Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 5

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of feechcrossexectitiw crn snack cl tbe canadian cxmtodttt aonytirn to a ml uliiw inn na local irhck tbatvaak tw relaaeaaava islnee the fedetj la not as araaoitauoo far mi mi only tba executive af ike georgetown and die- met branch waavj ba twl te vnlcaae intonated lo the war tb meetja tm inejlbrary boacd rooaa w tiasassiuin na millon kaaach under don harvard a pafcue relation naaa lor avian aboait georgetown bjl d executive vfeka u all ntta tha eitaprlon of tbe ikpfifcussd jred fdr 35 years with railway federation canaoun national railway syatom fedwetven borherhood of melnhmanc of way ezreloyo honour w and 2 year mamrjem in a apodal carenvony- la stralfoid recently j e koy ottawa leawerlon oenarei crtelf- loff praaonr 35yoarbrrtftcetel lo emmanuel mke loruiao georgetown okarua eutort goderlcrtj and jama s vataon milverlon ctown gardener teat the weeds with strips of new lawn bocw bedtf of fcavrjfuj itwliniln rapbftie brtn flower cilrtbtau and i uw ftted dllfkult td lre1 ro weed tavcially twitch fend becomtf very umlcht but thera u a fclrapl way td r uteett knj make then an litflncij- feature of th imandj bout ti w w liblimiiiil than with iiwn vep- itm cultivated aad free of scls only the apace lit btwn at hud a belt up to tight or lada wid all around in of ttiluvalittg in betwri r row w slmply run r with a power mower once a i pjik 4nd a jtood mower u a good deal eailtr to push than a cultivator or hoe further the wower will itrp t tauftt wctjs jluu u titely u cultivation and even itsauy it will completely da- liny the wont offender like liprittfa if the edgea or the grass an vpt neat and straight the imdcrml result u moat attrar itfc in effect extending the all around thet apccial llwy uuy net yfca laa very often the common na rv for flower vegetables and isanilx can be mlsleadlnlf that ife why moat aeed cataloius land covemment bull tin uau hat the seittlfle or latin turn u well irniat u th am in any part o th world it cootenoo nam tamy vary frooi oa locality io another o- utnea it lt the wlndflower in othtr plac4 th shcmon iometimea red hot poker aotne uni tha twloraa sifea and bridal wreath are hoht ud for 6aj of our bloat popular ahrub llatiy peopu am to think that palntfrd dalalett and p-yr- thuw ar tw dlffrrnt flowcri but thy are the fcan ko ar brtanaot and be balm anjp- drauon and antirrhinum dlgi lalia and foxglove helkhryaun and atrawflowera eachacholtiia and california poppy ind ao on the rasas of sharon is tome times called the hollyhock bush but it l neither- a hollyhoa nor a rose it is a hibiscus ythly hint ode of th commonest mls- uk is to sow seed fir too elofie together kvwi the tiniest snt like that of the alyisum lettuce poppy and ao on should be apread thinly and one can easily do this by mixing with a little sand or fine soil and sow inff the mixture of course the titter the seed the more shallow the planting uervly prcaalng tiny seeds firmly into the soil is sufficient while larger aucfa as beans peas or nasturtiums should be covered with about a acant inch of fine soil and aown at least three inches apart inns success story is in magazine tba anuaual alory of terra inn u tha tubjet of i laatura lanzth arilela in thli laobthi laaua of uaclrri hun ava canadian hotel and rt rant navlcw matfudna writ by local frlanca writer nr maedonald tha article i bow harry and belly far inr aaubllahad their tbrlvlns saa in a derelict country purchase price of thll laaifiul bulldint to which many addtuonl have been made wal t 1300 i when thli huiband and wife jtaaa opened the inn la 1631 lfcay propoaed to aerva hineh- lpaa teai and dinner a lack a ctutoinen cauiad then to itanporerlly abandon thl plan lrar a ahort period the only u llaable itetn on tha menu be- m coke hot dotfi and ban i apllta laal october tha food d to approximately five and five hundred cuito- j ranged from ensllih tyle istarnoon tea tf rout duckling arafueh of back breaklnn tai involved in bulldinx up the su wu carried out by tha yar- ir family thenuelvea son har- tt and edward were alloted ajgaar chorea to help out har- sfarrar aenlor auueated with xmlla that one of jhe reaaoni ity iho two boy did ao well at ool wa that homework wal i only permhsabla excuae to more unplaaaant taakx jr la now an atomic phy- employed by atomlea in- lonal a aubaldiary of america aviation hu ger brother edward la pre- eomplethir a poat-gradu- nine at tbronto for hi ateofooihjraicy cotta inna reputation rtlno food in pleaaant ruftfc nuddlng ha apread far ii wide reeervauona made ona from place i at new york and re not wbuaual on front tha uk britain kuhop of wlnchetter made a point f dlnint at the inn while ha we in toronto j mr and ura plrrar have juit retunved from a well ear ned vacation in aeapulco but it wunt all latlng in the aun they apent part of their holiday aa crewmen aboard a 41 foot cutter on a crulae through tha gulf of mexico health nurie feted prior to wedding prior to her marriafa laat thuraday to william french alia beatrice sonalda ann par ker waa honoured with eeveral ahowera and praaentalloni tlltf audrey calrhi ullton entertained at a mlacellaneou ahower and a coualn of the bride tin learht gabor gait held a line ahower her aunt ura orrille wafaott haa a u- cellaneoui ahower at her home in burlintton uia edna maria mcmillan who wu her uald of honour gave a dinner party in burling ton and ura baa weet acton alao entertained at dinner a preaentallon wu made by eoma of tha etaft of halton county health unit easter wedding ceremony for principal nurse tfcurdy ajvil 13 wu th dale choeii by a ceorgwtown public acitool principal and a ilaltoa haalth unit huratf for their wddlnjc in u davids tveabyurian church catnpbeu ville tha candlelight cernmotiy took puc at 7 oclock had th church was decorated with pink and whiu flowr in double ktatsdards rev john kchriel of flclated and ur lloyd craw ford waj orgaaut the bride beatrice do rial da ann parker of burllngton is th daughter of air and mr roy parker of cattipbeuviue the groom william alervyn lench u the son of ur ind urs ur- vya corbu rrnch of fergus he u principal of park public school the bride wore a floor length gown of snow drop white organ u over taffeta with rounder neckline ahort sleeves and a bodice which gave sn over blouse effect bordered by a dp hand of swiss lace the gown had a ahaath skirt and a detachable chapel train with a hand of swiss lace above the hem a bridal ring headdress held sn elbow length veil and the carried a bouquet of pink roses uus edna uane mcmillan waa maid of honour she wore i pale blue floor length own of chiffon over taffeta empire line with chiffon panels flow lng from the shoulders a mat thing blue bridal ring head urea and carried white earns lions notice to creditors in thi ijyayi f harurt kaart daoaaud all persons having claims ajfalnst tha estate of herbert rogers uu of the town of georgetown gentolman de ceased who diod on or about the m day of march ad 1063 are hereby notified to aend particulars of same to the underalgad on or before the 17th day of may ad 1065 will be distributed with re gard only to tha claims of which the undersigned shall tne have notice and tha un dersigned will not ba liable to any person of whose claim she she shall not then have no tice dated at georgetown thli 11th day of april ad 1d6s t verna whitney executrix of tha estate of herbret rogers by her solicitors dale bennett latimer l nalnp23 mill street georgetown ont 42 wool air parker tv hu daughter id taaxhat tu th double ring teredoay tba grooms bjoth r ralph lfrdcb of coalpb wu tttoomamaii uahats wert tha brides brother doucu pmrkr cacbllvllu and robert bur wll oakvilw motber ol bride and groom rclvd afterwardj at a rtp- uon in th sunday school room of tha church mrs parker wore a grey allk print and pink cor sage mm krnch wor a pink urirj drrt with hutching voat and a whiu cormag anuutg wddlog uea6j wn uri aul booker pmlmerton and mr corg vwncb arthur tfrand uothar of th bride and groom for a haneywooa trip to the georgia coast the bride wore a suit made from silk which ahe had purefaad in thailand while on a rciit world tour and an orchid corsage mr and mrs french will be making their home in george town he is graduate bf mc- master uoivcniiy ills bride is a gvaduata u tha school of nursing at lumiuot central hospital and has a certificate in public health nursing frost tha university of toronto cooo mbw pott county korth halloa of kills last wk halud th report that a eomtnittaw of tha legislature has ordered ontarios three man commission to revltw its whole redrawing of riding boundaries north halton county council re presents uvea protetfed the na ming tfjb nsrw ridings burl ington and oakvllle they fs vour east halton and west halton 1 thbmwbbtwrf aa -fiw- jtfmtl ware aaa geor- by tha twanch two tha following bv johnaao iw delrax bl barb pwienlo 8 melntyra cr dtaoe roatcr 14 elgin street john layman 9 hewaon cr and john golden 9 duffer in st rtaaitea meawyevlf the course which is held t the gaorgetown vewntetxr asp bulanc tull and instructad by urtu ix bkarpaon mm with so atudests atttl in attendom ia comlia to a dose tba clasa baa had thefcr eaamitav tion nd information about tk craduauod wul follpw in this paper pin md ynt aid camwwfu can m atua had crou ta l a man at th ifltb annual con vntioa u th ontario divlalon uj toronto this tnontb a malv ftajf tomwhet draaaad up to rv preacnt th various sorely ser vkm nd lataliad bimaaif atlas lud croaa urn w k mc ttw gnorgatown branch bad rvaral dlaat at tiw rort- vnnuon oh o th ltkblitfhu was tlanui on whu 8 fcar vlc for aqkr ciliiaoa in brantiord maals ar prepared by tba iod and rad crvai and dclivcrad to old vopls boolcs for 60c per tnejrl other nw contained in tbe relaaae prprad attar the ap ril uswting lncludd txaaatwr aaslatanca in the form of food clothing and shelter wu offered to tha citizens in tr glan williams floodtd ares during the duaaur and the bmncfa was lnformad that arythlog wu undr control at that tinim tne hd croat out fitted one paraoo with clothes individual imrtvty am besides walfare aid trsnipor estion of several patients to sod from apaclalists tnd hoipi tals could be looked after thanks to tbe help of volunteer drivers disaster and individual aid the branch will meet with euo goratown and eaques ittjr township welasre ofificlsu tha childrens aid society and tha halton county health unit to aolve tha various probltm of welfare aid a meeting with the servcn clubs will be plsn nad in tha near future water safy at the water siety work shop in toronto it was decided that persons who want to weir noseplugs durlnf swimming examinations should be able to show a doctors certificate sinus trouhle etc seven hoys and girls took red crou leaders course in fi cjjywed failed and leader waltom law sociitv umad sackta alo hou kyn howly tucted prcaideat of th ualtod county law aaaorutioa uld this week he wu glad th pruvliac la taking awiia ruponssbility in handling lna aid he stated thn prwlnc would still work in cooperation with ih oourio uw aaaoclatioti which is now handling legal aid available td anyona who wants it and who feou an indictebla offenc ntecbofl our ugh j auertaoaicaf i raaslly rf6te0fj sari w ukur 4j la- cr ueraetwwrt 1x741 41 rtn cftaavitavi chiau kaweweuoli rosedale floral flowers far all occasions widoiwa atkanoeaaihk csriaoa a spaclahy cut flowert and funaral oailgnt wa wlra flowart m albert it w lan in nmuiwifl rnywl by toronto bq on i depoalt xt flo and completion of an application form thau form can ba obtained from the home tktralnt chairman vn kimpao phona 97fetjlb 1 ken nash numnnoaa rkattno wa e waaar syaaama e akapalra t ahuhaaai tr 72842 a good place to buy webster jackman umltfd hapbi stnttbvilk sales leasing mercury meteor comet wutrsh kd mhcury tlucks service to all makes nel7l s775l 241 li dial- a44a vananaa m j0 iakwavva t wjm attention farmers ilto coaniwo and triatlno our sded cloanec and yroahw is now operating dally if you hv a aor- plus of qood hortw grown grn call u ard rvuak an appojnrmnt to kav your load claanod and tratod auaaaohium nfttatt kryillzfc now it tha hrtw to apply ammonium nitrate lo your fait wht kay and pa it u re fields appro 80 lbs par acre will qiv you tverat moa buihels of wkat per aero or a bettor stand in your hay or pasture fields call ua today aj ilai your amrniufi ntlratw orvw wesellarirhmmerilebl master feeds master feeds stewakttown mai s7s512 fuorgaaowi w muvnt shirlies driving school estamshed since 1955 wmitr imstbuction futlv insured home pickup sekvict masomaiu lns rcalsuuioio dsiv1no tuts covwnment uctmsto insttuaors lafwgusopoi snelgrove 8431042 l anoaraao halllnafad william a wltaan ihaarar k it oaargarawn a m her ihaarar successful banking begins with a savings account like almost everyone else you ute you local chartered bank aa a tafe and handy place to build tbe aavinga reserve that it ao important to your financial future in doing ao you do more than build a aolid founda tion for financial plana you are building valuable banking relationship and helping to establish your credit and aa yon get to know the manager and staff as you use other banking service to meet personal or business needs your banking contact become even more useful to you and it all traiarts with a savings account t the chartered banks se your communi through 5650 branches all aerau canada thi chartered fcanfcj bring fijllrange banking within the reach of everyone fffiaw v yiisaaaat57aag

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