Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 25, 1965, p. 11

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1 1 riviera has a first with teen bunny club the tint bunny club axcllv slvety foe younf poepla in th vbote nortb americtn coniiv at optoed sunday nlfbc not tn nw york not fa n orleans not in montreal bat rlfbc bcr in our owb bck- nl at tba eiviera la nor- val ad it maul oinf u um uoaywood ad mf vttb lour hasdrerf n4 thirty yocnj duiu floekln o lauocb abur y two bunny club t tjw wahnwea claa in um umet bunny girl etuuo of playboy lam tented tuft driaka no lljuw allowed and hamburgera td their eli drvsaed ruvtotscre u u4 sutbiotic ntat club artmoapbei uh theckw ubu clotaa kbd tndld ulcfcerititf la um tdclur covered win bouletf tiir tried hard to look ununpraemxi a feature uy on th pocket book of youa lochinviri w tin fart it u au dn it huo tmtula with tha firli fclwe uwy ion t bvtj td wah to u ukad for i du vrn 7m till 1vrn th club rtatiubdad lo th bl of lavoo hd tb hawk ciilu dlee joky bob ufeadory on of the teenage fvourltei wa tuo 6d bkud to eiuu nod teuflu witb tb tubef thai uifadory wn tmprn a botb with the riviera and the wj o tha huany club baa been mad plain to chum listeners fclnc sunday owner fcmll zubcr wu ilao intnrtaied with the wll man bered and gentlemanly b baviouf of tha youn popl u nlve thm a diit place of their own where thy are exnd to act like adult and they will do it he uialntalni tba hunny club will be in freratloo avary sunday nlfch from 7 jo till eleven an hou considered not too lata for the school or working day to foil ow for the pirtnta who by now re tblakinj they were born thirty yean too soon there s saturday njfiht fct the riviera bunny cajtd fouttnttf lbii ia for eoupu however only here alto aomethlng bw baa been added instead o the uauil lull for the early blrdj who get there before the band trikei up there is entertain faent lait week trevor vlnlng aeng and played the guitar nekt week an socordionlil will troll among the tablra again at intermiuion there ia entertainment this a full night club act featuring well ktiown entertainers billy ueek and cy leonard appear ed saturday the croud wrre i parking lot tickled with the original ver ilone in music tij some well known fairy ulea but 1111 ueek on the banjo brought down the bouse wbrn harvey smith and his eleven piece band quits for the nifiht the onunel entertainer returns for the 11 hour records are played for dancing or just re laung a welcome by product of this system is no lining up for coats and no rush to clear the nurses host auxiliary to afternoon social th director at nmxlnf it um ceoriabxra mad dutrtct mimorul hwpiul mm umtj mmnntnf m lot titti wcts txmttrt wbra they loviud tha hoaplul wotttcn auxluary to coff aad dwmrt ia th hovpl ul muru wdumdiy utick 17th th getur 4 id ipprocu tlod id um mrk duo by ti ttziluty lor um bospiul erlfhtly daearttw tifclu oo- ri irtingnxnti bmvlly la outnew by um bet uut it u st rwck dy copuuy trmrad th utrli 6oa lorty tuxltury mem bers pot tn loarmai hour with th nurta trying tbe vmx lety o dcimru la chatting a trv1 llm at t tour of um potynaalan liundj thown by ui ooan r btrbw of bu bar mod uanlay travai agency eoncludod tha ailarnooe ui gaorg hnui tha ba- oitil uxiuary pratldant tbank ad th nuraing tuh and uid it vaa a puaaura h ba on tha r cawlnal and boaviullty iha uitj tt auxiliary in lad to hear tbalr aftorts wr of ai vka to tba nurajiu daparurat and tba hoaplul ia ganaral mmtvai wanu walton kept in riding names- a dot by tyy goodwin de- poty reeve of acton to have tbe heme oi tbe newlydivided voting areas of haluui county banted east and west helton instead of tbe propoeed oak ville end burlington was put over till not meeting at u1- um county council tuesday eitemooo deputy reeve goodwin eon tended that the voting area had been known u hslton county for yeert and it would be wrong not to keep the heme of ualtoa lit lb furefront thii has butr bee paaaed tvputy heeve l whiting of oakvtlie rmnldd hlrxi then went on to correct hit wording it tbould not be termed a vot ing are but a divulou a eo etilurttcy hrv cellmch oi burling ton felt that very little wae ao omtlihed by municipal gov emmente trlllng senior govern udu what to do scouts guides at norval entertain at family night ttmoy muhl or tha nerval california and hi and um i gcooti tuba culdaa and john wilson ihod lld on urownlaa uialr tiruu andithair tiiv to ul warllhnel umir frlanda wu hld on rvl i day vnlng march llnri in plnrjrova rarrn orum hald norval 1arlah hall k kle aiaka social tha boiua gavfth opaln u of ut and lira linear wil kujwi ordaro 11 kuolkrtbj p5y y vaning march tert ftth the toote for dbeuialob pri u sue re- b srnla ut tandlai on iaptevl lvd a latter from ilia a llg birthday cav to cala jvt konin a whoaa prograrawr l- wau tha blrlhdayl oi lord i u a j iara o channal 11 on satur uid lady poall alb lluntar aatm day at u 30 trlhnj hrr that tba scouu put on an ainua- n hoataaa in aarvlng tha pan bcdoto ib had mtfd la 4blch ahay id uaetr mmma laat saterdar tnpac of that alltfil liv llaat 1 barraadnf aaecdou my moat mck u anedote brings local lady 500 alia bad won w00 for the an we now have acomkihuww miami carey coverange vbitjlatmg hoods a tiust km mot i j as tow as 42795 ox msmav at otjb aatxaaoot h beaver lumber rw ii watuvtl 7t lug tut oa lcouun in tria wona ala tba cuba put on a rgulr uaatlnd uia parasu and irtpodj could u whit the boya do u a matting houk cook waa invrtlad chrli jona hcrlvad hia flrat alar and alain campball raeatvad hll ind aur lliay alao damonalr aled safety slgna and the parta of tha union jack flag followed by a aktt on camping tha culdea put on an ajn cakaa t t on monday tvenlilg march 18th tha wnagrove karen ror um mat at tha home of mr and mra mac alexander they dlscuued tlta clalmi of aga followed by a friendly game oi carda mn 1 mctee and mra d umnnd aaililed tha hoateu wuh tha lunch limihouli of evening for following tha progfam lunch marathon euchre w0val education week marked by school open house oit monday uarch r in op- w house was held at norval ihibllc school to celebrate ld ucatlon week tbe grade seven ed with parking croas dotutiotu- oclock a physical dasaonslrstlon was iwys help- and red at tight educstion shown by alias koberteon and the grade four pupils following the demonstration fenny jo iteyn old wehard busby and mary lynn clark from ur need a room uld their speeches to tbe many parenta who came to the school to see the pupils work at the close of the show tbe gride seven glrlt helped mrs caacadden and mrs t- kendley with refreshments af ier refrethmenta everyone went home written by david thurlbeck grede 7 norval public school the young peoples union of norval united church held sl patrick s day party in the church hall on saturday evening march 13th the tv enlng was enjoyed by playing games dancing and lunch congratulations to msrlrne armstrong and barry cleave both of eorgelown who were martied in norval united church on friday evening march 12 they will be making their home in brampton barty one of the partners operating the norwood motors serviee station in the village get well wishes are ertend ed to ut jim russell who is patient in georgetown l dia trlct memorial hospital t mr and mm wcs louth pent the week end of march 14th visiting with mrs louth s brother and family mr and mrs elmer donaldson of south ampton the water that they should have almost daily until they get established u it any won der thaj some of these things fall to produce either the foliage bloom or fruit hat so attracted us the first lime we saw them illustrated in catalogues o y magaxines there ia no secret of plant ing or transplanting either trees or petunias they need moisture good soil flrtnlv pressed around the roots and if big support to keep the wind from whipping them a bout and letting air in around their roots georgetown gardener watch heights colours when planting a garden by qeriun llndaay smith in planning a garden seed eaulogue and a good govern tnent bulletin or two wilt be induneniable newspaper col umnlata who are uiually hard up for aomethiut new to write about at thil season like to poke fun at the aeed cala loguea they like to pretend that the pictures are exigger ted but they know ai any gardener with yeara exper fence will confirm that jhe pictures haver do justice to th real colour of the flower and no photo or even paint lng can depict the freshness of peaa or corn as they come bright from the garden at the door in the catalogue there are 4wo or three points which one hould note and remember these are helirhu of plants when full grown colours and time of blooming if it l cower garden we kr plan- nlng or with vegetables ma- lurltyrwhtcltte uelanothi way of saying when ready to eat we ebouldhave a good idea of hew big a tlnnla or to mato plant wll be when fully grown before we planthe 1 bed or row in which to put it if we dont we may find tiny thiruja like alyeaum portulaca and vcrbenaa completely hid den by giant marlgolda oi dahllu or lettuce crowed out by corn and we may have jungle on our handa inatend of a tidy and beautiful garden time of blooming and ma turlty are important nolnta be cause when we know theae then we can plan to have something alwaya in bloom and a aucceaiion of the freah eat vegetables coming along for the table it is alio a good thing to know whether a car- tain flower or vegetable we would like to try is hardy en ough for our particular corn er of canada or whether it will like oor kind of toll or alone it la well too to take into conalderauon the colour of the flowera we plan to grow nature does not permit much clashing of colour but we can get more interesting and more beautiful blending if we help by planning its really too bad that a uaayofussaeiutn lose some of our enthusiasms for plsnta ahrubs and trees after we have purchased them but be fore we get them planted we pay out good money for roses shrubbery trees and vines then plant them in holes that are too small in soil that is too hard and poor and we for- tour sees where cancer money going a number of local people in terested in the cancer ifoclely toured the reaearchandt treat mrnt departments f princess margaret hospital on sunday the tour ia held annually prior to the april campaign to let canvassers see where the money they dolled ia spent be tween 85 and 60 of moneys collected goes to research moat of which la done at the lrinceaa margaret hospital in the treatment centre the group saw the cobalt bomb and betratron methods plus the method of injecting radio active material to dlagnoae ik site of any cancer included in the tour was the princess margaret lodge where only residents outside of a twenty five radius of tor onto can stay during treatment the cancer campaign at arts april 1st was served by the la sod si time enjoyed unit one of norval united church ucw met 1 the home of mra murray laird on thursday afternoon march lbth with the preudent mra john marshall in the ehair mrs lome cleavt gave the devotional and mrs wm cra ham introduced the study book on trinidad she gave a very informative talk on thi coun try before starting the book tbe roll call was answered by 13 with a thought or poem on spring the meeting closed with prayer by tbe president follow ed by lunch with mrs nor man lakilaw and mrs j mar shall assisting tha hostess a eucceaafful euchre party was held in tha pinegrove school on saturday evening march 20th sponsored by the norval womens institute with proceeds tfojng to help support tbe school as a com munlty hall seventeen tables of pleyeri enjoyed the even ing prises were won by mra miller of streetsvllle mra robin of georgetown norman rendley and arthur burton of norval ine doov prtie was won by mr jim cunningham mr wilbert cleave and mr mac alexander are the two new elders elected to the sess ion of norval united church the neighbours of mlas lit tie cross on the 10th line held a birthday party in her honour at her home on sunday after noon march 2 la- mr and mra mac alexander showed slides of their recent trip to notice to creditors in two hurt when car rams pole benny fryer of niagara falls ny and sieve turner 6 edith st georgetown pas sengers in the same car were injured when the vehicle ram med a hydro pole wednesday march ltth the accident happened on main st n while the driver alvln green of niagara falls nv was trying to avoid hit ting the ear ahead police aald the green car was northbound on main st when the car it was following slowed suddenly to make a right turn onto ewlng st the green car went out of control when the driver swer ved sharply left it hlttthydro jkole apposite the corner esti mated damafie to windshield left front fender bumper grill headlight and hood was 800 the pole was also damaged the injured were taken to georgetown hospital for treat ment by michael huffman of m thi hiyatm el bertha glbbana marrud waman daeaaaad all peraona having tsima against tha estate of bertha glbbens lata of the ttwn of georgetown married womsn deceased who died on or about the 3rd dsy of december 1064 are hereby notified to aend particulara of aame to the un derslgned on or before the 12th day of april ad ims after which date the eatste will be dlstrbuted with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall tnen have not ice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim ha shsll not then have notice dated at georgetown this 8th day of march ad edward bernar glbbens executor of the setate of bertha glbbens by his solicitors dale bennett latimer it balnes 23 miu sl georgetown ontario s25- get to give them support or wilton dr brampton tha final in tha aerial of w 1 maralhon euchrea was held in umehouse memorisl hall oo monday evening win ners for the night included mra m stark and glen scott for flru and mra e millar and wm hyde for aecondi and itebert mcenery for lone hand ihe grand prliaa vent to mra rusiell miller and glen scott for firsts uri r i dv idson and robert mcenery for aecondi and mra i robin son and mcldrum stark for lone handa mra robert mc enery won over charles mere dith in e cut for a birthday prts both on mar 4 tbe committee served lunch at tha close the hall board plan another euchre soon the w ms met at the home of mrs j e roughlcy on thursday evening when the world a dsy of prayer pro gram waa followed mra ilert benton was apeaker for the thame what doth the lord reoulre mrs k c undtsy offered to billet two delagatea for the coming toronto conference and mrs bsrt benton wss ap pointed a representative to the armagh home mrs roughley resd a mlssionsry newe item regarding cross lake msn where she had taught echool text word earth waa an ewered in a versa of scripture the hostess served lunch sfter wsrds mrs kste mcenery of acton snd mrs bessie mckechnle and ulaa elna mckechnle of georgetown vlalted the ratter aon a on sunday a mr and ura glen miller and children and mr donald shaw vlalted friends at owen sound on sunday a mr snd mrs bert benton visited her parents mr and mra gordon qulnton near ueaford on sunday mra glaby and ellen and mr fxed- glaby were guests at the mcdonald slderlous wedding and reception in the christian reformed church brampton on saturday evening a the teen ageri held another enjoyable dance in the hall on friday evening a little cathy ingles spent a few days witlrher grandpar ents near shalburne mr ben mellsrg has return ed from a visit with relatives at sherbrooke quebec we welcome mr and mrs archie brown and family from erin they have rented the glaby apartment concnti oravu feutltllno sand road oravil nu and top mil stonl woik tom haines won wllllame t 74101 social and personal susan hammond of mr and mrs t daughter r ham mond 7 stevens ores d vear- old pupil of mrs bonmanll of brampton has recently passed- tbe royal academy of danc ing primary examination with honours i i ditvon ulctd side bacon mttjh pork shoulder roasts ii flat 59 35 meats uah meaty spare ribs ht 55 mapiluar- iwht hckuo cottage rolls will watck wand u haddock fish sticks 49c 39 katuftk hiom a wautoofb ccociety ttfrt crisco shortening 3 118 cttlri giant fancy peas 4 69c kakjiam biscuits a- cau ntyisfc ifea uat ui y mlycheut apple juice 233 aylmiht choice cream corn 235 uuvs sauerkraut 2 39 hcnly choici halves peaches 2 55 humpty dumpty potato chips 19 kiilooo corn flakes 239 a fine variety of htcsh hhjits am vtsmetauss california navel fcaw ab jt ft sunkist oranges w 4y fresh its no 1 spinach 2 39 us no 1 koserujd radishes 219 ulhul gtteen onions 325 new spring carrots a 3 s 29c prlcrt effectlv this weettenct thuricuy fruay fth iai

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