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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1965, p. 9

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j 7 grandparents here for wedding of grandson u win rtnjrtftnt ma i-zzr- roti aprtj fallowed uier la bmmptoa unioo ball leaving oo a baaaymood trip ta tb limine cout tb bride toore a pink lc twopiee suit aad a eorsax of hlt carofc- lioa mr and mr haw lu uv is u spartiaettt at 39 bajlawn court iu b mployd hh p graham bell auocutt and hlf brld with the toronto- uomio- loo baak in brampton new county economist is introduced to hornby wi moftval tv english crabdpfttilj travelled trow kngumj to be kufcatj at lb wddtnjt on july 14 of their tldeat kraadon thy are mr kilwn taylor nuunu pr and moth r of ui eiuul chrutbpber kuhr and cttore kuhrr hii pjtrrnal i traadfathfr the groani who u the uin of mr and ura lhrtiiophrr g kuhr 60 edward street wu unltd la hurriig with ruth duna lmbteton daughter of ur ktui ura klwootl j pun birlod tj hrannilon in a rere taouy id chrut antfliran churrh brampton itev rraur j hour br omrialrd and km cuth brt wu onfanut ur oeurtie j gruby the bride muiin mug th lord prayer and wedding trayer white mumi and rarnalinni dcoratfd the church for the lhr oclock ceremony ir tvmbleton gave hit daunhter id mimiff in tha double rtns ernony i the bride wore a sown of hilchl miid white licv 6vr ufmj with uii ilev and high ncrkli ne and a crinoline iklrt iti wo0 a pearl and rhlnsatoae rororih and thoultur utifth veil and carried a boiujuh of white raw cnterd with pink i wee die art roa unda wuiiaini waa maid of honour the groom a twin ila- teri ann and dlan flatter weri bndenaldj and the bri de a aliter cathy pwnblelon waa junior brldewnald 0iey wore pink street length dret- wi pink rose ure hau and matching acceuoriea and car rted pink rarnationi llafry ilawlingi waa grooms man and uibers wera ui brl de a brother jim pcmbleton and joe drake glen willlaroa a receptlon wa held in the paruh hall whee the bride a mother rwelved gueata wear ing lurquoiie lace and a cor ajj of white rarnationi and pink roaea the groom a moth er aulitrd in recehlng wear ing blue lace and a roruge heart attack on visit milton mother dies a akur of urt jo bn rid air knuta uulip w w atliton did tud4aly thb rk us hhp wu viahlajf br tf urt- lvi gfutt at bundlk wheb kh bohrd b heart blur 6d sunday july lsth and wfcj dead on arrfvai t 0t3vlll huplut bhj burid in jyutat lwd cury ortnkivuu hh u kvrvivkl by hr huxind knd hlulrvn from 1 year to 18 yrt of g thr4 will b bd thureh fcr vie in norvfcl and vnun prt- bylfrtan churchm during the buknth of august while hvv and air h dubcuuod ar bd boll day adhrmu ar lnvlud to attend norvaj ublud church arvli at 11 so a in cftt well wuhei ar extended to uiu iralrte uagulr- who la a patient in gorguwa lloa- pltal congratulations to lub bon aldaon ton of ur and ur pr ey ilonaldaa and ratta vinkny af georgetown who were marrud in norval united church on saturday july 11th alo eongratulatlonj to llrut kyre ton of ur and urt stn ley fyre and pamela 1irbutl of georgetown who were mar ried in st gorg a anglican cliurch georgetown on situr day july 24th the rev canon j e uaxwell and urt uaxwell laurie and uary jean are holidaying at their cabin on the hilt th jury beating of um horn by women institute waa held at the- home of fctrtf kuaaell kin the pruldenl mr cuff wrlcglcsworth opnd the hrerinr with the aingyig o the institute od follovd by the usrf iftewart collect in taniaon the roll cell a be drvl- openent ln grjruliure was an- muni by u tneaher and 9 vuilar ur wrigatlworth traded a toordial fictn0 la tha tlrianquial lncdtute mnbrt ur hoy wuaon g the mil- bu bi the leet taeeiin and th tmsurcr rvtart wu givn correepondeue included th july csleiidar at actiillr fur the bepirbarot ofagriculiurv a letter frazil lb drjrtieul tooting the mptolntnwnt of un pat squired home economist to rfiuc ur cooui fur hal- tod bd rwi dubih th cm uuuuai tiuliftin tba ontario safety report and a utter r various rontata to be held by the uganluuun a aummary of the liulltule buj trip held in june wu givn by uti cecil ptlrun plana for the uilton kau auhihlt wr dluud th4 district annual riort waa gi vsl by ur tad um and at tuition was drawn to the lucky luncheon to be held id the le gloa hsll uiltod ha the fall un uoy wusoil taryiwl off the prua tot te faiacuiu and tha aahgrov institute for the tee apron at this time un cliff wriggleeworth called od ur- percy uerry to pehonft a very special duty ur hr ry riusud ur u j brud tbd uri archie king to come forward addjter short add rs and tneny plsasant toji- rie of their tosny yeal nt ft institute vurk prravnled each with a llf brtmbrahip trtl first and urt wrtgirl- worth ptmaled tha lnstitut pu koth ur urown and un king eprrud their thanka for thla honor ura dlbii oowq waa aua a rdplrrit of tha crllfi eat fcbd pin but wu unable to fcttrnd linda wibwd anap- pd a eoupl of birturv fol- tawin the prfcntatlan ur hbesll king collvetttr of agrt tultur lntrodiunhl un pat fwjulrri nw home kconomit fur hal ton and 1wi who in turn prhtrd hr friend win folding ham kconjwntit for noroik countv ura sgulrva apohe od the lltm kcaomic serf ice piugr en wfaacfa ah stay tat vl intanded to aacet the need and deaircai of the hor men institute speaaing briefly about the various short cgurac the local leader trai ning schools and the food av run the ladie were told by inviting outside friends and group to attend it made bettftf public relation tha junior vanaer ere sponsoring the sale of fire extinguisher and triangular luminous signs- ur jack uccarrort expressed thanks x behsu of the ladle for thii tdust interesting tstk the ainginf of cod ve the queen and the institute crae hrourht thi tneetlng to a close lunb u served by ur u j- browd and ur h- king urt lw ampon thanked urt king for opening her hotne to the ladie the annual campbell soup baffcecu was hfld bd weda day night july si in the horn by prk fw those who bpeny many hour of picking atpar gm during the past two montha there wsa a good aupplv of chklrri and a god crowd to noy it i ur am ur garry iumii too am aon kant atended annual he lop reunion at j homa of ur and u walter lues of campbellville oo sunday july s3 congratulation to jack 1111 tmt kttoattown httald thursday july th ims pack 9 aon and hi fw sortbajq tessa who woo the final game at the omagh softball tournsr taeot on saturday july 24 by defeating the glen wuuam teem by im score jock pv quett wa the winning hnrlej cofectftl oatavb aujumno tand toaoocava wu ad to- sou stoni wo i tom haines ota wuuax tv tm webster jackman a good plac to mercury streetsville buy sales- leasing mercurymcteorcomei umm roto mocuif nuci service to all makes itnw -biu- nuii bank interest rate continued from page 4 i enly country which impovrs auch a luiiltation j no other phase of canadian banking is aubject lo auch grom wuconcptlons at the intrr tat rate celling certainly it af feci the operation of the bank i adversely but the principal ic um la the general public the tdodeat businessman and the taiodrat taver some proplr rem to ferl that removal of the interest rate celling would mran an im mediate increase in all chartered bank rate eiprrlence tells ui this u completely wrong the tnarket place would controt fluctuation and there would pnvhably be a fanning out of rate u the royal commission pointed out tome rlilnfl and some falling even if the removal of the eeillng meant some increase in hetermbf vntrrwt- rate char ged on chartered bank lnana the average rate of total loam from all under would fall became hlgheost lendert would no ion ger be free from chartered bank competition uaaiori are abort vrom lftm to 1d6 the prime lending rate of the chartered banks wai five per cent of le and it waa competition rather than the in urmt rate celling that kept it there ur paton aald that proof of tha effectiveness of competition id reducing interest rates la the lower ratea now being obtained by hundreds of thousands of canadian a on small consumer loans the entry of the chartered banka in thla field of lending a i few year agd hai resulted in totialderably reduced ratea and uving of many dollars to in i dividual canadian conventional martoagaa i lfr pa tan called the move by the government under the ttew act to fallow the hanka to nuko conventional at well as national housing act mortgage joan at rates in excess of the per cent a welcome and desir able extension of their nower he aald expectations ire that the public will benefit and that chartered banks competition will hive i favourable effect on mortgage interest fates however he added there la every reason to believe that the public interest would be served in a similar wsy if the sii per rrnt interest ceiling was lifted from commrrcial loans lt has been suggested the bsnks want the six per cent celling removed for the purpose of substantially increasing their earning competition will aa it should serve to keep bank profits at a reasonable level financial benrhts to the hanka will only accrue from their ability to expand into arras not now open to thrm and from seeking out was to wnr the public better cash reserve ratio commenting on the matter of cash reserve ratios mr la ton noted that the government rejected the porter commissi on a recommendation of a rash ratio of eight per cent for de mands chequing and short no- tloa deposits four par cent for medium term deposits and io specific requirements for term deposits of over one year the proposed act retains the present principle of a uniform cash reserve ratio against all rhartered hank deposit obliga ttilns but does reduce the requl rement from eight to seven per cent a substantial reduction in the reserve rat in applied to time deposits at the chart r red banks he said would offer benefits of major proportions ot the iav tng public it would permit the charter ed hanka to offer npw types of deposit account st significant ly higher rates of interest ln order to attract true tavlnga le account not subject to chequing privileges ur pston noted that another provision in the propoaed act with inlquitoua implleatlona la thst one which limits chart ered bank ownership of the c pita stock of other canadian corporations to 10 per cent of i the outstanding shares with two minor exceptions and pro vides that shares held ln ei cess of this limit when the act cornea into force must be sold over a period of time without entering into debate about the need for such a pro vision it is surely not ln the i public interest to force the banks to reverse tranaactiona i that were undertaken in good faith and were perfectly legal i when consummated new banks i the porter cnmmlialon and the minister of finance favor the granting of charters to new privately sponsored banks and the chartered banks are ln an reement indeed the concept of effective competition la the common factor in the arguments i have presented for a broader definition of banking split re serve ratios and the removal of the six per cent interest rate ceiling on loans amendment to bill c 103 in these three respect would help to break down the barriers to effective competition and all financial institutions doing a banking business ken nash humbino and hcayino walar sohtntn walar syiterm kapalra ft alteration tr 72842 hanover kitchens and vanities having problems getting cupboard builders wo cansolvothis with hanovtr kitchen and utility canlnets planittd klkhaim and balhroomii we shi and install slalnku stl slnki bianthard dislnwuhtm 2totln iiulnlctrahu glarbaga llrtha for complolo tgtlmates call g r muckart co ltd 15 milt 177js01 know h merchant refrigerated eur storage barrogers cuanm ft dyih main st and guelph sr closed thii wi1k fob holiday reopening tuisday ano lrj sienko k ss wain st n r g0uge0n houuhoid fuinkhikio 14 main si s oparaling the colonial furnitum shom at 28 mill street fksna 773333 fa our buutllul seutllon el illll mountain pottery barbers jewellery ft gifts 3 main street n mebrine luggage from 9 95 menamara jewellers 33 main n 8772481 american dress ft- furs ltd 23 main st n feo0t6wn 1774443 fur storage 2 ef your fair valuation includat iniuranca rapalri bemodelllnf contest each week for is wkj um hrld will publish a kbow your kavrctunt keiure a brtfrf description of two o the advoruiarr will apir in this pif each weak contestants will ik asked to identify the advertiser frotn the description and enter tha name in the coupon balow klrst corrrt suesa drawn identifying ektbr or both flnna described wins lb priie prize 1000 each week 1 entry accompanied by sales slip from one of the advertiser in this featur woo if no sales aup tnclowd contest rules ialw slips to be eligible must he be on the official llrmi deacribad are advertisers in taia feature from one of the firms partictpatins all entries must be bronchi or mailed to the herald and must entry coupon which appears below employees of the herald are not eligible entries for each wk a contest muat be in the herald office by 5 p m on the following monday they will be placed in the contest box when received the first correct answer drawn from the contest boa will be judged tht winner and will ka announced la ace indicated below the decision of the judges will be final in all aspecta of the contest if there is no winnrr one week the 5 00 prue will be added to the following ueeka contest who am i red and blue brand beef is featured at this popular meat rnarklt located on mo 7 highway specializing helps them keep meat prices lo tha lowest possible level the georgetown store has been so successful that the owners have recently opened a branch store m brampton who am i this well known 5c to 11 00 store was established on mill street m 1947 later moving to its prtsent location on tha mam street thousands of customers save money every year on such itms as household neds clotrting station ary gifts at this store noted for friendly strvice volin name addrkss the advf3ltlsms desciuned are coupon winner winner for week of july 19th mercedes leslie 36 market st we kayum ud ft blue brand beef 100 satlif action guaranteed blue valley ml at market 118 guelph st georgetown 774331 all summer goods clkarin0 at reduced prices shoprite it le 100 store 9 main street n out ef office suppllai you ii find all your needi at- georgetown stationery and office supplies 23 main slwal s 1773453 georgetown cycle sports 2 water st b7735s0 blcyelea silei service sporti equipment and trophic club dlgeeuuu avillible js bon jarvle yiwp reduced prices on all summer styles delrex fashions delrex centre 877441 plymouth chrysler valiant cargo trucks satei service maveal motors new location ml ouatph st matt no 1 highway our beef 1 always tof quality red brand superior ifood markrc main street north scotch bakery home made fresh daily bread cakes pastry 6 ml st i- 8773481 wilkes lucky dollar fod market fernterfy archua 1 17 main st n savm om all your food needs the evelyn shoppi 7 main stn 8774831 clearance or alit summer styles at reduced pvlcea comrttrt repair service lor tv radio ftd huh gls tv dtixtx cemtre georgetown hich ouality drapes cut tam fcud r rujy mule garners mau ii c portable tv ideal for summr tlte if anywkeret 13995 wiuu ft appllancea main street north for fresh dairyproduce call 773431 steens dairy 10 water street johnny bower fri aug 6th big summer sale now in all departments jacksons aroain centre i main trmet n protect ybur precious diamond brlno it in for frei cuairing and sejcorhy chetk b0ught0n jeweller 5 main n 8774313

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