the speaker ruled that as no spo clflc member was charged it was not within his powers to allow the motion to be voted on tha members of the gov ernment supported the speaker but were overruled by the house of commons the mot ion itself to have the investl gation under the direction of the acting chief returning officer was pissed inanimous ly h will investigate these charges it is char god that some union members were enumers ted in one area but beiorc el action day were moved to an other area a record is allcg ed to have been kept and someone voted for them in the area wrere they were enumers- ted ia th benefit of the ndp this of course is illegal one has to vote where he has been enumerated snd loses his vote tf he ts not there when voting takes place in memory of the old in honour of the new mfl- flowed bdn- eath uili tug dont throw ii juit iwy give it an honoured plica to t in memory of ha day many joyi an tlad to it and many aorrowa too eaaa it gently down with pride for ltahraveiue la through welcome now thla gallant flag haa juat begun andju will venture boldly i5hh7 under i bright new aun give it your heart and loyally thla lag that la now your own and even prepare to die for it ai you did for that which haa flown maryannti klngdon bit 1 mortal fw ik 1b83 everybody is shaving with the same blade news desk extras by ywry ttawy things youd never know if you didnt read phone book the nw edluoa of tka bell telr phone corupanyi directory it chock full of all itindi of tniigmficant mfor matton if you care to tpsd a couple of momenta flipping through the georgetown sec tion r or instance a change in leadership v quietly ukrn place here aftew name abc tv and radio service raw sits atop the local uwlnas dethroning g abrahawie whose number occupied that pot tor the pat few yr whlle at the tail end of tha 12 and a quarter page geor getown section uu george zylstra which took oer that position from emit zuber in the 1063 book the smiths once again form the moat numerous hat the local listing eon- tains 01 smiths but the wil sons 33 are getting clou 1ud for third are listings for thompson and norton both of which appear 2fl times hunters 21 and browns 20 are almost as numerous browns however domln ate the colour cat r gory by a large margin there are on ly 0 whites 7 greens s blscks and s grays although canadians are not allowed titles the geor getown directory contains 11 kings but no queen iteligiously speaking there ar 2 popes 2 bishops but no deacons or archdeacons the name of the towns foun der kennedy appears 4 times in the animal world georgetown has 10 fishers a fox 2 wolves 8 birds and 3 eagles which when to talled are still outnumbered by tha 21 hunters when it comes to skilled labour georgetown accord ing to the phone hating has 18 barbers 17 millers 7 ba kers 7 cooks 3 farmers and 3 shepherds and 34 business offices ctimerrisl ptsces snd club start their titles with the word georgetown we also have 3 norths 2 souths a weit but no fcjtt and the only automobiles in town are 8 fords 3 14 orris 8 besumonts 8 coopers a ileal a riley and a stan ley it a in tha book bible thought for the week u da amj li y rarty ulj i akall nivf w rn ihalmi 30 8 good timre hmnli hig talk hwarr lit thou forget the lord thy god georgetown herald fuuwkaj by haws h luji4 gaorgalowb ontario walw c luka publuher cahum utcllwey production superintendent lealla clark dava halting 1l gllion j ucclementa jerry llahuaky ivrry llarlcy alleen bradley neva editor accountant krank uullln advahulng uanagar aire william gaggle l clerk tyoiit anna currla reporter piter jouea photographer kuuber of tha canadian weakly newapapera aaaodatloa and the ontario aaaoclatloa news echoes ftm tk 4oa of tlse iwau 144 amj 1m lovfaksaoo h e cold will be gorotowns new tnqrxrf commerv clnq his position her the first of may on of 14 applicants for the position recently acjvartisod he wat one of three men inlerviewd on monday by council p an alltime record of applications for a municipal position almost snowed council under monday when town clerk john d kelly produced 89 utters submitted by men seeking the new position of police chief ft the old buck slaughter house behind me arena has been torn down and plans are on tha drawing board fntm i ij ixjiih rh katot system filtration system and dressing rooms as me lions club prograsses with vrrangemenrs for a swimming centre there esjlmaled cost of the project is 50000 20 yeafts a06 f a teller from the trustees of school section no 14 was read at esqueslnci council monday asking that the council incorporate their sool into a township school area a motion was made salting apart school sections nos 3 5 8 10 11 and 14 as a township school area 2cb ourqtfto tothee- uho asyrnl itshi ao mh invite 75th battalion members to celebrate to tha kdltor dr sir tha toronto soottikh rrgim nt will vlhbrsl the 0th an niverssry of its founding irom june 34th to 37th ided new colours will be prasented to the begin ent at varsity stad lum toronto on fridsy even ing june 2ih the cevwnony will be telecast on the dc on saturday evening june 16th there will be a reunion for alt ranks in the fort york arm oury and on sunday afternoon june 27 the old colours ull be laid up in knoi church i am hopeful that a many formrr members ot the uegi ment and of the 7olh tuitalion as possible will ba able to at tend the celabrstlutis mould you be so kind as to include this letter in the letter to tha kditor column of your newspaper so that all former members ol our regiment may be notified and invited to at tend they should send their names and addressee to the orderly koom tqronto scot tish regiment fort york ar moury 80s fleet st toronto 211 ont yours sincerely major d r uckiuigan sugar and spice by bili smiley they could have asked me that kxiat anient trrlbl tierr ertn hj churned out aaotber book with the cacour aemnt of th nxlicaji cburrrb ha took wei wag supped t b4 a lontia hard look at coo temporary cnxfjiunity lo the- raucal re vivwe the rewili nklcd tha cocoruble pw turned outto h a kwi soft look w t i ww nvu4 u- san w ihmnav mmii ma smiusv wltfc wj ku tv ueruw wmi imhn daluj kk muui iij ku u w kv iinw kltl fwo- trrn anek mp i but this is dlrfrb my jal aiby is eornplieated by itierr hurt if the anwlcshb wanted iatbody to wriu a uxtk sh out thu why did they turn to a tck slid angjiean like her ton when they had a frout sild angtirtin me available like wat onvrtd angh cans i was hauled kiekinj and klruatfliog into the fold on 4ikul grounds vly wifa wu sn anglican at first tha used to shame wa into accompanying her to church a couple of tunas a year then thi outfit fastened it unscle to the kida and first thin i knsw i was joing tj rihle class pageants and sunday school picnics the fraaum incrajasad wuuht it u lavaly she iafmuleud wlh that shaty wltfulnets that maka yu wwrf 1 hm far hit hutft atlt if vu cmju ha canllr mj at the sm tm as yaur iihie unr i dug in ray heels i reused to join in the general confes siqn because i could bear my mother with her solid uetho dirt background groaning in her grave every time w came to that bit about believing in the holy catholic church 1 wool dn t kneel but just sort ot crunched down like my l liter prrsbtrnan father to cut a long conflict short i waj confirmed at the same time as my ion and frankly i must sdmit that once the last rui was pulled from un der my feel ia enjoyed every minute of it now i can mumble the gen eral confession and the creed with the bestjoi them and i take a certain childish pride in kneellnc stralihthacked through the long cotiwnudion service when all about ma other people are groaning and reverting snaakily to a squat crouch or a mere befldin of tha bel somwtfmi my fa- mily has ha me hack the pw and inautff my 1 w that i can txtmm up for the i bcx hymil but its eorth it qsm ikht i itkm afcas the 4alicm twy p m smv mm ml tkh vf efatttlasj sh v sr eat bmst f whh ini ch n ears the eeh ur 4 kts lmnrirhmw thay imh yew p td atawl ttkv ach4mwola4f n yewr kateaa rts sluajiasiv 1 mi yw eue yees ajkuher thih i hke about anglican service la th pray 4t i don t think 1 eowki evef go hack to thou interminable bomeuisda priymti in whkh tha practur acta as though cod hd nothing better to da on a uuy hundiy nonilbg thml listen to him displaying his 1- oquenc and bdumore at liiit in the aoctucaji ritual you ess craful flap vw the pate atu u ruuro that thaa are only two moia pans- graphs u tha thing 4 laat saj i ha t hy thla l like uu m ajaelkaas uow femh na4 m laaj su elk if j w a wii with a knha u hrii will swu mm th- fltha kw tmrimim its hot unawowaek tfcy i that a fra4 analuam u a pu um4m har kaaai h e ad kc w nliieu ar kuvtut w raahrsarta in this way 4bey are vuccy ilka good kc s aiathodiats bapurta snd prijytaciatu ks heartening to thow who lack eoafideue i told you they plcfced the wrong fellow to write that book henri dunant founder of the red crou said to arouse a desire among states to vie with one another in rvally charitable undertakings ao that one and all may benefit from the successful achievements ot others in the sphere of kumaa- lunan progreu is to annihil ate th petty prejudices and cold selfishness el race to wards race j business directory chiropractor ponalb a say dc appolntmenta made dally call tt 74m1 3 main st gaartfalawrt chir0praq0r earam w caritall dc opam dally by a4palrtntamt ifouaa ealla arrangei 1x7031 11a main u warui a y walkik 10 dou optomtyrisy 1 uiin st s brampton 1s14474 bet 4s12j houn oam to 8 p m tuelday to saturdiy friday oam to 0 p m kventnse by appointment onomitmsr wmcmilligan 35 mill st apaialnhhanta 77ja71 ca m wistwood ontaru land sunyara 118 uoutiulttvlew nd s yrunl mill w h cary p waahwxxl th ytmo lua ttt ml4 dax devtooruebtts limitid fculmen him hontaa trop walter wehblok 1774111 w 177wis barragers cl lhlr laurnwrara yr 7jj79 18 main s 168 guelph all mid dona an rmmlaa robi r hamilton ofilamatrlal 118 uountalnview bd a carretil bldi for appointment ph 8773971 monuments hillock av campsiill designs on bbquest inapect our work id graauwood cemetery fhon u17u6 83 water street north 0 a lt frank p i y c h ucknskd auct10nekb prompt service v po box 41s oboroiyowm animal clinic 108 gaielph straatt v zavltat dvm dr bv oaakln cunlo open 8 8 pm mon wio chi ahirday 11 ajn dale bennett latimer baines lirrlitre t allalfar douglas v lattukb terence f batntt miaimia vsai u uni sl corti7w frederick a helson arrliter and 8allalta 116 uountalnview m a carretal bulldlni georsetowtl yr 7 m e maiidmon qc barrlttar and solicitor 61 mill st georoatown tr 72464 tvansicklerbjl lurrlitar luiuitm nary dr wllluma bldf j 88 uala 8 ttt y1s3i jrd blvlalon court ofrk a canunlaalonar tr7w4j the rolling mill tor workllgf motala waa llrat deaerlbad ju leonardo dt vlnel ft raafewa

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