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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1965, p. 9

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th oiosrrown hkals another 69000 from delrex makes good agreement am street aaf m 1mb dw ur tutor i weald appreciate your pru- tlaf ik feoewbut brief which t yi eel atari to tawo council an yoar worship bbessber eaealil fellow nbmmft taxpayer i ae hen ae a taxpayer in our ton aea 4 eht lorauuy i aay ertsaixation or pee my par pawls appearlne befere yoa u wtlfc retard la the proposed pav aeteenveat b delrex deeelo ana the tan ef geerfeesws and i nujht point oai thai i truly bop some a laaialiit caa b reached bul i eeat behove u la what f tint appear eertalnryoeecl some callous for your earnest ronsldcrs- uoa i would us u submit lay leeliar oa in aaattar it should b tba bala abjoh at each of yaa ta etrtte the baat deal yoa rilbly caa tor tba town and ratepayer and if toy raleu la una ara correct which i be lieve then ta be thl arreeoieeit la aot la tba best lateral fcl tba towa mr rveeoseu bal baed opcbly critical la tba praaa at coua- ciuor rowers cbaapa of la tbbl baaller however 1 ad wot recall bit babul critical of mr laawsua ba too an ta have chanted blj bund because oa niaalnartnn alfbt i asked bin point blank if ha would b or tba release of tba land to tba delrex dntbpaut lub- eui added industrial siiriimfht h14 answer at tbat time was ewflnlta no yat ad july kxb of thl year ba u recorded by tote to favour thl aaraawat then lie one bnuat co tbat aoceathln- ha caused btr 1 to ebaaa bbt fcund wont yod ajtraa with aw thai any person wbe cannot or will not cnanpa a decision ba ha esade earlier and since hi beea oa ef tba tolly el bu darlh- lack a aecaeeary r- eulslie la all on a democratic eaeaall where many laeue are aaaotiatad and decided by ab eta and earlier decision in chenged aaaay times therefore it would ba hoped tbat all of tod could ba awayad to change your opinion any mailer prodded it appeal ta your cammed asnae wltb thl ta kind i autocall la you tba lal lawmf reason for ftppoelajf in ajtwaamt- ai h ii bow it vould eaat tba tupayera of caunataan la aacaaa oi gooudo ta lintiltiint i bay praparod a copy of uy calculi tioa eoupiad wltb tay autata- uom and f tt would ba aicpacted tbat we could tat hmo per acra far tba its aeraa va ara ta receive from delrex development tbu i retber doubt la lieu ot tba fact tbat km major industry anlfbt wlsb us purcbasd in lar- caruocka and would probably submit all offer to purcbasa for aosnawbat laaa tbso 1000 par acre therefore i would u oat i more raallaua flura far tba sale of tbla land will ba uldjut purcbaaa ai its sctel from delrex dav 17j00 isirobaaa of 1 bulldlnjf lob for public scbosla txsjmw 31060 tun liaaa ol h lata far aaparala acbool bxmoo mom conaervatwa aatlraita ta service mh una to no thwy 1m009 toul axpeadituraa f jmso0 said of its acre 140000 caat to uxpayara t lmjoo now for a mora realistic ap proach and a battar daal far tba taxpayer i submit tba to lowing tba land for tba aeboal alia abould be reduced ta 9440 par u ft lob tbl i ba- uara to ba what delrex devel opmanta knows tba lata to ba worth i base tbbl tufura an the saeesamedt of lha und whan tba town assessinent af tea assessed tba land at 400 ambulance calls sdxuu tba week of aufuit had ta august lath tba geor getown volunteer ambulance sarrlca had four calls monday au hiiut- a oormal run from georstow koipltsl a st hllchsela haapl tab turonln takan by aea bal ley and douf tawnsend tvaeday au 14 4j0 pjib- a dormal irun from glen wll 11am to geanelown hospital takan by keg broomhaad and baa ovendeu fuaoawy au 14 ill pjri- a nonnal run from ft h 4 georgetown ta georgetown hoa- pltat taken by reg nroon head and run ovenden weatoaaday aug uluwn an amergency run from r r x georgetown to georgetown hof r pltal taken by bob bradley and walter thompson fee faaauage delrex dot thle aaaeaaaaent and it rooaosd ta 1173 per ft its tslue ta klaot ej i 1j tba land brooettt about by an appeal i j by delrex dav agnaut the artglnal aasi aan tba appeal eourts 4cl ta to reoaee the aaaeaaaaent most base been based oa a true oral- ot the und and delrex dae aaeaaed to be in agreeaeent with tnfai flgure baaad oa tbls price the fin ancial picture should appear a folloe parcbaee of 113 acre gltjoo 1 lot for publk acbool oiljio ijao lots or asperate aob obxlxxs v0 appucatlod of service 150000 tou asp j mm 740 income from m acre ladjoo cost u town o7o now leatlemea if ibrougb aegvlistluna you can persuade delrex da to pay gea140 to wards tba services oa no 7 uwy and tba mb uo wblcb bwt even half of tba cast tow ard the servicing yud vould probably bare tha a good siniiint una tbat would cer tainly be of benefit l tba town bad to delrex dev and out tbat would not be an added bunlan to tba taxpayer i take bote that tba public school board ara not generally opposed ta thia agreeoiadt in a much el that tbla tlu their expenditure will only ba for 7 loin however have they could red tba polblllty of having to pay between 15 000 and fcjo 000 pas acre for future school sitae oa the thro farm that will ba released under tbi agreement shouldnt tba council be nag otiating a firm and rtutlc price for these kite new when they are la strong bargaining position shouldnt also tba council require the subdivlder ta provide much needed park thuhoav mpt page attea in the east end of the town gantlemee it la your r stbtiry to praaa tor ea agree- baeat eunilar te what to aatttaad here and as for being critical for changes of i x iim like te reiterate that la light of this taformatloa placed be fore you tonight failure ea your pert ta r these facta and ta proceed with the signing of tbla ill ma ill ta ma preeeal tore eoahl only daae by people that reran te ekva people of tail natare have already haea ulignrllll aaruar u tbi brief tbi gba740 that x ae delrex dev should peyloward the eaat of servicing is bat mon- ney aiisewl te be apart lerid lately bat only u the und ea thee two reed be aaut wees a piece of thia utoyotty la sold both the towa of geor- gabrwa and delrex dev would ba recelvtltg some adrt of rev- eaus return an agieamewl such a 1 have outlined here would however baron susta an expen by the tewa tar the 178 acre of industrial land and school sites a total of la 70 toi expenditure we bop and eaoum will ba orieet by tba ui of the proposed in dustrial und instead f trying to hurry this agreement through in or der to leak und avsiubla for so industry which may or may not dadda ta settle hare shoul dot the council ha more inter aated in the long ranee pis a blag which will set the found uon for a battar georgetown kamember gentlemen your reasouiblllty la tbu issue u te tba town and it ratepayer and i submit that if your in uresl rest in any dlreitloa other than thle you are sitting at tba wrong table and should tender your resignation from tbi council forthwith hullp j caruay any youngster whs u gives a bicycle for a gift should be taught tba basic rule of trlf he safety mr and mrs cadi wuaoa aal ma years with beg grandparentx mr and 1 jeha wlhvjo la the hooaa i by mr and mrs brace it wasnt old faithful but u400th40 40 to xt ttct into ik thi wur jyt wi feftvrnoon it wtn t pl4nnd lht wy but a public utllitiat whil vvkerv4j on iwr lnililltton proj4t nalgkourhood tvtoai pfk witf et old faithful em wekee v byron st geyser speqacuur the centre of ahentloo for eyen st area retlctenr friday dloger touckod off rhe water ipoul when it cracked a main kid of coorte thought it a greet tubalitute lor the yellow ibwaetttowtf hmom wilhm fonmri staraittown mm i were ahocked te read ft wa the death la ef a while uriog her ha steaded mawaruan publk acbool aad johns 4ng1tfan chmrch flower la aba charch as faaday were la loviag asesnaay of the ule john murrey who paaead away august jo lego e m sincere eympsthy of the ct moaity u exiesded to mr gil bert fagllih who receivod vtortf raceatly that hi eldeat sister boae anna jeaepalae baghah peaeeg away at bar home la raveeaiilna eaguad july go adea mr gubart sngluh she la aaxrlved by two broasers and a alatar in fnglind and anoth er brother mr rat kngllah of e e mr h f lawaon visited ea sunday la toronto witt mr via vlcaare aad eaa larry suff bul btr sandy eeir the new uadar aad the chaplain mr georio beta managed to keep thine under control and were glee ana a od galurday aftar- boon by akau doreea cudney tne boy bad fud but that u typical of cab reasrdlaa oi weather and other handicap ajullmayad moving norfh tribute to the or sutidjy evening of tart wk ur and ur don uuitb ond family wrr guiu at a hodil ftlkrlrv at the churtb rho tha eottirailjon and beiublmmjrliood frlaotla prsnt fj tham wili a gift btfora u vinj utu community to liva la church pays don smiths tba niitniiv dutrttt tlohi ur aad ur tpitiltb bivj biii uv in lha work of tba suatuy setvool aa teehvara and tujir- ibtandant at wu as oui or kinlutlona and thy will ht muaad sraatly un lawr pr- totd a gift of jawllai7 to the georgetown district high school will open for the fall term tues september 7th 1965 grades nine and eleven students at 900 am grades ten twelve and thirteen students at 100 pm taaansemjaanmsanebesbassbvaeem the following courses will be offered fiva year arts and science five year business and commerce five year science and technology four year arts and scienee four year business and commerce four year science and technology one year special commercial two year occupations in thi morning au oram ninef tubknt will go directiy to the classroom assigned to thim in thi letttht scnt to yhiw parints on august 13lh au oradi 11 studints ww aistmlu in thi girls gymnasium and be directed to their homi rooms by thi rjl system in thi aftcinoon oram 13 studints will find lists on the auditorium balcony wall to dimct thim to thiir rerctivi classes and homi rooms oram is students will assimbu in thi roys gymnasium and bi dimct1d to thiir classes oram 10 students will assimbu in thi girls gymnasium for further directions au orede nina yen eleven and twelve text boolti will be provided by the high school board this year there will bet ha caurlorl tee bald by each student a student losing or damaging any of these book will be assessed for rhb las or damage all book provided will be collected after the examination next june or when a sioovsnt leavwajhl echool the school office is open now for new students registrations from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 4 telephone 8776966 cafeteria will not be serving meals on opening day ura firtllii ta uu of um ucw of wbub ib it pridnt and tba chlltbai alvo elvd tifta of jwliry tba felft 13 tba family waa a ehl of ijw wart a variety program of lo cal uuat was sejoygsd durlaj tba avctilaii and fr itkial hour broucbt a tlcaunt avcnlnj to a cloa ur smith will ba n gated in a limlur typa of work uut ba tui bsa dfllajj for vrl year at tba brampton tvalnlni school and with him hiccaaa and happltwu in futura lifht boyi of tha lit tullin- afad cub pic ta joyed an ovr bltbt fmbsp out at tha trra cm to coiurvitioa park oa tba wktd it waa a prtty cold bubt aad thy wera ftbort a garbage notice as there will be no garbage pickup on monday slpteaaber alh garbage usually picked up on that day will be gathered on thursday september vih g w ramm wh car chairman 0 f turner principal georgetown district high school bus routes 19650966 students of georgetown high school district are asked to note the following transportation schedule hffllltf 1 naritl rmm uhaoi ml irh line h m sueread west en no 11 nvw ajderaad ta 7th um south en 7lh line te iy side wad weal h 17 auareed ta 4rh line south en 4th line te is slderead east an isih slderead to 7th unej leave stewotflewn iis am south en 7th line te 10 slderead last an 10 slderead te gib line north en irh line to school v rfllltf 0 at 7 4s m east en m auereed la 1mb line south en 16th ivw ii k to jy tuuhwj u an 17 slderead to town line south en town una to nerval station north an yawn line to torre cotta leave terra cotta m a hi welt an 37 slderoed ta 10th line sou an 10th line h 32 sde raad through gleh wllllsrrti at i 30 a m ta school rnlltf 3 lm ll gu w lh olen al i m rnlttf a u hl y h nerval south en lawn una to lot no 9 ww lb 1 he m tewrt hrte te 0 eijefoja w 0 tldewad ta mi line east h nerval at i 3s a jnl weal an highway 7 ta school route 5 j bum t b a italian east georgetown wait ta school now opining day oniy transportation changes 1 regular plciop in a m for all orad nine and all grade eleven student 3 all grade ten eleven and thirteen student nicked up starling at 1200 noon there will be no cafeteria facllltle available on opening day student will complete bu privilege application fermi parent of student in esquealng township era requeated to pay particular attention to irani 3 wi a air application farms a g lot number w east or weal half af lot and con- cession number appllcerlan form will be distributed by the but drivel during th first week for further information phoni board office s774u5 nest forgrave siciurrarytlulmura lawrteral l v jl

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