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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1965, p. 6

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mafdi gras formal was schools social highlight smrsay gindm r 4 tar aa th students social klb aml the new yeer b been success th year m off with ik yafeteek sum um ob january u tor petrpoeeof augeaartiasjta bwhoors yearbook thee wis asad paid wr lull subscription were allowed tm at charge us dasato w4 buocee and i aa to eor ttswieali e astbey rocked end tailed to th del me f thla ni followed up by lb turnabout dance on january of this dance caused taucb ex ea aaas among um girtaror l iay all yod could hear around aw echoes wa have you aked mao rt musie we supplied ky bee const down 1o not social event vu t triple header basketball gamc- eraooaa could bo beard through aa the auditorium aa tba seheol cheered it midget jun ker and senior teem en all bsn played good game vv ana th junior gsjne after til pmm vryone want to th pu for ad evening o dancing to records but thl la not all hum wr tarn mora nance to corn th east oa wa th valentin dane held oil february so th second wa th meet looked for- srard to of all th formal said bo march- it th goldletter day of all th taaos th goriusl finally cam for week avao months th senior student of georgetown blgb school had begun to plan lor this night and 1 em sure ib satisfaction they received a worth avtry minute of it th them of th forma wis ot alardi gru and th gym vaa daooratad batahy a sua clfnm covarad the eatrenf to th gym laajde 1 clown and maak hoveewd over th table arnica pare scattered aloof th hack and up 00 aid at lb floor tha appeal wall wa sotted with a scale f musi cal note wbicn brought your attention to th frost wharf th bead aal but th oaetr of att raction was puff tha magi dragon ha wa situated in tha aasdula of th floor and waa ap- pro rl it maty forty foot long ii made lovely centrepiece a cciupla clanoad around hun afu- ale wa auppllad by th wanhat tan and wa prfec fur th oo th tnaln attractlsa for th blfbt wa th choftalng of th quaan candidate war tit davldaod pat mafklnnorl idlad blam and fat uyd fcvaryoo anadoualy walud until th bat- lot war aountad tba tndale atoooad and th quaad wu an- nouncod tat alackumon sh wai fcrownod by dav under bill and traaantad with a bou of rad roaaa i aid lurt aaryon aaraa with to thai i ah mad a uvaly truncn and eartalnly daaarrad to b crown d although ah il mwluil i quoad th rootd vu full with prlncaaaa yry girl looktd radiant u ah dancad with atari in bar througnout th avanlnf r- fraahmanl war aarvad by bara- foot waltraaar wearing whle 4 and rd ehackftrad aktrti nutchlni tha ublaclothl in my opinion th fonnal war varythlng i oaniactad th it- undasc war larg a lot of cradlt i ertalnly thi to thoar who hlnd to mak thla a night id racnarnhar for th raat oi our llvi conmcitul class sees business in operation cadet record good in all but attendance tfcr it cm wcdnaaday dommbar s3 ijsa tha cadttl bald a uartjr at th high achool to cocaoki th yaar thar wu baakcball in tb gyed iollowad by two ajcnrla and rojcaahmanti aftar twobrutmil holldaya fwaj raauuad tb aac r cadata rtartad advan la drill and rooat of tbalr coura ayaar cadati war la th gsiddl ozthali training la ftatoala imjatialft auohlo ouni bran and orutx lalar thara atartad 406 and mc lao- turaa iafmargaant oraad irom contral oo cara the oadata tarta fa th dll- faant phaaaa of tbalr coinaa th ant tt en yobroary 10th od to light machlna ouna la ter cadat captain iakara au- dafana oottra wu bald atar ehool houra during tha woak oa bunday january si 1am th cadat bold a achant above naml thla aatrlad it approc txnataly 1m pnu and batu tactka ware nrettiaed ob wadoaady jaimary jttti ims there war two vromot ions cadet john graff and cadat john goldaa bacara lancaeorpdrall la alarco the cdu war eacoaad from training for two week eo aa not to harm thalr achool mark but whan train- inf atartad again about half tha corn had abaenttd tbanuerrea thla eraaud a duflculty la i moat undaratraua with ma inoectiotteloaeraut aanrpl of tali wal april 7th wton oahr k cadata including oafleen and nfjog wat pre- aakt for drllt tb cadat corpr ha how en tered ah final parlod of prap- rkk for the lnapectloa tb aegjona dlapuya are bain pre pared and extra drill will aoon beeoxo tb order of tb day itla year impaction will o atay ix abo coming up 1 trip to camp borden whea b cadet wul b tlrlri jojl yaa4 nr but thlrwlnb ro- atgfcted to thou with regular alardancfrom april 14 to rjaac ph recently been r guldd tour 5la wta vah th soyal uuitlry ceuag at luagaloa kot many people of rhli town know that tb cadet corp on of tb oldatt in canada alio wat year it wu tha ninth hist eoip la canada thla corp he produced many fine cadet auch u major larry stlaf who won th beat cadet award two yeare ago at ipoer- waah rrora ovr flftaerj hun dred cadata aba la th lut tao year w have had two master cadets captain michael pratt put year and lt hick ixlddleatob thla year who hav receltod thla honour tfc hlao- eet honour cadat cad receive yet unlaa rnterett in th corpa kiong borh adulta and teenagers who er able ta be la it improves i think it mb be predicted that uoa there will be ela w georgetown high achool cadets corp style consultant talks about personal grooming rve trlaat oa tuaaday rabruary 0 while tha freadng rain fall on tb atreet and night outild era chilling th itmoaphare in th high school cafeteria wu light and warm air leall mahoiry bald bar regular personal croonjug das there and twentyel en thusiastic women llatened ta a asaargxltiui tafk by bctaa ann wales a stylist consultant who had just returned from a mori da vacation mlal wales wal in troduced by mr paul stone and poke oa the many phase of good grooming an tressed th importance of being wall boomed rrrosn th akin out and dis such thing u foun dation garment lingerie wall- ocormlnated wardrobe flatter- big hair stylos and th applica tion of makeup mis weiss is referring to teenagers urged them to atari preparing tot the future now and become ac quainted with nod grooming in very aapeot aa theyars now teaching tba adulta aom 0 tha trick of the trade mr stone sale represents live who is associated with tha preaa thanked ttaladla for coining out on aucli a night and waa pfiaeed to knowthy all enjored tha evening moat of tha mother wished thay could faara tamtsfbt thalr daughter along and hoped for such an otajortunlty at a later data yria crhae on rriday reomlng april i thlrtyeevad grade twelve o saercial arndenta and depart ment tiead mr armstrong his wife and mia cuddy left the ecboo for ad intareeung field rrtp tba drat atop was the north ern uactrlc plaht la bremalaa where we were welcomed and then shown the many different part of thla huge factory wa were divided into group ef bra each with a guide of us ewd to point out the many in tareeung aspect bf th plant we toured the offices and th general factory area where we how the huge cocncc-unlc- tion rnaeblnaey ar toad this d a lot of things and wbd the tour wu over we wr taken into a very modern caiaurie where feoff or milk and coo were served the student vnjoyed meeting earn of tbalr fanner classmates pat mckela linda luklni and bel- ty ann atyre who are employ- ed there tb toronto stock tachattg wu th neit stopping place ii wa nearly noon whad we step ped out of the elevator and en tered t b dlgnlfw looking board room after an interesting talk by one of tha sucbangi public relation man w war taken to th punhc gallery where the nola and confusion fascinated everyone to the moat of us everything od th floor wu id chaos but we were aaaured it wu a very quiet day a guld took us all through the bualnae and tela part of the operation where we us the wonder of automation u all th going on in the aaehange floor were rapidly transferred to tape that conveyed the in foivnatld of thoa in tb public gauerie and brokerage bouses one of our first experiences wu when entering the rx- chanae ye were met by two of the ladlee who were canvassing for tba cancer ourjdtlon and for tha rest of the day nearly everyone sported a apringuke yellow daffodil lunch cefn neat and we went to different eating establish ments only requirement being the meeting of tha bus it one- thirty tha major eacltament eame when we war all waiting on one aide of the itreet while the bu atopped on the other elda- thar wu a lot of jay walkers in tha city that dayl tha final stop or tha day acn wbeu we travelled to tha international buslneu machi ne ibm plant one again we shown into tha cafeteria where we war welcomed and again divided into group and a guld wu aasigned to us wa were ehowu through th factory and then ta th siena pool where wa were shown tha ma nual tbu stenographers must obey girl have ta type when they first go to work at ibm tlsty word a minute without aa error take dictation in eharthand at on hundred and twenty word a minute w all returned to tha cafeteria and were told we could practice on tha typewriters or us th tape- recorder this resulted in many laughs later we had coffe and cookies th c 11 a girls bad planned aid trip to spend th nliht and saturday in the city th rest ef u took them to th roy al york hotel and then itarted homeward to find what rush- hour traffic wu uka from ac tual xprlttc toff their tnatrusaenta were eoaaenalmre to e truck on the highway between u and loactoa this however did notj seam to hamper their jsbttrty tb etodaat were treiedto toeanee fjvtn mutiny oa taa bounty matador tha depau- ver suite taeamsreca mdale man ant the hefsmaaut majjb ptpveisrsebauwre on the trail directed by our eas muale director iran longrandif rouelng reditloa of jungle pentasy by sergeant krtod voo- haer thla wu a flute with per- cuaaion arrangement combined together with the cries pf all the jungle animal which the otlaer band members capajly provided rcr band entertains students witrtconcerl franc crisp on march 3 th students of georgetown district high school were treated ta a band concert by th members of tha royal canadian regiment from london this bind enjoys over uty year of continuous service in canada and has a busy sche dule of school state civilian and military functions lieu tenant derek stannard their conductor and director nf mu sic u one of the youngest di rectors of music in the cana dian army he lua played in the following band irish guards band rcat tactical air command band and the lord stratbconas hon band h u conductor of the london symphony orchestra and la licentiate of tha royal aca demy of music and auoclate of the boyalcolleg of music and tha royal ccnaervatory of toronto the band played under dlf- the challenge records year for posterity th ims challenge the ceorgetown high school year book arrived from tb publisher 00 tuaaday april a it is a gen erel opinion among the atudentj that thl ta on of the beet year book published within th last few years last year thar wu no year book because of a general lack of enthusiasm ihd school spirit oa the part of the student as paulina hm editor of tb challenge aptly described the situation in her editorial v- eryon complains about it but nobody ever does anything about it however tha od challenge hu bn a great success thinks to tha yearbook staff tha yearbook this year u de dicated to uus pjereeyi one of the moat popular teachers in tha achool who vhjes doe everything she toeld- pouudy do for cdiis sod it stu dents a general ouutag of the yearbook covering the calen dar year ism la i follow on th flrtt peg of the book u th dedication to mu pterrey fol lowed by a mesuge by mrlam- bert ptcturu of that jarfrlce ataff the teaching staff anal tba yearbook staff follows th edi torial 1 also included in thla front section 4 following this ar the indivi dual pictures of tha graduates their ambitions and their ulti mata dooms th clsss pictures of gradea nine to twelv are presented next th section on sports begins with th junior and sanior foot ball teams all tha school teams are pic tured and in most cases the writeups of their games sre given also the part of the school yesr- book devoted to school activi- tlea gives sn account of all achool clubs snd orffsnliationi g the cadet corpa the is cf the latin club the science club etc writeups of the soclsl events of tha school year are also included the literary section is com prised of the srtlcles that won th lltersry contests the win ners of the poetry contest were angrllka sommcr and frances linton the wlnncre of tha ahort atory contest were nick martin nancy hunter and rranres linton the last psge ot the yeerbook la for autographs of teachers and friends the two not neces sarily being lynonomous on behalf of tha students ot ohs i would like to consrs tulate pauline row and her yearbook staff on the great book they have produced well done 1 1 eaaaasajsarsang gsssv lessa- paosic esatodw toaaapaat placa wbh la aa thtri taata ot tg-ar- saeaswtwsbcslistica a am aeavaasge vmortow agabast taa maadiu hlgk scbool taam ta carter oeorga rae terry campbell ray bs and jtm mcjcan- sie eachpsaoad tbalr oppoaaau to aaasura a pexlalon win over th uaaalrtontaaa tba final melon wu head in ceorfeiowo gymnasium where cwargetown played boat u ar- tlrur again our wrestlars were tb procedure thst was fol lowed eg tbaa wreatllna mi rtiaaj waa u folleaaef ajw few light exercleee thai wreat- ler eameat by turn seardittg to th separate weight classes th twd oppo- asnt are led ta th centre of the mats where each wrestlers bell are checked for length by the ninm meat tb opponent shake bends croas to opposlt aides of th circle and com mence wrestling ijcb of th bout til hard fought and tb wrestler war ipurredod i better efforts by lhshoute 0 incourage- mnt from the numerous apec- ulor and of coura in gur caea by our coach mr mclaren sjportamanshlp and friendll- nea were prevalent during all four of th matches after tha actual wrestling wrestlars from opposing laita usually got to gether ta discus th vsrlous mow and holds that had been used during tha match but th important thing to note is that win lose or tie valuable experience was ob tained to all who partldpatad la thl interesting sport coieatrtg okavtt luttblreo ukid oad otavtt nuerj ro s6tt jtohi wok tom haines rtieel wllluaw tsl 74301 scotch bfock insmuie irs currie pfexy flayjssjrg omens uatuata at tba avpru auatiiag mr a iterra coo- doctad the alactlasm which re sults ta tb atlowibtj alau of baaonry prealdent mrs ave- hart btlag piaatldamt mr b carrie first vice pr mn c n bowoey second vice prey sident mrs s barrop secra- tery treaaurer mrs a murray district director mrs robert irving alternate mrs j hop- i ptsblle ralatioa orflcer visa charlotte m tuner branch diractscigimra a mar- ray mrs n lawaon mr d stobertsoa audltora mrs- g harrep mrs d laaraon pian ist miss charlotte v turner gfreihrosnls mrs c serv ice flnaocj mrs c brown ag- rleulidr and c iadua- try mrs t harrop cil and education mat c jobnaoa community welfare mra j uop- kln borne economic and heelui mra h- llrowa hlstorksl ra- aearoh mlu kvs chkbolm tan mr mrs ft rrriag s barrap fsfra ft irviag a retarolng ta tha chair thanked mrs mur ray tor annrhirhisg tha eleetlea ofoffloars wialbehald tha may meting rauiaaji eg ttaati aad larrag mr her l af tha talacatrt aad a practkal hattl lapraa attapatatiaa ar uwtlntl rtaair aatria to tha may aaawtrl bag tha a caaagwtth waamjbd tha laatlsatel d by the rorra ka ixarg caution thl hi rh aeaaon when paopla are ota clhenlrea traelr yard endjxirnlno the wirhes acaamuutloo o dry gress leave nd bits of peper pieesa keep these twee to e controllsu stza anct always stay doe to tha fit until you are carttln it is propulajr enguuraect ree larfeaiisatssjei ajai auagsaaag aaaaaeaasrsbae iisswseteaa your hre department investiiii in canada through mutual funds jemcd rliciiarcvaa a scwia bertnj beam eloecjy trlnntificsl witb use djatrilwitinsl bst uutoaj kuiad abere aaracs the cariguial iuod we batrcalucesl to cr-ai- sbveetor la 1132 are ahl to provide oornpuu and authonulive ujomiatiud oat thi practical and oouvonioit uetbod of iuvcoting we rwoenhtcrid the fodowtaj fond becauaw bf tneav prorea srasraagvaacait record and uivceliuodt obyactivea 4 inouton mutual ocuiocfn tjj cahajul krwtnit fwid ijj gnwa aj of cd ud ussanrs aslneshi uinffasaaflae jmesrkhards0nasovs jim s kieto stmrr utrryoitomto tgupmomc 3mtl aov ouaiarraat thewae awsvd me inferrasdloa about islutual rusacto irrvetiotj think of all the small economy cars that willcut your motoring costs now consider this doesnt it make sense to choose the one with looks youll he proud of wrestlers make success of first year competition david booth the ceorgetown dlilrltt high school wrestling team has ended ita first year of inter- school competition with tour very successful matches the first took place lncuklph against the john f itosi col legiate wrestlers georgetown waa victorious but the meet wu marred whea one of th guelph wrestlers wu injured however this was quite an ex perience to most of the george town wrestlers because lt wu their first taste of active com petition 1 next tha georgetown dis trict high school wrestler com peted in a major wrestling tournament at tha central peel composite school in brampton the other achool at the meet besides central peel and geor getown were arthur new to- thats the 1965 vauxhaflva by geiieral motors gold medal winner mt the 1964 london motor show its one thing to be proud of the lowprice economy so if you want a small low price economy car- handling and readability you enjoy in an economy with look you can bo proud ot jo oa th maa car itt another thing when youre forever who eejla viva okt saaar gejav apajogbingforitiktyung but when you buy avlva mm sv you can be proud of italookg vattxhaatils j m w and consider how much more viva give you ffttita like a 50 hp engine fully ynchronsed 4apeed a zbitsnb2s trantmiiilontrofloontrol suspension up to 45 mpg t jl i ciol bmnmy tnisr it n i wpacc and mora t k t motobs vaus j lytmrlcvaaraialvaaatlacaveajar darlbgjhta socceag carsadea m be agteto watoh teleaqoji and nrh rc ripvv pete masson motor 124 guelph street georfjetowri ontario ii is jm a t7 akaaafcsvijaaa

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