Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 4, 1965, p. 1

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v- campaign fever at its peak as election day looms r ttdtnl uettaa am- ia btskm oum ta t jfc thu jmk u th tow all i a ut attempt to dumber of 08791 ouhlo yn in tha most of too touti m ready wd4d v of- u four will t tbir tactta at th polls alooday but minors ladkata then ia atfao a largo pcreaatas af tbe haitop uci- orata which haa ot picked ita am ffifi fp bot do ao ualil the polling booth curtain la drawn oo afooday if the advueo pod u any kind of yard stick this election despite daiou of pabhc apathy may draw the public from their easy chairs 1b larfte nnmbi the adtboco polls opened satur day and cont monday aad the enihuaiaaoi of the voters was evident faom the urge turn out there wcr 10 advjloca polkt in th riding ond id ceorgetowa at 0 guelph st bo in xclae 6m in atuton our in oakvilto and three in barilnftan atr the georgetown polliftg pu over a hu4rd vours cast their ballot in the 1w3 federal election th number taking tdvaiiujt f the ad vance poll wu 52 uxnumy alw marked the start of the au day armed tr vtea vole ukm ahaad of tn euctin to allow ufa tvt ballot itij fut msvumii aallid a round the world kafcry kahlkv hu rvl lnj to the houu of comuoili in june lto3 be wu raautied la parliattkhl in airl lfag u is s atiff iwuur of the oakvllle trfcfsumr um orlal hoipita snd ha wrvrd la ik put in sit eierutivr poti i the utdiral ulf snd took sb active part in s csmpaljd for hotpltal tkpanuon ii haa alto ba artiv in the o lit villa ml maatkv harlmv law chamber of comfccrc aerriag fes director f ot two yoars- feor ln wutod be atteadd achoal thre an4 grsduaud froos the u of t id ll he was with the royal canadian army ml ul corps or ve years eid rcifn3s with rank ol taaior knmad 1u u a tammuber of the oakvllu branch of canadian legion lt iliiuy kfuj family atlnd tbs ivibyttrun churth allah uaiiow f c allsn uauon wu born and odurstsd in toronto after wvtrsl yeara with a nnace rompsny be enlulm in the alxmt u -c- oral f air force wbr he aarwd tnr three yejors 1a ibox he foeukded the arta u- evpn4eet iflnaaee coaapeey of which he is ovftfcreunager he has kcrml as ookviue couari her for three yr and was wted aajr of the bew ton of oakvtlk aflw amblgam with tralmlgar this u bis fceconj urnl u thai onloi he is pt pidet of the oekulle chasabar of coaankerre the oak- villa yacht kquadroa a rhextcr kkcinber of kiwanu 8 cooarv alio coaaeaiaaioal tatobr aad an artive hobr of l johni ulud church muuav icaamwha hj itatnky timmiitf tad immitay kuutloeiam not msjecy tlammutf tmoj htr kuralalkan b a gheeakej ngoser and a groduate of the university of toronto lie has be ao owawt and tittiafy for the pest 11 vurs of a nana art ring hoiintms bow located is uiibatl ue li member of ike aaa6h4uob of ryolesaional tiv gineers is ooterid s mabr of the chamical inaiituu of ca nada caairmasl of the hiiium hannlng board ud htst ra- ideat of the kfillod chamber of coowfm he u ahjve u mil too kbos wvabyierun chnnh as cwrfc of kassioa as wall as tt kuaday nchool beery ttaasnina ax x geser- getown u a toroou stock broker with his fathers cosav peny j timmia co and a coorgelowo area araaef raie- lag hareronj cattk iu is tee greadaoo of the awiay tag bsagaie after whoa tlea kles oouria is named and is runelng as indepeedoet coav aorvative kfr limaalns wei bora la u and lived is to roat for otral years before morl u blj haltoo farm ue was a candidate in the ua fwwal aleehioe aod van fourth kdi that pay manila cu 1iuj htri ky aawn attaol kirlx w mw th ku w wk yi will fuj nwhi yw georgetown herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing wrj b a tj mr md m ru m4 mllai a huii aa imii ci ul j oftw cha4 0i ij lw wy l u uji qmteri olarle ttunuy m 4 14s 460 w y uu cnry t cm pupils stay for lunch yproblem in supervision tba mlranltly hih topail loa 6l u ubool chlldraa hay int at holy crou kbaoi for hwefe u crtatiai a kupcrvliory problem auitunt prudpal c parrott told tk sarat school board umi thursday biht out of id trollmtnt of jult m tva hubdrad uplalaad tea aaauunt principal uira koednd aod elkhly cllbt hay ad or lunch at laa uat touat mr partott huoud tkit aoma ol the euldra utmd tuu by eaij oould to bacobut tbatr paroru work tnlle slifl wuh mi 11 waa op to the partat to uruut tar tba ettlldr to b lmkd aftar ma pouilad but tblt til tba public achool children o houa for lunch ut walihl luyfciuon that chlldratt in grtdta 1 3 and 3 who uv within half a mill of achosl mutt la home and chlldran in cradci abava that who uva within lhra quirttri of a inlla mull o noma will b taveitigatad holy crou stbool will adopt tba tana raport cad ayattm aa tba rubllc school uld irlo hpal tom wtaaiurtc thu will uaan thr rjuur raporu and thraa intartu rporta a motion to kiv kaya for tba school to tha parlth putor and tatchara wbo rouira tbau pau- ad but with dmjad optnloni tha principal will rfcord tba kaya ivan out and bava thau turned at th wid of tha aebool tana uowavar aoma uambara fh tba altuation would tt out of band with too amy keyi arailabla pttdpal yttimaurlc prcta- ad for definite boura for tha janitor which ha felt would do away with a ire it deal of tha need for keys father ofter aiked the board for a schedule of the cym act ivltiea in the church basement to allow tha janitor to know when to clean that area wont change plan lor highway safety island despite an appaal from gaor getewo council to modify plant for a traffic wand at tha maple ave eroulng tba wlthwly de partment haa declined to do so it wll learned monday objections had been made because an eastern exit to tba hlfbwey from armstrong garage would b blocked by tha uuad tn department in a latter explained that tbe plan was designed to stop such an exit u a saiaty aeasure council anlit en a motion to procd wilhle depart aunts plan iuit huott deputy auv hunter and cr young opposed tha plan but a majority while sympathetic to tha garagea problem said coun cil had gone as far as it could and the contract could be de layed no longer north walkout pays off include peel in plans after one week of spectsculsr walkouts and boycotts peace returned to hilton county coun cil last thursday afternoon when motion to include peel county ln tba hamilton went worth helton regional jail ttudy passed unanimously after s thort period of spar ring iteeve george leslie re minded council of their gentle mens agreement from the sat urday night meeting if we cant trust each other to live up a gentlemens agreement we should go out and gel a mi of marblea he rumbled from then on things went on smoothly with all references to a haralltonwentworth helton jell only being deleted tha joraul wording of the notion to biclude peal in tha negotiations read as follows that wa petition th allnliter of reform institutions to ea tabllih meetings between hal- ten peel wentwortb and ha milton to consider a regional jail under the department of reform institutions act the nevy achieved harmony was slightly disrupted when deputy reeve wllllsn hunter of georgetown msde a motion to appoint all tha reeves to be a committee to investigste heltons future regions jsil reeve g gsllsgher took umbrsge et tbe implied slur on deputy reeves ssying if only reeves were fit for committees the whole county system would fsll apart however prank rogers deputy reeve poured oil on the troubled waters by suggesting a much smaller committee of three men reeve gallagher reeve coulter ant reeve carl alartln despite the tact i had made another moll deputy reeve w hunter warm ly applauded this liter idea the three man commltteee was unanimously endorsed sunday parade service for remembrance pay a service of remembrance for hose whb gave their lives in 1 two world wars and the kor- i awn war wlube held sunday ij afternoon at t m a pexade with david bow- gain mm ea marshal wll inarch from the legion hall to rembrance park where aer- wul be conducted by rev elvin johnston legion chap- t jain end other locilejergyntan mayor gibbons wiugwe an 1 opening address he citizens desk hirn pair cam pott twibo day hilton county wlfl hold threeday open deer season next week it was disclosed on monday by county officials it will bethe first- deer season here in almost seven years the deer will be fair gime for hunters on november 8 9 and 10 shotguns only will be allowed and use of dogs in tha bunt will be illegal elizabeth davidson also ontario scholar georgetown district high school ba a second onlsrio scholsr word was received this week by prlncipsl donsld turner that ellisbeth davidson bai been awarded the 400 scholsr ship given to all atudents who receive an 80 average in eight upper school pspara when results were snnouneed originally in august uus dsvld son hsd a percentage of 70 8 the department checked marka for several atudents who hsd missed by only a tew marks and the scholarship resulted keith allen now a student at the university of waterloo alto was an ontario scholarship winner here with his standing of 80 2 mitt dsvldton whose ftther operstes davidsons rhsrmacy on guelph st is planning to be a public school teacher and hu enrolled at lskeshore tesehere college town men to handle garbage collection council votes 53 endorse new subdivision agreement two reading of i by law for i iubdlvstoh agreement far development of the uoore firm on north miln st were pan ed by council lionday the third and anal wading will hr an the agenda at next tueiday s ml lnf council split 53 on tbr pro posal it fcived support from llayor glbboni and cr francii smith llewton and towsrs it was opposed by reeve elliott appoint stan wright new manor assistant a georgetown man stan wright of 74 gutlph st hai been engage by the llalton centennial manor ln milton aa iulitant guperlntrndent the uperlntendenc stanley allen la alio a georgetown man mr wright haa been a gear getown resident for fifteen yean and ia widely known in varioua organlutloni he aerved aa an officer overaeu during world war 2 and for the pat xeveral year has been a canadian nat tonal rallwayi agent he commenced hii dutiea at halton manor monday sor- people collect stamps but not scouts hallowe en blaze razes barn at terra cotta band will play for the hymns and rather otger devent will give a memorial eddreafe residents are aaked to attend this annual token of remem brance toy men who were killed in battle tha ontario fire uarsbaus department la investigating are that levelled i barn on the town line just north of terra cotta int shortly before midnight saturday the raxed barn was owned by wis w bottom lira e cirr and mrs philips ill of toronto we hive every reason to believe that a molotov cocktail or some chemical auhilanee wis used to trigger the are beciute some sections are more deeply burned han others chlngui- couty fire chief martin aaid the chief added that eyery effort is being made to and thoae reaponeible you can rest assured that when we do no sympathy will be extended he commented the barn la about one hundred feel from e house on the property thj barn is tur- rounded by treea miking it simple matter for a person to approach it unnoticed chief martin reported that tha owners were it the house on the weekend when the porch light was shot out the women made check out of the property but could find nothing a few minutes ifter they re turned to the house a nolgh hour from serosa the roid csll- ed them their birn wis in flames i both georgetown and finel- grove are departments anawer- ed the call but there was no thing either brigade could do to aave the building v the loas was estimated at 4000 the bam was practical ly empty and crt ballentine and young tha ninth councillor deputy reeve hunter abttlined from voting at be it tales sgent for he property which is being acquired by town wide in vestments the egreemrnt requires the arm to tupply a majority of services reserve s block of land for purchase by the public school bosrd snd pay 1300 a tot for dwellings snd s73 per suite for multiple dwellings in tleu of induttrlsl snd commrrc isl stseument critics argued that an in duitrial ratio would be prefer able to the ttralght cash pay ment and that brampton recelv ea 1600 compared with the towna 73 for multiple dwell ings but the proponents pointed out that tba property has al ready been approved for sub division under a former develop er and that the new agreement givea tha town a better deaf it was also argued that hidden cost to the town would tie widening of the railway bridge to accommodate increas ed traffle council tosses out system of tendering for collector kstunsled by eata teuncillw te save tba town 4000 year georgetown council decided lionday to replica its system of contracting for garbage pick up with a municipally operated system a new garbage packer is being purchased on letsa ar wngement and tha town is advertising for men to ttsff the vehicle last weak three tenders were received for collection the g w rsmm arm present con tract holder waa lowest with fcts5 per capita on monday public works chairman george hewson com pared tha cost of 3t31 monthly with estimates et 1000 fos wagee tad and for rental ei packer at is 00 per hour you can we that eotmtlax maintenance gas and ell we will allll be well below that we now pay a contractor be said and eur rerotal payments can be applied 88 to porchue the 14100 machine so we can wn our own vehicle ln at months tha ejuettlon of twiceweekly summer eelltetlen wit disease ed cr hevaon laid this east be handled by buying a dump truck which could be manned by atudeut help and cr bal uallne aaid it could be poealbla to use a double shift with one vehicle cr heweoai said the ira from which the purchase la being made says minimum of 740 dally pick upe can be nude more than imple to coyer ceor- gelewaa 3000 calls ln a normal week operating eur own system bat going to be any waroed llayor gibbons who nonethe less expressed his approval ol the plan when there were dif ficulties we would always blame tbe contractor now its us who will he reepoualbl plan semor citizen apartment park area apartments for senior dllsena being planned ly the ktnameat club will be built either on harold st near the hospital or oa a site acrois from the town memorial perk discussing this with council lionday 1 club representative dean taylor asked council to aet n price on the land and re- aone it ln order that building plana ea be drawn up ha was referred to the plan hlng hoard whloh council ea iplilned mutt brit deal with a matting application a look at the weaiher contents of many attics jn paper mountain second oeoroetqwn scowmasva frank bryant tlclcioif ereiei covered by the wwll ermy of seotii end roveti during a townwide newspaper collection saturday in the beckafound is e fraction of the mountain of paper yielded by georgetown attics basement end garages in the drive the paper collection is the first of a lories to rilse money for a trip- to epo 67 lew 91 is it s 39- oct hkjh xt wed so ts thitrt s3 turrl 41 30 sat u 31 sun 8 nov 1 mon i 41 30 3 tuen u wl it oct rtcbpttetiorr rein 1 aooft high for thi month 18 i low it lc- v rw j rw

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