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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1965, p. 8

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new symtjotlor hydro hydbos krptf look yhlt symbol win toon be ferplller tight across ru province hydros ntw design unite the tel lers c end m end ru printed form onierlo hydro the vermillion int rxenge symbol will rest on a white beck- ground a verlilion of lb ontario hydro dulgrt employing v end hat boon created or me attocislod municipal electrical ulililiat wdlch will kv the choice of adopting either tymboi for equipment signs advertising uniforms and bulnes forma tie familiar red ontario hy dro truck ail gradually disap pear tram umi province i high- vrey vrtta aooptleej of baa aynrboj and color by the provta- cowide utility rtittnnah w soar slxia art- bounced today that ontario hy dra as adopted a anf 170001 and colon vercailiofl and oraa- poll vklte background the tambol tails the letter o and it and the tainted fond ontario hydra tntually all ontario hydra vemela u1 be sainted white with the new deaiad dleplayed del the aide 1 i ontarlo hydro and the muni cipal hydro uuliue are doing irirl in a citellegig and competitive ere mr strike aid in the peat the hydra enurpriee be been re m jry a variety cm uttrelaied color and amabou our are aynbol will terra a a quickly idealised reminder that hydra le a aaod- ent eaadent orgaalaatioa dedi ceted to the same biga atandarde of service throtuhout the provln- tbe new ayoibol kill he frt- dually introduced 6d vehicles aqulpatent sigbs adwrtulntr anliorcae end bullae forui he aald garden roses decorate room for manor august birthdays once mala the roe vu hon at the ataruat birth day party held in the auditorium of the manor on wednesday afternoon august lath the head table had been decorated vrith three bouquet of the beau tiful garden roee that are throws is the ataora tea roaebed a vary tnaptlng- birthday cake artleclcalry decorated vrith ml oorad icing and randies vu placed u the head table the vase oa the small table were ailed with rote alas tha party vru conducted tmder the auspice nf the llaltoa aianor auxiliary with valuable aamiatance from tha kitchen bus of tha minor mve guests ot honour were able to attend tha party they ware mr filiabeth moore mr maude flutellne mia charlotte moore and meier w thompson and claude grahanl mr s allen the president of the auxiliary announced the program she welcomed all the vialtor and resident to the party vrith a speelil welcome for those retldent who eelebrtle their birthday in auguil she reed an a and amusing poem from the column the lazy vermer in one of the can adian farm raagarine the mutleal part of tha pro gram featured two tutert bonnie and margaret liacntb bonnie played a number of aardlan solos ajnong then the merry widow walt and aome hymn margaret played eeversl piano selections two of which were alley cat and i want a cm the two girl played america the beautiful a a piano duet bonnie also played boot old ballad by request and tha audience join ed la to make it a singsang mr allen ahowed aome very pretty coloured tilde that had bead taken by her married daughter mr beeney during aome trip that mr beeney and bef family had enjoyed the audee ahowed the beauutui adi rondack mountain in new york state the white mountain in near hampshire the beache at cape cod and the skyscraper in new york city there war alio aoma picture of canadian beauty spots principally around the thousand wind and otta wa at the conduaum of thl pleasant program the guest of honour were aaked to take their jfljaael the bead table the candle on tha birthday cake were lighted and the happy birthday aong wa rang a birth day card and gift 1 1 blllatere preeemted to each tueat of bon- eair vy dellcioiia refreeh- baeata aandwicbaa and cold drinka proper by kitchen atas and rellinea lee cream and lirrthday cake donated by the awrniary were eerred mia lot- tieeoora im a apeoch of mania to all thoae wboee effort tud brotnjba about thl aiijtryatda htrahday party as atrotvtniato and comforu sunday arternood attgual tlnd a very uaplrini one for the re tldent hev hjc mcmllua the minlatrr of atno ryeabyterian church in oakville deliverld the wrtnon and the tolo wat eung by milt helea caggla who u the director of chrietlad atdu- catlon at tha tame church tha ortiniit wa mr howard wett who 1 an alder of thl church and a gideon llavlna read vertee 111 of chapter 40 of lulah mr mc millan ehoee vert 11 a hi text thl verte begins with tha ward he thill feed hu aheep like a shepherd mr mcmillan used thl verte to ahow haw cod want to con- fort every one of us he begin hi senndfl by saying that the word thai com from t he book ef lealah are unique and aomethnei aeem like word from tha new teatamenl he went on to aay that all of u have doubts at time a to whether cod real ly care for ui these eleven veree from lulah show u that cod want to comfort u and that he compare hieuelt to a good shepherd who care for hi shea thl tneeaag from isalih can bring comfort to us today for we can tee cod the comfort er in the person of hi son who can guide us id every trill and give us the strength for every day at ottawa conference one of ut trmiaer for the ctrl guides of canada who at- tended a c enta la ottawa ataf 1541 mrs of glen wullanule home again fan f new idee for her guide work tola tall plennad to help canadian trainers gain a better nnder- tf and to prepare taeas for the new look the guide taugjatu will take la bapianv bar the cenfereace wa a buey bane for all mr uunsdale re- dort we met other trainer bom a provtace jtad tew akfh atiatlnn p aai u by mrs hmvaiil aay we lean ed how to aae eudhvvlaual aid got aaw p idea and learned near gataee nuiaic and hndicrmfu that we can pea to ear oroweiet baager and guides mr liunadale particularly ca- joycd a boat ride aleng the kldeau canal from carietod collcaa where the confrreove aari bald to t he rarllameiil fcaildlnej at boon she heard e ceriuocl concert from therxsce tower a apaclally planned pro gram with girl guide for dependants to age 21 the earillooneur played the ctrl culde world song com- poaed by iblw aai i if on tery mri w little prominent in preibytericin missions mr wllber utile died at the home ofher daughter mary mrs owens vuedonaldi geor getown oa tuesday aiar 17 mrs little formerly mar garet ethel drlnkweter wa the daughter of the lit william and margaret drlnkwather of cheltenham prior to her mar riage she attended cheltenham presbyterian church where she served as organist after her marriage id lmd-to- the lite wllber little they mi lled on their fare an tha fourth line e brampton district they attended mayneld presby terian church and later bramp ton preebytertaa church she faithful member of her church and a life member of tha presbyterian wms gurvlvintther era her bod nell of saebrrove her daughtera mangaret atrj g ktllson islington and mary mrs owens marttonam of george town a aoa kkhard dick predeceased her la 1000 she leave eight grandchildren and nve greatgranrlrlrlldren and a sister mabel mrs leslie hew- son of thornhury tha funeral sendee was con ducted on friday aug 10 by be jihawmcbrlde in tha chapel of the mrltlllop mnaral if oma pa vrexg faor arandsona boa croesley keith kllleoo buj utile darid little and two nephew george a wilkinson and fred hewaon to tennent wa in dlxona district ayrshire bull qualifies approved type ten ayrthlre hull from arret the dominion which recently qualified for approved type ra ting include one from s george- town farm the rstlng i gained by tiring daughter with a high ttsndtrd of type according to clsitihcs- lion rstlng of ill clsttlnrd dsugbter according to the per centage in the three hlghrtt ratings excellent very good and good plus tnd the average score the approved kiting wat adopted two yetrt ago by the association and only eighteen bull to date have been qualifi d- wood dewdropi boy own- ad by a it clark georgetown 1 one of the most recent to qualify for the rating i his 31 elastlbed dlughtrri have an averag score of sal and 04 per cent are good plut or better j there are three daughter distilled excellent 13 very good and is good plus and 2 good i the georgetown bull it an excellent example of tlret breed- ing for both high production and quality type siyt the i aythtre breedert newt reteste his daughter are exceptionally high producer at hit rop tril i ed daughter hive bca thit average 160154 j selwood dewdropi boy wis bred by slandell brother ayl mer ont hit tire it the us approved tire selwood bellyt commander bagjania saotaxnber 1st da- pandent children will ha vered by ontario hoapitai la- stanxace under tha facellt pre- mhua until they reach their list birtielay an aactal aaaoi cesaamt of toe change which was first nvrntioned by dr m b draaoad minister of health to tha legtalature oa june tth was felf1 f by the ontario hoa pitai service enmissioa last week ttee age ejtang will also apply to the bhae croas and c u jcba aaatiocitsle coverage for which shout ooelbird ef the laaured rasidents remit addi- tioaal premiom through the drt john b- neuaod chalr- aaau of the oonamlaslon io- dicaied that the dew aga limit le being introduced beeaust of the increasing number of stu dent among the young people id thi age group he added that only unmarried unemployed children are altgible for coverage ae dependant under their pa rents or guardian insurance and that separate premium asust be peld whed the lupeiwiant machee age 11 or asarries or become regular ly employed however dr n elisor did explald that exempt- tod 1 provided for student who take temporary employment dur ing their school vacations the annuil reduction in premium income to the cwnmuilon due to the new age 1 estt mated at ufi millions deaaaialeajts aver si tha fatally premium alao co vers a pnraoa over the aga limit ol who la finindally depend ent opon at or her insured par ent or guardian h el phys ical or mental ttflrmuy how- avar such a persoa auat have been a dependant of the parent or guardian before reaching age xl atwaee many young people u and so ycera of sge who will bow qualify a their parents de pendant are alreedy paying pre miums ph person may li e refund of pram uati which have been paid to cover them beyond september 1 ibm the official announcement will con tain a form which paydirect member cad ui to obtaid the ret end tb commiaalon ll gesring it self to handle all request for refund as quickly a possible heufids therefore should be requested immedistely but even thed it teay take several week before thecommllalod can deal with the thousands of request a each one mutt be handled individually thar are thousand of piecet of literature la kakesnd hoe- bltal around the province which indicate the former sge limit of 10 dr keilson pointed out that i ail that la about of ontarios ra erary day thi year haaeatta hafng prortded to a tstoe of r emavdm which wiu make total i i alklng ta pagx increase your interest income 5v2 s liilmd in ovtni ot odd mcuf uon tloo 100000 lfll from taujden are mostly ijwtirrd by mn when tbey are working on tha outtld of aj houic women have more 10 ddents iniide reaching helffhti i by lulnx wbatilutee for ladder miss acton fair juooleo at acton drstuct hroh school saturday september 11th at 200 pm who will wear the crown for 1965 intillj accfptfo y jvuuvuuta of mbs acton fair committee m sprowl 8531195 h hinton 8531246 linda ferguion 833267s nellie tryienear 8569833 w klellst 8530656 l hemtley 8530918 r murray 8532229 this is your last chancei dtukdume fot entues wtorkjoay stpt tth 4tc invaitort include mtny lnturere compeolej munl- cipsliliet socisliel cliurcliei cenelery trutll eilalei etc legal invetlmenlt for trull fuadl j savings account s iniereit paid reckoned on tka mlnuvae iariarly aalaari your paid chenuet serve at receipts and may be obtained at the office- each month chlldient account welconvad si itartt en scrounl aik for free dime lever save by mail free poiltgepald envelope tupplled youk ioca1 ttuiy company halton peel trust savings co juumryoh 28 rvuin si n 45i336s 9 w keiahaav my muton 252 main slraat tb 83834 that talliajaj mgaaeumat train to toronto f town ask about convenient departure and return times or information ahone the local cm paatsnoer sales office 0ct cn canadian national guarantee all the hot water you need at the lowest cost with a superfast 2eiement electric water heater flameless and safe you cant beat electricity to rent or buy call georgetown hydro 14 water street 7 8772275 y jvc tttm ktfcticuly ii ffl j jlli jsjatav it- rsisfeiia jjnkifircv ii- isi lin it ysottobkulmt

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