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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 28, 1965, p. 4

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page 4 thursday october 28 ims editorial comment training on the job onte ubouf detpnmff k uiwv chad a 1300000 promoikn ump to turn tha fadory mk a tobiraintng ovthool 1 1w it 0vlkotob trtung mogfam b0n in toronto irt april i a pilot f0- ct wiih u trruml tocuy 13 firm wlh total o boo 1x a op tog of tnaaa ewvn i tn tta iodu ud m orta t touhu plnt thily4avart ofhafi ra in procws of uwie taking imuur po irt tit c414 ot unanptoyd who given trwiwvg fdrlprotncial pun py at much i so pt c o wi for f hnthj prud ylw ubour iefwlnwnr b pvepaod lo tuvclop a curriculum nd koparvita lies program and in carttin irv vfantsi py for imlriktosi th dprftwrir rbopri lo vod tka pt fall tt cfaating dfrd and obl by a poqrim wke 1rihei could ulr add lo rkair akilk tach pogiim will b fltuord lo ifi haod of tin firm tha department will help corrpmt iujii tfeir framing faquir- mtntt and itiuf in local ng trirwi in co- opaation with tha national employment smtvic according to llv government 50 000 akllud workort ara rwdd in onurio to day lo fill wx tiling requirement a lechm kid hockey again cal and vooakonal progam is providing una of th tka orvthaob training plan koold ba an important addition dealing at it wttf wrtk an old pohon of tka pop ulation h inoold valp ovavcoma tlualon vut canada hat dpand to a larga iant from an appranttca fcytjam till much tka rula in eoop hmw canadian quck to nottca aj comment on tka lack of tv ill lad wadamn hf compeed with tkstr ojvn counlrtat not only u tki notwbw in tuck tradi carponty and plumbing in tourv uim ilka carmany and swttzrlnd avary occupation li dtgnifd by a 1rming par lod whtck crte4 an hciuni workman by loathing kim tka ikiltt of hi craft and a prtda in kit performance a iuurnl wailar it on aunpla he all loo oftan thit u conikiarad an uniitllad job in europa quila tha con irary a young prion thara it rfully gukiad in all tha dalailt which makat dm ing out a plaaiur for tkoia who pay llta bill and hit and in a happier wall tramad employ who pult hit olmott mlo trva job and racaivat tlw ulntotf from it in raturn goofolowni wlntar activity for tha youngitofi it again ttarttng thit saturday aj tka lftgtorvtponorad kid hockey laagua gaft undarway for anothar taton tka arena will now ba an early morn tng maoca for young hopafult and a gen rfout tprinkhng of falhert and mot liar 1 it it hockey in 1 1 pureit and mott nat- uyi form with a minimum of injuria and lihla of tla namecalling and roughhouia tadtct which tome 1 me 1 mar tha tenior uaguat tha youngttan take tkeir gamat tar- louily but not to muck that they lota any tlaap after a defeat or crow loo hard wbn thy are in tha win column leading them are a group of men who for the pure love of the game devote half tka if saturday 1 all winter to coaching and managing with an odd practice thrown m at well during the week theta uniung ha- roet deierve a big hand from paranli and you can give it to ihem best by turning out for a majority of the gamei particular ly if your lad 11 in the early yean bracket when he needs a hand lacing hit ikatet or getting into other parti of hn equipment for almost 100 of parents kid ko ckay it the end of tha line in our own cave thit will ba our last year of early saturday teutons as age begtnt lo take its toll but ust at every young canadian can theorelically become prime minuter so can he hit the big time in sports the george town league produced nhl star bob gold ham in one generation and now poul pop- let hat joined that exalted lop echelon as he starts a season with boston brums that gives a little extra fillip as you watch these saturday games knowing thai you might ba watching an nhl star of a dcuen years from now 3r sugar and spice by bill smiley pity for the city man disappointing in numbers tha people who attended a public affalrt lactur sunday afternoon will ba better informed about tha united nations tha pity it that thera were to few tkef to hear mcmatter university professor d j grady who by hit education and ex perunca it wall qualified to ditcust this important world body we thared tka disappointment of the ymywca in thit first venture into what was hoped lo be a tenet of informative lecture on currant affairs we had hoped tkat enough people could attend to make it worthwhile for a busy man to give vp hit sunday afternoon lo speak whether the aarleft will have an abrupt nd it now a question v perhaps the idea would have more merit if it could be linked more closely to tka high school particularly the grades which study modern history a sunday aflernon while theorelical ly 1 good time for a lecture series it per haps no longer applicable if there is good weather tka sunday drivers and golfers are hard at it there it usually some sports feature on television to keep men at home many people go away for the weakend or enterjam relatives and for many it it a day whan they like to relax after a buty week and they prefer to rest their bodies and minds for the week ahead if the lecture tenet is continued we would suggest that an evening during ihe weak would be better that promotion am ong termor high school students and staff be done and that service and cultural organ nations be directly contacted and encour aged to attend and particularly if tpon tonhip it to be undertaker by the t its own executive members of whom there are many should make up the nucleus of the audience there are many excellent speaker av available within driving range of town ma ny more than could travel to towns beyond the metro range but if only a handful of people are interested enough to come out and hear them a lecture series will never gel off the ground news desk extras by tiry htriay accumulated motm- do you kllu that with the caneellatloa of tha untouch- ablet and tha demotion of eddie shack to rochester it leave milt dunnell of sporti hot seat u tha only villain ba vi thll aaaaon suaplclob continued we hfnte aucieated in the past that the automobue influence la ap proaching the frightening point one look at tha tree alaughter for four aallea along the 7th una south pata lta out of doubt a fanny how humuu become ereaturei jif habit tbla year e boosted the new vork yankees and the toronto argo- tatuta and acquired such a taste for losing that last weekend we those hamilton burger to defeat ferry mason every eporuman who uses georgetown park facilities should doff his cap this week to a hand ot action minded base ball people who are filling crying need by building per manent team dressing rooms on the track lnfleld materials are gratia through bill rich mond were surprised some cut- line writer didnt jump on the obvious during the international plowing match and get a photo of one of the dignitaries mil- liken a cow the guelph street reconst ruction project has a horde ot secret sufferers the many preachool children who live in homes on the residential streets now congested with detoured highway traffic until the pro- jeets wound up theyll do their trlke riding in the laundry room for safetys sske we feel like a suckup vie um who has had a wsd of essh and cheques lifted from one pocket and is hoping tha gun man will take the trame llleket and hydro bill out of the other one weve been cheated out ofa aummer tha autumn colour display and now were hoping tha delinquent in ihe weather bureau will keep us from winters worst aspects frees- ing temperatures and deep tnow we suggest one of the can didates in the federal election brief hie workers a little more carefully next time the feel county hopeful has some of his posters plastered over speed limit signs in some parts of the county completely blotting out the figures local pollers must wince when they hear the song autumn leaves lately they have to rake the ocean of crisp foliage blanketing the front thll u s time of cr when my hrsrl loi i out to rit durll en it i a linr utirn rursl or smalltown liune u immenifli superior to that in the roncrrte canyons the abominable apsrt roenti the sad suburb of mrtruoia in the cit dav endi drearily in the fall thrri i thr lonir wrarvliii battle home through traltlr or the draughty cruihed dcixrailinj scramble on public tramportation tka clfy tnan arrives heme fit far nothing but slumping far tha evanlna bafere the television sat and what greets him tha u udy wound up like a steel sewing kacausa she hasn t saan a laul she imewt all day theres hmhlng ta leak at but that slu- pu haute next deer exactly ilka their awn and the kids have ban giving her halt lies stuck with it or ihe whole evening that s why so many city chips have work shops in the basement it s much simpler to so down cellar and whack off a couple of fin gers in the power saw than lis ten to mabel ufa is quite different lor tho smalltown male he is home tram work in minutes he sur veys the ranch says must get those storm windows on one of these days and goes in to the good fall smells of cold drinks and hot food ilia wife saw him at break fsst sfistn st lunch hss had s good nstter with the dsme next door snd hss been out for two hours raking leaves with the kids she docan t need- him instead of drifting off to tho basement the small town msle announces that this is hla bowl ing night or he has to go to a meeting of the conservation and slaughter club snd where s a clean shirt and that s all thero is to it while her city counterpart sajuats in front of tv gnawing her halls and wondering why skha dldtst marry need eld lifths apsul bao thank auctioneer spence for services in toronto oct 20th 1863 a klngslea or n toronto ootano the editor georgetown herald georgetoim oat dear slr ttta ladies of boyal york boad uaitad cburch thfr your readers would be latere- test to knowing that mr all sspejsjc of glen williams dona ted hl time oa stuiedty oe tober loth to eooductiag an auction sale at hittsrit old yw lasv laext g osu ladies were ao and grateful for his help sett feel certain- the- i ion could net lursw great auccese it was him his good humotrr kaot ana in a happy fraane at l and his ability aa aa i delighted the hearts of oeaj yours very truly mrs w u k oanock im txt a rine barrel p aaud or tnow can tms wapon lots a deadly grenade news echoes fum ta pacm mi tu ftiaru lt45 m ims yard to earn a couple of hours at the club where ihcy do the tame thine l over again look lntf for the lost hall with a s iron tho feasibility of traffic lights at tho john and guelph streets corner wont really bo known until after the flrtt snow storm thats when we find out if downhill trjdk can stop for a red licht and vehicles head in a uphill can move when it awltchea green- wed llkeiaseo it rfour way atop with a five tecond delay at least during the winter months jf youre atuck for a hallow een party costuhte wq jiutlteslle clark thou tint of a good otto inspired by tho groat art debate at to ronto city hall wear a pair ot coveralls with old neckties sewn all over them and lip as harold towns lower garden gaarfr vka km a wlj dairy farm flaw tka imalmawt gal celuctt k buft and aul la burn laavat their ii nothing more roman tic than the bark itrrrts of at amall town in thr dark of a fatll vmtnc 1ilci of iravn ipurt orange lamr white amoke ed din nnttibori rail nut iran on rakr vtomrn krrchirfrtj like gyplrs heap the dry lraetl hijh on the tire kids avoid the tub ret of hrdtime dath about the fira like nimble gnomes i or perhaps the whole famil goei to a fowl aupper what inj elty liwnc ran compare to this flnet of rural functions a tlon hi eaiy friendliness not i for him the quiet stroll down a aunny wood road shot gun over arm partridge and woodcock rlitng like clouds of movquilo it i not that he doesn t live nht or doetn t detcrvc these pleasure it 1 jiut that it s physically impouible to set to them rnsij if he wants to crouch in a duck blind at dawn ha hss to drive half the night to get there mayb an a sunday er ball day in tha fall tha city family tucldaa la head out ami ta tame nf that baautlful autumn faltaa ykay w it ahr ttrlv no two hours and with soooo otttar cart thay crawl homa in lata aftarnoon bum par to bumf r tha old man cursing tha kids oattlno hungrier tha moth r growing owllor smalltown people can drive for 15 minutes and hit scenery at least around here that leaves them bresthlesi or they 11 wheel out a few miles to see their relatives on the farm cat a magnificent dinner and sit around watching tv in a state of delicious torpor yup it s tough to live in the city in the fall crisp fall evening a drive to the church hall through a hal loween landscape an appetite like an alligator and that qnl wild whin of turkey and dreu ink that makes your knees buc i ku and the juice flow frea in your cheeks j hut it l on weekends that my pity for the citydweller runneth i over not for him the shooting match on a clear fall saturday with its good humored competi 10 ytajtt aoo f maarly four lojrksvtxj paopu toronto oavville hamlhofl port credit and gaorgalovwn matud the official tnrj of tfw nw building al tit codarvala scjooj fof glrli saturday afternoon aajt ofpha koofcttw ts ft school tupafintatxiant aruf it auitlod ut hor wok by aimtanl tuprnlndanl miss paula arthurs the loaches mr i iva aaaqeiton and houirakaepr mis vmtnm aite son thaj local tervttemen have arrnved ihome from theff poiiirvgs in gamany cfn bud hardman w wj r gtbbans and pie lionel haem re alt on a tnonthi ay work was ttsrtad by j b maclenia and son ltd on iarr new budding which irwin noble a conrocw si it future fvorn ot georgetown dairy it ts belts built at tha torn- of maple av and ho 7 highway 30 vtahi ago g according to final figures releated last week by ralph roil chairman of tha recently comploled ion a i clothing collachon in georgetown district e total of b 15 pounds of used clothing was contibotwd f local citizens and forwarded to th da pot irt to a hundred and mnty ntna cartons were snl irt shipmants ona load being conveyed free of charge 1 snyder s trampcwt mrs s groat and mrs r y peii organized tle packing of earloni aa th week we welcome homa from ovarieei ha wal tar brandford pte tlwimas raynar cpt h w toit pie k w king lac lews humberslone pirn t fox sgt jamas schofeld csm c f davies r glen bntton sgt w j cotlier pte joe no1cmi vac king business directory chiropractor donald av cay dc appointments mads daily call tk 744s1 m mill st caartlwn 1mm0 iak ipotttsmim approximately 100000 ontario hunters sre srsdustes ol tho hunter safety training course georgetown herald pumlahej ky heme newspapers untile geergetown ontario walter c blahn publisher oariuld mecllvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley alleeti ttrsdley krank mullin advertising uanafer urs william gentle clerk tyolst anne cuttle reporter peter jones photographer dave uaitlnjn it votlaon 3 ucclemenu ernest slnko member ol the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario association chiropractor carau w cerbah dc optff vally by aaeewstmant house calls arranced v7tjj ua malh st rlerth o t walkitt in do st ottombthist 11 main st s brampton 45m4m res 516jj hours 0 s m to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 0 s m to 0 p m evenings by appointment cars a westwood oftlarl lane turvayers 116 uountainvlew rd s ybianele 74311 w h carr b f wsirwmd th 7uofl kas tb stl4 dax developments limitkd bulteers ef pine hemes prop walter pscholok trruu er trrmis robt r hamilton opa6nsetlsl 116 uounulnvltw rd s carratal dld for appointment w 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines arruie t klulran douglas v lattam terence r itamn truttgls tasl s3 kill st caorgatowa monuments pollock a campbill designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery k pmonl l75ao 63 water street north 0 a lt optometkist l m brown ro 35 mill st far afittelntnsanti alterta tj7uj frederick a helson surrlster aiwl saluhw 116 uounulnviaw rd s carreul buildup georgetowa ttt 74j6f m e mautderseu qc barrister end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72o4 barragers claanarssltlrt ltunturers tr 7m7 16 uiln s 166 guelph all werk dene oh pramlsas frank mtch licensed auctioneer prompt service p0 bos 413 tr 71864 georgatown murray rumack stem co charttlrid accountants m venge st toronto tel m47s11 ha01d fobert w s 1nsurajjck t heaitor w 164 oimlph s or om mundy auto 773374 3774471 on0 tvati sickler ba surrlstar toluiur autan dr williams bwgj 36 uatn s th 14531 wallac1 thompson 3rd division court clark a cemtntluleaef tr 7343 olorcatowm animal clinic 106 c4elph street dr r b- casklri v xavlrs dvm clinic open 8 t pjn moal vvbd pri sahlrday it aja printing- op distinction a statements letterheads envelopes wedding hwitations georgetown heraldll w mai v

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