Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 25, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald pidifcaerl by mmm m unsaved 22 main street s gyolown onurlo w c ftabm pvubw pag 4 thursday mabch 25th was editorial comment one way of looking ttiltcs lr vkj herald iiitw rfnowtng 26brrts in googtovyr hospital to 0 month starjod us tkinkito how much mon ey i tvd by fdlili ohred kr th wl a day oitly fow yr back wkn tki bib voutd hv bvn born in brirpwn or gulph suppot 4cii baby ms an n avrg of four tnpe td hospital o uttw fcqurlrbg faty mil rourvd trip tvar would hav bimn 4160 milsi of driving involved add t liiit oa4 ifip for a dodor plui hit uiual hospital calls and this 4iqura lncrui 10 4240 miut at conirvativj tght canls milt this amounts to a savlrvg of 149920 which would hav bn iptnt by fathers and doc- toi- as fringa bnfiti oomidar tha lima keep what we have uvf in tlp fo hotpitftl 154 rrtlvi at an hour and a hilt h round tip to a loul of 234 hou add th dnoerront aoii- dttvuuch such dvivir nlllt andypy havd one wtilf akampu of vvhaf if rntii to kv a local hospital mow just iudoi that faihai and doc- for conbirvd arvj contributed half tut liv ing tn dollars for tacit rtw baby to hk hospital in rvw month alona soma of that nodad extra cash fo pucchaw naded squipm would hav bnfittd by 0 you can supply your own statistics ffom bare on uiirvg th numbar of patent who eor and go from this public building h visits by famly and ff lands tha bus tare fo thoia who cant drive th lost time at work and so on its a though wa arant expacting any miraclei from rh 1965 georgetown industrial commiv- lion wa have heard almot iqo much this past decade about an industry just around th corner to believe that they will have any particular luck in enticing an industry of any me to locale here not trvat we mean they shouldnt try for if is a highly competitive field and one which requires constant effort on every ones part one thing we ivop the commission will do is leap en eye on the industry we now have if there are real or imagined problems which can be ironed out then tha commiison can be a valuable haion between council and industry georgetown has received some dam aging publicity in the daily press these past few years soma of it has been the mountain in a mouhill type which looks worse in print than it really is whatever it is large or small its the kind of thing which is better kepi at itome we dont share our family fights wiih th neigbours if w can help it and we certainly dont want people to stop moving lo our street because popl say the residents are al ways battling by the same token one bad bit of publicity might be the straw which decides against an industrial move to georgetown many local firms are branches of large organizations if they are happy here when time for expansion comes georgetown is to the drivers teat the happier we keep our local indus try the better town we will have and the better opportunity to get that industrial eapaniion we talk so much about if the moon took pictures of us news desk extras by teiry hruy jolliffe janes resign childrens aid posts the renitnaiion of mr paul jolliffe director of the child rens aid society was an nounced to halton county home brew entertainment maybe we havent got a theatre- but that doesnt mean georgetown is lacking in entertainment and two homeproduced shows last weekend were both of topnotch calibre the high school auditorium was jam med friday and deservedly so for one of the best variety programs we have seen in years with scarboro barbers hop pars oining the local chapter to put on the fehow it was pure delight from beginning fo end the singing was excellent skits clever end the jokes which inlertpered the even ing were well chosen and excellently told stjge setting and pacing were professional and there wal not one weak spot we could detect as a fan of skating carnivals we mis trd the show this year because of a touch of flu but have heard from some of those attending that it wasan excellent perform ance with costumes and staging on a par with past shows were proud of a town which can pro vide entertainment of this sort as well as the little theatre shows and the rotary review they deserve crowds like they gof on friday and saturday and we con- graulate those who worked so hard for their success 9 when we numtkered our- ideal tolerated by biff hutlrv- self among the 300 or so who ru interest until it treipas- trudued dally to the brick ted on the prrservn of the brain factory to be injected packing houses then obvoui- w th chlld with measured doses of slip- ly the word went out big bus welfare committee pery knowledge we didnt ue- ineti closed ranks and f rrlsmis wrrr offered tect the ehnit uf aeasuna in kamk could not borruw from council merting nor urre the normal way i the financial houses to hon mn mlaf ti our proceaae fried pck- lu i creed hoover to make ing up hints of wmlrri drm- tne point is financial inirr- j mr jolb on i about the time the snow rati want larruers to borruw behalf ot the county started disappearing off the money from them lo buy and fl t has serrrd playing field ill went inside raise stock lo sell to the pack t c- aince loflo prior the school lng houses who in turn sell 1 10 ttljt he f ult ne i mi ik tk- nr fv to thc cuniunrr ll n society for crippled children iiiue nines ike our lav- nr vihn t tuv wrni n j l tonit nruin w nen rwir wrni in ontario and manttoha wh the cuelph and childrens aid liana executive secretary of mulling failure has taught j thr savf lhf children fund and assistant manager of peel tonic profit when kamk ourile caretaker losing the j thc flunc bouse buwn- ot keep off the tjraa ai like ejj lro on lo h to wentnon a harpoon beaus he didn t m t tfrn irlwjn thet lion fc harley to halton wukly oiitvati0mj ty dr hay harley mp ror halton dare set foot on the brown jelly that ws the front law 1 recall the male half of ok phys ed class burst inn throu gh the rxjl doors one morn ing and the first five disap- fame and any others with similar ideas lo keep their noses out family welfare and childrens services organizations the aiitant director will trkks dy hilu0v a former friend nf mine pearing completely in the recently showed me an invoice iim janpi h ilto resigned glistening log which had been i received from the packers and the soccer field 24 hours earl- 1 the resultant figures show ler their matrs saved them- 1 why they want to keep their selves from the same fate by lucrative enterprises exclusive i wore than threequartera of grabbing locker door handles tniu billion trees have been pro- and startled members of the v lavi vt f h ontario government teaching staff on oct 12th 1w4 he pur chased a six month old liar- nurwrif 1 1005 der angus for 75 three monj from the spot where one ofthi later on jan 12th 1005 he our chums sank from sight shipped the beast the invoice came glub glub club for that transaction rrads hich translated means 1 prime iteef 17c per pound 400 pounds equals 61140 sugar and p by bill s 1 1 1 i v y its teachers choice feather ea latercatloe tine to be a teacher the eprlnev even before the anov hu eoospletelj sooc school boardj tad priocl- pelj are tlippbitf ovr loci d tooce is the forlorn hope of liaf e tadber vusder one of them rwv ere svf eweeeaa h the fffwic apriv scriwele th hm w ax mhm end rtr- iawatiw irilre n4 mut cevae iw the smfsia b the au isfieii ustiealawb ctaaerwa atre pzttlhi4 wirk the rauty 9 rehuts kvery on of thei tussroocna li full of kida and the kids like baby robtua exptl to hav s6vuthug aluifej lb to thrtf tlrefre according to trab- uon her hiuit h a body how ever little it reumbus a mom ma hoblh autkllhi up thai- lis front of tha iu itufllng sorii- thlng pebbles or pearls or even worms into the gaping mawi it is the time of yr that has prlncipau trlnning wildly at old 7 taerhrn pouring on the ehrm i rlft b with potential nw cuifej tjut twtet bi wuras hu the latest market reoavt ea uveprlew tacked itasw kit left arm la which tvsr aim ha ten potanflel bvyerja 1 which every slaw is free f choose bis ofw boee or heck to ole uaaa i bad a ovwrrhejosio ba pulaeto jump lap oq one w the upholalered chairs end cry art oa katfusb aptaiut apirit broken but sound nd lanrb and uraxomar ttow offeredr yortuoaiely for my rrrveaswnn el aufiu it t h u t kaoteeat simultitwouily h bar best j door 4pd fed my it pab bod m by the arm ifhed w that look lo tby eye i wtj hka u at 4ka i wm wmlhw h twe ur mm vurr ua and iitttmmutvl rer e a ur euf ty wuity wie ae fw bnk lt ebwes ie i m wtvi wai uu hww if was faicitt4tina baurwa i ping at thru own wive and biff in their own cdldrn about the tin becaus theyve heard by the snake vine thats the vine that runs from the slaff- rooni to the bridgeclub to tha fiaturday night party to the afterchurch coffee that theyre losing half thfjr staff ii is the time of year that has school board members deciding to lake a holiday in jamaica or if they cant afford it going to bed with the flu on the one hand are the t si payers shout ing that school taxes are away out of hand and on the other hand are other taiayers d- elsrtni that the board must hire the best possible teachera and in between are the teach ers with 10000 johs open to them every one at first glance baiter than ther present ona ijii weekend 1 was in the city and oul of sheer curiosity it says here dropped in at the hotel which is the centre of teaclierhlnnff for the coming year ii was interesting efits wowt city schools 142 culture knu- fcubi art iilurtu theatre ep era rural school heradded hunting fishing leuutrly living and both signed piu uj ea these grounds lb birds who tlgnd for the cjty schools will spend all their try will aptnd moat tj their motfcy going lo the country for swiriiping fishing ski lag and the types who bead for the to- try will rvspend bloat bt their weekends and tnoaey tieiiej to town for lb shows thai bev let the bright lights as i said its an ialrtun lira to be a uarber georgetown herald kfcllikd by mm caorgstown oourle walhr c buhe pub is bar ceriuld mciiwy rvfiducuftfl supeributidcac uy xt impression was thati cl iuaja u- ciuaa j uccuuecdai jerry uahuaky terry llsrliy aileaa kradlay news kditor accounuot rvsbk uuuld adwrtiilfte uswsy th whole thing was being run by one of th metropolitan newspapers this enterprising sheet in an effort to crack the monopoly on tha fat luscious acreage of teaching advertising held by another newspaper had hired half the ground floor and was passing out free papers free coffee free interview- arranging whatever that is the only thing missirsg wss free teachers p i cture an oldfashioned 1 a v e market new orleana lbisok now picture i slave sirs wllliim geirje clark typist anna currl reporter pa tar jones photograph member f tha ciudiia weekly nawtpaptra auocliuob and the ooltrie aaeeeutloa this canada tension plan almost came to romple- tln during this past week but suddenly stalled on a very un usual set of circumstances de tailed examination was almost complete until one clause the title of the bill remained to be dealt with on this clause however full debate can take place the creditiste party moved on a question of privi lege that ttrebill be delayed because the full examination of the detailed study of the canada tension committee held during the christmas re cesa were not completely av ailable in the french transla tion this waa done despite the tact that the house of commonj had dealt almost com pletely with the rcportr and during the committee ineetinea trench translator was avail able as a matter of fact the credillste member of the com- cilttee did not attend many of the meetings of the canada fenfkm plan committee alii wqttbfcrs of hie op- poaltion parties agreed that the french trarulation should be sllablet bforetfreln to complete the pawajfe of the canada pension plan so the pefsilon pun-ha- bfcch held up by the conservatives the ndp and the social credit be cause a french translation waa pot available it la apparent that truth ts often atranger tbcdfietlont the government agreed that they would poat- poiu further debate dto tbia un til utt french eoples were av ailable which should not he later than monday ii is expoc ted that this will be complet ed within a few days after the french translation is available tilf government has pro ceeded lo the opting oul leg islation it would appear that this will not receive more than a token resistance from the con servatives after all th gov ernments of both nova sco tia and ontario both conser- atlve have already approved of this legislation which has accentuated the differences between the federal and prov incial conservative govern ments at least onk day will be devoted to the moderniza tion of the parliamentary ayi tern as recommended in a epe- clal report the summary of the recommendations are as follow 1 standing commltleei faf the house of commons should be reduced in aiimber 2 cotrtmltte members should consist id 16 to aomembersi and haw alternative mwrrbers committees should all have full powers from time of appoint ment and not have to ask each time they wish to ask for usual powers 3 the tlotnte of commons should adjourn at regular la- teiyals lor fnvo weeks at a time during which lime committee would meet and constituency duties he performed this the controversial recommenda tion and i am not sure i would go along with this at this time under the circumstances os a minority government i cannot sec this working par ticularly welt as it would mean rapid passage of all legislation which is unlikely 4 kali mate i would he dctaled for 20 clays only and i think this would be a welcome change and save a great deal of time in the house of commons knew we came through the wrong door this is the home kc room and theyre making pea thoup again mail hag says big business hampered fame plans hr 2 rockwood ontario march 20 1005 dear sir thc failure of fame far mers allied meat enterprises in the meat packing business should teach farmers and other small investors in this area that big business can be just as militant as the strong est trade union when it comes to protecting their own famk was a wonderful weekly bible thought h b dean m whan the bleed tl thy tttertyr tphep was shad i el se waa aundlnai by and een emlfl utile his death and kept the reltnent ef thm that tlew hint acts 1220 the work of christ is hamp ered by too many willing to stand by instead of stand up heal victory never tomes to tha neutral a no rabies reported in georgetown no cases of rabies have been reported in the georgtawnoj surrounding area for some weeks now according lo the health of animals department- ot the provincial gverulnent in bsmmptotu i prime beef in the super markets at thla time was any where from 80c to 110 peri pound depending upon the cut an interesting sideline at this time was an article ip a farmers publication alleging j that ontario beef waa being shipped to the usa and scrub cattle was being shipped from the west to ontario for our consumption at be per pound 1 doth george kerr mpp for halton county and prem- ler robsrta have expressed i hope of saving the 2200000 invested already in fame by the public but premier llo- harts stated in the globe and mail 13th march 1015 that the government could n tt consider the request for tn- anclal help j w a johnson i business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appointmrnu mid daily call t 7s441 m mill tl urilw chiropractor cru w ctrblt dc opn ttlly by ppatatmnt llouu ciui irrinjfd 11a mln si north a y walkrr 0dot oyomiiyiiiit 11 vliln st s nnmplon isl4474 nn i512u hourl 0 im lo pm tueidiy to silurdly itrldiy 0 m to 0 p kvenlnji by appointment news echoes from th pig of lh hrld 1955 ind 1943 10 years ago 0 mn chrlei dickeruon whot husband opartai a core fftcllonary lor orfwler st wai dvlid by tlorm that the had won a contolation prize of ipo in the irish sweepstake draw plans for improving guelph st call for widening the road from the cenotaph to durham st with curbs storm sowers will be installed on t m hills to eliminate ike flooding aflar every rain thiridge over thecf ki w4 bevidened and new sidewalks will be laid on both sides 0 georgetown anglers and hunters were hosts saturday to a group of public school boys when principal william kihrade end boys from tm senior rooms at arlgglesworth public school vlslled the property al hickory falls after lunch each boy was allowed lo fire two rounds in a shooting match wlnnners were murray ross kent rlddall and clinton handy jo years aoo a georgetown servicemen are coming home in greater and- greslecnomber last week eight more local boys arrived home in the persons of lf paul barber i cpl tut harrison pt bill chaplin walker cleave frank goldenbiuce mccartney e a hill and dvr j w e davidson x optometrist wmcmilliganoo 35 mill si apeelnhnnl 17771 car wttstwood oniarla land juvvyw 118 uounlalnvlew rd 8 yrlhbla 74311 w h carr b f wij tit 74m0 km ytt tl44 dax developments umitud bulldr f fin herism prop waltnr pacholok 1774ju er otmis barragers clmnarshlrt lundevere tr 73179 18 main s 168 guelph ah work done en pramlm robl r hamilton 0ldw atrial 118 mountainview rd s carretat nidg for appointment w 8773971 monuments pollock t campdrll designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni 1ss s3 witer strtt nortb o al prank p ut h licensed aucti0nkeb prompt sarvlm po box 4is th t2m4 georfttowa i oioroitowm animal clinic 1 ids gtfelph street v zairlris dvm dr r b oaskln clinic open 88 pw monm wd- pri- saturday 11 aj dale benrtwt latimer baines kurrww ft katkmae douglas v lattuia vertncc r ba1nm ttusial y43u m ullist geerfstowa frederick a helton karrlriw end lellcher us uounulnvlw rd i cirrhl bulldloi geortfetowa tr 74ms me hmdertob qc barrliter and solicitor 6 mill st georgelown tr 72444 tvait sitkler ba karrlittr lallcliw natan dr wullarai bldj m ibln 8 tb itsn wallaci thompton srd dlvuletl ceutt clrk ft canunmerar tit 7h1 rubor locoroe in canada w enaaad snnwwfiu f ubsrtb ab esilmated lakfcvd 000000 lnj v 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