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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1965, p. 4

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t georgetown herald 22 main stnem gaorgawwn ontario w ciwkubw pag4 thursday aprh ll was editorial comment traffic lights now tt nd for ukkhc hghtt f ltv jcj n strr higrivey ccvrw k bn tdly pom oor by death of e yourtg town r lujdnt on oa o two ociivtl in hw past lgtih hev brt dcuid li rqiway dtnnt 1 unowturtdtbly iviy ef add ino 60 mny tr4ftc grit on mao h giv- wy but gypyown h a ilrong cat rc for action our town t a ha r ply dvleyd by no v and not only do th bolk of pedet ltan and vkicui whc from hw two tc tiortj um jorvn skt at lit meln croiiiryj but hm arena and wtrtvmrvg pool ptot da oofhtant croii ng by yourvg lert coalition one answer canada 1 bilingual biculural queit on li fail beoom ng no iiuqii ng mailer aa a globe nd ma i kj lor al t i wak point out it n not the extremuti be t4uy frmri or enlnh canadian wh ch iivouw worry ut it is tha vait majority of middteof tlva roadert who havs no pre conceived preudic wro once a routed could thatter canada t nal onal un ty to the po nt of no rwlurn t tha b cultural comm ii on now meet lng in toronto will race v a maor ty bf bnel which will b antifranc jutt at the brieli it studied n montreal tended to b profrench what it hant received end won t n an xprulon of opinion from the large maiority of canadian who fa i they i ve in a united country with ona pro- v nee which clingl to tha language and euitom of its rfench a nee iron but wh ch is nonetheless an integral part of canada economy the french engl ih d fferences have too long been kicked back and forth by a pol t cal system wh ch caters to the worst a sorry situation pi ght of typetattars on th ihre tor onto da lies was graphically portrayed in a cbc documentary sunday night the strike which began last july has caught men in a union-maaigement-aulo- inihon squeeze witti little hop that they will ever gel back to work now the type tetters union counted heavily on support from other unwns in the trade to thut down production on the dailies instead other untons have renewed contracts the firm have engaged sufficient help to con linu operating and the typesetters are out on e limb they are getting substantial weekly payments from union headquarters plus unemployment insurance pay which as long at it lasts guarantee tham a fair standard of living but despite this it is not in the makeup of a skilled tradesman to trade hi craft for carrying e placard back and forth and the skikera are drift ing off to other ob one by one the matter under dispute it similar to that of the railway firenwi who whan young people are unprd cubw thy forget fhtr kfic rult and ml nd vo dr fcuou highwey oiu tach other tt xund on hj shoot d local motor lit an idtnet met nklout to get home from work forget for e nwmt the angri of the torrwr and highway travel ws ctvnpufcfly unaware of t4w tratf c stream wh ch ey may i nd vs tliey approach john s ws tuggait tmrrwd ly that larga warn ng s gn pewnt ng to a busy crosi ng supplement th fustver i ght at the ccnar and we hope town counc i will move w th tpd in patauad ng lh h ghway dparl nnt that tti i i one cross ng wh ch should have he proted on of traft c i j h in boli races both of our maior pol i cal parties have fostered a late it re aljim ds gnad to get or hold the votes of que bee province and both have been as gu i ty on occas on of play ng up to th en ghsh canadian vote if it w ii put a party in office canada has i ved qu te successfully for genrt on with a system wh ch allow quebec a fa r matiurt of autonomy in ian guage we can recall no cimpi gns to have all qubec res dents become b i ng ual tte current focus on separa im how ever t leading to demands that other prov nee j adopt a double standard make educat on ava able to french canad am n their own language and that our central c v i tarv ce and our dommion parliament convert to a complexly b i ngual bat s what i the answer one newspaper column it suggest a coal tton government which could divorce the issue from politics deal w m it sensi bly and overcome the bungl ng the iner t a the tempor i ng whh is push ng canada to the br nk of selfdestruction dieselt came into use fought tooth and nail to reta n the r obs as firemen even though no fobs ex slvd any more it would seem that the original offer of tte newspapers to guarantee lifetime employment to thoia dispossessed from their trade by automated equipment n as fair as could be expected one ray of hope which the railway firemen didn t have the automation of typesetting equ pment wih be a gradual process there are thousands of other printing businesses weekly newpaper commercial shops small dailies where the linotype will be in use for me working life of this generation such firm are crying for skilled operator while hundreds of men march on the toronto picket line a changing world creates hardship each new invention affects someone auto- mobilm pushed the horse and buggy ipto a museum television doted movie thea tres made tewneasure suits rducd the number of tailor the oonitructlon indus try uses machine for fobs which utad to be dona by hand the tightrope twins news desk extras by yftrry haruy harley to halton wteklv outtvayions y jjk harry mahiey mc ror haiyon since our tut column there hu toea uttl progrsm hude in the field l ejiltlob in rrlument several aiyi were apent on the opting out ifili- litlon ind the cottmrvetlve opposition moved eji amend menl to refer the nutter to anodier vdenl provincial conferehee 1i govermnnt will reiut tfale attempt u it mu thl u unneeeiury tids report 0c the cum ah penilon pln comnllttm ft mow ivajume la vrooch and enslbh to the canada pn- alon plan hu been proceeded with however no real progreai baa been made the debate 4ai lately almott uwlualvely been eanrled on by the credttlate memben thla la in iereetlng bepauae they are from quebec and quebec la not par tidpabni in the canadf pen- ion plan aa iuch it u true that they wiu auu be within tha framewodc of ttu raderal pljh u that the penaloni will be portable acrou all of can ada the plan will be the lame in quebec but will he adntlnii tered by and the fundi uied by the government oi the province of quebec happened m the houie of cotaattona the other dy- in relation w ttu francbtvrlority ot reporti mr bregolre the credltltte uember iiked the liberal chairman of the com mlttee on prlvlleifej and elec tlom when ha would move con currence in tha committee re port the report had cleared the rcup al charcei by greg olre that they had manhandled him durlnf hu recent arrest and luhioquent jalllntf over night for tratme oofencea the chairman reported that he wouldnt eoualder doing tuch a thing until the report wai av liable in both french and eng llih so gregolre waa bouted on hit own petard weekly bible thought h k daan and he did hiawhleh wat rlhl in the tlan el the lard 1 king 11 34 u we major on what la right in god a algbt we dont have to worry about what it will look like in the eyea of according tothe index of ay erage wagea and salaries paid id canadian industry canadi ant nowearn tn leal than 30 minutes the tame pay for whl eh they worked one hour in 1948 immigration to canada in ibm totalled 112 660 of whom mld were wives children and others not destined to the labor force thom people preultig for of a 70 gama arlra with five tha abolition of capital pun othrr rtubi deserve far morr lahmant may liar a lonkr wait jrecoenilion tn cash and pub than they think brfor tlieyjlielty hat the winners in sac their rauie fulfiletl on short series for lord stanleys talro 1 ohcr chlrf rccentlv rn t basin dorsed retention of tli death n ilrterrcnt and i lnfohunlrly the prince l penalty as a last week pee clounly 1j wale trophy his brn al last week pee tlounly lawert hi1i 50m n vote on the j unor m all too convenient for lejsjfue subject we think tha pro abolition ills havt over simplified he problem with their blanket con tentlon that none- and no au ihortty has the rtihl to tav br the titue ia far ttw cotnplrx tn iprct aa bumjn ent chanie in thr policy of deilinj ullh convicted murd erers one of the stumbling blocks la our parole ialrm whinh raakea llfelmprisonmrnt a hoi low term purely ihe pro abol itionliti must know the sen tenr will b reduced lo tome thins hke 13 yrara and the killer would bf free acaln to lake another life 11 a easier ih second time and with no thing but another ten yean hanging over hit head it would take less reasons to murder to outweigh reasons not to and you can t clot your eyas to prison rtcapfi ask the relatives and buddies of a victim murdered by a convict fd killer who haa gone over the wall what they think of life imprisonment replacing capital punishment we agree with the three member of tha presa corpt who expressed regret on j he saturday hockey n in lit in canada program that the tportt am aanaa of values are so warped at ta plate ureater em phasli on tha winning of the stanley cup than the winning of tha nhl league champion ship tha league titlisla winners laguf governors to over sell the tn nual peat season tills district news at a glance fctwajapyow a 80 yir old brampton wotiian plaatud guil ty in tnagttr a eourt thurs day to chargaa rf toud con verting to bar own us fundi obtained from early farm lm element ctmnpiny lovidence showed a aubabantial part of s16 63 had gone into horserace betting oranckvtlhf the ron servation authority ia discover ins jt how atubbom beavers can be reaver lms which hava been backing up the cre dit river at oraagavimt have been blown up several times but eurh tune tha heavers go right back at it thla uma ttse baeked up river is flooding the or- angevllla flats hillmurc over tlv was raised for a llillkburfifh family left homeless at a benefit ev ening in tha hiilburgli com numtty centra hat wek the mdcauaund family lost u their belongings when their house burned to tha ground actom acton council low wed the mill rate there for the second year in succession tludget cluinnbh f g oakes last wek recommended the new rata be 62 2 reildential and 68 fl industrial comm ere wl in 13 news echoes rvom ru tsa tt ha harau 1955 and 1945 10 years ago 0 goroetowns 1955 tax rate rwld its own with 1954 council struck a ratd of 49 mills when thft budrjet meet ino was held last wednesday it it an increase of a mills over the 1954 rata 0 an 8 houts subdivision may be built on tha property owned by fred erwin it wai learned monday at coun cil four of the proposed homes would be on main st north and four on temperance street 9 donald dotion was first prize winner in an old tyme fltidlftt competition which wai a tpeolal feature of the friday nlfrht show at the roxy second and thjrdpriza winners wre mervln mcpberon orangevllle and clar- nce varey silver creek an extra feature wm en x- hibltlon of tep dancirvrj and playing the bones by a veteran local entertainer joe martin 30 ytafts ago 0 in september four new teachea will be on the itk of the geo roe town high school hired by the board are mr e j keen an to replace mr walter carpenter mu rose plertey of yemlikamlng will take the place of mist a felrbam miss jessie b wilson of brighton will retiiece miss e pernon who has been granted e years side leave and mr a c prouso of claremont has been engaged to replace mr h j heldmatml alto leaving the high school staff are miss irene peebles and mr h l matthews on the public school staff there will be one change next year miss g young is retiring and miss wilms stutl will take her portion oakvill8 councillor me lmh anderoa called on onta trio t ducat ion authorities to waka up u tha fact taa4iere hava alt tha weapons at their dibpoul when demanding high er wages frua e community at last wek a council meeting kmtr ctthdiy a town of final has attributed the foul taste and odour of drinking witer which has caused tha vi tew works to abut down to wi ter intake pipes which do not go deep or far enough out into lake otiucjo stkiitsvilth streu vilu ktrwum collected one hug stack of dune this sphi a reftort wt wek aald tha sueetavuue group collected i 1tj0 tn th uarch of dimes eittpjigq fit out mojvxjy but no body would trad problems with tha rlera of a hockey fam in fergus bit week the gamff bwn two ladies tcsjua tadad in a brawl with fist fifihts hairfhillws and clav- ing matches all over the ice hue svasov uore than 100 fire need letsly damage ontario forests each year moat of them dur- tng the fir aeaaas from ap ril to october and spic by dill srmlcy 4 don t knock the teens aeolunaelai on bag city dai ly rcmiiy clred aho at bifb acbool student th utrspid ioanseiiat fv tbeam both br- nk i no boida baxrad aab lriahnsan muht put tl um hd owa pkifig to troupe of mjk achool studcou frwfl middle nd upper lpcoma home jw look ji very dko w of th lode ugjshrf thl uvey ajawut iutm4 uy tnaunart fwai bo acaixm bf ad vcotur hr lerrsur kkeurd urrtuy uld umbiy id sod isn sorry be cwd this lmbijloii of today a youth it u toot at u th one 1 har re- twrd in i yh u a high hcbaol uacbfcf atvd svral yaara aa a trbt of uenacrt- ii w my h um hmi w i tmat f himi hua tof vk h wj it ft uh tl 11 j ww kj uw lii vk full let i face the charges one by oa hid manners uy per sons cfcfrirnre is that their uanners oa tha whole are better than tbose of their par bti they can be cruel when they are tboujehtleu but gener ally they are blare senmitive to the faungs of others than are adulu mo sense of adventure lie i all wet one of my students hea ded acrou the continent on a bicycle others plan to go to af rice or asia for th e corps another swiped his old man a car pleed up two side kicks and took off for ueilco uy own sou ran away last sum mer and hitch hiked to quebec hfter id eipreuly forbidden such a jsunl xrora every direction come walla of alarm that sludenie will try anything hot cars dnnki drugs sei and this man saa they ve no sense of adventure what they have is too much of it terribly sklrd ke uy wanvm we try tkltr titers frtrt hta trdld the ken- ful tha vlt u w tu km but tv aty uiwtt wka u sjiurj ih thu ae is a kid wfce llva ia a eeara shaek u tk wlljimn with twe maitun autila aesj u vp ohai atj l mi m imtll k a m triare a uf uu akaltr hi i wu f kr ea fcrtj a lae wahar able t m with raallly aa a rasulff terribly sfciid he said rop- pyewk they re conformists 1 11 admit as far aa fads and fash ions go nut i scarcely think d call those writhing scream theyre almost ukauu aa their old ladies were swootv us or suatra or taaaar armav iet vuting anr sing oeeby tvrtsfaly sad a aaya baloa- y adoiitud tawy a be d- ply toucbd bocaum the waru axe not y imrdcnedv they caa be terribly aau araarrla s batt they cui b wildly weltanu too uow lool ia it aiswe ywre weo truly eoyful jtcfct the kida are aoucii kue avatmasw thajs aduha ho m they haw knt uaxo4 tw awwa up tjorrora that control the stlaf tapper up oha wouaherui of the fiansf ty stmpry e wawf lilmnisy w evsmfty iru k rit t kll u a ut l himmt m- km r mil i ihu wi uotk jty un w fmw wiukim4 tty litlum- wwy don t worry i m mt soft od teenager 1 have te of any own ad aoowtkflea thy drive nit right rp tha wall syrou the tailing aod duwa the oth- er side i uacst about lio or thfacn dally arid thra fcr deya when i could go late clue with a tottimy gun and toow them alt down but theyre popl and if 1 have to asaoclau with people i think id aa sood as sociate with tbted aa with any other class of tha tptcw youksr wkalt1i ontario a pulp and paper tn dustry which depetodi oa green forests employe mor people and pays more to wis than any other manufacturer to tha province georgetown herald fuilufcj k i corjtowa onliria wlur c hum puhlukrir oahum utciurmi froducuoa saparlafaiidant lealla aark dava iujut 1l gluaa j uectauwia strry llahuaky ttrrf ilartay iulaca hradlcy nawi editor aemuatabt vrmk mullln advartuiiii ataoaitu lira wuuau gtuja qark trivial anna currle riortar teler jonai rbotofrabbai lifwbr cj ih canadian weakly nawanapaf aiiaclatlaa and tha ontarl aaaaclaliob business directory chiropractor dohald a cay dc appointment made dally call m yimi 90 mill l ordtlowrt chiropraaor caram w carull dc oan lially by apakilmaat itouxa ealli arrineed ryui 1ia main it nartti a y walker ko oou otombtkist is ulin sl s brampton 4514474 kea 491624 noun 0am to 6 p w tuaaday to eaturdiy ytidiy 0 ltd to s pm kvenlnn by appointment oitomnblsy wmcmilligano 35 mill si awtolnlmanl ttjwx cab a westwdoo oriuiru land urvrara 11 uounulnvlaw hd b- ylnu 7m11 w r cre n p wlooj yk y100 lua th 41u dm devaofments limitid kulldara fin hamaa prop walter paeholok 1774311 r 177 mis barragers cmanwwkhlrt laundarara ib ualn s 166 guolph allwwildam robt r hamilton optawamal iis uountalnvlew lid s carraul dld vor appointment n- 8773971 monuments eollock 1 campbkll designs on request inapeet ouy work in craanwood cemetery hon l75a tl wller street north g a lt crank rltch licensed auctlonkea prompt service po box 413 jtk 13xh ooorjatowo cborgetown animal clinic xm gaalpb street v zavria dvm dr k b oaeklit clinic open s b pjn mom vkbdw saturday 11 ajn dale bennett latimer baines larrhura t iuuae douglas v lattmer rtunat r haiku tblaucia vajs1 xs uu st caoratowa frederick a heuon arrlifar and salultair l9 uounulnvlaw rd 8 carretal bulldlnaj georgetown yr yitoo m e mattdersod qc barrltlar and solldtor 61 mill st gaoroalown tr 72444 tvan silkier ba barritiar galulhur matara or wllllanu bldij so ualn s ttt 7431 wallaci yhompswn w blvlalan ceurf curv k commlulanar yr 749a3 labor income la canada in creased from 174000000 in 1808 to an eatimitm knmtv 000000 in 1b84 i tj i

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