Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1965, p. 1

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x if- old west town indian village will make this a tourist area authentic full else old town sad delfhbou iwfiaan vulefe oo 83 acres festd new buinaiad north iwfcffetowa u ibo ambltl- ktaee of bramtpton tnan loracci the mi u usncl wu1u jarvts told this herald j stated ay thp project has been i jfe to cooatrdetioo stay tine i jw fall of u64 at ahoold l9 coiapwted fcy early joly i bbs he salami ha ftrpooely avoided publicity because he felt it would bria people floek- ln to the site of the project and watcain the vulafes take shape might spoil the atmoa pbere for the onlookers tb old west town includes a general store a doctors office a newapaper office bank bath house saddle shop uwyers oloce saloon and dance halt dry foods store hotel jail furniture store and koorocuos office barbershop chinese landry fun smiths livery stable and blacksmith shop tj are two bbj features about this pioneer villaf which set it apart from the others mr jarvis said first 41 i a western pioneer community and not b eastern pioneer comrou nity and aecond it is not a place for visitors to look but not touch the general store as actually a store here visitors to the camp site can get their is a first aid room the livery alable is the startiaf point for horse back ride the gun smiths is the shooting gallery and the saloon is a restaurant supplies the doctors office other corner of the park this u if they dopt care to walk it pony rides will auo originate ar the livery stable but instead of travel id a tight httl points of the village will be old west town u spent much nature trails and riding trails time scouring the country for just the right spot end this mr jsrvb also plans to u u hi fantastic number of tree and have inhikrvt diaplsyiotf their craft in the village not far from the ncighbou ring indian village with its crsu in ine vniace j l u ij j full uepees and indian i don t thuu anyone could find stockade 7nclod archry tw lu of camping- be ter natural scenery without rngr 1 a ercle of covered p p invited m 0rt f wagons which it centered by to wove in far the day or that the 7th lin of kaqbe- k larne barbecue th suitable aid there arc areas te- lved road which circle the riders will be taken berbcu feetta or s tor plcknlcking crones major traffic artery in down the main street and whl d enter i southern ontario so 24 hack plan even include s suult wdl be an attraction i jinl w number of ilighway the mcdonaldcartier coach which will ferry vuitors tbujgs jntluenced his elctwrewsy the dtfiutis highway from the parking lot in an i jfehtdng out ton the focal of this particular sit for hufsndthe qk within a forty miles radius live 4 million people one quarter of the po pulation of canada and this 1 the right spot for the town allrlghl two tw iteming pools are auo in blueprints but they wont be ready until late turn mtr th old west town bllver sptis li expected to attract thousands of touxutl from arou canada and united malea i ads that pay ypm cm asece mi w irt the lmerams luuum by rjt 177hal mvri tu turm b wt- georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing yh c hld fu kr knd dif irui rrln ij fuhlltiun tu flntin fend mw tufam ll ci uii 6mic twi 0h tej w rt kl 1 bi 1 cuonlrrwn out ttiundty my 36h ims 4 00 pw yar susb copy lfi t cnta silent protester 1 j i x jy i t v pater jobm photo a ptolatt march collide holy crou separata scftool car es a placard calling for liberty and juitlca during tha eight of k tchool boycott by tome of tha frenctvcenadlin erenlt and pupilt spectacular blaze guts lilo factory building no aitlmatf tut brrn raid f date u damaie whlefli rctat from a mijor fire in an factory on kln st frl aftarnoon the premise vacated by hi lo equlp- nt lait year lira chief erwin lewli plac lttka amount of damib at 76 i do percent he aald he had the fire with an in ice company repreaentative fedneiday morning but at that the loi in dollar wai 1 to be aaaeaaed chief lewia uld two youtha live in the neighbourhood ae about 15 and the other ab ut 11 yaari of age had been doned about tha ource of blaza ha aald neighbour iltted to aeelng the pair the building imrdedlete- i before the fire broke out tire apparently orlglru- in two or three plaeea which kea me think it war aat by than one pareorc chief aald there wu a lot paint on the floor of the and it- w a tar roof made for an- intone iian older aeotlon of the bull- which at one thne bouaad day producu and office were gutted rafters tfaj recant addiuonwere ebar- oo what window glaej hadn t been knocked out by atone before tha fire waa ahat tered or melted the walla in the old section have buckled and the roof it elate to falling in the call waa turned in by two nearby realdent at about 530 pm and within minutes a col- um of black smoke that waa via ible for mllea had drawn ao many onlookers that the geor getown police dept and the ontario provincial police had their hands full tortlng out traffic at the corner of king end sarah sta the fire wasnt too much of a problero chief lewia com mented after the biggest trouble we had was with the publle wanting to get too close for a good loostr the brigade started mopping up at about 03o pill a lookt the weather may hlh low la wed- 72 vf is thura 64 a u va 04 1 ib sat- 78 34 10 ban 80 s3 vt mbn 73 47 18 tuef mj 73 42 hkh for the week 80 low 31 frectpitailon m rain alwi r c scott v i u 1- service held for viqim of car accident spent adam ttoden 17 son o air and airs krd kodh cwprlnite wba was killed aud uwnly in an aoeident on llwy m on uondary ufry lmh ii uwvet ills parents and five bro thers and fcmfrs gerald of cofbtown mrs g usldwln gals of lkrtshouw twnothy cffate and uirhael at honu rrv norman younjf ronduf ud the funeral aervtc in knox church on wednesday ther noon uay 13 pslaba4n were rk perry larry con bob aauwln iup1 uiddluook tim hotun and kant tocher interment was in greenwood cbiiwy ceortfetown school boycott ends kindergarten split mmem ttoomh many at reception to honour dr mcallister two hundred former patients 1011 fifty four years sfio and olhrr friends of dr a ttrv ian i- if mine ol st afeaiiutrr georgetown e johns vrutrd church acted si blorphiiicisn honoured the chairmarr for ihe affair dr doctor st a mcauiitrr hour in mcalluur i an honourary st john church hill hunda elder ot ihf church mr he afternoon mini prricnnd rokr to mn hcallitrr t1e doctor was the recipient of a scroll presented rum hv tr t sccen wtlham klnrade on behalf of tln the prrarntations or the church he has served faith allistrr related some fully for so msny ears snd the medicsl profession frenchcanadians cheer decision teach part kindergarten in french holy crois wiool reopened recommended hie mixed kin thedertartcn and the trachinj both isnujcrs mc of his rsrly history snd thanked ill who had taken part in the tribute tv c v williams spoke for his medicsl rnlteacues prior to presenting dr mral hater with a fane from tils fel low doctor he mentioned dr and no nna ley returned to halls wednesday morning ai ter s one day doling and a two day closing snd one ntfiht nt in 4montrauon vhrn a propoajl by the school hoard to estab lish a united kinderyartcn for tjoth rrencn and rjilih stud cnt wa accepted by the pro oott last monday to tuck de- trtuinfl llilinual parents com mands for the bihnfiual kinder mittee and its fououers late earten was greeted with cheers ixiraday niht when he said he thought the jprortoaui would he generally c the 2 roup wai almost unan imous in ita endorsevnent of the proposal it a elineault pre aident of the hilinsuaj parents committee who called the boy members nf the tniled marling eiterdj mommc cepuwe to hli croup church women served refresh wednesday may 10th lip mrnts to those attending kindergarten children will be members of dr mcallister l l io iwhm ha me to town o itoronlo and art 1m reway mornlns inj ulmmioii atabllsh a prsctice 43 yesrs drur nenraetown o innch ctn ao a few years suo dr mcal 1 children will be added to liter took time out to write t present mornlnj kinderflar dr alcalllstrr opened hu s historical bonk on the mc practice in geo rue town in altuter clan ymcaywca again sponsors terra cotta summer camp summer la again annreach in iu oast years of operstlon ixtar as anyone who haa atepoad outside for a few moments ef eoolar air in the evening cm testify the squadrons of ocwar mowers are out tn full flight and every raucoua hurp imuhaa tha grim and once foreboding memories of winter asamoties further and further away spring la here and toon ry soon the hot summer will ha upon us with it comes more leisurely pace of life chance to contemplate the joyt of nature mostly crabgrass and dandelions arid summer holidays for the children kor two solid montha parents will have the golden oppor tunky to have their children with them twenty four hours day and will be able to take the time and energy to auper- viae their activities throughout the day constantly devising new ways to keep the young ones from becoming bored in case some parents baulk at the thought of such a summer the georgetown and district ymcaywca will again operate a day camp at the accrue terra cotta con servation area during the month of july this will be the fourth year for thla ever increaalngly popular activity a day camp enablea the parentj to keep their children from the ages of 6 to 10 at home inatead of aendlng them away for weeks to a usually expentive residen tial camp and yet gives the children a chance to be away durltw the day with fellow playmates for wholesome fun and new activities under the competent dlrec- tonhh of mrs- tuts munro s senior and s junior consel- iora will supervise limited number of 80 campers the camp will operate for 4 weeks conwtenclntf july the 5th on mondays wednesdays and fridays buses will leave town at 0 am and return by 4 p m parents may register their children for any or alt weeka of the camp the dasr camp haa accumu lated a perfect safety- record summrr it approaching ra and many of the re mtre paiem are are repeata of children who have enthusiastically enjoyed rfmmded t0 ict whcn the procrams in the put bro- thr b distributed chures will be distributed to for ope nine are by necessity all boys and fiirla 6 to 10 years old throuah tha schools and further information is svsllable from the y office 14 usln strmte smim limited and her is an excel lent opportunity to offer your children summer fun safely and inexpensively ten and half to the present kin d erg art en mrs r rousseau will he the teacher for the krench periods in preasenttng the proposal to the twenty five parents of the bilingual students assembled in the old holy cross church ab out 1130 tuesday nltht hoard chairman r thoinfkon explal ned that the division of pupils would ba lf to the dtacretlon of ths principal teacher and school inapector the boards proposal tor the mixed klndetyirten wu tha id entical reaolutlon passed the previous nufht at a larfla meet ing of parishioners in tha now church basement where more than hvo hundred paruhlonfcri in addition the meeting al mort unanimously backed the tkchool board in its past hand uaff of the dispute philip car ney the orjcanirer of the meal ilnjf said it was called becsuse of the week e events and the ailects on the aduration of the other children who were not boycott nf however directly after the parishioners meeting the board in closed saaalon decided to close the school because o ihe continuing sit in demon airstlon bv adults the school will wnain closed cdntinued the statement until law en forewent agencies can aisore the safety of school children and the privacy and safety of school property on the following day tues day when the school was clo sed ur and mrs r gellnault president and secretary ol the bilingual parenle committee conjererd with trustee dr odwyer resutunfi in mrs gel ineauu convincing tha sit in peter jonea tbolo sitin group blocks separate school corridors a 00llp of hunchcanadian associationparents children nd tymtnthlzeri stage iltln in the holy croat sep- arate school main cbrrldov in their attempt to fore the creation of a bilingual kindergarten they refuted to budge when ordered put by both the police and fire chief and itayed campedln the ball from monday morning until 5 oclock tuesday afternoon sitting in the centre of the group it mn- 6 aigejlneeult secretary otthefjench canadian astoo- uhoiu dnnonitralort including rnem beri of the canadian friends of the mudf nl non violent co- ordintung conunulee to leave the irbool ttiua creating an stjiumohere conducive to nego- tistlon according to df o ivyer al 3 00 o clock tues day sftrrnoon the tit in ended the boycott o the school be gan uay lohi when 103 bilin gual tludrnts of s totsl bllln gual enrolment of 1m were withdrawn from the school during tike fih vk of tha boycott the students attended mavtbhlit elasaas in tha sm ttoly cross ohurch en cuelah st but on monday uay 171 h 10 pireots 18 children and four university students who hsd beei teschlrm tha elasaes mar ched to school earryina card hoard plaeerda in knglish and lench reading tducata our children and we dteund our rights cmpite chief roy halwl warning that they wvre coat- mlttlng sn illegal act the group commenced the ait in which en ded tuesday afternoon at a 00 un gellneeult aald the sitin was called off to demonstrate good faith to tha board uoat of tha english aoaak- lm parents expressed resent ment about tha canadian fvienda of tha student non violent coordinating commit tee being involved in the dls- puls they binned tha sncc gtoup for etaclng the tit in ba fort the alt in the french ipe- king parents had kept their children out of the school but had not disturbed tha children using it however gary perly the lea der of the group claimed they had been invited there by til bilingual committee to help out when the aettlement was reached and the cheers had died down ilr rerly atated we came here to find a sohitlon for you and the aolution aeemi to have been found ws did not eome to cause trouble he ended by thanking the group for the opportunity to serve them bven among the french apta- klng parents the snnc recep tion waa mined some were heird thanking him offinlvely for their help and inviting them to visit them while others had been overheard saying why dont you leave its alone earlier gary perly pointed out that the decisions were rea died only by the parents aince the snoc group took no part in the vote we only advise he listed at the same time the motion to establish the kindergarten wu read to the press and on- lookers another motion was read the motion slated that the board of trustees repeat their request made to crown attorney p mcwiuiamt uay mui and chief boy haley may rtfi and or w smith tn ma ora absence may loth that the board request the removal of sitdown strikcm from holy crou school aa aood aa poe- libit since the board has been forced to abut down the school until necessary taw enfotoint lltuppem thla mc4toaeam six hours continued m tack pag zzmiixmmrlvtrrsjwmai3xxiim astai

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