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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 16, 1965, p. 4

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n- georgetown herald 22 maui slreet s- georgetown ontario wfcl pace 4 thuksoay sjrtcmbw 16 1965 editorial comment police need- accommodation tha gorgiown petite farce oomkw u u wee with it form complearvtent oj fficers i now hooh in hopjttly awi- qoeie queariefl it tfouu be e pioniy lem fo couaci to be punning i tfly s poue eojo lion tk two km roomi in the rnurtlcipel office offer no psivecy wktdy vkrt e resident u dtuuuinq bouneu these inter roqetuyi muil be tested 01 in full vw ol anyone wko happen la iil he office pbone cell e nybody boalne who hepp to be tlendmg by the 11 herd ty room far the polt petonnel t hernial vol ihoold mor frhen t coopu of offstef be in the room el the leme time eirhe epnioa ihould be mde tn fse rnunkipl building to 0e h polwte deportment eely tnurgd tyjetef 6 the department thou id be compulely div orced from the building one luooeitton we mht make it ei ther 1o move the poltce lo the old pott of itce 0 to mow a poiion ol the oihaw mun icipal deparmvenh there lr h pnry of ipeos n inpreiiive eppeefenc end tr it hendy lo the town t comnvefcjel cntve tw off ilrtawal pavking i well th buitdtng would lend iulf a cepttonelly wetl 0 police office th building he tlood empty now for it coupl of yeer end we woiild lmoan tht a porch i could be errenqed front th pivele owrwi it li pfobabt that it would not b a eftpeuive to convert to ute fo he pojat bt the form purl of fivtt fell civcuplmnu kouiod tkf it tut bn ttld tfut tu 1965 bod- t ftllowt no corttldlkon fo 6 rww pot tcri offtcd eut council could wll ly its plant for 19o6 fend hfew a pun rdy fo fly mpinnlfetion if plfenning doi not 1l pi c now w un i fenolkr yr 1 dly fof tptng it 8 buty tim fo nw council fend tfwr ll fetwfeyt pjtuufi fron all lid i whn ik budgt muif b ttrock in tfv tfii fw moflthi a awtj improvement tk twitch ffivrt bottui to cant for toft drink poduch hi miud buuingt wbiu it will fellay lk trnd to brlc bolt lt on rofedi fend tidwalks tbn diimal prt of th cnfedian lindtcfepa it biing rplacd by an untirjhtly litlof of iquatkad cnt and w can envinon k day wtan highway moloratt will dnv through a tun he i of malal which hat accumulated lo blot out hw puatant vittat what w may tav in tir blowoult will b offwt by ay ktrain from tka glittanng mat a i throw aw byt it it not only th cant and botlli which blot our land tea pa anyona who wat downtown saturday could not halp but node tna hortd littar ol paper and rafut which cloodad mam st it wat gon monday thank t to th ood work of tha own works staff rut thdir work would not b nctiary if our cltaani had svan an alamcntary rarjard for th baauly which cn bt iknirt tritf liharbug problem it on which grip north anwrtca lika a diuim tim nd gin w t p6fu throw away thair mpry clgaralt p4ckagi o chooo- lat bfer wrappers toft drink contain ft and often than u a garbag ditpoial unit rtght knur thair not thli febiojuu diurgard for naturas baauty it a tad raflactton on thota who liva in on of hitlory t tnotl ailunt agt w tpnd our mony lo buy baauliful ko- rnai cart clothing and at th tarn tim w datpod th tttmg which natur givat lo thow that off it cn b likanad lo tpanding monay for a pamt ng than putt rvg it in a shabby frames that tl all pictura windowt accom pi ih nowaday like all education lo improva wi mutt male a doubl barrallad attack through horn and tchool children in elementary school should be taught in their healtft clat let not only personal cleanlmett but neat nett on a municipal scale those parents who car should stress at we have don with ours that one never ditcerds garbage on the street or put of a car window if steady emphasis is placed on this the next generation may find canada with a reputation for claanlinass which ran be e tourist attraction in itself one of the few good things which came out of nail germany was told to us many years ago by a man who had bean there with lh olympic team walking down a street ha carelessly totted away a pieca of paper a policeman tapped him on the shoulder we don t do that hare ha was rem inded s a by 13 1 i i s 1 j 1 i y fareweu to a friend aoca of tnvtuiaf tben i uth- lar ao awuhuul u to ill li baciyard tk folly of th worlal and uull what in doin hlt two kiilcaa ar olrtitrop aul um back lencc u sre aad catjotu aabkbdu cfoaain niaxajv auatbcy bav hirrlml law atlastiou of wuaoa ow twoycaf old aaifb- bof bo baa a uulilariaa p- nacb to ticket dp oau aar tall backyarrf araai oa tha lawa abu on too una cariar waor frooj tha tnaa aty ateallaa- hrah tha l 4oor tba imiflatlnf wail i cote jl color overywaan six i of toco 111 clal and oak mapw i vivid aplaab of tigtr uliaa low ami dapollnj tr mlfbiaf rait ooa ti rom and pala aua ad wttat aaaro auiiaw wr tk partara j arty w news desk extras by tarry harlay georgetown herald rstukad by h it luu do or die for the t an upcomino fund campaign lev goor- otkm dtihltt vmywca may ipall tuc- caaa or fallur lor tfiit cultural and adu- calional oroanlxatmwi mamban of th v axscutiv ara pull ing no punchaa whan thay lay mat ano- tftor failura likd latt year may ba tha and of aomomlng which can ba of inatttmabla worth to a community luildanli in owwal im to b dali- ghtod with tha wokbing dona and it la raraly that on haati anything but pralta for th programy awf to dal no anough paopl hava bawl willing to back thli up with a contri bution and hi axiomatic that th lau moiwy th lau program and th lau tuc- emu can b achlavad y workart ara dadicalad faithful pao- pla who hava mad tha bait of what thay hava thay hava provad that thay hava alhlng to offar thay ar not looking for affluanca only for a minimum amount of monay to carry thair idaal to tha bait pouibla advantaga thay taak only a modarata amount of monay from paopu but thay nad th financial i upper t of a larga mafonty a dollar intlaad of jfinnit tn raturn thay offar tha auuranca that gaorgalown will ba a batiar town and lit young paopl bahar citlzant if tha y itayt it it a collactiva daciilon which wa mult mak eithar wa valua tha y an- ough to tupport it with a contribution to tha ball of our ability or w ara conlant lo taa it tlowly dia for lack of nacauary dollart in a faw waakt convattart will b on thair roundt wa hop moil paopl will armark a dollar or two now donat it gladly and ahow our appraclalton of what hat ban dona and what will b dona in fulura im trf mail uox schweitzer foster are fine examples to man dear edjlor thla latter u to pay trlbuta a a groat man who thi waak kaa paaaed away i refer to dr albert scbweiiier wa un- lurual fenla did a pioneer work 1b africa buudimf a noapltal la a pajan boatua world in order that be mlibt alleviate the auf ferine of bia fellow manlrlnrl hla example baa been follow- ljad by othera and it would be a vanjatafce to aatuma that dr waa alone in bla pajartng work a faw year avaen dr ocnweltzer neslv- ifooal prise be mafna- lt on behatf laji bia fallow doctor who if atammrwprk 4obr if a ca- jtttabwpi toronto ilp tbob raatarjraioad wh waa bar la gaorgalown apaaking tare year ago aoat of f fctd- ntlnlffnarltt td nortbarn bhodaala bob iwar waa iba ajuwer lo bla own fa- ibera prayera who for 3d year prayed far the hoapltal in the kaonde area of northern rho de which waa btm mile away from the nearaat hoapltal when bob graduated from medical eebool ih toronto ba turned down tha lucrative opportune tie that canada afforded to pioneer a hoapltal that now treat mora than three time th patient that our local hoapltal hannlrit and mostly tha more eerioua type dla whan one consider that this was don by volunteer labour without the aid of government grants and that th hospital had to ba designer and engineered by dr eater tha proportions of such a fast become monumental add to anta the factor out whan tha hospital was opened that a stall of african fbia had to first ba to aursa the kaonde hospital beestn a modem hi recle in tha superlative today this hospital is head ed up by dr alexander hen derson from st thomas dr roster is in th process of est bushing a second hospital some boo miles away in another lo cation dr schweitzer is gone but there art others mostly from th english speaking world who have taken up his work a l canadlsns may be justly proud that two of these men are ca these one christian men are doing a standout performance to relieve the pain and suffer ing of thousands who without the help of these doctor and their faithful staff would be left la tha torments of suffering and death with not ao much as an aspirin to ease their pa your truly bruce wood rev uspla avenue baptist church traiii im a nwsbd sad baa bfma an ctuntial tatfrxlitnt in jiut about every ihlfi we eartblinc undertake la this aje of rocket miuilei and instant coffee and it has occurred to ui that the newi writer if he do in t pull up hn avorki mifht berome the lefird of the business world everybody else has found shortcut a way in which his particular job can be dona in a fraction of the time it uud to take and with a fraction ol the effort in this buslnesa there are now high iped typesetting uachlnea and high apeed pres tea and when the paper reaches the reader he may have even taken a high ped readme eouru by which he can absorb the mbtentj of a paper before you tan aay put that down your dinner grtting cold but pity tht poor copywriter whose tiiied la still a butter of paakky pokes at the alphabet aoup of hla tytwriler keyboard a daeb laaer in the rare with type machine and whirling pnumi that accelerate faster and festar at laaat that a the way it was until out of destparatton wa contrived a naw method of newa writing whfc we have labeled oprtn ctch w actually the aywem ian t en tirftly new we lota tha idea from tha toronto buainata dirac tory ex amp i ai im a nwsed uy wife ej the buatnata dlrec tory would aay la a hawf i live in grgtwn and wbrk for tha hrld rhati it ih u nutahell ao po lish your contact letues you trdrdit we eyypywrttrtf f goiajf to make a race for it i pick up your paper and re d stories in the following form th pic chf has arrstd 3 pple aflr a brwl in the tiy cttge rstrnt 1st nghl invid a mn and a tidr ttie mn who it a plmbr and tin wf a bkkpr got in a argmnt with the wtr at he rstr nt after he tplld their dmk dwn the bck of the tnn s drti itie wtr called the mngr who called the plcm amd they were all hstld dwn to the local pic itn whr the tgt in chrs a ike for an extfjntn the plmr re tuwd to tlk without teeing hli iwyr ftrst the mngr ltr eiplnd that it was alt a milk but the wtrj atck to hu stry pnehd his boss in the eis and became vlnt the pjcitn was trml for a whl as everyone became invlvd houe ver the pic chf finally rtrd ordr and put the plmr his wf tha wtr the mngr and the law i yr as well as a bystndng udr i into tht cooler j at praa tiu they were stll thr but had apprntiy rslvd thr dffrnct at they ware gathrd arnd tha ell dr angng frndshp ceonetown ontarte wauer c vuka publuiur curewu mtcmveay rvoduction suparlatendent laalle clark dave ilaauuf u cilioii j ufcuueata lrnett sinko terry liar ley newi editor alteon lira d ley aecountanl frank uullin advertising uanagex ura wlllum cegila clerk typist anne currlr reporter peter jouef rbotographer aleraber of tha canadian weekly nawfpaara aiaociatloa and the odtarla asaocialloa tw ha ttawi b-i- w wtw wmm ttria- it 14m4 umi kim if u m tmm tm kw imu kua mr daktlu w kridg through picket team ba the left tie the ultw horror 1hr are live bf uwoi hi ih thrre all the ui ag bout two and half tby lurk like udunj wlrbug wajtad train tbe kninuta we icav the put mtd u go shop- plht twbt dstwa the umae board in use 14 and ack the place tbary ue our uwn theira u tgpoliie and the picnic table for uouiiula ciwnu ng diavmantle toy pwr mtrmt and wtpuy our hoae to tquelch tivll demoasialoa auong ch cth r atrau the street whre there are two teen agers awlrla the daily ballet e kauldocope of aeund and color kudj arriving and departing swltn tuiu and shortaand pyjtniaj tnotorblkei and aporta eir tnnlj varkcts and gof cluba and footballs krow the gj eaki apread lag ovrr the house drop tba eeortu thucojiag the ground with a gentle irregular rbythw two laiy pigoaj have found an old atajllnga net under our aavee and are squashed in there purling their throaty growl tk itor tbruhur u urwaj aef iwff hwi a drikku tr- if ej e yuag rau la rvll- if o uvapwarr dl tvrf htltag but falrt4 ku anulla up a maple tree twice around 1 the trunk along the hydro wire jump lo the cedar leap te the vihe tcrabbleue th aide of the house and straight into tuy at j tie liketyaplu hurtle two i black aquirrele object either love or war wtewfmcfc aere 1 mu 4 uiktv n wtvrec altlry w uf um wuf titt 1u 1w cakid uf crd baau m uirw md louatumufi cakoa luxury of bat crulae ahntp ly changed to iooghing u la tent teaw lodgchhtac pfco cadie from rwaoie ffptretg ward whether bod had hi yr uuge rli to that be had done w11 uunlj to vwt daxixir eatnn goibg with great gobs 4 toodir sitting around for 1 houra trying to think of thing to talk about rtu with load 0 acumoiy clmhea lo wtb son clakdlng an u-yj- can get along oa four houj ahrvp and trying to prove daughter busting out all bj fourteens are wont to wife like nt with eru cause i haven t been away 1 her side for more than fa hours ail summer rather u ialng to write a book and beret able to and tirae to write umn goodbye suinunar you aedts tra there 11 never be an like you bible thought for the week 47vwrtkyie my ttl wfrt u wlh ie frke kearf ol the l ktri bo i wkally llwj frtw i my cefcet jeifciie 14 the final test of ay i i ever is how well we jcaua said folio- thmi m business directory fall fair gets extras a oint venture of town council and tha fall fair board will again place two johnny on ihasjwt rentala in tht park during tht oct 1 fair council hai agreed tn pay half tha rtntal bill for the con venleneet lupplied by tha wall known city firm chiropractor bonaltt a say dc appointments wads dslly call tr 7mol m mill tt twm did you know the dlatshc from llsllfsx lo vsncouvar by rail la 8 400 mil news echoes from th pa ml th rlerau ims and 94s 10 ylaw aoo gaoroalowfi kigs advanced one tlsp closer to an on tsrlo chfnplonihl0 lr lecroiia urhan thay won two gamal with othwekln last waak thli concluded a ser ial irt which georgetown won four ol ih six qamat played benrmtt baaurnont million caruso evens mecandlaic svg louth and wilson were scoring standouts in th arias e new links in canadas electronic induilry wr forged thli weak with th signing of ah agreement between dacca radar canada ltd and smith and stone geor- tjalown under the agreement smith and stone will manufacture the british deeea equipment for tha can sdlan market a spectacular blaia destroyed a large barn and driving shed on thai 10th line farm of f c bronsklll on satur day afternoon a cow and a heifer some 200 cbeker- elsi and he saasoni crop of grain and hay war lost 20 ytak aoo still more georgetown men home from service overseas is frank cleave ab bob goldham glms bui king lcpl clarence wlnfleld v robert connely and ssgt clifton morelon last friday evehlng in the municipal building a public maatlng was called by mayorcleave to lay plans for th local clothing collection next month in conjunction with th national collection for relief in allied countries ralph ross waa chosen ai chairman with mrs cleave vleaj chairman uy chiropractor tkriu w cmwh dc 0m eully by astaanrifiatil house eslla arranged irruji 1ia mat st urh o y wsltran ko doit oryomitkiir is ualn sl s eraaptoa 151m7s ms 1mj uourt i ih id i pu tuasdsy to sltunlsy rrldsy a li lis kvsnlngs by appolntmsat dale bennett latimer baines karrmars a felkltsrs boucuts v latnm tstbknog r aumsa tmlsagls fiji m mill st cmflowm cakm a wlrrwooo onlsru lshj urvvra 111 uounuinvlaw rl 8 ystlahale stl w a tarr f wattwj y jofl ml yr 4aim pax develorments limiyald bulmars el pbta mms 1roo walter pacbolok a7rull ar try mis barragers clmltersftlllrl leimtoerers ytt 7htf it vain 1u guelpb all wwrk wen en aninllm printing ol distinction statements lwterheads envklopes weddrno invitations georgetown herald 774301 robt r hamilton optomatrlsr 116 uounulnvlew ltd s carrwsl bldj kor appointment 8773971 frederick a heljon aurrukr srw ulltlsw llfl uountalnvisw rtl s- carrsul building gaergatowa ylt 7 otomjtiist l ai brown 35 mill st pr appalntmsnti ttksaa b77u7i monuments pollock a campiill designs on request impact our work tn greenwood cauetary rhoni i7s u water street north o alt prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service 0 box us tfl t28b4 georgetown murray rumack stem cjo chakyimd accountant w yenge teront tel tttw m e rrunfjerjtm qc barriiter and solicitor ol mill st georgetown tr 724a4 tvan sickler ba burrltfar bellcher lulanj dr wllllsnu bldgj m main s te ttisl wallacr yhompson ire divisimi caurt clark a commissioner tr7wm oioroitown animal clinic 108 geelph street dr r b oaakht v zavhs ovm ainle open 8 pj w i ml aj ji0 yom knowt ffl u told oayaypi

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