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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 21, 1965, p. 9

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eptrcmc by 1968 forecast shows 65lers charge against former resident a forecast of urolauat at geaeaesoms free ahlic scheola far the out tour ym am lbl- 4 tar gaortrtan public ecbool board nan attaint at this moths regular board meertag but um forecast will be mean- ugaass if land reeeatly ra far building la lb delrex aub- tfleleioa la omloeed is that parsed tba total projacjad public acbool varolnttat tor iba img- m tarn u 232 about 320 mora laaa at praacal ths forecail oaaad bialajy oa caoaua ttguree aaya tbcra litre will b jtu nrolud bait term aod mm yll kgieter lor tba ln urol normally the tone rana fore cast of enrolment la fairly accural but tba podlciad ajrura of lis i for ihli r waa blab by ml tba vaioca waa attriboted bjalnly to tba bpculac public school briefs at toeeiinj of cerelowii publk aebool board wednesday octoui ft a ft uooneyhrla walker kiotibd itruiuiag permiealod to tbe ceorcetawo alinlatertal as sociation to continue witii week ly rluuui tiulfuctibu period id etb school tirr lad utunl snoualy e hid application of mrs wj brook g trade s uuluf at kennedy emblic school or wave of iwdm from january udlil june ej j6d wn grsnud e the board okayed plans or u bus tour by tbe grade 8 class at georg kennedy school o points of interest in toronto authorised hiss uirlon wlw i uaeher at howard wrtgiwortb fctumtl on fcr change from england to spend our day obeervinf teachers la other clur- in tba caore- town public schools a letter from wriggle worth princlpsl wiiiism kiartd aujuested mlsa ivior be allowed th time to tea the canadian education system at work ft a report from attendance atficer harold aloyar aald be made 10 house calu during sept- caber when there u an un usual auount of truancy of um grftow cbrjuan school a private acbool at bjl 1 georgetown tba thing tbat can knock apart all this vforecaetin u a aw beusa building project oo tba 1100 bttudiftg lou tbat have bee released trustee chris waller obeerved 1 expect that by 1m our enrolment will be a lot mora than that couariag iv pupil per home ip 1100 additional boinu it khi14 mean b0 per cat u eraaaa la tba uul aoiolmtnc public acbool loapacior 0 c mcdowell uiomwd um board af mcdowell aaid thai cor- grtovrd would aatomalicauy ba cooa a municipal iiupactorita one publle acbool rcgutxatlod exovvded 9000 tw lowd will tbaa bave id mploy lu own injpur b uld a tilth public tcbool ii al ready in tba detailed sketch plan atage a breakdown of iba projected enrolment u aa follows cbapcl fitraat enrolment end of june 1964225 1k44 term s47 lboe07 term 347 1m7s urm mi 1m4 term 40 uowerd wngdeswortb en rolmeot end of june 1k 41 lwootf term 4m lmt urm 419 110768 tern iu lmmfl term 403 harruoii nulmbt end af june 1m4 w2 1o500 term e7i iftftut term ttl lootm term bo 1bim0 urm w5 hark kilroltacnt od of june 1d64 373 1po540 terra 71 lubtj7 urm 274 1wj7m urm 27 ltms0 urm hi kennedy knrolhiftu end ai jun 1164 34 lud6d urm ti lfmmt7 term b4 itxj7a urm kti loao urtd 7 paul popiel married in illinois college chapel tw hismorsbu or young caorgelown lftod will laul toplel aporti atar currently at hotkey training cimp in lbodoa ont ha gu ku ug ehaace with hoton brulnj of tba n ii u thli year and od september 18 ha was married to wfua janet chance 6f rranklin illinois annie llerner chapel on uar uurraytallcg campus wts the icena of the wedding ceremony the bride la the daughter of ur fend lira watson la chance of rvsnkllu and the groom i the son of ur and lira wladei lius popiel 104 uaple ave k georgetown dr mckendree performed tba double ring ceremony yiia wahala uhirhn wai at tbe organ and taper at the altar were llghtad by timothy smith nephew of the bridr and charles hbrey by her given in marriage father the bride wore a full length wedding town of peau dange with worsted alencon lace her bouffant veil fell from a u we lad lata crown and she carried a colonial bouquet of white rosea tba brldei sister mrs jack lets play bridge j by mix coats ooa of tea proiumi thai faeai a bridfa playar 1 playlaf a part acora whan duiuy u abort of antrlca mian wbaa you faava an abova avran hand partnar haj next to notb- aik how abould you baadu ibraa handa ona rule that i bava uaad tvt the yaara goal ilka tbla you dont hava to take the aral eliht trlclu any eight will do you ran put in any num bar that you ilka for altht here ii a part eeora hand that oeeurred hut week at the acton bridge club it gave a few deelarara a rough time thli la board no is dealer south north south vulnerable turth s 10 a 5 4 llj 10 0 d 1 c k 8 8 1 wait kail k0 7 3 s k i 1 h 8 r ii a qil dj s 7 4 d q 3 c 10 4 s c a i s south s a a j ii k 8 4 a k 10 8 i c3 t at one uble the bidding went touth waa north rt 1 d paae rau 1 ii 1 d all paaa may i point out that i dont agree with the bidding in aplta of the doubleton elub i think that south ihould open with one no trump however the dla mond hid ii not unreasonable eaat ahould double ona diamond in order to ahow hli opanlng bid mol eaiu in fact played the hand at two haarti two baarij la easily defeated one or two trteks but back to the two diamond kjblratl west led a heart tha ault bid by his partner halt wins with tha aee if east led a spada heart or elub he glvri south a trick easta best return la a trump south hsi to lose at least one trump trick ao he ahould dude now when west wins ha has a problem weil will probably lead another heart if kut plays the queen declarer should win eaih the aea and king of trump and play another trump to saddle west with tba lead again if east doeint play the queen of hearts declarer wins in dum my and takes a spade finesse now he can take his trump and put west in the lead with the fourth trump almost in spile of themselves east and west will help declar er by leading tba side lulls notice what happens if south gets busy u south wins tha second trick and tries to dear trump ha will lose two trump tricks if ha leads a club to tha king ha will not make a club trick since deeurar cannot get to dummy hlmseu he may well lose another heart and a spade hamember dont get too busy you dont have to take tha first eight tricks any eight will do tha acton bridge club la sponsoring lessons in the bid ding and play of contract brid ge writ lesson tuesday nov 0 se advertisement in this pap uaxt weak for full details monday winners 1st mike lo- russo and duka wilson 2nd mrs marlon hunter and cam sinclair 3rd george solty and jack coats i smith sf matron of honour and won s floor ungth gown of ivory ami avocado moire the bodire wii ivory and die skirl urrn mia carried e eolonls bouquet of tsllunin roiei jstk stsnftrld cookivlllr ont attended the groom uihers were jack mnith krenklln ind ivtrr konjeirny new york a reception wii hrld al the holiday inn tlie bride rmvrd her as sornte lrrcr from william woodi college of kulton uls sour end llrr iw degree from urcuurrsy college mie li buyrr for ramoui uarr depart ment ilore in st taim the groom currently signed with boston uruint graduated from si calhartnri junior hofkry rlub and turned profrt ilonal under thr clungo ulick hlwki llii ant year he plsyed wllh st fvula ilravei and lilt year for lluflilo iluoni sir and mn popiel will he tlvtnff in lloiton by the end o october alma college graduate plans nursing career another former georgetown bch school student hai chosen nursing ai her future career shiron lewis daughter of ur h c lrwif and the lata urs lewis has entered tba school of nursing at welles ley llopita toronto sharon completed hrr grade 13 at alma college st thomas this year her father who was on the high school staff left teaching for a position in in duitry snd now lives in willow dale a efaarga of failing to provide tba necessities of ufa for her thr year old aos was dis missed against a former geor getown hotel waitress wednes day the woman known by five different names uft her child with a prince charted drive woman wbo uld tbe court she was given only f10 to care for apprehend two after hitrun highway crash tsw men have bewo sppre beaded by nortb uslub onu rid fewntial klic and ebas gcd id ooofiecuoa with a bit and run accident at uccul louxh a euritt on no 7 hijb way uet wt of caoi grlowa on kioodjy y accfirdlng to the 011 mar garet nlsborj oakvule and a peaaengcr tn her car j uort oiuon oakville were injured wbab tbe car they wj riding in wes struck by another vh tela at thf corner damage to tha ulabop car was wi the ni g4uurnood of 1006 the dri ver ws treat m and relrssd but urs uortonson is still hoi pitililfd the two men charged were picked up by thf of tuesday the hit and run came 24 1 hours afur another bit and run on ne 7 highway at nurval a car driven by allan cowle brampton waa dmaged to tha extent of m50 when struck by an unidentified car which sped off constable llodson lnvritlgat ed both accidents olp also handled a two car accident on no 7 highway at the ftth una of ksqueslng in volving cars driven by jean norton and duncan horn son tha uorrison car escaped dam age but the norton vehicle was total wreck this one hap pened irtday morning at 11 oclock szlsi vvjayiyea tbe youngster a similar charge against the accused commonlaw husbsjsd waj withdrawn tbe woman with whom tba child wasseft stated she was unable to reach his mother by ions distance ulepbona calls to windsor where she had moved bbe said the accused was going under an other different name tbe child was ukets to tba wince cberlra th home by taxi kepucnbcr- 31 with only the fclotles he bad on threesets of underwear tbe babyiitur stated she utd sbe dldn t erpfct the child since tvo arranrtnedta bad bn made two days hur the received a vuit from the mother the accused sktd the baby sitter to tske care ut the boy while she wen i to vlridur to find worsf twabyiltler said be was told she would be sent more money in a matter of a week r to the babysitter bought three plr of hoed trousers two tj shirts soma ahoss and socks and a coat for the child after gfttovs anlfant crown attornay pater mo winiaaiaaawtbaaeciiaabcexld hava mada poaitlta and not whatba termed caaual azratuga- manta for tba ehilda care u child is not uka a car tbat you can park witboot nuking arranxement to look altar it be stated uagistrste james black dis missed tbe chargj against tba mouver bacausa be doabtad whether tba child was negjarted thumvay oct hit nm page want a good job w namt men lor toiaraatlng work pn ua 1 amsui braaa parta inaatperieoced persona cas iaai workable trade at company expense most modern lifbtad wedwaomatad building bix pared parttaf beaueat pay and triage benefits apply peri writ to acfa iassaa lain w drrea at 401 hwjr px boa lao caritof braveries near alaitoo airport ru td aobkoka next s bloo clinic to switch to plastic containers donors at a future george town branch lied cross blood clinic will notice that the faml liar glass bottle used to collect the blood is replaced by a plastic container a new release from george town branch publicity chair man urs connie nieuwhof this week slated that tba canadian red cross blood transfusion semca hss already made tbe switch at ona depot london ont and hone to change from glass to ptastic bottles in the other 15 blood depots across the country by tha end of lod plastic containers are lighter taka up leu space and the da mag of loss through breakage ta virtually eliminated says the newa release they also provide a much safer method of collecting and administering blood becauu they onerste entirely in an air free closed system this rllmtn atea the risk of contamination from the air change in subscription rates a recant upward revision in rjjalllng charges has mada ii necessary to chenfla tha prlca of mall subscriptions on and after octotw 1 ims tha following will apply years subschiptioewn canada 500 in usa and overseas 600 slngla copies al nowttandt and from carrion will continue lo bo 10c why wait around instant nctuke and sound you dont hava lo wait for a philips picture and sound are yours within sacond after turning on the tat tha life of tha tat is alto protected agamil cold starts philips attractive contemporary styling featuring side panels of llwood grilles new direct vision picture tuba pic ture tube is so reliable it has twoyear guarantee no long warmup wait with in stant ipclure and sourid pre set fine tuning two 5 speakers 2995 wig0 television and appliances ltd north haitons largest tv t appliance outut 32 main st north phone otm76 concmtt ttkavu mjilblno iand road oravd nil aj tcp sou jtoni wouc tom haines ou- wiiiums tat 7uctf for fast action maltipu itstikc slkvice consult a iusu1k op thi brampton real estate board on your savings withdrawal any time no larvlca charrja on raasonaba numbar of chaquai start your account today 9 convenient office lourt halton peel trust brampton 28 mem street north 4513365 g watson kenned my savings company ahiu ixciid ms000000 milton 252 mam street tr 8 2834 lome skuce mgr i asstn switch to total luxury for 66 ibweredbyford towered by ford says performance ford offers you a choke of f exhihratini vhs plus a lively economic sit the tortofthcluie 428 v8 345 hp umtsndarj on the ruthperformance 7litre series the indisnipoliswnnms 280 v8 200 lip on the beautiful ltd and xl models the lively 240 big six 150 hp on all other models bit engine performance it the secret of rords effortless cxumn speed ratsiresbyjtord features by ford says comfort and convenience the convenience of the new wajic doorgite on wsaons swings down like a tailgate swings open hie a door the convenience of fully tynchronued manual irananisstodl so you can shift into low on the move the comfort of silentflo ventilation on 4door hardtops to keep interiors fresh without opening windows luxury is always featured ona ford guferrjyfom quiet by ford says quality turn the veyta1te the wheelyouti see how strong steady and solid the 1966 ford really is it has the slronget body ford has ever bulll mounted on the trame at six points onlyit builds a bridge of quiet over noise and harshness the quality built into the 1966 ford may indeed mike it the quietest ear oo the road v i youll be amazed at the quiet quality ot the new ordsr dont hesitate come in and give one ajrial hearing today to bw csb iasbsefitoim vosd dealer a storehouse sales ltd si cuilph st 1772147

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