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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1965, p. 4

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i- i georgetown herald 33 main ssraett s gtmgatown jilrio wic pagc4 thursday july 39fti 194s editorial comment consulting the consultants contajitwt t a nvxierri tern ad a mocun trend wicfi ltvtelinis tymv u getting all 6ut of poprtiovt i it umi iodey cw un hidlrjki any qo4hoi wtrfouf enqgirtg a firm tf tonaultanls to adinte and hi the buil rwis hs a tertejut kunnl of poflliortj status om pys darly for rtw advice ku w dotvr rrirt to wnfjy that all tons lilting firttt uneiiry 1tk ai ttnvt whan ona cannot ttkpcf tk or dinary employ to know all about a fob tfw town for example properly calli in n tngincfutg specialist for planning a major wo it and arcftitert are frequent- ly utd in a tontulting capacity for kousas which daviaw from the ordinary and for urge public boildrgs w fekould b ooncarnaj however kbout the amounts of public money which mora and mora being span bafoa a job oali off rtva ground we nola in toronto for instance thai 100000 is lo b i pan i for advice from a firm about 4xpniion possibilities for tlv canadian huional ekibibn in 4u lortend pl count iio000 to u 5000 has just ben voted for a neds study corgtown torn year ago paid a u- abla sut for advice on ironing which in thovy might hav ban hot to bad but in practice ha i become a pau ihadow of itself with revisions by succeeding coun cils as conlanhou matters occurred pres ently the town ha odd a trahec study whicfi obvioujy tell ut again t considerable expense that we nd better ovetveed bridges on main st hi nd mount einview rd thit rtwre it mora tret- f oijokrt st than there it on park ave etc ate and tle odd thing is that through the years w hav seen time after time councils in one breath catling for the help of specialists only a month or two liter to be tatting themitelve up at he experts and pulling apart tte ideas for which they paid who pays we do it it common particularly when it comai 1o consultants to say this isnt go ing to cent much tha governmtnt is pay ing a large share true w might not be paying for his diivdly but dont fool yourtalf tha gov- rrimant has only ona plac to get money and ma from ui every time georgetown spends money on public works the georgetown taxpjy- ari are tha ones who provide the money in fact whan one lives in e community where the standard of living end the pay trate is higher than in others we actually pay higher share of every government- fcubeldliadprojact for tha centre govern ment gats their money from income taxes uus and excise taxes taxes on theatre tick all raca track bets liquor cigaritias we are all naive in this way and it is a most difficult task to keep our minds on the phrase wtto pays we do all too often wa are like children sav ing our own pennies as long as ded comes ecrou with tha money to pay forgetting that if dad is spending he wont have jhot spare pennies to give us later one can always admire a political of ficial who has the foresight and the cour age not to always jump on tha if will only cost us a few dollars bandwagon end to turn down even what seems like a free gretis gift from a senior government administration costs and government subsidies are reaching frightening propor tions in todays wohd perhaps the grass roots is the bast place to start if we ere to ever reduce the crippling tax burden which facet rtidnts in the socalled de mocracies tike canada pi i- j sjtw j3 p6mamrs it 4 i it s look what moved ih overnight democratic bureaucracy in our muchvaunted country of free enterprise mare are few traces left of the old days whan there was no income tax and minimum of other taxes with which fo cope true iter was little in the way of public walfare than either and it was no mora a perfect system than is todays samt welfare stale wa do need a happy mixture of tha two howavar and we era definitely top- heavy today in approaching a cradle to grave protection which in its soothing at- pacts can destroy the initiative on which canada waa built there u much to be said for the family loyalty which cares for its egad members jrttwaubjnefitjnhvina to tayofqtwrn of ufas luxuries instead of the gay go now pey later phitospoh which even our government it boosting in its travel oper ations wa ar at last reaching a sensible so lution in compulsory pension plan for without this it is getting to be the case where tha wise man who saves is doing this not only for his own old age but for tha old ages of all those who spent all their money along the way perhaps what wa naad most today is more businessmen and less career politi cians in our government there is to much duplication to much red tape involved that we have civil servants falling all over each other doing jobs which could be handled more efficiently two separate departments federal and provincial for sales tax it only one example each month we must complete an 11 tax end remit this to ottawa via a toronto branch then we must make an other computation this time including tax we have already remitted to ottawa and send 3 provincial tax to another toron to department what business would carry on this way and be in business very long w have troop of inspector check ing pay records ona each for tha two sales tax departments ona for unemployment insuunce one for workmens compensa tion one for ontario hospital tax when tha work could easily be handled collec tively by ona man and with all this we have members of parliament going in bigger and bigger cirdai creating full time positions for themselves giving themselves staggering pay boosts while pinching salary pennies from those who do the work w thm mail kao sour grapes from defeated candidate says mayor gibbons m llaldst n july wfch ims deer mrrteditor it is not tuy intention to pur a policy of asldns for space tejraur paper to reply to people ahso have a perfect right todu atr with me on any or all mat ters perulhltu to municipal government and while i never have bor 1 never trhall hesitate to exprtu my own humble opin lmrhthfejlpopulajtjrjigt lahray have and always will have use greatest respect or other peoples opinloaatid eo jtr editor l submit it am only fair that should be permitted to reply to r letter addressed to yea in toe georgetown herald extruoa of july asnd over the etfgutnraoi ur malcolm free- mli rosilm tbia- was a let- rlo duotnrstherthan sm attempt constructive erluv eum i ur ttreemjih by tha way is defeated mayoralty candidate at the last municipal election and 1 submit he exemplifies the moat disfuiung display of sour grapes trhat i can remember in municipal politics hu rejec tion by tha electors jn his may oralty attempt seems to hive made ufa miserable for him he says 1 am misleading the peo ple i suggest he was unable tomlsleadbhe peoplebjcceofct tfetown whan he asked them to elect him mayor and was reject about the time ur freeman was writing his letter to the herald with aa apparent at tempt to dlacredit me i was at tending s meeting of a group of men interested in establishing anjndustry and if thomen who laid ihefrjundoilonto ob- tain this industry are successful they should be commended 1 dont think ur freeman will be included at a council meeting about two months ago ur freeman said i was trying to lesve a false impression about m skins an effort to obtain industry wheri two days previous i attend ed one of several meetings in an office on bay st and at that particular time i was accom panied by the town engineer and the assessment commission er b this misleading the public 1 dont think so ur fdltor be a sport ur freeman try and forget that the people of georgetown didnt want you for their mayor my advice as one wrthlu kpricncm6feat dont let it give you olcersl x have every respect for your imaginary analysis of the sub division proposal it was a fan tastic day dream hut will not coma true and only confirms my opinion that the proposed agree ment if accepted would be ex tremely unwise and tuuoun4for the town of g joseph gibbons says bank interest rate ceiling hampers public by dil s still in the swim any of yoa oldtimers noticed the gradual but steady efaaagea la toe physical world about you you haver good i tu hoping it to act as a human dirtnatower want imt me you dont hav to sb h you know what i mean the hula o lb golf course fexe eteeper thaa hut yat the tfwn gros urges each yer the eunlogroom table grows a utile ttrihef front you ecb yr 1ke weeds in th girded ar a lot imrihmt away when you trtoop to pull uwnj you look up buttad oi dvwti when you kuld your ebildrtu it does have its uona though this without kids no duckdmng doot have to race sturdy teeaajer to the big r and your wii wtaiay ool compel you to see bowtar y can swim nnaer water its rathir pliaant rcauyj awiuutuas witii the oid udy8 doif uidlrt about in the low with iu fturye you wsdf out to th deep j riifht up to your aut and thrs on olbr chsnjout with a purposeful that u particularly vidnt at atok it fur hjtht yards beioi thu lima o yew tha water in ulaiig a rt aflr u toumt- the ukes la tn drs coldrryou may return with dwtol than it was ul ytn ui uirb i btillal this whfn i wit i hrs m m easirfl awimmihg this werb with the ktlnoua letwr old lady it wis rather a hlstur- la v ult ufal 1c orcauon willi both our kidtfj il frlat- w a olherwue occupied u was the uii tritm twr tjv hu yy f lwf ttwil wtidy ihtrrupluri with kwtyl almd ukh ivilu vu antrrf i the revised lunk act as sub mitted to parliament and undrr which the bsnki will have to function for the nrit ten years retains a numtier of archaic provisions which will shackle the binks in their efforts to render greater service to the canadian economy s t 1aton preildrnt the canadian bankers association said recently in uontabello quetec addrcsslnff the annual meet ing of the allocution ur pa- ton who la also vicepresident and general manager of the torontodominion bank said that the rank act in ite present form will impede if not en tirely prevent the banks from making needed charges in their operations to meet the challen ge of changing economic con ditions thereby fulfilling their natural role of servicing the financial requirements of in dustry both small and large may i emphasiie that the important thing is not that the banks are beinc denied some of the changes thry anught rather it is that they will be restricted in their efforts to ser ve canadians better in the long run the public will be the suf ferers borrowers and savers will be penaliied mare cemeatlllen ur paton said that an oppor tunity is being lost to moderni se canadas financial machinery to firing into being ai sug gested by the royal commission on hanking and finance a more open and competitive ban king system carefully and equitably regulated under uni form legislation but not bo and by restrictions which impede re sponse to new situations enfor ce a particular pattern of nar row specialisation or shelter some enterprises from compe titive forces doaling with soacific aspects of the proposed hank act ur paton said the present set and also the revised version define ja bank ai a bank listed in sche dule to the act drinllim of a bank this he said is far from sa tisfartory and tht definition of bank and banking is im- i portant for a number of rea- i sons the outstanding factor be- jing that in practice it deter mines what institutions are suh- jject to the direct influence of the monetary policy of the cen tral bank ur pstnn said tht royal commission on hanking and fi nance recommsndad a broader definition of banking which would include all institutions accepting deposits with an ori ginal maturity of leu than a hundred days in introducing dill c103 the new bank act the uln- ister of finance indicated that the government felt some un certainty about the legal basis of the commissions definition he suggested an intermidiate definition of hanking as the ac ceptance of deposits whlch are transferable on demand by cheque or similar instrument and implied that the govern mrnt was contemplating intro ducing such a definition without derogating from the porter commissions defini tion it may be said that the alternative definition proposed by the minister would certain ly he a substantial improvement over the definition in the pre sent set chequable deposits at insti tutions not subject to the rank act or to similar legislative re quirements pose a threat to the public interest that goes far bey ond mere fairness to competing institutions they raise the pos sibility that a completely new banking system may arue which would be capable of performing i full money functions and yell would be largely ouuide the in fluence of the central bank srs per csnt cfhjno rr ferring to the governments i intention to retain the iii per j cent ceiling on bank loans mr i paton said that this is a feature of the presrnt act which the i porter commission strongly j recommended be removed even if other recommendations were ignored he noted that canada is the j continued on pae 0 ftrtt time wed been twin alone toother without kids since our honeymoon you should have sn the per teij aun until thfre wai no alttrna- y llvf lo a dip we advanced wtth 1 1 ul uuimtt rtlurtanrf lo ihr walfra dt wt itoj lhi for foldinj ten mlnutn pmrtnj gln ai i rl baok l j i ii and rich olhr mlt h will ml i human romrdy tji biuh bjf drl by ulhlng tu afcmr holding- in thflr aunnitju nau prui i finally umli njlurd ihry cant hfaun llicach tlilt allcklng out v twf nty tnjnutfi litrr i wai bo uey lolo right up to the knoh on my human lllppo knrri the old girl had barely human c wet the paint on her toenaili wed be itandlng there it hul lurrly aotnethlnif ran ahudderlng had not a couple of doneibout the water 1 wa alxyearoldi datlied pait ui jdeviie rocked to hit tha u aplaihlng us from item tn aurely to goodneu we caa flfi gudgeon and my gdjenn still lonie way of warming ti haint recovered our lakei fc that pe4ple o now how do you eplin that f on urn in tbbriai it wai the lame body of water cowr mlnu near the water a edge bible thought body i my son has teen swimming in since early may he said it was great then the wrather has been hot since rut in mid-sum- rvn yjf liipri mer the temperature of the stuff luk j hfc wfcck waa thirty degrees lower than in h b dlfam may somethings wrong i nut i muat admit like 11 the 7 l f 1 other dope that if grnd k when you get ducked there l nothing quite like middle ged wlm with the old bur111 in p the shoulder crunching t every tle m w wlki with c04 1 troke the heart pounding doesnt have to run frobi ajny alnningly the chest heaving thing nar thou not foe i i wildly for air i with thee- business directory news echoes from the psoas of tha herald 1955 ami 1945 10 years ago 9 john irwin 127 main st n found out about mutkies the hard way determined that be would catch one of tha rnammoth specimens he used every piece of equip ment in bis tackle box all last week while vacationing at crow lake marmora but without success on tht last day just before returning to town he wenliwimming a large muskia swam by and bit him hard on the leg it took sin stitches to close tha wound aji an attempt to steal a car in georgetown saturday even ing led to the apprehension of two youths from brampton training school by georgetown police academy rd residents trapped one of the boys in their car when he tried to staal it the other was picked op a little later at the cnr station a stubborn grass fire it being battled by georgetown end acton fire departments is still burnng today but is well under control the fire has destroyed many acres of pasturelend on the ray coulter farm it waa almost checked when it reacheahard bush a r from the forest rangers station is on hand to assist in directing the fire fighting ho yeaks aod ay the flnishingparrmendefeated the coating dept to capture the crlchton tr6phy in the tug of war at the alliance locaj 474- picnic in stanley park erin saturday it was attended by 225 members friends and management personnel commit tab heacjs werei sports roy ward prizes elsi fey enpallceaddy supper maud mcdorialcb ansjportatterpyrvardal chiropractor donald a cav dc appointments mada dally call tb jj481 jo mill si cmruvm chiropractor- crld w cerbalf dc ofsan dally by appfttatfttanf ilouaa calls arranged 177411 11a main si north o y walkkr 8o d0c optomktmsy 13 llsln st s brampton isl474 res 451cu hours d am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 0 am to 0 pm evenings by appointment dale bennett latimer baines barrlsura t tolklltr dou01as v lahues tbrenos t batnu trunflt 7311 2 hill sl cofglow carr a wcttwood ortlarl land survyra us uountalnvlew rd s yhianji 7tttl w h carr b f waafwmd yr 7jofl rm yr 4414 robl r hamilton optometrist 116 mounts nview ltd s carretal bldg for apoolntment no 8773971 frederick a hehon barrlsur and solicitor 110 mountalnvlow rd s carroul sullding georgetowa yr 7jjw dax developments limited bulldar of fin homm prop walter pacholols 774311 or i77m1s barragers cleanersshirt leunderera til 757 u uatn 1g6 guelpb all wark dea an srhilsaa printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald i77m01 optometrist l m brown ro 35 mill st for appalnlmanls phaem 1774471 m e handerson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georotdown tr 72464 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonm 41175m 62 water street north o a l t frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service pobo 413 til 72b64 geortetown the herald likes news yourvliltori wedcllrioi club meeting i focetlon trlpi ell help to meke a live weakly peper v pfwr 77 j201 no chars tor rw tvansickler ba barrister sellelter neterv dr williams bldu 3j muln s tr 74531 wallacr thompson 3rd division court clark a commlsaloner yr 73wj ceoftobtown animal clinic 106 guelpb street dr it bv gwku v zevlrcdvm cllnlo open b 8 pjn mofc who fri saturday v 11 aja wd you know that ill yod can sell your uaed article u quickly throutti a herald daili- lied try one 51 ii

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