r ads that pay ve an seaae sea ed vfe mramv cluiwil aaaae kr m atmatl ayteej er r the heeelel wjeer georgetown herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district ci malt offfa dy oh a j tw p rf 1 1 i in oaiaktpaaamvs onta4a tlwwtay la ittt par yw senate caere mm tea case waon upor november 8 election pebtfcatuy tahaci wfll be eaaptaat u halloo county by jse end of this eeonih three aartiaf have aaaoimoad ucott ataa for their rrp r prior to tha neaeenber a federal tw the coaeervallvea kbd new democratic rarty will start their halloa rrfmtf this weekend and the liberals ara slated to at laadarway lb fulluwlng week dr lurry uexley oakvlll physician wilt by lo make 1t three la a row for hiniiru and th liberal party la this riding ha said the kick os for bit tirm aiu cusp at the li beral nomination meeting ten tatively act ior september 34 la bururatiosu alayor allan maaaon else of oaktllu taking his njat ling at federal politics will open hli campaign tp style with the help f john diefeobaker who will ba to tba couoty tbu weak and to officially open his own the lulled new ljrmtxtuc party will hold a bottinatlng convention od september 37 ld ulllou hemz personnel man was grocery merchant here a a mala st builneeanua and aonaaeiad with unlud churcb laaauxratloa plan for boye woe n ha lived la georgetown curca ca clara 0 mckacbern died aaddcaly m september y mr mckacbara livad her for aevee year and operated a red at whit ator la th preasitl lacatioa of meecenneeks lhar- asacy bora in milton la 1604 ba araa th ton of tha lata mr and alia james mcksebern 1u joined tha 11 j llelni co of canada thirty year no and lived far tlaleea yean la oruu at tha tame al hla death ba wu oanaected with tha per- anal department la toronto and lind at 111 tha waal ulll k four georqetown girls ranger canoe trip clrla froca tha lat a air hanjfar kllght jaltlna jaua collatt johaaaa oardoo and thalr lea- ktiaa carol ltna joload aaniori cadau and ro- laaaa torooio for partlel- a a nwotaua at ban iba kaootaua t flftaam mil noa trip laft saturday tnora- inm from camp wanttooii an lake waumlker with lvn 1 eanoea and thirty thraa paopla tbay journayed throutri wanatnakar tin vayo lad umaatona lakea nuunf tin portage touulnc hw mile tna eanoai dulldliw2 and aquipoiant were auppllad by tha tamp which u owned and oseratad by tha central vii ca in toronlo tha e n dillon rover crew boated tha irla on tha week and he waj a mceraser of lankinx united uiureb and the luplra club ha leavet hit witt una web- alar ode aod vaaj of uilton trandchlldrad bdraa and uob- by and a brnibar and hlxter claude and vfra saa fey ull too hv wllllaai wttaod of lu king unllad church conducted the funeral aarvloa an iday at tha ta clair chapel of atc- dougall brow ladanaeat waj id kvercraaa camatary milton honorary pallbaarara ware r korj halpli claiida ujirhell dod darnly ceorf ijnau jim kvaaer and jack stew art pellbearere were u j mil aen jlrd hunter hod chriihop andy irving al thoruton and andy anderaoa diaffliss two charges zoning bylaw ignored taat town of caorcatown fall ed to get corivlctloru in two ehanraa of lafracuaoj agalna 1u ainjria facally dwelunf by law a objurfe ajfalaat a fiaylawn craae man wu dtaraueed by uatlitrata j r black tinea it contained a wrong dale zoning admlniitrator william carr aald tha man allowed contrary to tha loninff by law a family of aeven into a make ahlft haaameat apartment ha aald we macobera of the tnana family were in the reat of the home he aald there wai one waahroom in the houac and it waa located on tha top floor oa another technicality a se cond charge waa also dismissed it was against a uackenxie dr man ratepayers dispute lower sewer charges to industry are factories being charged tha full 80 sewer surcharge on water bills or are they atlll being allowed a reduced rate was the question posed to coun dl monday by hobert letts 24 itexway dr mr lata maintained that industry ahould pay the aame rata as other water users he also queried water chair man don lowers about a its ameht that the towns new water tower wouldnt coat the town a cent ive made an effort on seversl ooeaaions to have a proper auv vey made of industrial water returned to the sowers uayor gibbons told kim our hylaw provides that all water users pay 50 antra on their bill for the aawaga disposal plant ive never been able to find what method the engineers used to determine the amount industry pays cr powers told mr letts hat hla answer depended on how one wants to twist and distort l urea i said ha tower would be built at no coat lo the water department ha aald ha aald any reduced sower charges to duatry are being levied pro perly under a town bylaw reave elliott and alayor gib bona goj into a controversy on budgeting during he die- ttealon jyif tfu reeve changed that tha lburyor had not been at thbcom- mlttee meeting- when the tax rata waa struck the mayor countercharged that the reeve pane lata and leaves early- to tnoet commltte meetings thahha false suteoienlvou must be having a pipe dream said the reeve vou must he talking about yourself the ratepayers aren here o hear a feud between you and me aald the mayor so we 11 leave it to their decision the end of the year you say you re budget conscious but didnt you recommend a 13 000 rise in the budget i submitted for the police committee later the mayor produced paper which he said proved he had attended more meetlnca this year than any other mem ber of the council naturally you should said deputy jteeve hunter youre oil both committees i doubt if i have missed any meetings of my committee no 1 another ratepayer er ted francis 8 keats ave asked if he could obtain figures for july and auguat showing the gas consumption of all town vehl cle he waa told by he mayor hat this would be supplied feature requests band plans second concert georgetown cltliens band catered to their audiences likes at a request concert in the del- rex market centre sunday nlgtil the program made up ot the places which received the best reaction from the audience at previous concern included jfil larriey- pipe teddy bears picnlq- doges march music men utile shepfcrds march choral from lltawbach suite and days of glory the anal outdoor concert pf the season will be lq the same location this sunday night ilj man juai photo town delrex see eye to eye sign on dotted line hotdlmd yhi aoaetmckt which mt th approval of both council and dalrav davalopmanla that company t prendent rax ha i lop it flanfctd by a rapreiantativa of hii firm william sunnutlts laft and mam ban of council m thu photo taken aftar both partial tignad on tha dottad i in monday nlqht by th anremnt gdorgatown raceivei 175 indut trial acvas and varioui tarvlcai and dalx dvlopmintiot a raleata to build on iti total holding nurses request for assoc is stalled by labour dept reguured nur of the hal- ton county health unit which has an office in georgetown were the ftnt in ontario to apply to the department of labor for the formation of a aunes anoclatlon but their re quest wont result in any 1m mediate action by the depart menl the announcement wu made uondiy niirht by mrt dorothy brown president of the regiit ered nursei of the halton county health unit at a meet ins of the halton chapter of the tteclitered nunei at aoclation of ontario on august 11th we received word from the labor nelatlom board that our application for certification his been received and that the board would com mence its hearing on aug 11 urs drown stated she said it is evident thst for the time being certification was not poastble due to the fact that section 80 of the labour relations act was written into the constitution of halton coun xy tills section prohibits the for mation of such associations itie nurses eel the formation of an association is necessary because they have been unable growth forces dutch church sell building tlie steady growth in the membership of the christian reformed church on main st n has forced that assembly in to thinking about vacating their present building for larger pre mlses rev j joosse told the herald yesterday that the church build ing on main st has been put of for sale and future plans depend on just how successful they ire in disposing of it we have no definite plan not even t site for new build lntf bt mind rev jooise said the building committee la currently investigating the pos sibilities he said the cpngrfrfiaudn may have to worship ta rented quar ters for a while if the building u disposed of in the immediate future the congregation now nunv bera 118 famillea yhlch la bout all out iwiwfchurch will hold he aald within the next year we will deflnltely vhave to make some kind of move to and an effective way of dis cussing conditions of work with thlr employer about 200 of the 409 members of tha halton county chapter of registered nurses attended the meeting the nurses are seeking a definition of what management la and what non management is so a division can be made and who ahould be protected by the proposed collective bar gaining act the question discussed mod day wu the role of the director of nurses her aulatants and the nursing supervision in the management am ploy e struc ture mothers 89 birthday scott family dinner foi a family dinnef party at tha homt of mt and lira kred jackson glfn williams sunday marked the mhh birthday of mrs john r colt is lmery street decorations on a special blrthdsy cake offered birthday greeting to mrs scott who it still enjoying good health sir john abbott was the first canadaanborn prime minister of canada regroup at armoury x plw tot varyooa to work togetlter for awttcj ccora- tvwb wa voiced by tui v lop praidbt of jwlrt lv veiopmcou follvwimj rueaiple- tiaoo of aunliag n men t atootauy wbub vlll r all uixs in hu kubdwuioa fur r- bdntil boilduig 1u largod h taill fur 9 a a mltfbui pnjxrt uvr a taat rt is 1m mill w 11 iud up with a 60 mill tmu in lo8 h predic ted and we ii have eouifb wt ever to start retlavuu- uent of the old town fanning of tha agreement was tha culmination of tnotths of begotlation between council and the arm delrev ramr to town in 1054 purchasing sever al kaaqueaing farms which were annehrd by teorjcetown to data iu residential building op- eralloni have been cyrlslled by unfulfilled comixtlutaimt to uaalnuin a tstio of 40 indus bialeoinhiercial auoumenl to not kmidentlat in tha newly signed docu ment tha firm has pledged lo aupply mora services than orl finally cailed for and be cause of a further pledge to pay half the roat of services on mountainvlev rd ewtiuulad sanaa councillors to be worth 135 000 to the town cr don powers joined the ayes monday to record a 6 i vote for the agreement the r malning opponents mayor reeve and deputy continued their opposition a salient point in tha agree meat wu a purchase option giving the town y1s laduitrul aetes for 117500 only uayor grbboaa oppose second by law which rittfled the purchase of this there were wveral refereiv ces at the meeting that 25 of thae acres were already sold for figure which would give the town an immediate profit last week dputy reeve wm v hunter told council a pur chase offer by the local e w duss firm of 12 000 for 12 acres had been turned over to the delrttt firm yeaterfday a bliu apokeaman told the her aid be has hsd no further word from his head office and at yet nothing hu been flnalued cr jim young who wu eoun cils appointee in tha delrex talks told council monday that st 11 am this morning w had firm commitments foe the ule of 23 acres of industrial land tha industrial commlulon made a strong plea for sign inn the agreement in a letter sign ed by chairman alex rlackwell it pointed out that in over three years only one major in dustry has located here that avian aircraft hu been mm cured as considering lesving town unleu concessions can be t peter jones phots l0rne scots georgetown coy has new commander uht scots if company beted at ca orgettown ams6ursf has a new company cwmndaptln wnald- egar rl wall d in cbmmnctcpt 1 sw tiv csm a wailuktr can the men assumed their ney positions when f company common ced its 196ju6 syllabus at oroatown armoury on park ave thuridy capt eoen iucceed maor earl unee cap klrk- cpmaurlca melaan and csm wesllt succeeds csm pat srnber- lalrl who hat been moved to the regiments ganaral headquarters at brampton obtained oa arlrlrrtmlal una aai that aaaay rnnuatriea have aari muly louaad imf a loratloa kjara witn beaouatiooa laaaalaf dowa bciora coraputioai cr youag told oauactl that another added clause id tee aaeetnenl can aev tha awpa lit hool board eecux ta a site offered of aala by taahraa uayor clhboaa aaauai ta plan espreaaed t ahoal toiluod doliay aawaaa alaail which w aald would ha and rd sod uuistaised dairaa should pay tha total coat a services oa all aaiatiag roede tba suhdlvtaioel tteev kllklt raaxatad via opposition to an a nan unit la which tha developer is bat re quired to tnalatala aoaaa ladua trial retia cr fowers refuted tha eu- yors clain sayin tl4 braaaat aawsge klat eaa beadle a bofkuletlod oi umo aad thai it la daelgned for silanalieao wiilrb would eoat broportlaaal ly uss thia taa original alaa deputy uva lluatar a i preaaed concera aboitt aia vol ing position as a broker k baa kandud the sale of tba aioora park subdivision be said wbicb la conditional on au sgraaaaaat witb tba town if this gees ibrougfa eleere park goes tbrougb ka salav asking tba uayor to rule vai wbetber ba could ba romlilea ed to kave a confining lalar- est uayor gibbons ruled atbav- wise and tba deputy raaaa ee paead tke kgreataebt is s vote tha meeting took a twist wben eouncu aitaf a aat quest to tba uayor ta alga ta agreeiuent that nlgm vaa r- fusrd passed a motion u farae blm lo sign uayor glbboaa aald ba would be in bis erde at i tun taa nest morning to alga but dia puted eounclla powar to di rect bird list niabt when no adjournment aaey tlon was placed on tba table the mayor deelarwd tba ing adjourned weaowhlle tew wed liaison bad been i ad ma gave hit opinion that the meeting waa not adjoara- ed until a motion waa jjaaaail but that council bad be power to force tba mayor to aiga taat night with kaeve elliott u tba chair tha matter was debated for aoma time the rniyor then wade anoth er appearance aaylng ha had talked with tba solicitor 1 could be wrong in ad journing tba meeting but per sonally i dont think so ha aald and i eenteat tha vali dity of anyone ajaa feigning tha agreement at this second meet ing i dont ilk the resolu tion and i would have algnee the agreement in tba tfn as promised but i dont aea any point in being atuhbore and it would only prolong the agony so iii sign tonight hagersville firm gets contract for footings lowest of four arms which bid for the job pearce con struetion llsgersvlllr will build the foundstlons snd centrsl chamber for georgetown s new owerhead wster storage tsnk a 30 380 conlrsct was award ad by council monday news thst the complete job will cost 1 over the orlglnsl estimates csused mayor gibbons to voice objection again to the plan which he termed not necessity for many years the msyor said cost will be half a million dollars over a 20t year period we can spend money t s much better advantage cleaning up our preaent aupply of water he said thais going to coatl thieves by minute 105000 and we should con centrate on 1l the engineers are hndlng georgetown a happy hunting ground he continued im con vlnced after listening la men who ahould know thst we could have obtained the aame results with little more than the 13000 we are apendlng on engineering fees vvaler chairman don powers reminded the mayor that capital cost of a water tower project is leas- than the reduction in ope rating costs will be this is a major step in en- aurlng th town has an adequate apply of water ha mid daylight thieves get 100 cigarette haul a gang working the metro to ronto area hit loblsw aupar- market in the delrex market centra tuesday afternoon and made ott with 100 la cigarettes police chief roy haley said the theft made during tha stores open hours was llnkad with a rash of similar occumav ces at loblsw stores all around toronlo earuer the aame day he aald in each eaee police have just missed catching tha tha geongetown atore wi relieved of the loot betwe 430 and 8 oclock a look at the weather september d wednesday p thursday 10 friday 11 saturday u sunday is monday 14 tuesday high tl it 4 el ts t- 41 40 i lrttttlr1 wii high for th waavt4 w jj pkdrjiatlojltljvrhea ifc wma