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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1965, p. 8

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full text of delrex land agreement iv4 majority vo- la georf etown council autbo- an axreemenc to b algnd j would release all resides- ud in delrex anbdiriaioo tnil if certain stipul- were carried out and iwo- ivide the town with 173 acre vf industrial land at a trice fit 100 an acre j mayor cibbona declined to pigs tne azrveocnt atatina that could only be authorixed to tfie u a by law waa baucd cfcjxd he alated further that a jrj majority of council la tux- vaaary beui aucn a by law be- z in order that all rattwytrt vill ba familiar with th details the eotnplettf ut of tne ootiou h purchase u printed lo uili ltiie otthrllrrald ottiow yo urchai 9 k t w k k s fcllkfx itfvklopmimys li ftd st3 curlph mreet 4orelown ontario erelntfur called th vendor xand- th coakbattow of yhi lowm of gionciyowjj fcctowit ontario naftar rilled the jurchaa mf ijf consideration of the sum of one dollar paid by the rchafccr to the vendor the ndo hereby grants to the prthifcer the iole and rlu afj option trrevorable within tat lima for exwls hrrrln 11 4 ted to puehas the following pmprly owned by the vendor njrntly the lands and premii f situated fhedule a attached here io and containing a 1m of mil the protiertles being op- lloned tflk vuhchase price of said property shall be the sum of oftk iiundked dollails per on nereis of the option ost thousand kkvks hunt rjjd dollars shall be paid ineairi or by certified cheque to deuikx dkvnopmkvts umrrkd the vendor as a de poait the sum of one dollar already pid to the vendor ai consideration for the granting of this option as well as the sum paid upon the exercise of this option shall be credited lo the pure haw r as a deposit and al lowed as part of the purrhsse money and the balance of the purchase price shall be pay ab as follows the balance of the purchase price by cash or bv certified cheque subject to the adjust pteitt o municipal taxes on doting yhk optiov hereby granted may be etiarclsad by ike pur- cksar up to and including the twerirrsltttli day mf july 1u and thill be exercised by a let ter delivered to the vendor or left at the vendors usual pis e of business in the eit of the exercise of this option by the purchaser in the manner aforesaid this agreement and the letter exercising such onti on shall then become a binding contract of sale and purchase between the parties and the same shall be completed upon the terms hereinafter set forth schedule b attached here to shall form a part of this op ion movldkd that the title is good and free from all encum brance except as aforesaid and xept as to any registered re irtetlons and covenants that iun with the land provided that uch are complied with the putvftaser is not to call for any piroduction of any titlr dedi abktracti or evidence of title except auch as are in the poaaeulon of the vendor the purchaser to be al lowed twenty days from the date of eierclse of such option to examine the title at his own expense if within that time any valid objection to title is made in writing to the vendor which the vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove and which the purchaser wilt not waive the within agreement shall not wluutandlng any intermediate acta or negotiations in respect of iuch objections be null and void and the deposit shall he returned by the vendor with out intereat and shilt not he liable for any coat or tlimiaei gave si to anyvalid ohjectlnn o mide wtlhtn auch time the purchaser ahall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the title of the vender to the real property schedule c annexed hereto hall form i part of this opti on and of the- contract of sale and purchase arising out of the exercising of this optloh the georgetown wdus- trial commission shall have the right to erect five bxl h on the vendors highway frontage property to enable tmbem to advertise the indust facilities available in the of georgetown jt is further condition of option to purchase that r may at any time fh plreenfh day ilfto purchase all or ut is 0 17 38 l 20 tt 70 71 72 73 74 73 76 78 70 80 81 82 and ui all on registered plan 017 foe the county of halloa for the pvwxham price fiv8 thou sand dollars pmf acre enly if the erereeeid ufe t w timd ft ineumtrul and physic i construction oo ihe aforesaid lands u coenmeoced within si nah froca the date of an accepted offer to pur- y til contract arising frool the exercise of this oo- uod klull be cecapltted aiaty days after the date of exercise of th bpbon od wbuh uim the vndor will eoovy the tid unds to th purchaw or hu bomlne by a good and suffic ient dd tberf in ue simple fr and tlfr of al tdcumbran cs and dowr ritihts uv hi sfoid and shall deliver vs cant poiwlod fcfthe ald undi to th purchavr fc of all tn ancua teept the residence ai uilj on lot 4 plan 817 for which th monthly rsnul it kifty dollars unltahj4ko fire losurance prrtrilums and taxes ta be ap portioned snd allowed to the date of completion the dked or uansfer to be prprd at the epnw of the vendor time ahall b of the eiience of this agreement which shall mure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties here to their heirs executors ad minlstralors successors and as signs thif option erm fchall u slowj by all iwirv nar- iw thrle nl uur kw ea uuu b mlirtlom the twy1h day j july ims tffer whuh iih if net nad it shall be ll aj veld in witness whekkor the vendor and the purchaser have caused to be affixed hereto their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands o thrir respective proper officers in tint behslf dated at georgetown this mlh day of july 1063 tha ceroarali f ht tswn f crlwh sxhedulb 8 in consideration of the sum of one tl 00 dollar and full rl fret industrial andar cammarclal aasassmanl rolrmnti for development of those certain plans of subdi vision now registered in ihe ite gistry office for the registry division of ihe county of hal ton as plan numbers floo 6ri2 and 720 all of which pi ti have heretobefore been appro ved by the uinlster of plan ning and development and those certain tracts of land for merly in the township of es quesing now in the town of georgetown known as cleave farm hepburn farm and wright farm provided that a satisfactory agreement and site plan is approved bynrfhe pur chaser the vendor hereby grants this sole snd exclusjve option now therekorf this ac reement writjesseth that in consideration of the premnrs and of the covenants and agree ments hereinafter set forth and of other good and valuable con slderation the parties hereto for themselves and their reapectt ve successors and assigns co venant promise and agree as follows 1 a that all streets laid out as shown on said plans 000 602 and 720 and on all future alreels to be laid out on the cleave farm hepburn farm and wright farm the vender agrees e construct and template in an orderly and progressive manner at u own expanse and in good and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the town engin eer the following municipal aer vices pavad roadways sidewalks sanitary sewers storm sewers watar mains street slons and curbs and flutters with saddlno to the curb according to the specifications of the purchssera by law 6033 and the changed requirements of the purchasers by law 62 6 b that the vendor shall grant to the purchaser sufficient easements in the locations si hereinafter particularly designa ted to provide the land for ditching or other drainage wnrk which miy he required to fur nuh an outlet for storm sewers or natural water courses as re gards the subject lands e thst the vendor shall grant fe tha tteoroelawn ftjblle school beard the right le pur chase lots s3l t s3 inclusive according to plan 860 at i firm price of three thousand dot ur for each such lot provided that if such right is exercised the purchase of the lands afore said shall be eomnleted on 6v before the 30th day of june 1066 it is also agreed that the hoard of trustees of the fcoman catholic setsarare schools for the town of geowfetown shall have the opportunity to purchy ae from the vendor sufficient lands for achonl nurwiea on the same terms and conditions afore said provided that the veodor ahall not be required to instal aanitary sewer connections w- ler connections sidewalks dri- teways and dting on the lands to be sold to the georgetown public school board and the board of trustees of the roman cath seperata schools for the town of georgetown notwith standing- that the sale of cer tain of the lands herein lo the school boards aforesaid may not be completed until the 10 ih day of june lm the vendor shall not be responsible o the payment of any municipal teal ty taut on th land ao told far all or any part of lb year 9o6 d that the vr4r will in fcjell all uftdvywwod fcervu and a dd rd ba on that portion of any klret abutting lots for whjcb buiwinptruiiu are apphrl for b any samk hmll will ha trnud by th riircktw e that inaunurh as the glnefiiig design for tiv br vices and works rontetiiplsttsl hereby has heretobefore bcn completed at the coat fcf the vendor and approved by the detriment of health of ute province of ontario for plans too ui2 and 720 no fee for engineering services shall be payable by the vendor lo the purchaser for these plans but the purchaser shall be entitled lo lie paid a fee for its inspection of the installation of the said services and works such fee to be calculated at 3 of 1 of the vendors artusl contract price of the said services and works 1 f thst upon satisfactory completion of any one of the designated services and works either on complete streets or on portion of street in units of not less than 1 000 lineal feet frep of any hens or other en eumhrance the town lerk up on the aduce of the town fngi neer will uuie to the vendor a certificate statinc that the said service work ha been const rue ted and installed according to the town of georgetown spe cificatlons standards and requi rementt and that the vendor has no further obligations as regards such service or work save for the mslntensnre of such work al hereinafter refer red to g that until such rcrtlfiratei are issued by the town clerk the vendor will releae and dis charge and does hereby release and discharge the purchasrr from all actiom causes of acti ons suits claims and demands whatsoever which may arise by reason of any alteration of the eilsting grade or level in street or streets on the subject lands to bring the said grade or level into conformity with the grade or level approed by the town engineer or by reason of any damage to the lands abutting j on any street or streets on the subject lands or to any build ing erected ihrreon arising from or in consequence of any such alteration of grade or level h notwithstanding anyting hereinbefore set out that until such certificates are issued such of the roadways snd other works and services aforesaid for which certificates have not previously been issued and the maintenance thereof for a period of two years from the date if uuan ce of such certificate shall be the full responsibility of the vendor and the vendor shall upon the issuance of the first certificate supply the purchas er with a revolving maintenance bond or bonds up to twenty- five thousand dollars and shall be in force for a period of two years from the dste of issuan ce of the first certificate or cer tificates and the vendor shall indemnify the purchaser as afo resaid from all claims of any nature in connection therewith until the issue of such certifi cate subject to the malntrn ance herein provided auume the responsibility and take over auch of the works roads and other services forming ihe sub ject of such certificate i notwithstanding anything hereinbefore set out that prior to the acceptance by the pur chaser of the ssld roads and ser vices other than underground services the vendor shall fur nish the town engineer with a plan of all underground scrvl ees and a statement by a rcg- latered ontario land surveyor that he has found or replaced all stsndard iron bars as shown on the relevant registered plin or plans ind has located or prop erly re eatsbliahed all block corners the beginning and ends of all curves other than corner rounding and all points of change indlrection of streets 2 the purchaser ahall at all times have the right if dissat isfied with the progress of the installation of services on port ions of roads abutting on lota where houses have been erected and occupied and after notice to the vendor to have thb same completed and to charge- the same to the vendor and am- ountsex ponded by the purch aser in this regard ahall he payable to the purchaser by the vendor forthwith upon demand 9 that the vendor will noti fy each and every purchaser from the vendor of any land within the subject lands of all tha services provided for auch purchaser and the vendjur will cause auch information to be fully t recorded in any offer or agreement to purchase the said lands entered into by any sucb purchaser and the vendor will further notify sucb purchaser that as regards any building to be erected brt the bubject laods and before the commencement of building operations and wbo applying tut a budding permit approval of pruoed building lwveli mlistbe obtained from tbt town knjrlneer ahd tohstrim lion must be earried out lo can form to uichbuildinf levels 4 that the vtndtr ttvt with to the ahjrchaer in fee ai in pie the following lands r quurd for municipal purpoei namely lilocks b d k u 1 and j rian 6o0 the oja toot r rv on han 6o2 at the ftt erly extremity of uetcalfe court the northerly estriiltv of wrher mrcl blocks ii c d k y c and h on plan eitf the one foot reserves on plan 70 in wo locations abutting art flamingo court and lilocks a d and f on plan 720 h that the vendor covenants and agrees to convey forthwith to the purchaser sewer or drsuv nage easements for munidpaj purposes is locations as designa ted oo the relevant registered plans as fellows parts of lois 8 and 9 parts of lots 24 and 2s5 paris of lou 2vt and 2m all on plan 800 part of lota 342 and 543 oo plan dsx parts of lou u snd 13 parts of lou 105 and 16o parts of lou 115 and 1h parts of lota 1x5 and 12d tarts of lou iflo aad loo parts f lots 307 208 200 and lo all on pu lio 3 tbit as when required by the vendor the purchaw will forthwith dosmd perform kh pay all costs of the purchaser in this snatter ants snd agrees to convey forth hud u rutred to effect tbf tfurchaj knd coov ance ivojn the hydrvtyrclrte power commluioh of ontario and th- dedication fur public higbway purposes of thoe er tain 6d toot wide strip of land schidulb c l the purchaser hereby eg reea to insert ibe following re strictions in a deed of coovey- eae to a third party- no building or i ityj ahall be erected oss the lands herein other than a building kj buildings having external walls of tnaeonry or eteel conatruoti on wiia tbe exterior face of the fruot wall to be of stone brick ui fcul or such other tneiej rial or nut rials as the town knginer way approve lo ynt lnv tb cootrwuoa 0 any ucb building ahall tot be ttn meocod until tha plabs of u 1 tenia lrvuoos ahall first have urea hubmitud to and p proved in wiitlpg by th towd knginoey with a coy of the uid plana bciugajjxovcd lb writing by the ttnn frtjinecr wiui a copy of tha a id blans being dellvrred to the ton kn titirr tor his records th afore- poae of the erecdon extenaloo or alteration of a building or bttildinga at the date of tbe com- fnenceaaent of auch erection ea t or alteration except as to clean earth required for gra ding or landscaping purposes no soil ahall be dumped or stor ed 00 the said lands nor h any cares building material or manutactnnng waate materia or anyreiuae or garbage of any thb gioftgsrrown htsau thus10ay auouftt s page s kind be so dumped or stored 3 cept only during normal ao reasonable periods pending n moral thereof c no pari of the lands here in shall b used for the aa to the publk orlor the oflci fcoatmued wi bow owned by th said roimls- i said construction ahall 10 1 pro- kion and required as integral cerj otherwiu uup la strict parts of delrex boulevard end 1 conformity with aurh plans ptauilngo court provided how b no part of the land thsll vr that the vendor ahall piyjbe uwj as a gravel pit or as s any monies required by the said quarry and no tiravatioo ahall rommlasion whether by way of ue made on the aald lands es purcha price of the lands re rpt for th purpura of uad location of poles and wlrs or wiping or other improvements otherwue and the veodor will i of the grounds 0 for the pur webster jackman umittd a good plaje to buy wrcuky streebville sales leasing mercury mehor comet service to all makes wiii srr4si manw -wax- vur4m 1- til m ulujy fml know w merchant hydro shok kicalb 15 uain st n sienko r gougeon hoikchold rutnishino u miin st s operating thi colonial fu1nituri shocpc at 28 aaill slrmt htana x7 3s53 l our bjiuiim ukln tl blue mountain pottery barbers jeweiu1y i gifts 3 main street n mcbrine luggage from 9 5 mcnamara jewellers 33 main n 8772481 american dress furs ltd 23 main st n gmrgtown 8774663 august fur sale sav 20v is 40 we feature red 1 blue brand beef 100i satisfaction guaranteed blue valley meat market 148 guslph st georgetown b7743j1 refrigerated fur stokagje barragers cleaners x dyers anlri 4t and guelph 1 contest kach week for 13 weks tb herald will publish a know your alerchant feature a brief deamption of two of the advrtisers will appear in this apace each week contestants will b asked to identify the advertiser from th description and enter the name in the coupon below ktrst correct uueaa drawn tdentifyinf airtiw or both firms described ins tlie pnw prize 1000 each week 1 cntxv accompanied by sales slip fruin oot jj 00 if no sales slip enclosed of th advertisers in this feature contest rules faature sale slips to be elifible must b 2 be on the official rrmi daacnhtvt ara advertiser ia tsoj from one of the firms participatinj all entries mutt be brought or mailed to the herald and must entry coupon which appears below kmpjoyera of tha herald arc not eligible kntnea for each wef4s contest muat be in the herald office by jpm on the foilowtnf monday they will ba placed in the contest bos when received tha first correct answer drawn from the contest box will ba judged the winner and will ba announced la spaca indicated below tha decision of tha judge will b final in ail aspects of the contest if thr is no winner ona week the 3 00 priic will ha addad ta tha following weeks contet who am i this main street store located near the south end specializes in everything for tha office ample stocks are carried nght on the premises for raptd ser vice greeting cards for every occa sion are also available at this well- known store who am i g e products re one of the quality brands featured at this store located at main street north there it a reel level floor end a basement store ttocked with latest labor saving home appliances and a wide ranrja of tv radio and hifi complete repair and maintenance service n also provided coupon your name address tiik advertisers described ari winner winner week of july 26th mrs harry peeters 77 duncan dr all summer goods cliarino at reduced prices shoprite 3c la fte store 9 main street n out of office supplleat youll find all your l needs at georgetown stationery and office supplies 33 main slrl s b7734m georgetown cycle sports weler st 8773630 bicycles sales it service sparta equipment anil trophlaa club discounts ivallable ban jrv4 prep new shipment london lassie blouses plaids plains stripes etc to match any shorts or slacks delrex fashions delrex centre 8779441 hvmbuth chrysler vallanr faroo trucks sales service maveal motors hbw location 341 guelph si lasr no r highway our beef is always top quality red brand th scotch bakery home made fresh daily a bread m cakes pastry 6 mill st 8773481 wilkes lucky dallar fed market formerly archies 117 main st n hich oualiyy drapes cutter maia ar garners main it chihmi portable tv ideal for summer take it anywhere 13995 1111 ft yelevliiem vtluu i aipluncs main street north for fresh dairy produce call 1773431 savr on all your food needs superior food market main street north the evelyn shoppl 7 mln st n 8774831 clearance or all summer styles at reduced prices steens dairy 10 water street w ml it johnny bowor ar our tiara this friday big summer sale now in all deparymintf jacksons bargain centre 31 main street n protect youi precious diamond bring it in for free clearing and security check b0ught0n jeweller s main n 8774313 complete repair service for tv w radio end him gls tv delrex- centre ooortfilpwn -rj- a t7uijl miwsssr

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