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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 4

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r wvalv ftdr- f iv pa0e4 trtuistmy ahm 22nd 1963 ff- editorial comment sour note on ssajjjit is vjy gaotgatqinti hatwpf tfxirt melntelo- id itsjaputerlon e ejiqcfcey town ahla wrln- on sunday a peciej ojne dhae jit first on arid jwaaajcpnd ontario ehanv 7 fylonshtp ww won by a town whara this t nonsjng naw v h was tha tfcfrclatralgru- year lor iha fjaswrjetown asicjgets a ahay finished their arias with cobogrg and coach garry ing- ps wee uncjersrendebry jubilant a ha rec eived coogramatlont for kli aosjavamant no law excited w brotfiar hebe bvoli as tna peewee taam won provincial bonouri for rka fiat tima against bowmen- vhe a a i seas far tha aeaofca taiofd euit vynlte iha damluof lrrhirrrsilv ho ckey 1 will ragrattad by ijoeal afsafta f irac share nad baa flood aeaiori hill with a luntortaam lining rha gap leftrby iha reldera and tha omha grouplnoa eo- llva in alt csa s tha uhbraof nockay chlbltad by thata youngster speaks wall for rha future of hockey hara junior coach will ba eesrfrsj an ay on tha young players i these series and it li not unlikely thai in anoeher taaaon or two georgetown will ba abla to loa ona 0 in maor laami which lway wat in tha running in pest years and brought mora then ona oha victory to town no easter parade ii wh oo of tk odd i eaiurt on fctd with rw jwlidy liur hn uiu1 if w- nhuflly uumd hr brigfvf wrm avfiilur would b tj otxur in4t4yi n unuiutl irvow ttom on salurdty md iha ukkchk- moi tls ciriifmmkm th efr pyrd vt nil yhow who planned to ikovv off thir ipring wardob- downed winl oirrrwnlt 0ln when hvdy t6add church ther w minimum of promanfding ltar thf rjy tnd town tire vvfrc feltiviy deter- twd hi tradition fin took at hva rjardin iprouli th fir it reklng over to remove viator cubrif was tkippd by moi thit assist for garbagemen an vwth plaikt qafbavg fcw inert in amhoa hai bn hkc- iuful end k ttunly town hi ordered i tupply of bo which will be told td hooeaholowm 4f covectunc tha nw kfei u ditptoiabl bo uich it rvast trapa obnokioui odour und leva th blowing qerbg which li bound id litter ihoctt no matter how much car s cojiecton take m h it more tanitary a houteholder iomt hot take a metal pall back into hit tout the bottom loooy w uftovir wknd the firpjce pp tnd ilipoert wat mo0 in kpmg did we uy rvo eir parad we meant of court the 1rditonal diipuy of finery tk actual eaitr p4ia of chrii- mani to their church wet perhapi more pronounced than ever locai cfiurchl were well filled not only for the sunday fvke but for th tpciat good friday obtervencm i wl which it m i thou id be eatler it th foe i point of the churoh yea e tinw of tadnets end e tim of rejoicing it celebrates the cut- minjrion of chrittt life on earth th very root of the christian philoaophy renewing hope for mankind it it a mo logical lime for new year rioutiont than the yearnd fiquidl and it tpeedt up the collectors job considerably the pric it fairly reasonable 225 for fifty bags an average horn would use perhept 100 bg yr the tysrem u not oblige tor end imposes no hardship on any per son who do not with to ute it towns like georgetown will be fo lowing tn milton experiment with interest end it is possible that similar action may ba taken here at later date anything which can improve such a civic service nti help make a town mora tidy is worth investigating evolution baptist pastor disputes teaching theories harley to halton whklv ouuvayions tv 0t hamy haruy ml for halton ilia hoaaa of common lias aeaaud for tha biler moil- lajra ditrlnf the put aek da- lata haa takan placa on tba throna fipeacb which maam hat tha topic rllanmarl cad tovar any ubiect w have barcfor asan tb debata n from the lituauon la vtal mam to dlwuailon af tba st lavraoc beawiy and almost rroythlil and uythlnf tnta- dnabla i had hoped to partlcl- aata in urn dobiu but unlor- wutaly time ran 0mtmr ny turn cam uo tha throna spaacb muit to iowa in hulory ti belni tdtfet lh arthutreachln policy da- elarationa in our hutory thera ramany matter which wtjt lp- tnlve im touch every canadian t jlu of theae wattert 6f eoune be fully debated later and wlh dlacou theae in deuu u theae nattcra m babra hrllunent tha speeul commlltea on jpdodand bruai ia to ba ncon te eonamer the mea uaiary to reduce the of drug the committee ifffhe assisted by the govern- stmt which i have interpreted to that the committee wtu be abla to hire personnel ta conduct research and will ibly aa well hire lafal hi sure that ad of tl trpl jtalton rlh ba the henoorane n white bodfet hooka jam lto wara to take off tha surplus in tha old ate pension fund then tha practical deficit 1 only tig million dollars for ibm in addition of eoureo our gross national product roe almoat per cent tba bluest gain- alnc 1864 revenue rota 14 per cent while expenditures rose 8 per cent which explains the improvement la our deficit picture- the prospect for ims are food it i hoped that in keep- inj with our prosperity the budfet which will be brought down on april mth on our re turn to ottawa will reveal tax cut in both personal and cor poral income tax tha budget i always introduced at a o0 pm alter the cksee of th stock mar ket so that any change in tba budget are known at a tint when uarkat trading and acti vity 1 nib district news at a glance bftamrtom tario school trustees cow chairman r could l0irpftaa pay thvchalrman an addli flb oar cent honorarium qr oakviliji amandment no t ts oik- villas ohticlal pun which pro vide for ineraaaed density in residential area south of the quean kllxabeih way has been approved by the ontario muni cipal board peel memorial hospital is losing 700 a month du to s federal rani delay to cover coste of the- final construction phase of tba new addition tha loas vu emphasised by x lrvolki chairman of the hoard finance conunlttee at meeting recently he said the 1700 represent the interest charge onf a bank loan of tt-iz- 0007 the amount to be received in the grant acton at theaclon wstrjct hlgh school board meeting weddas- oay of last waek board mam- bati atnba injjgestlon of chair- man xrljht nngel raruaad a 20 par cent incraaaa ip honorarium tor tha ejialtniaaabova iha present aoh month a letter read by aecrearlfitnirisviiie unolaitommlt- wlilum wddiejon from 15i j atpoaaxbuity the official oolllkatlon to this effect has been received by the town town clerk s a feath- aldne old a bybw embody ing the amendment will be given the neceaaary readinga by council sent on to the mu nicipal board for its formal approval and returned mr- fea- theratone aald rntiitsvillb although council has not- yet yet offlclslly approved it look a ththp centennial project is gofng to be a new pobbcl rsry about a block from tw new municipal bunding b of- a new librmy ss a proiectwai brought tnaydeclda to ask ratapayars to vote on ilho ay oeodedfor tha project as it is lujher than the council had thought of ii an open letter to those who teach kvolutlon evolution is in the curricu lum of our public schools as esrly ss grsdrs six and seven our children hrr in george town are taught that probably man originated from a eountlasa series of biutatlooj which tf carried hack over billions of years would trace our orlgiaes to single celled animals which were evolved out of dust parti cles while the teacher pro- teeta himself with worda feuch as probably likely per haps etc tha child assumes that evolution is tha only ewer the second conclualob which may take place aome year later is that god is really very remote after all and the bible account of creation im possible to sustain we wish to prolrit such a onciided approach to what is ultlmstrly tn insoluble pro blem spsrt from divine reve- lation there sre four unsnawered questions that every evolution ist muat face 1 not a alnglr indisputable foa- all has ever been found prior to the csmbrlsn period in spile of sn intense search for over 100 yara instrad koiail reeorda re veal a audden great outbural of life auch as auigesled by gene sis chapter one 2 the science or genetics de fies the concept of the ever im proving spiral aacent of life dr b b goldachmldt world- tamoua geneticist haa demon- atrated that well over so per cent of all muutlona change in structure are either useless harmful or lethal it la for this reason that the united nations la concerned about radioactive fallout which can produce mu- tationa which mutations sre the very method by which evol utionists say life improved over millions of yeara s biochemical evidence of the living cell which cannot change aa the lawa of heredity deeldely demonstrate is against the the ory of evolution dr duane t giah resesrch scientist for the upjohn pharmaceutical com pany kalamasoo mich aaya the marvel of the living cell in which we sea a tremendoua organisation remarkably com plex but perfect displaying evident purposefulness in ev ery detail of structure and function la evidence against volution it la incredible that thla organisation could have irlaen without an organiser 4 creation involves a single miracle god apoke and in seven stages which the bible calls days the world was created the evolutionists asy piece of dust turned into a cell a mir acle tfioeeu living in land adapted itielf so that itticoum llva in water fa miracle in wa ter t changed ltaelf perhaps a million times million mira cle finally it returned to land more tnlraclesv and with sev eral million more mutations nun developed in the words of b dr olsbnl harder to believe j inevolutlon than- in creaudri the origin of the species has taken the research aclentiat into anamajjng world of fossils rockstrata and unknown age because tha natural man i at emnity with god h i sought an explanation that cut the creator out of the picture after he has deluded himself thsl god really doesnt count and if he dcea he doesnt in volva himself with mankind be then frees himself front any moral responsibility te god he live hi ufa a tf god didnt exist only to slip across tha pre cipice of death and alam head long lota judgement day where be muss give aa account te cod i urge you mr yeacher-sf- evolutloh to reeaaotlne the bible mom hat 15 item in his account of creation li you will examine them closely you will discover that ba ba tbeia in proper order clvee 15 lte ta arranaa ba proper without any prwvtou vsdaw i ejult feat ba set the odd against gettldg tbeas right i a tnlllloci te one alose ws no scientist yet ha wrote cenasl one by revelstloii 6r by soma means and got tha t4t right since mose was scientist and there 1 no evi dence te support bias a a ta- bler who told moae tha proper sequaate of the order of crea lice i suspect it ws cod who wa tba only oee eroead wbea it happened kempecuully submitted by rev bruce a woods pastor maple avenue baptist church weekly bible thouotit wi fcy ewwery brevities it la isle that so man is a hero to bis valet likewise ao man is ever a bia shot to hla wlf an old man say h has been associating with people all his life but has never got used to thera a writer says the longer a mans hslr ts the more likely it is that he i a crook maybe so but thera are quite a num ber of baldheaded men who are pretty slick operators the best way to keep your friend la not to give them aw ay wilson mtxner when you are right you can afford to keep your temper when you are wrong you cant afford to lose it a roy ksaton io he m la writs ma by bread eue war thai the waotb el say it with acripluret my word shall not return unto as void ms i awat wry sij twr i we la i lit hsy sow u baa a aswsav twetsua my wife tteeateeal kigbc at the best wf wsy kbe thsl whew fcstnsl lias arrive ywuag kid vu a twwbsat for seuwmtnshi kefoe the evrto at her wry first sawsse festival wwrw she wa sis she played a pim relied taw ut tie m asd we should haw im her thtevr her uft eye she bad the hiixwsi uttw aaowse evr balcwiw siw wf a rat the day before ie a rush far the bwrhrrs wk with a brilliant pleee wf art wwrk ar sssasmat she bast ttuaded brad aa with a btlk bey she bad se raiabew wstb a baeg over a h r ysar sbe awl she rv ajaalau aa ad wefltnot eaay i usee hrsan no eat aaxaua aa wall these basat beea a bad i aa war besasa since tba i net that it bother 1 i hel alaast a wiafe l aw allesx off st a aiv t cil aaat rota like seen sjsll sadeu and aba all there i bag te a let of little kid a hat wf uttje pieea far i 14 bear thee she i wad pm ase a tbreeboor i e4 1a2 y rljtr year- she rasae osy te ase about three wewks before the festival and said cats what dad sbe brolea a fiajer paayiag besaelhall aavd later laaabered throuab bar piece with a cast i it the atber slay aba slaciewd te ski dowa the last at yard el tba slope aa her hex at est the day before the festival she played fas a state af shock and la the eel wwesy at she eeher lest wwh aiiule festival are for kopl craty kid who tbry are anitsirel crasy eeia who think their ajdeerfsl eiuskml oraxy music tinibssl wbe think they are toualcal aatffl their studeeu cabt beip i leg il llowd you like to be liiiirkejfl i twd traay peopl7 georgetown herakl i by m oourie wahw c wish publish eww id mceuvrey pied superinteedeat ji lealie clark dave it cluoo j charles mltchener terry ilarley allow news editor aeeeuntj krank mullia adverllalng manager mr wlulant ceggl clark tysiat aaae carrie reporter peter jeee pbotoatapber business directory chiropraqor b6nau a oav oc appelntnients mad dally call tit yseol m mill ii b spring time table kneetlva april urh ims bucis will run om oavliohr tumat lavi oatokoerrowh yo tokonto 25 am exc sat sun it hal 848 ara exc sun and hoi 007 am axe sun it hoi 6ally 013 am 613 pin um m m pm s3s pm lei p xfjl7 pm 4rl sat sun or hoi express 933 pjn mdayat exhresci 1013 pm sundays it hols x trip will run monrlay may 34 trip will not run sun may 39 for service ouelph kitchener strerter landsn tea time table ne 1 ticket and infraction at stans rwtaurant wadi aaent chiropraqor werau w cweh dc opee eslly by aeewaseasanl iioum calls arranged tryaaii 11a male u mrb o t wauhat orrxiaaarretst u btaie st s brsssptne 4514474 res 4slftm hours as te an teraday te sstardsy priday aja u pjs atvwabsc by appwustaseet ormetttst tymtmilligarjo ssajullst- aawel pjah carjt wrstrooo ils monntaiavtaw ltd s trlana4 73111 w r catt- avf wa tm t43m aaeaaaa 1 bax evtawfnnins prop waiter paebolok anoll ar at7a415 larragers tit jam lavatalns 1m goalpb alli deile bennett utiev baines arriesar sellchwt dooclas v latiaaat ixxkncsf r fcainaw tttiangle 7jsal xj mill st ceorretowa robiilhlloii 11 atwaatabrriew ju s carretal bidgj per iseelattl 8773971 monuments dxsigns on rlbqurst laapect our work ta cew ceesacery h atbaa g water street north o a lt frtxlefick a helton aurrhaw and selather 1u icounulnview rd s carretal building tieorgetowa tat ho il e llewdersaii qc barrister and solid tor 41 mill st georgetown tr 72444 t at a n k pitch llacknsed auctioneeb proaapt service pa sox 413 tvan sickler b a a la sellchwr natar dr wullama bldgj m mala s tb t4sir loa gwelph street dtvlt aveeki awhaiwaaj 0 allawaafn mm 4r larr gn swasx- litotjjjjmbriv asjak aiixenfe-

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