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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1965, p. 2

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i zfvftt7wfzt yv vrxshwrj fcf misson slants campaign to enlist women voters 4 ftonl aliening aad pep wtthte tht to haltoa coonr if elated immediately t dllrtaatnni hy allan uses on pc federal nominee la tb not itrttna and mftmhor of the party meeting vtu atari by it la mayor mmh hid too party honatrleenlng of tha county d town pc astocistina la ud heyood fttim oh of the cafcwafe ml aad the nan ta- aad devprlag aa eftet h baberaalp in tb hal- party group- ex mayor hum nm sal- ufacttob that william coulter whoa iw defeated at tory pnwlati to tw brat ballot at tb cooaty ooaaasuaa im mediately pledged hit support and cooperiatloa of uw party pragraai to elect at m ut coultar reava oi naataga- wait yovraeblb ra among tba dm to oodcratoiata m wbca friday nights voting by about 400 dalafatca ended ab ruptly with tbe drat ballot abosrlng maaaaa as tba choice aa a rank ha arill cwtaat tbe natal liberal aaat bald by dr barry harlay at ottawa la tba at federal election bleu af tbe halloa m5 a- doabladly will inched atuea cempaigalng far tbeetrbport of new mtan alaea mayor mm- toa on friday rttirrft part tat tba party at vital to tba roceeav of a cga- dldat what strategy or orga- i iim iiwtw wltbia tba party will develop are anyones guatae until after tbe party saembers under j h h de- pew qc preaidenl and mayor bold their initial talk air buud bad referred to tba tax cut w u votabuying gimmick which tbe liberal would try to caab la on th araeent buoyant canadian aeo- bamy wu earned by cana dian not tbe liberel govern aseot- be added faoai make preaweealv c choice tvh mail aao y04vt pastor sticks to guns says evolution not sound dear sin air darelea reply to my orl lnal lettar re evolution li ack bowledged hrellb un dr vie baj written courteously and lion ii there were turn a thing the proeeea of tvolutlon takes place such a method could only select and nbver or 1g1nate new forms therefore we reject evolution a a sstls- vtw reflect the modern flrtory rlp for life adeatlilc altitude on mill lub- know jecl i the doctrine of evolution x must inform our readers cannot be reconciled with the that my questions have not biblical account of creation really been answered retard each individual must put his in preeembrlan fossils the for nations la australia to which mr darde refer are i believe still oen to question but 1 have tine learned of the recent discovery of preeambrlan fos sil by btrghoorn and timer in tba cuafllnt trail on the north ahore lake superior these re bain lie on tba surface of the cambrian rock and probably are tba result of contamina tlon they are not hurled deeply la the cambrian forma tion in any event these rare find fan do not furnish the missing record of evolution it la an es tablished fact that the first threeodirters of the history of volution on this plsnet are mis aing and if the record cannot be found anywhere on the earth after 100 year of marching it weald b quit reasonable to as anas that it never eiltted and if it never existed then evolu tioo could not have taken place mo satisfactory explanation haa ever bead proposed to explain tbe absence of these missing form evolutionists assume that tha record did once exist and in do ing aa they baa their faith on tbe tauten in the tarn way the christian base his faith in the unseen god of creation it la simply a matter of bias but our eternal destiny the destiny of the human soul real upon our choice mr darcl refer to tha ex perimental production of some amino add and higher organic cosbpoanda by jweteor urey aad hi colleague some year but one could go step farther thousands of organic compound are aynthe i e d very day in our pharmaceuti- cal house but because w can arttflcally produce thyroxin or eosm other organic compound dobl not prove evolution matter of fact tome scientist are now suggesting that tbe en- tin salverae developed out of hydrogen avacordlng to lb modern neodarwlnlara theory alt life hle developed through gene ran tattoo and natural selection ai hh mutation are inferior- to tjajrjorm and a nearly all of tlmm ra male detrimental or i- lethal thli theory involve the rtrrrtiu of tha nnflt a the bail i of vtftttiob even in as abnbr- bfpm anrtroninant tb mutant 5 atffl be ubfltabng by 1lslidbbtutal fsilh snd trust in one or the other i would like to suggest thst un dsrde and others who sre interested should resd the in troduetlon to darwin a origin of species by dr w r thomp son v ks which wu publish ed in the last edition of this book by j u dent and sons it is everymana library series for christians who are interes ted in further proof they should write to international chrlstisn crusade sos yonge st room 31 toronto 1 for their excellent rebuttal entitled evolution one of the most vexing pro blems that fscrs the chrlstisn ho reject evolution is the stlg ma of being opposed to science not a few have withered before the ostracism of being against progresi we do not reject the vtlldlty of modern science we encourage it furthermore we da believe that geology and genesis tell in broad outline the story however geology a a science can atand without the support of evolution in fset there have always been men of science thst have held oth er vlewa and tlit number la growing to the bible believing chris tian who aeeke at least a lay mans understanding in science a harmony of creation and his- lory 1 indispensable what then eanw aay when we approach not just a prophet but the di vinely inaplred word of god aueh a gtnesl 2 7 and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into hit horizili tha breath of ufa and nun became a living soul by mrs darcles letter i stand corrected that according to evolution tb origin of lift began not in the dust but in the chemically rich soup of the earths waters of bow da face the incarnate cod who 1 the creator himself who while ha sojourned on earth said in uatthew 18 4 have ye not read thai he which made them at the beginning made them male and female an ob vious reference by the son ol cod to geaesla x we cannot accept the possibility that jesul christ atand w be corrected unless wo tie prepared to re ject the trustworthiness of the bible and the ditty of christ in conclusion i reaffirm my earlier premjae that evolution cut tha creator out of the pic ture and free man from hi tnoral responsibility to cod while some may claim a great er faith through this question able doctrine thoussnds more do not secondly a an explana tlon of the origin of ufa tha theory serve the materialist well it cannot meet the de mands of consistent christianity thirdly evolution is based on evidence which facet the em barrasemrnt of possessing one qusrtrr of the records which for the most part stem from one period of time finally i muit conclude that it is pre sumption to teach evolution in the classroom as the only ret pectsbly scientific explsnstloft for the orltln of life without equel trestment of other views such as catastrophlsm or the hydrogen theory snd cart ainly crealionlsm which wt be lieve to be a morr plausible ex plansllon lor the chrlstisn mind youri rry truly rrv bruce woods pailor uaplr ave baptlit church note my thanks is extended to dr john it- llowltt mb 1 solid christian and devoted an glican recently retired super intendent of the ontario ilospl tal port arthur for his atsu- tence end invaluable help in the framing of this letter social and personal mr and xlrs william braam of 19 queen street have mr breams parents ur and mr ii braam of holland slaying ith them they arrived from holland last week and will be ataylng in georgetown for two montha and then will go to vl tit with their daughter in blen heim for two montha next saturday tht couple will eelt- brste their 50th wedding annl vereary here in georgetown mrs william f smith of ma ualn st north haa juat recent ly returned to town after being tway ainct last july leaving here the toured tht maritime vlarted tha worlds fair la new york travelled through tht state to cleveland ohio where ah etayed several i day and then on to winnipeg where she spent tht winter with her bro ther ut fred hereon and hi daughter tatfawi canediae office scerbbreuea appraise ann st land anticipate widening aa appralaal of lead ess abb street belongla la mr j maepenald aad mr h barley safneitnl to widea abb ttreet d by coaacil mon day blghtl 1 dont tee why tha taapay- pay for aa sbbtsisii baa who de it ahaajd baa gtveo tb lead to tha town ha tha bret plat coon tgoy bal8tu tin fin ed deputy keeve ituaiaf belat ed eat that abb asraat he beta jaina tread since the earliest pawn map war axadt aad wt aor a sheet created by a aabdl- uoe t in reply coun tuuestlae charged it should be done an- dec local lmprove so that all tba taxpayer la other area wouldnt have to pay tb keio tiluilioa ceuld be anywkert retorted fxjn fran- el either your are ar buae and tverybody would pay coun hewson corrected way or gibbons imprtulo that the appraisal we tht first step in aa eipropriettod deal mr maedouald wanted the eppre sal made be did not know what price to put o th lead we are simply tarrying out hi wish tb appraisal wu eutherited with coun young nd lallea tine and mayor qlbbon op- firtt war veteran pert harding dies a veteran of tht first war percy may lurdlnf as of jj queen t died in georgetown hospital on april jo after a long illness fcldut ton of the uu william harding and minnla meredith he wt bard m tb harding homeiutd ea tb 1th line ballintitd u 1im he joined tht my cray county battalion and went ovrat the next year he had spent meet of his life since the war la the george town district ur harding wu a member of branch iso canadian legion and of masonic lodge 111 stratford he leavti hit wife in camp bell two brothers herb of west hill snd fred of kluhan- tr and four elaters mr kd beerman gladys of fteorge- town mrs ted atlllson ftttta of sehomberg mrs lucy irwin ef goderleh and un dalton scholu helen of nltfafa falls sunday evening member of he legion and tht masonic lodge held services at the har old c mcclure fwttril home rtv kelvin johnston conducted the service on monday pall bearers were wilfred garfield laverne and donald harding kenneth beerman and john wood interment wu in the fa mlly plot in conlagsby ceme tery allow private garbage disposal in answer to many request it will now be poatlblt to enter the dump on saturday morning however tha key mutt b ob- talntd at tht wtttrworka tnd returned there soma councillor were dubious of the idea when mayor gibbons propoatd it monday night how ever moat of them ftlt tht rate payers could be trusted to bring tht key btck and tht ldta wu endorsed with a show of hands awarti vtcuut mia tea ee mate 11 sveiff t 34 ex mm jfaohtttt m1at balu o awwva j4earu t bjbp itlth it1w leriive kant 12 ox tin umcmfon atat f a vera tea bags cjjsattori i va loo cake mlx2lr7 mto 1099 margarine a7 lady mtm uioitio chocolates 79c sl55 orange drink jt 39 awaf e bewf orevy pad dog food 8 89c meeeeclu yww peck table syrup 2ir59c kreft ut fwffee whiw w frwls marshmalloms 2 45 aaebjfe orange juice 2- hm 37 iddal boh momi midi nylons 2pr77c oranges 49 29 juice sunkist valencias doz size 113s carrots pred el uia ilk can me i bag onierle mel haute cucumbers 2 29 fredue of lauth afrits barlinka grapes 29 save these extra tapes heeelvean liln 18 yae wit mlrttle wme lies takad detkisimc sr iniyany cofis iga i l pinkiol cliantgt ii n it rseelve an airs u ysae with jewel tet0yinihc it h ilk pk hib p 11 b ysw tify f si iudu side bacon a 69c iwlhi rvwm 11 fcig- sliced bologna 39c freenlum 1 us tell pk swifts wieners 49c waive aa 8tra 1 ysae with i0a uei mild chigjl u all ilus midi nylons 1 ealr preeoee el uia can he 1 cil1ry hiaryi eteh hiahllhar presen 14 et haddock a iayyik pka uimd bkip freehly ar ak rltlity apple pie hatfillalmy assortment heepitaury pig af 30 marsh blossoms ilk peg 43c 35c 29c wa tuckv shopptmi itcmi cumyi r 8 3 oroew 14 43 rvuee llfleellve may i 1 and t we mattrve the rleltt limit quantities ihfclai comjvlmaysom papajt on 50ex un ttrewtvwularb pie filler tt ex p0 menteeh pie crust mix 69 tells mothers of the importance of molding youthful lives iht catholic women s league held thttr annual communion breakfast on sunday april 51th in holy cross church audltorl um catered by the 8th company georgetown girl guldea cap tain mrs robert freeman fr olger devent o y m cap mrs e d tyers presl dent and fifty mtmbtra were present honoured guests at the head table were fr francis mccarroll ofm cap and three past presidents mrs fyed tucker mr john persons and mr george walker father francis mccarroll or angevllle was the guest speak er he directed hit talk to the mothers atreaalng their treman doll reaponalblllty in molding the uvea of their children the present standards of ii wers alwayi muh and hkautiful mucy mom our own ouarthouih order early free delivery r0sedale floral flowr wlrd ahywher 32 albkrt sfrml 773952 tint wilil from day to day tnd the pressure of society tnd to confusv young ptopu he uld he urfd uttt ehlldrtn be taught to ba uufu human btinci with deep genu of ob- ufiuon to tbemiewea their fa mlllm ihd their ftllawuih they should never lou tight of their vtluei given to them from tht home youth must be tends to mphtii4 tutfewlcial mttters h si id ur john pixie kptrltutl guidtd toward mtturity with a conventr thanked rather krto- moral wisdom to ntded in thisljj j yj highly organlmd toeiety which icorvoub pavorrre okm- specials on her day sunday may 9th blouses woman t blouio- in summer pique prints checki and stripe lenotb sleeves special 98 linen skirts top quality faihioni impeccably ttilored for bell fit and value tile i a ii 398 linen dresses various styles end colors new summer tfiadei soma in half sizes a low at 895 and ul lingerie noweil thtdtt tnd aummary rrnltrlals 1 and 2 plac salt included llrtgefle rnakst welcome gilt for avefy molhtr many manv mori lycmt yoo nummous yo nuntion au kxact1y iioh for moyhus of au aob jackson s 28 main street n bargain centre 8776881 4- 1 wnsffelj

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