Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 25, 1965, p. 2

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ifpur froni georgetown in city civil rights protest toot georsatown poopl pro- toatd the handling oi demos tnton la scjma aiahama by joininf th civil rixfca march er ai twus caofulata door- step to toronto laat week pflter mcdonld glen wil llama knd lynn od kitty hydo and darwin tort oi geor- cetown joined tbe proiauou pn lb moral jii 4 th fjfxh daj oaf tha demoiiaijationa poitef lari fw ducrtbed la day thuway tbr ueirimliuti torwnto police dfticcr atood in front u cm cvcuuutc doorway and wt- cfaed uu w umjk w lklitfu t tmj rod of tb ticky lui i noticed tb to ined uidit h marcher one wm i mini 0itr oakfmj with vt wio- ttrf placrdi tny earrw iiat man 01 vot nd civil ribu kmr- were 1mj buaaui wt nd h courrd ink wi start tnat to unlfcu- a ion itpw 1 ni hil coverd wttb jatic abttta nd tb bidvak hear tb curb cart 0 hi hhpe j uaa iil led up kt the eurb al lrrntfuur interval ickvlnjf hot oatue dry buokou and aleeoin bag and taking khifu af atudeni hack and forth from tbe stud eat noq- violent coordinatinx committa kaadquarteri at 44 st gcorf st- a votkvwajfeif bua unloaded small army 0 ttudcou wbo wuat hoi food donalad by mvaral ialauraou a big black cadillac wbeled tip to tb curb and more placard ware hauled out of lha trunk aod distributed among tb picket- trrs atinevald juaike la el tavw enc ude od tb ua tbibg i ikink la vnwb 00 tbooppovit two iu atood at th corij holdixbla iart and a j sm- 111 aivped tbalr cert and v nlod iifcuny hk and ww rriu drivlimf pai iltr down aod kwked i6m bonked the horn and wved koiii4jjy in 1 little rd apwhi er whi- ii by tooted tb born and throat 1 band bib into tb air that familiar v for victory ugo aiter our isth turn srourtd v were ihorvuifhjy drcitcbtd khlvrrln rcld snd itiu aiharinj we tiball overoonw suddenly in th middle dyr- us of the snoc thetm aonc face appeared from boder fe leeplntt b and i ro k to he john perry who nctnt ry ataced tbe general moton kbow rvevlewa rf prora at brampton liiejb scbool sinew frtcuy johal wbo kaa aeverej triend taking pvt i tt ccvtl rkhts dcownatrationa is toronto and ottawa bad been camping out- alde tb v cunauuu alnc m tnilb tbtnir- ka a wiranjte way to apeod tha weeit nd b lurted fakl 1 an bavm u tireet uin lie told u 00 eopl bad lewl tor- onto that tuunini by buj they alned tatcti with carlutii and klaitmfou unjvermity atudeatj induaifed a mw rally 20 arxiuf at tbe lvrkameut utlm- inxt tn otlawe only nop lead tummy duuglai akk to tha denuiuuratort aitef i cup of hot cofte and 1 undwlrh lynn kilty ltct and i headed home they were btill wet cold ind kinging school days is colourful presentation by skaters the georgetowh klgura mca- unk club aboet alaitd out truancy when tlo to 100 per cent attendant- nt in ruudliic silence in the um- orlal arena saturday niitht ind watched 10 altilera put a dab oi gay itrfc alrtl on cduca- tloo with tbeir 10th annual ice hhow school days on ice fhe show was written and directed by the club prole- ional ura uarilyn uarber a jiroduction eepecuuy for the amiueat slcaung pupi utled tiny tou enpowd the world of the kindrrarten uamea with farmer in the ivll london bridge d king around itoaet tbe theme waa carried throufih the reu of the first half with colourful and spec tacular artinirwnents labeled schooldays the aucs dolte lt and extended into act 2 with the little ited school ilouae and an apple for the teacher featured in the show in sol- mail bag as snd duets were lli john son uiula and janet uooiiey clowna hob hall and gaorge chto storey jinie mcuill- an jackie llowell and guet ttara froui the toronto crick- t skating snd curling club douglaa leigh and pamela pearce appearing s teachers were ann johnson barbara psnkrn m sharon llowitt debbie cib- son christine uuinley snd leanne iwit the clubs atlult tkstrrs al to hsd a part in the thow for tbe first time in one of the final number dance woods a hrooroball game between the blsck panthers and yell ow tigers enabled the boys of the club to iteal some of thr sksting limelight after the girls flashed their bladei ai a squad of majorettes a highlight was the presen tation of the executive trophy to sharon hewitt age 0 just prior to intermission the trophy awarded annually to the member of the club who showa the mott improvement over the past season m pre- wants stop reversed at mainmaple comer iui s itockwood onurlo btir sir uilnt tl avenue twig a diy far tha nait live yaari 1 altt hui interetled in di xuulani and commenla m the itop llgat at vila st and mtil ave in tny ofjnion ultra la nothlm wrong with the atop lisht j happem a ba the wrong way around tratlic in allpncry weather approachlns the itop llbt irom no- 7 llshway itop on the upward grade allmp to atart and uit ataya there aplnnltlg their wheal rtie more eourageoua or foolhir- dyr drlvera back up to take a run at the hill and immedi ately create a haianl to traf- he ualnfi the comparative lat hum of llain st vrora the oppoallr dirao- tlon the golt course traltle it on a down grade an the lneiperlencl or unwary drl ver attemptinc to obey the atop lisht in slippery weather lindl hlmaell ilidinj into the interaaetlon and into the path of traffte if any uilns main st m tha ujht wai turned the aeeldent hazard would ha hrtutly reduced owinil to the iart that main st la aa noted icoinparalively flat wtiilt on the lubject at nuida i all to aea why the new intersection at guelpli si and mapli ave could not have been of a more practi cal dsslttn passing the dom- ur hill along mntvlew lid najouatlng tha narrowpesa of tha humpback railway bridge the driver vraathea a aigh of relief to find the road wldena unbll hsrreachos guelph st where although thera waa ampla apace for construction tha road squeezes loft for no apparent reason this winter i have aeen one unwary mot orist cone cloae to lipping over when he caught the curb which couldnt be defined date to anew i think many accldenta duo to automobuea tunning into trafata at rural level erossjngs -art- night time wouldfee ellm lotted u legliuablon wan pasa- ed making- it compulsory in canada or all letten ahd numbers and advertising luing stock to be- painted in fluoreaeant paint sentrd by club preiidrnt clift johiwon kujfar rluin kalries and jail snd usjorrtte numbers yrie directed by the clubs lauutsnt pro gsle uvingblone hlir scenery was designed by cllft johnson with renovs- uions by lsul barber and brian lewis ice decorslions wer th iwork of lou psnkenin who al so selected the music inter com was hsndled by george llice epolllenu were operst- ed by hrlsn lewis snd john alderson mrs donna moores wss costume convener and bob heston was in charge of lighting mrs loma taylor wss assis ted by mrs joan chisholm in the tickets department and urs ssdie johnson and ur w solomons put on the hap py faces in the makeisp room tha other officers of the club are ura eileen hewitt secretary urs daphne moon- ey tressurcr and ice commit tee mrs chisholm urs gib son mrs taylor and urs lewi mn a r speight was church and craft worker- a weutajowb tocapsqgnj mrs arthur el speight of 47 sheltoy sl died to gecr town hospital 00 atawdb t a leacqry llldeaa bom id balkinafad the wr the dantffvier of bertie vanaav tcr and the late alfred vannaj- ter- she attended tbe old pea cock aebool on the 7th line then georgetown high achool and worked as a teller la the bank of nova scotia acton b f of be nayrietce deeply lmereated in church work mix sceaht w a coetnber of st johns united church and held a ufe cpem- ikexahip in the wobatna- afja- looary ifavlety she took as active part in churcii has waa frimhr band uprittuod- nt tot many year and held the tweitioo of nidon band aecretary for hamilton preaby- urul when lllitnjj forced hir to take a iced actwd part in pub lic affairs her lntert turned w arts and crafti which ahe eould aujoy in her own hon havttig hut own kiln and pii- tera wheel ahe ipeclaliaed in ceraiiilcs using viiitoti while ajid terra cotta red clay lor etriklig effects sne of kef ceraiiiic work was ued tn a travelling dtaplsy which tour ed canada she was a bwnibef of the akj av crafts 0 george town the canadian potters guild aiid the canadian coun cil for the knvirowaeiilal art she leavei her husband one daughter betty urs v k kd- wrds klobieoke two grand- aona david and bonnie her mother mr a k vannauer and one brother pharea vn- natter georgetown bev ian fleming conducted the funeral service on march 1 at the harold c ucclure funeral home and interment was in greenwood cemetery pallbearer were claude kent- ner elmer stlef gerald uc- galium kd scott walter cray and gordon harley tni smereli m rfis pact s 1 resident says police morale low complaints are ignored the police department in coua powers contended this town is a disgrace harold i that nothing had been done to boulter of prince charles implement the tollce com- utsuoo drive told council at their monday night meeting everv time 1 go there with a com plaint all i get is sympathy and they tell me they can do nothing lie charged there was no mqralr at all in the depart ment and advised changes be made around the carrcul buhding cars park on the side walk and nobody stops thorn he claimed the same car drives around three weeks or more with only one headlight and nothing is done he main tained in conclusion he said i dont like coming here and blasting off but i feel i have legitimate beef the jjuyor explained that the police department was un derstaffed he pointed out that while two probstlonary offio era hail been hired he concur red with the police commlss ion report which hsd recom mended that two aergeanta be hired in this way the men would have direction when the chief is not in the office said the mayor the men we hired were hired as prohaubtisry officers but they hive had experience reported deputy heave hunter one haa seven years experi ence and the other has five he contended that the depart ment needs both more rookie and servants the deputy heeve olalrued that under- the preeeht grenerikajiy higher positions are filled from the hank stf sergeants coudl not be hired until the greerhent is renewed i understand somebody has had the agree ment for ajkene time but j havent seen it iln fact i dont even know if its signed com mented the deputy reeve you know i couldnt sign it wrfarowt the agreement 0 council replied the mayor the whole thing will be d- cusaed at committee on wed netday the mayor added quoting from the police re port councillor don powers read one sergeant should be hjread immediately and two more over the next two years hecommented this is an ex aot quote scout council briefs mission report except hire two men we havent even re ceived the final budget for pol ice continued mr powers itie chief submitted a bud get and the mayor slmplv stroked off 10000 without any discussion as far as the budget is concerned retorted the may or angrily you have no con cern over all the reckless pending you are not interest ed inkeeping the taxes down pouring oil on the troubled water lleevr elliott admitted the police department morale was low but felt it up to then to find out what was wrong lie added thit the reccomm ended number of fifteen policemen was too high in his opinion and felt a maximum of eleven was enough im satisfied there li not much improvement so far stated the mayor ifeel there is only one answer and i gsve that in committee principal says homework takes pupils leisure an informal discussion ot tha desirability ol homework waa tha feature at the march meeting of harrison teacher- parent association sitting round in a circle all variation of opinions were heard but the consensus seamed to be that no homework be giv en before grade surprisingly many parents favoured homework hut prin cipal logan macfionald felt that tha after school hour should be for leisure just the name aa adtltta be cotnsnenu cd on tha 8th of april the as sociation la eponaoring a film enlhled boy to man open only to father and aona in wrlgglesworth auditorium it was originally acheduled for iehruary but it waa ttie night oi the record anowaiorm fresh at a meeting of lbs george town district scout council on monday march 16th 0 training chairman terry glover reporung on the hoy scout and cub display at the armoury commented he wss very pleased with tha co operation given him by the groups he contacted prior to boy sut weak mr oleve llflfcfatrl that possibly nesjk year district council should strange for the sale of soft drinks and coffee so that thr money raised could have flone to the district treasury oh chairman george co xens asked that if the groups are in need of assis tance from a t rouble shooting point of view they should con tact htrn right away fj womens auxlltsry temp orary chairman mr wei kiebjg gave her report on tbe organisational mee ting held march 7th she indi cated that a considerable am ount of enthusiasm waa receiv ed and another meeting will be held ahorlly by the executive os each group district commissioner vic gunn in his report conten ded that the scouting dis- plsy at the armoury was not financial failure and produced f13 to prove it he indicated he was extremely plessed with tht participation of all tbe cub and scout groups who turned out he suggested the display be in the arena next year and more publicity given it the queen scout ceremony was discussed by hi gunn and it was suggested by oh wpope that a special ev ents committee be formed to lake care of all the details of the ceremony provincial field representative denhy lewis said scouts and their parents and other persons psrtlcipstlng will be sent invitations terry glover tmaggested special events committee be formed to handle details 0 sll scouting activities auch the scout week dlaplay and cuboree ss a motion was passed al lowing the ependin csf u2 for camping and train ing erurpmenl ej the district secretary was instructed to write the municipalities in thaoreer acres aegjon with a request for a grant to oubs and scouts voa fell aa in unt eaftratv 3s5u aa ismsu wtna aw iaatsri aatal tv at t t twentfc yaw a a t ts 29 aiumpns t- mttth kkk saui hrtrih uah pork shoulder roast pork butt roast butt pork chops pre lsai lei ytety 33t ir 43c 55c burns hot dog wieners burns side bacon l burns sausages su tiw mb ode- mb a4 45c 69c 49c inlhgi a niw tlmc voat ntw tmihos tender green tu asparagus lb crisp lettuce 39 frftjucs uja rj lie tt ctnaja hs i cr 34 ojc tender carrots lr v eaay ye peal jomhe site 7s- tuoan jaffa oranges 29c 69e hum spaghetti ijsnspork 349 rose reushes 2 49 bumcan hlmet bctuxe cake mixes no 1 omtakk potatoes wa butttet royal gold ill gr 1 lb prinl ss mud cmttii cheiry htt 12 or cut s hjltaw meat tau sttw 3 34 or tins ju hjtlf ah kff jtrw 7 24 or lins ju meat ha11s t oravy puritan 15 or tint lc clakkt fcy souf 229c r 4 10 or tins sc omuevt feaby kmx cv 4vi or lins tot juniott food gahurs s 8 or lire vc tomato krrchus- 1 1 1 or bill 44c nabob comf 1 lb bag frfx 2 37c 279 419 is us frozen green beans blrdtave aioblja ranch plies- vfc prices ittmtlv march 34 15 3a 37 we rmmv tfc rlekt te limit quamiius sa these extra tapes for free gifts or eaton merchandise certificates receive an extra 4 tape with hiv rose yea rags pkg of 60 orange pekoe dream whip yohmno 4 or pkg mir liquid deteroeht 3 24oz tire 5tc t wan cliamte o ire rerelve an extra 3 tape with mjw nylont all tires 3 pair pei totato can no 1 gr 10 lb barj cookeo ham tabus si 6 or pkg frozen veoetabut birdieye 3 varieties 10 or pig join the 165th week of the iga weekly shopping spree for oycwtow i rooss r win a weeks free groceries mill details ay th6 store winnings to date over 2600 00 this weeks winner mr chakus jones sa main siiml north 1960 the number of aeata in the canadian house ol commons waa raised from 313 to 314 in 1004 to 321 in 1008 to 235 in 1017 la- 245 in 1029 to 143 in 1040 la ms in 1053 about 78 voluntary ngenele in canada provide food farm tools clothing and other aid to foreign eountrlea mm taxi owned by wally mady hone 8774817 courleay and promptness phi phonr mcotkfeon ht1 uhlry beths beauty lounge perms 550 l tintind nvuns 8772607 1 shelby shw the wap shop w buy sell swap everything lit mw and uaod poiinitorr appliancbs open dally vieunto v pjit set 9 s just weat of hit way store on south sine i brampton 4sfcuo introducing a new in the home service for georgetown homemnkers now you con have your wall to wail carpet room size ruos chestermbids occasional chairs ejtuatttt suautholly cleaned dried in your own home in a few hours all wori fully guaranteed phone 4smm1 shampoo comfany s4 sunaet blvd brampton 2skwi

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