Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 21, 1965, p. 4

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page 4 thuc5day ocroaa 21 ims editorial comment something for the mind a ten of public effejr iecturw purvwd by tu ymvvvca will begin tw seundey henwi end riw h eid com mend rru to rcw with ifc hope th hare will be e good enendn in hoi oou cjhwcji njditoaium a mcmular pofeuof d j g4dy w41 tpeetk on africa end lr untwd d coijniri he k4 iwf hend know i of htv object o he ha ltxducid irdi o h united 4toai wful liv ing in addii abli ttkjt wurt he teoght intwrtitortl politic end pojiltcel twyy in ik evule unwwiity affrfj i a country much in todeya 4 iter night goolown yourvg tuck end reitwr will be going hmir round night ewly tht yv if thy follow the dt ol town council kiigd wdh fenqume eboul whit to do whn hallow fell on a sunday council h uvctdad to proclaim the off tui day at saturday oct 30 and it n hoped lliat parntt and children will ob- arv the occation on that day rather than te tabbalh which do not land ittelf to the tplrit of the occanon schooj principali heve bn etked to help ip6d the wod end houivoldrt rt alio warned that the annual invanon et their front door will be taking piece that wght thoie with children of their own al way look forward 1o live mght whan new scholarship fund a new tcholarthip will be ewerded for the fint time at the november 12th high tchool commencement exercae etabhd by friend of j l lanrv bert who left hit pott a principal thi ummet it ii planned ei a continuing re- membanc of hi thirty yaar of rju-d- mttcm n georgetown educational affair the fund i ttitl ihorr of it objective and e commilte 1 buuly working at pnini tohciting further donation to that at tubttantial turn can be invested and the inter pd each yeer a a scholar- another possibility a recent tuggetlion that the old post office- might make e good headquarter for the polioa department had one draw- beck we did not know at lime of writ log that the owner of the building had ireedy embarked on alteration which will convert h into apartment now another idea oomei to mind the old town hall on the highway used off end on by industrial and com mercial ettablithmentt and lastly at an organization clubhoui la becoming an yeaore a derelict occupying a valu- newty ea the old colonlai system b being replaced by marglng atetee soma paeca- fwl soma turbuianf at the europe na tions giwa up their dominaiion and lead ars amarga from the population rr wuj be iniarasilng to hear mr gedva commanr if is ho every dmy that a qualified speaker appears on a lo- caf pletfonn end he end rha v deaarve a good audience al present the t is hoping to have syl appa a in next speaker and other lead ere oot to find a vexiety of person al it lei who will have fcomethirtg to say tbouf topic i metier and today world dreiung up become the rule and thote without children or who have reached live year when the young orwt have patt ed the barriar of maturity itill relnh guamng idsntiiiei and handing out an ppla e bag of candy or tome hill treat it it a fa cry from a generation two ago wlven it wet mottly a night to dread with practical okei and tome not to practical were more the rule pro- gru ha ruled out wagon on the roof the timehonoured lipping of the little houte out back the raid on live orchard which now don f exitt and all tfte prank our father tell u about today halloween prank are for the mott part innonjou and tcf the should be for destruction cannot be tolerated on ny occation thip to e deserving student thorn bear of the school staff h fund traaturer and mote wishing to do nate are aiked to contact him immediate ly to final plan can be made for ihlt year award it it a fitting tribute to a man whose term of office spanned the days whan the high school was a small broom building to the present large ttructura wjth techni cal and vocational training added to aca demic the j l lambert award will be a tatting tribute to hi year at the ob able property which i scarcely an adver tising attraction a traffic flow by the building hat been advertised for sale recently perhaps the town could ac quire it again rip off the top storey and convert it into a police office whkh would once again put it to good use it has tha advantaga of m central lo cation close to tha downtown commercial araa and it rehabilitation would be a distinct asset to eliminating what hat be come an eyesore nd of llttla valua for any purpose in it pre tan t condition news echoes iwa tu pqm al l hotu ims mmi 143 ib yuuttxoo e tha first tppaarinca of gorolwn boyi band group which will form gsorgilown cillnni eund of tha fut ure wm mid monday in a mutlcal program in wrlfj- fjuiworth school harmon tchool principal harold hanry gv a briaf ratuma of tha bands activltiaa tinea in baalnnlng in april lorna scott bandmutar alf par rot b tha laadsr and other lorna scott bandiman ar thur herbert joa wilcox norman long ed petart and ern fororava hava alto donated time to tha naw band e a lengthy battle by f iva local garaga operator to abolish restricted hourt for gatollna ended in defeat monday m whan council by a close 54 vote decided on maintain ing the present system garages will continue to operate under a bylaw which sets dally closing hours e largest robbery to occurin georgetown district since tha beaumont knitting mill breaklnt happened wednesday morning at barbers gift shop some 80 wotchas worth in the neighbourhood of 5000 ware taken during the night 30 yiak ado e this week georgetown welcomes home from oversees pre myrle field l cpl harvey garvin ab albert kem- sheed pte clifford mcdonald sgt william hewitt tpr joe hall tpr bob eaton tpr bob rayrtef lac reg broomhead wo gilbert hunt flying officer let clark euat friday night taw the georgetown athletic atsocla- hon launched an enthusiastic group of parents and boy met m the odd fellows hall for a social harold medina was chairman of the meeting memberxof the dimm c are e v meccormack mervyrrttobbvtiev c cbchrana harold mcclore c 5 stacey aubrey mllav alf svkei sid silver walter blehn jack brill 1 elmer dron tom haines and im thi mail bao ndp leader says vote waited if for masson stt valley dr oekvliu ontario october 10 1bs5 dear sir ttia people of halton should seriously consider the lmplleat lont of a reeeut stalauettt made by ut uastoit tha con- tervatlva candldsta in halloa it is quite apparent when he taya i am not responsible for the decisions of oakvllle coun- dl that he does not have the court t publicly face up to sous of tha political treachery in which ha evidently participated mr liaison wea referring to tha meant attempt by the town of union to expand and oak- villas council with captain isatton at tha tiller for no apparent constructive reason were able to keeppretrrass la halton county in the dol drums the policy at the mlltoa uell in planning- industrial expansion in a business like and aaensslva manner la highly commendable otttbe other hand the policy of the oakvllle council waiting for splitover industry is definitely lacking there are many people who would like to know why tha oakvllle council opposed pro gress in hilton not the hunkett report please and why they have adopted a policy which v jnstitpssjsss pat a it md to a mi eeettorlal elsewhere am this pe iuffaatf hauaavan tor bur la mutch better it may be a bit of a aback to learn that email fry to out iq coetumee oss uallawaab nifht in aeareh of ahalloau and awe raeeady aotttjabutkau to aid un1c3xi tbay are cjjjtt- ing an a pratty- siwrhld festival called ktmhiln oalebraiad by aaciast timid 1b prechrisijao lrelaad and seouaod as qciober tt wtcbes asd cobllnji a lot trieadlf thai tbey sie bomdy tand bai it that tiwy lued xo eury btt cbildrvu 6mm- trvy crtp kill livestock and fjeaeraily terruy the population dprt spirits revuited thlr another rejideirt h- caxtuj plant in wooa websr or oct u um ob ttm front page rf tkas wweksillereld j notlaad aa r- ocle about the blaoasiag ml a cactus plut i ass andoaisg a anap vt g eaebm with waiob i bad a x ale this plant originsljy tcaaa was much i mquirad it atfru yw aje for the beet med years it d4 bat bloom the bii veer it had one bloom about sts lnchae x across fcvery yr sac4 l baa j bltxuned srvrsl times but the fmtues people weot tram door blooms ire tverl lobs wiaj to door demanding food to icr 11 is now uuouus tor stock uo for ihe long wlaur j h sbout and a mlcrtbl unu was kid hut aa a rule lb buds puce a book in the hands of your child klvykold collet smith if a luarfcy child um has a book and shr lovfi it too hisny rliltdrcn live in botas whre bwk are not eon sldrd uiipartant soma with tut books at all the result can be uttkrly traxk in terms of unfulalud mind trhool drop outs bumin failures this month cansds s vssl home sad hrhool movement li unfiled a 30000 public in formstion rampsign to rombat hit problrm tlie objective to reach every parent over the next two yesrs with urgent me sajtea about tha profound im portance of books in the growth of their children it j uit on part of a can tennis project wsde possible villi donations pledged by the grester nutnbar of canada 3000 local om and irhool astocialloni donations from out side groups and individuals have been received and are most we co rat by all ej quite in contrast with mo dern times when children look do sul develop aftej- the first two or thr blootiu as you will sea tha bloou and really ut loo whn the nlgbt arrive cwforlin to j b know thit tht hotj atjkwlu that face us nofa4eh bucku st the door will probably dlssppasr if given a handful of jillybaans fa it s s gjjod thing too csn you lmsglna being carried oh i by the likes of the modern iisl lowcan night fillen i mn being sluffsd in tha sack with all those sticky rice crlipy squares snd the tafyy thst didntnew kdltor turn out just too horribu for trry jlsrley the humsn mind to comprehend georgetown herald ke by hm h tew uamhw caorgttwq onurld wshw c tuba pubusbar sugar and spice by bill smiley in dutch with daughter my daughter m furious with tea agiin shes at that age m wbaa daughters have vary little dluculty in becoming enraged wth their fathers this occurs of course only on dsys when they re not sore as a boil at thalr mothers she has good reasons of eourw she claims im crabby la the morniag ind grouchy at night this is because im al ways hollering up the stair to tall bar to get a move on in the morning and hollering up the sulr telling bar to get bar light off at bighl ike eel la tae ati au crack wfceh i f fuse uly badimlntert wth lf weatsipwe al tny mitttu hi ajj 7keri i w puy and beet tkatest kef aha i like all wiaitt she accuse m at jawehma v fedavyttia like e bhj bully she goes livid with rage when i try to help bar through some sltustlon i know will be tough what do you think i am dad a child but she grows purple with paaslon wbaa i remind her that she aot aa infant and can just keep looking for bar lost gym suit and 1 dont tr if her vr uacher doe kju bar and bible thought for the week aj they eeae fe hun aj aweka hlnty saylntc master ma ster wr ifevieh tket he ae anj febubed the wind awd the watert eij they ceeeed s there wea a calm luke 134 life hat uo atotnu that will not vanish at tha command of the saviour would teem to retard progress la our town the oakvllle bus lnaas community ahould certain ly be asking the last question one cannot help but wonder if envy or shame was tha stimulus that prompted the oakvllle counell under msyor masson to pursue such an obstructive course with regards to milton and by what means they were able to influence the municipal board the overriding issue here is that mr masson stood four- quire ta the path of progress la halton riding and now he present himself as candidate to repreaeat all the people of that riding in parliament i suggest to the voters of hilton that you look beyond the shal low promises of airports and harbor to tha more basic po litical saauejt consider the whole man his political record bl party and whit they represent having done thin you will surely reaj- ixe to vote conservative 1 to waste a vote your truly wm glluea oajtvlue she can play basketball la her underwesr for sit i csre she bolls with bellicosity when she wsnts help with her home work and 1 remind her that she thinks 1 m supld and she d bat ter do it herself when i play the heavy father moralistic and conventional she call me in disgust an old poke when i get gay and kick up my heels and become the life of the party she is miffed and makes cracks about my lack of dignity in fact abeut the aaty tlme we saa te be an eur aid basis af trwe buiile 1 when shes trylrta te wheedle same sheaey ykan her true twetrie and my uuiite tjeitereajty shlrte treuah and we feet elane beautifully until i rewind r that shes te be in at 11 pm even if it is prlday nlhr oh well thats about stsnd ard these days for a healthy f a t h e rdsughter relationship but this week she went off like a skyrocket i decided to use a portal t of kim in my english teacjiins it was painted and extremely wall done by jean hay whose daughter princess and kim were bosom pals then about age nine i took the painting to school held it up for three minutes for the class then told the students to describe tha impression it made on them results were in teres ting quote he wsant very old perhsps about ten but the eyes were those of an old tirod man an overworked man quote i think that this child is a bedriggled orphan wishing tor parents to love and care for him quote teevt of pity d fer larnnass could almost be seen drlaalna dawn the bays rusty cheeks quote it is picture that leaves the viewer with a feeling of deep concern quote ilia large aad eyee which dominated his thin dirty little face told his story better than a thousand words quote ills ears dropped like a dogs when it knows it has done something wrong mid wjll be punished quote i got the impression that be was very sad and lonely perhaps an orphan who had gone without foodfor some timb just a sample titles were such as the boy tha lost orphin one imaginative lad called it the list jew and sug gested the child was waiting to go off to the gas ovens what yatmg lady of 14 who is dabbllna with lipstick wain breeslere and ruabaen out on a data wants- her name bandied 4 ebeut the kel as an aid tlced mr an arphsnj e sj eea e dirty face a t-uety- cheeks and wrt f all a key nbtety fwr tent af them tkeuekl she ws a bay maybe she had some excuse after all for coming home from school those brown ayes like boiling chocolate with dad 1 could murder you 211 acres not 500 a story in the ott 14 luue of the hrrsld wis in error in itiunf the omi hss allow d uillon to snnts so0 scrsi of ksqucslnjf township it should have been spprosimslely 211 aeres lrodurtun uertotnant awoubtsbt allsca hrtdjey prank uullu adveriulnjf usaaatf airs wlllliu culs cwk yyolit anne currls reporter peter jous miotfliirsblicf leslie cltrk dsv ilutinxs wl cusaa j iteasoeau raet slake uemhar ef tie csasdlsa weekly newtspcrs alrtelatlod and tha oataiie iwllhftrt business directory chiropractor bonalb a oav 0 c appolilttnefits usde dslly csll tm smi m mill fl emtr chir0praq0r eerau w certmh dc orn jelly w jlouse eslls arranged srytui 11a male liehb cakr wistwood onlsrla i seal awwye 116 uounulnview rd m tkiehale wll w h carr h at witsj tk 7sx6 aw tk t4il dax develoruents limitid builders t pliw k prop wslts pseholak 7sju w itrmij monuments mllock cammiill designs on bkqukfft inspect aur werk bs craenwood cauatary hon uinte 3 water street norlk 0 alt o y walkmk ko ooti orrcmimhr 13 vein st 5- blrsraptaa 4514474 ret u16ju hours 0 m te 8 pas tuesday to saturday frldsy 0 sja to d p a kvealnaa by appointment robl r hamilton ophxmmu 118 mountslnvlew rd s carretal bldjo for appautment n 8773971 onomirmisr l m brown 35 mill st rw aaeobirmtta bhene i774an barragers cleahershlrt launeenn ytt 731t 18 main s 186 guelpa all wehl isene en prml fkank rltck licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tb f js44 georfetown the herald likes news your visitors weddings club meetings vacation trips all help to make a live weekly paper vi phone b77220i no charge for nou fobert mh ssefto inauranci m ualtor nut 14 ouelph st or oeo mundy auio 773s74 1774473 ond dale bennett latimer bainei svrruw a awlkltm douglas v lattates rmmat r txutu trismle 7541 allu st oeertatewa fretjerick a helson aurrlstm and sellehw 118 mountslnvlew rd s carreul bulldlnao gaorgetcwa til ylta il e maadertofl qc barrister and solldlor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 rvan sickler ba barrister telleltar amary dr wlulaus bids m usln s vsui wallaci yhommon 3rd drelsleh cwri clerk a eemmlsslener litmw aiottoarrowtl anihul clinic 108 malpb street dr k b oaskln v zavlta dvm cllnle open 8 t pjg aaoal saturday 11 aji printing oc dirrincrion statements letterheads envelopes y kr j 21 v id iha jr

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