t i adr that pay iveaj ea a4eaa aa aal totw ta mw- awvtaej tim hmu is printing publishing the home newspaper for georgetown and district i cites mall feet ohlea dea onu ens fa ii t tl n la caaaj tlaoepioo onwlo ttwnoiy amul stt 5 tl casey mas wcj georgetown s share third largest in county budget wall pay the 4tim ava ban uw kw halloa coeatji budget at at ttslton officials said geargo- bwb ai by io4 bii k u1 ba u large1 amount atsmrs ana hurling- las ti aacflixf larval mloiot tba county bald iu mill rata at 575 identical t lit this rate b aaade lap of 41 tollli tor atfwrml purposes and 163 axilla lor roads all additional stosfm will be calnad by halloti this year from special high school wvy against ceorgelown acton hilton kaqueaing ud nauag- arawya tba rl of th budget will coma from kaquasina town hip rom3 milton trann acton tutjm and naaaa- cya township 33boe tta budget has taw change trees uat year tba county no longer has to subsidise retarded children a sine the provincial amnuunt responsibility 1 halloa paid out o10g0 to the seboele la 1064 this year it 111 only duburts 15000 as a building grant to urue lyti avcboot oakvtlla for an adult jpething not tall- as can of by tfca proainca fifty th dollar have been appropriated to esleblub reserve for working lunds this u a tow alep for tba bounty tha purpoe of tba fwert u lo make it lea neoeuary lor tba county to borrow money for tha couacilan of hii tba county had to maki a loan of t3uoooo in order to atari tha year oil tint it did not bava such a loan the budget alao show thst bo payment out ol capital re- vanua la being mad on tha county building itself on which than la atiu outstanding liao000 debenture a i1uw0 paymantwas made laai year fcipandltures for 1bos lirt iiniated at 11474xu ouken down tba expenditure dartre abowa hid jru for general gov nuncut uotusl for tba ad ministration ol justice and up- iup of jails iz3s4u lur puu lit welfare siouoo lor debt charges and msoooo lur oth r fckpeuditures including tba reserve tor working fundi the countys revenue row grant subsidies and recovers- in total u1jm4 not roniid- arlng the total county levy ol over jl51tigo0 regret calling for hope to pass 2800 red cross donations we hot to get over fctftofl when all the returns are in g w corbett ehlmian ol the had cross campaign told the herald today illlton which conducted its campaign with help irom georgetown division had a to ut ol jh81 at ust reports mysterious big news to break by midjune a formrr jtounrlllor jim ki- ibudit rjuekt for w700 merwjri rtunxj to council cauniinlth iuted thk4 men monday nliht la tell ol wi who kit umloubteuly kre of i beittfltul to tht town which he enpclj wuuld break b twa bos tnd tb tnulju of jun i hovt individuals on court cil dont jump oo th band uajjon uytnu look what ive done for th town h wrnd 11jeri lot of prlvkte indi- viduali working behind the cena he mcludj ui corbtt rporfd ut77 la conlribuutmj iro gorge- prked car wtlh the engine run town and district to date ob- ling thould have a window jtuve at by onurio divuion for thla ir wu 13000 if and when it does break i hope ou wont heaiu me of jumping on th band wagon the motomt who aiu in hlijuld the mayor open a few inehea li col robert g hardie assumes command lome scots a beaa pax tn tna history b tba lorn soota aufiaunt ba- an april 4 when col t r tttl conovw c d rsllwtul- ahed emmand and u ccj r o basrlla c d aaiimeal n- t q tnct r4ilnnt kirliral pipes winging apor- tras asad uaaisaraf ccancninds l oroaaxs aai um at- gaoapnan for tw aaramony at eh ontario trapll cardre 4rfll ball ix cbl iwdu u wmmm 1 vt cot bob hartll the occaalon climirsed a lour 7ar command for col con- ovar and ha urged the regi ment a rnatnuln its muck re spected traditions in years to com i have njoyed my terra as commsnding olllcer of thla proud regiment he said and i can assure you that u col hardie will carry the lome scot tradition high he is very competent olllcer on hand to take the general salute wu brigadier j c cle- rnent c d central ontario art commander he spoke briefly of the ef- liciency of the regiment and tcongratulatd col conover on its high ttstidirds you hav a tremendous re sponsibility in all ranks he told the regiment and i know t you will carry on in tha same traditions under your new canunsndlnit officer i the afternoon included a inarch past of the five regl- coenlal companies inspection of all ranks by brigadier cle- jnent col conover and col hardie and the change of com- v itnapd ceremony iv in tha change of command ceremony lt col 1 lowndes of the 48lh highlanders pr- anted lt col hardie with a lvjclayinore belitlii with ur cot con- grcf ten officers arid noncommlsiloned offt jjcers including captain a e lllitlntoahand csm wlulam filler 0 h of oaorjjetbwn ffocour -li- ola lait roerobarof the hal- tba lorm kiflea rottub officers of tha lome scot hecinent today include col j b barber georstswn hon orary colonel ix col conn ftnythe honorary lleutanant eouaal luyor h c dakers aeeand incoearaand capt d w arnold adiulant coentiany arnandajr major j c m1j- tor major a v goodman ala- jor j c crasselt major e lince and uajor 0 leonard liedlcal officer u major d 0 h atacdonald chaplain is major j afcuulkin ceorge- town and paymaster la lt a j almond aughnenlal aargaant major ll hsu wo 1 k g murray tna regiment has 400 mem- bars all ranks and has arm ouries at georgetown branvp- i and part credit col tati comovik still await approval for centennial project a notice of a conference in had ns reply to an earlier let- newmarket april 4th sponsor- ad by the ontario centennial planning branch sparked a dis cussion of the progress of geor getowns canunslal project the cadarvala school at moo- days council meeting just where do we stand now the msyor asked the cenunnlal chairman w smith cr smith reported that ss far ss he cnew the final ques tionnaire wis in the hsnds of the dept- of municipal artiirs and the town was simply wait ing lor approval or rejection there is nothing more to do he added t it seems to be rether mel inite mused the mayor could it have been the solicitors ne glect well it could have beon han dled a lot faster replied cr smith later in die evening a letter from the d6pl ol municipal af fairs was read saying thsl they pulp paper group tours local mills tours of tha domtar and provincial paper coating mills were included in a meeting last week of tha niagara dis trict technical section cana dian pulp and paper aasocla- uon the visitors numbering about m came to town by bus aniapllt into two roups for the mill tours later they had a dinner meeting at north rial- ton golf and country club tlobert lliornpson of thorold who is president chaired tha stinsr representing the george town mills at the head table were jack criterion and stan wnley from domtar harry shortlll and fred agsjiu from pnrrlridil ter and were anxious to com plete ihe processing of geor getowns application it was decided to aik town solicitor f helson lor an ex planation of events up to date and to authorise any nemher or members of council to at tend tha newmarket conference this way ii our project is not afiproved said reeve el liott we can find out more about other projecta i cant jump on cracked coun young 1 dont know what hes talking about ii its good news lor a chsnge retorted con smith let snybody jump on later when by letter the in- dustrlsl commifcilon msde a the development jubt mention fed are working behind the uines and their budget la well wurth considering 1 doubt it very much if the induslru commission knows about this stated the miyor when so much hinges on the luturc ol the town replied con smith i wonder if tt is wle that only one member of council knows shout it trouten rehearsing with roshow cast x wshknwd voir will u lwurd in th houry kbow-diil- kcrrtd uue my hlb t th kjvlera whrti tou trouun ft- lurna to town to iitig both by hinuelf and in the ttorut twii now living tit burling- ton rtcently rcelvtd an 0wc not froii the motion t mctur acifdrmy but froirl ui llinlll ton llwatre lnc fur ue ut performanre of hit year he hai 1mh attending the wekly choral rehearuls in the riviera on turulaya iliirty familiar facea will b watching the baton of choral director ken llarriton inclu ding sandra grelg tom dar cle mhree armstrong vera thia ti tome thing that con- maedonald kay chaplin jean eerna another group of nun hancock cryital wllwin het apart from anything on county green itobel dobxon kilna ell it private buunea said turnbull knid irtel vera the mayor walker june gotling jean crichton toot llurni jim l dont care who gcti the my meekiion jamie burni credit for bringing induitry to geoff niigh dave morgan town commented the herve hugo dewlnler walter dupa hut i eertamly feel ue ihoulclne jim turnbuu bill chap- help tht industrial coinmii nun investigator pussyfooted claims councillor young 1 a aubttltud my ollc- ukljt tutd litnamj it u c4alr- buityibd u li u im tunoff bed uuttj it kutd mayor clbbotu at ciuiil monday tilth l when kv john tlli ut tvultsd b u fltiaiu chair- ttuh had oa finii figure or th palie bu3tt i have a fclgnrd budget ffont you replied the hev and another one of the cocnbdittmt of the whole which mt after the meeting and the figure dont agree would county council taka the recommendation of a com mittee who met after the mee ting challenged the mayor the reeve admitted they wouldnt but wondered when police committee meeting waa going to settle it car total wreck after motorist blacks out a 1m3 iumbierwutytnpete- ty wrckd wheti it fchtnrd elf i hydro pou and plm into biov wik or iphnce anna dr ait th drlvr hhjaietttly itlkkacfsul uai week polite uld 11500 fit i mated dimagfl wu done to the car it waa being driven we it on prlnwu anne dr at about a is monday march 30 when the ac cidetu happened tti driver mr lona kid- ler of cmnguacouiy townhlp waa alow in g to pick up a paa- nger when th car went out of eontrtl sh later aaid ihe felt dlny just before the acci dent happened damage to the pole waa 1123 cp ted scott investigated the accident the worst of five in vestigated by the georgetown police department over the past f6w day three llundrd nd fifty dol- lari damage waa dona to the aide of a ltmb chrysler whon it slammad into light stand ard in the centre of main st tuesday the driver glno civiero of port credit uld he didnt aee the light standard when fee put- led out of maveala service station lot on tha road cat goerge martin investiga ted the accident alto returning to the boards after loo long an absence will be ihr well known ballet dance team of bud jarqu bud uiv cat g martin alio handled nop b rougaon bob uurna a twocar olliiion sunday april km nail kme pearce kd 4 on mounulnview rd hi in- p and john wolfe volvlng jaiui thorn a sykea 3 the mayor repeated that as far u he wu concerned hi figures were final if council members increase w that if tin duncan thompton gone uieir responsibility- he claim green charlie crimes john i noi hesitate to kennedy keith duncan frank point out both publicly and seddon bob pinktrton and alp who resoonsible ijndry ny in t h 1 concluded by saying if we met here a doien times to dls- cuu u would not change my opinion vnifmrdg ftttbd donald uilan boyd 7 murdoek i both car were southbound on mounulnview rd when th sykea car a 1m14 ford falcon collided with the rear of the ibm ford driven hy boyd police uld damage to the front of the sykei vehicle waa approximately 200 and to the boyd car 125 this one hap pened at 330 three cars were involved in a mishap at the del roc mar ket centre a 1m1 ford driven hy dun can gulia toronto took 1250 damage a 1b61 chrv driven hy catherine bllllngton 121 prince charles drive sim damage and a parked car ow ned by leonard berneche 30 byron st 185 damage in the accident police said the nilllngton car was proceeding east on the lot in front of the atores when it hit the gillla car which pul led out from the curb it was bounced into the third car th1r usual for th occasion john wolfe will return from montreal where h moved recently i asked you pointedly to ditcua the police budget when who ww duasuiiuig poller tedlyjjeaorm wlthriu retorted coun r fran- twanu pol i y l wt of the wee ting coun francis was willing to accent the reapotud biltty if the taxes wnt up he uid since he felt the amount submitted by the mayor was too low to provide adequate police protection for the town this la the first time you have ever had the responsibil ity to discuss a police budget the mayor shot hack you assume the right to criticite and so do 1 you have submit ted things in your property accommodate th budget which could be left out year attendance no other committee has been pied piper minister h returning kastrr week will sei h re turn of rev frank wellington and as the children say ihe puppet show will be on this year the meetings will be moved to the high school cafeteria lo crowd lat soared to 000 which made the change necessary elaborate plana for monitor ing the children have iwn laid out as it takes a large number of adults and young people to watch the children intfudrd iff the program this year will be number of mu il eal inttruments that includes waterglasses cow bells octave chimes not to speak of th un usual way rev wellington plays two instruments at one time parents are reminded that the meetings are for school discussed to the event of the police committee continued um mayor b foe luunc wtsjcb u mucti blither bud get but if oo tmiit taka bvfar um polic budget ta ahei raka it ovr bt eoocluddl calmly coun frsocu poin ted out that trot deal os um bad bead pnt on th road bodfet f only ik you id hit down in cojjtmitu and diicus tba kwllm butdirt j cbalxnaad i would tbitik you would be only to gud too do it be rvosauked tt 1 hot toy ulenuon to make thing awit ward for you but other com mittee mnnber have not been included in any diacuulon tlie mayor confeiird h re gretted evar voting for a tl- ice investigation i tbumed the 4 chair thinking could do something but it ij diffi cult ha admitted why dont you giva uc a chabce then if i overspend erilick me be stated lit said he felt the racow- mended number of fifteen to be ridiculous 1 we bve fif teen wen he opinvd well have lo buy four or five taore check boards sumtolnf up ha claimed h would not apaiul five more mlnutaa on uw budget and left it for tba council to livereaae or decreaaa ithlhfj in tha police deparl- menta ara far worsa now than they ware before charged coun j young mr taylor rvjux ctmmlaeuail tnvvaiin lor pmyfookhi thrru the whole thing tailing u surrey not an investigation all mn4a of things wet never ehcked- out maintained coun young now the senior men think they are whit haired hoys winding up coun young polit- led out that fifteen men were reccamtnend and th town had five at the time now two have been added how can w get along with five six or se ven men in a town of eleven thousand ha demanded when tha debat concluded th palice budget wasviuu not finalised parents should caution small children bout the danger of aged clvildren and can plan for playing near rivers this time it now the meetings begin of year i easter monday ready seed packaging bees to benefit workshop adults mckabirw hfrornotjire mrs ky boiler mrsrmsrlon coullflhafi mrs pagay troerty mrloe sproule and mrs molly coiensmerribars of the georgetown auxiliary of the north helton association for the menially retarded the seed packages will be used in a fund raising campaign slated for mskv- funds from thadrua will go toward estab lllhlng enadult rlcshr3ppr wtafdedadulrarom 18 up proceeds from lhilde opkaarch dance leal month a sicond dance to be hldittbnwfhrkkongolf aradcouhiry club thajind bf hill rnon wllj alio go inward tha wrlahop i 5 aj j parents uninterested home school disbands it was just lack at interest i tha part ol tha paranu uld bayd lantx president of the georgetewn llama and school association in etfplalnlna the demise ol tha orfajiltetlop he explained that the organi sation was voted out o axis- tenea on kebrusry lolh and now is in the process of dls- bsndlng the charter trill have to be returned to tha ontario 1tolaration of home and schools it is impoaslbla to keep an aiaodation going with live or six people attending said tha expresident he felt it would be a blow to tha chlldran since last year the home and school sponsored baseball and softball lor at hundred and twenty five children between the ages ol live and twelve ine association had already voted to buy the school a tape recorder and a t v set so this is being done now this leaves only harrison school wilh a testherparent association they disassociated iron the ontario vedarauan of home and school mr mrs t leslie golden atiniversarry mr and mrs tbomaa leslie held open house at their home 41 victoria ave on wednes day march si the happy oc casion of their golden wedding anniversary mra frank pelch poured tea in the afternoon and mra rus sell moore in tha evening nu merous cards flowers and gllta were received and many friends called lo express their good wishes to the happy cou ple before moving to george town 17 year ago mr and mrs leslie termed in the kverelt district where on friday even ing alter a tsmily dinner a reception lor friends snd form er neighbours wu held in the orange hall 0 their family ol three sons and a daughter and six grand children were all present to celebrate the event relatives and friends attended from ogdensbursi and buffalo n v toronto georgetown glen wll- jum jcltchener barrle -orll- lls colllngwood duntroon cree- uore shelhurne and dun- dalk womdii plan to sell tourney souvenirs tba intetnauonsl bintsm hockey tournament will- feature a souvenir booth again this year a project of the ladles austahoeiey sujpcjrt grour pennants and other eouventrs reminders of tba mb vjaismiav bantam tournament will be sold at lhebooui also in the groups immed iate plana is a dinner for all free local minor taanusunor- tad to ll attar orottp a look at the weather march high aw 1 wed m 1- april 1 thurs m n z rrl r 5t 21 s ssi 40 is 4 sun i 43 u 8 mon 48 is i tom 48 m high lor the week 48 low uav pwritk iv vleuctcotly dlnnei wlube held in the sbaraittovrfl hallt saturdav mav jakl the next mealing will bah april 1kb rttu boaif of asjfvtj