Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 4, 1965, p. 4

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ip wn ihrw 22 mala w cllllfjila i ontario w ci page 4 irtutasoay novbmbh 4th 1965 editorial comment make it a good parade jim jonas who l in charge of ihls ra santa claus parade for tha uona is in his seasonal siela of flttere ee i irh coma close and ina parada taf u hill incomplete the uons heva baeri advertising for a stotjpea of wea lor oroanxaiions inrjuetrlee tcrtorju and church so antar loan in ma ejsearfa ha has had wn luck but not at much 1 ha had hopad for and mil week ha hat asked us to appeal for fast action the caorgatown parada hat coma id ba known at ona ol rhe bait in ml part of ontario and it u always a highlight lor local people it it not tha easiest obln aha world to creela an attractive float but ll i a rewarding ona end a hri public aarvlca on the part of those who take ma trouble the santa parada hat slesdjy griwn fine gifts to hospital thn rocortt gift to gm04own hoi phi ku grtaatly actcud to ill laoliltai lrt wacti caw an induilry ha bmn fafktuihtd lor th inancifcl aiit which hoi oivn hoaplul bolter frquipmnt 7h lrtdojfi4 hav rnicd tht orna n hoipdlal u built if dot no exit fofovar without avutant chartqoi and addition it original campaign which trd th town rotm its dpendrvc on bamptort and guelph for loch urvic ccompliihd only wm xiaqt a hotpital is t th molt only hujpporlinn tnd it mutt count on indiv iduals organizations and induitl for it pttqreti beyond th bar rvc6iitis growing and growing th high school old timr of d- ood qo still imuid vvvi- thy loo tho lowni rnaulv high txhool and eontpar u with th old building thy ahortdod as mvcrantry as th garry 50t now thay or do for arvthr ahoclt a work bagiru on an addition whldh wih booit th schools ttucunt capacity to ovr 1400 in a coupl of yoart now with this on th drawing board w can look arvsad oain and for tk iay whan gorglown may hav no only on urg high school but two th nw addition will compl dvlopmnt pro grani begun when th town started to grow vapidly in th poatwar yaari w hv laan on addition then th old structure ri6d end replaced by bohar during in mora than 30 yr hiatory ori- ginty uii ti 0us ajrivirtg on auigh kt h ammmnrty baon aogmftntvd nd lnv pravod wms bonda flota nd indivkdoat in coatum bringing popu by lb kunr dnmaw to un tka jhlgbway mnd th oomnw cul aram o look th aofurui fkir4 hw bn kpt distrtbotion or bag of cndy to vry yxogtr and th lucky draw which uip io mry hw u i till on which tntwt i xymnmioim r from th pobjic so if youve bn dawdling you t po lion jwn end hi cohort out of th mury if you phone him today end wll him you will be entering flot h hi punly of oriw orgenixatlon work to do to put the whole hhow togthr end h is that mixh eaeur if he know eerly wkl h hi to work wirh th hotpitat board does not look only for major gifts much as that r appecie- td of court it is uit at receptive to my contribution no matfar how imh be it group of children with tlvair pennias flam ed a cih gift or payttent for specific aid th kinettet for example raited mon ey and don led it for putting wnintjt on th hospital nurtery ther er many othar things which tli hospital needs if you are intretled contact the board of directors and they witj soon edvite you of the need and you can tailor h to your budget facilities and then urg eddirton of voca tional and technical wing w have seen on gymneikm then second a cafeteria everything one could wish for in top fee- iutie now we will have even more class room e third gym drafting room end lab to make on of the finest and most modern second ry school in the province a far cry from that one old building long on mmoie but short on modern conven ience if young person doesnt stay in school todey to continue at fer e his abil ities allow he it foolich for all thjt ii plan ned so that ech young resident can entr th bo iinet world equipped to do hi best in e highly competitive society news desk extras by tarry haruy tnal mon maomrraat i u wvi tltyr ratfaroad u ulnar af talc af th uram ma tmafiualajt alxu aa a uiid af ov1m ia nutun ralatlaa p bctwaaa arai faraaari and aaafani utd u uu thaory li la aay teay amtirau thara u aoua aablk rcuuoai work ta b daaa by iw taa and rlba lotan tba ula of no tr4p4ldf aixni u up and trhlla tnull aau kiinum ara not aiwtyt tka ujfet for u curt uttutt af ihi muatry raparty wflr liresaaiulu hunlrrl ara frua uy u uijar factor in ciuiluf ba baatiaji ef uu tlkai ona bu only la walk dows tmraahla road to ma avuaooi which cautot ball but produu avcjadlca agahut a aportaoua tntfe titoi railroad klgiu fahllc utility and bo trtapua- tam ltm and null boxei ra bullet kcamd tha uaiortu ta part 1 that tha tnta hunt- imt poritiiuui thouth ha hid ao hand id it li tplaihed with aina oflha uafavourabla lrn wrasslon created by the ubm- aja handiwork a tha bullat and pallet dm age hi the work of a minority individual and it htlrfj uoit tnatan in tan fapedally at a time when the ana in which the availgame man may hunt k irowlnf amauer and amaller then axe however way in arhkh the honeat aportaman vm protect the dwlndlln area i may hunt ha i to out of hla way to keek i to hunt on the farm land uny buntera allow in on poetad land prer- j they know who the hunter tand that ba la a naponalhla i ha thould pau oa to other younjfef hunun the value of good ralauoru with land owner and urge them to aim for a hatter taputatlon than that which hu been pfaienled by huatara bafora tbalr time whan a iportimau aeaa aomaona poacung or eautlntf dauat he ahould try to raaaon with tha offandar tf that u blm bowhar the bant ttep la to contact tha law siie remembrance day november 11 sugar x and spice by bill smiley that college education a a worthwhile job u btlnt done by the hunter trilnlni eourte at tha georffetown and anfuri and hunter quartan where applicant for a tun lieeiue have to prove their imowledfe ef un aafety ttili ontario department of landi and rreh eourae alio injects an amount of reipoiulbillty and raipact for property into the trainee aomethlnf of which aoma untaitad ucenae holderi could uia a healthy doae illidal loads a loaded nrearm la a vehicle fa the eeuae of many ihoounif aeeldanu and the reaun for many conviction under 1ja game and hih act news echoes preen tha twm wf riwj haeau 1m and 145 10yiamaoo tarr a corte had moral tfian in thara of xcllamenl on halloween whan three young mart from georgetown created a dliturbanca which landador of thai party in brampton al for tha night polk were called by irate maldanh whan tha parry carried their prankt too fer and torn down a fence and ripped off a gala on the prop arty of an elderly reildent ona of tha young man it alleged to hevaauaurted a terra coha rotldant a 1000 robbery at woodi sarvico station lait night wai tha aacond major robbery in town in two weokl lait weak thlavei ook 5000 worth of watches in a brsakln in barbara gift shop entranca to tha now tarvlca ttatlon wai mada by breaking tha glati in tha froht door maor iota wet a 400 tat of tooli 30 yiaks aotv among the important llama on tha agenda at the nov ember meeting of eaquailng council wat tha purchase of snow plowing equipment a currle brown motion was passed calling for purchase of 1260 in machlrv ory consisting of a caterpillar tractor snow plow and bulldoier this week we welcome home wn overseas csm fred tost gnr norman barker sgt gebrga chapmen ha caorge taasdala flt gordori mcdonald v- its not until you crt s ion or daughter off to rollrgr that you uara what e sunptr un aophutlcatad reactionary rur- rowanliklad old fashioned pea sant you raally are ua or aha will wske it l 6ilta clear to you en thst first waakaod home from tha hsllow- ad twill of learnlnf alry fall the mead pressure ol ii iihul 1tkr sbyrackats h tawaw hearts af kenue af uvtaa toemur skahar whan the f ttoaaal uuvij hmj arljiij those ii yaars to with a ks af dirty amj a ewatlah aa weve had quite a fall of ii in our neighbourhood with a slah of relief we shipped our tawk of a boy off to one univer sity and amid floods or tears tha people neat door sent their turllnf daughter to snother both ware home lsst week and and both sets of parent apaat tha entire visit alternating with fury at the kids and shame at their own ignorance shares no question shout it a college education is a wonder ful thing in matter of three of four weeks smslltown kids who barely staggered through high school snd barely knew enough to change their socks or blow their noses are transfor med into pipesmoking plsyboyi or dashing desirsbte womrn of the world imagine whsl s whola year will do the bays nonchalantly tan m qlr aff a rawark er twe about beerf ilr brtlae tha alrts 1111 up a fag rvaht there while fathers frawn dsaahs and warhars law falls wmar and wider tha bays withi solid basil of three weeks lectures in pol itical science curtly enlighten their dada on the asinine poli tical idesi ike latter have che rished for 20 yesrs the glrli iscure in their three weeks of piyehology put their mothen into ahock lth eaaual oommenta oh the neees- tlty of a full sex life before uarrtaae moth nraln kindly to the old folki not only thst alls wrong in tha world but also thst god la no longer in ills heaven in foot ha isnt anywhereifes juat a anthropomorphic pro jection of the need for a father ame r ujath paint aut that the capi talistic system is nrlytraruajnto a beuretto pursuit af the mat erialistic that the dollar is as- tentlally an evil thlrta and bath packet without ceittment the aatra ten busks yeu slip them an departure our kid has discovered a new syitom in which you can get aloof on lour hours sleep at night this it done by sleeping all day which ha did on the weekend h allured us that he bad worked on a rigid work schedule which begins st 7 am dally but a few minutes later he let it slip out that he scarce ly ever ale breakfast at the dining ball because he slept in the girt next door nearly finlihed off her father he gave her s blink cheque the dope to piy her first uiws is and residence dues booing he could serine up the secondterm when it irrivnl with admirable ssng froid she filled in the cheque for the whole years feet neit day he received s csll from hit hanker ite hsd to sell hit list bondt to meet the over- drslt young lugh it letting his hsir grow long hss tsken s lead role in the callage revue plays flamenco records at ear-iplil- ting volume snd is just fa ling to get in on a sit in or a lie- down or some other form of ci vic disturbance so hs csn be srretted the alrl nest deer is dltaua tad thst bar wether cant read chsucer in the arllnal sad be lieves the elery ebeut aden aad ive her w wee waealaa when tha toft with rae oh well i guess its all worth it our grocery bill has dropped by 12 a week since hugh left and well hsve tha last laugh next spring when exams start bible thought kmthejveek h bei hj aaar skall ee out af the udi then- fare i c thee saylnel thaw akah set thue wide wtta thy toarkar to the rear sad te thy naady u thy id tmutwy ij1i the poor hsve s apedsl place la the hesrt of god be good to thaml in thi mail a6 scores dignity lack in federal town politics is liswson crescent m october ims the editor georgetown herald the latest issue of uacleans usgailne in its edltorisl con tains some very pertinent com ments on the three year ltader- al parliament which comes to an end on november 8th the present parliament it observes hu been polluted with h sired the stmosphere of morbid hos tility personal abuse and vul gar bad manners hu been more than depressing it was humiliating we felt uhsmed thst such antics were observed by so many visitors these commenla may ba apt ly applied to the radaral gov eminent they may also be aptly applied to the municipal council of the town of george town the affaire of council over the past year have been conducted in an atmosphere of animosity and personal abuse the like of which i have never seen before either during uy time as councillor or since it li high time that all those who sit in the council chamber realised that tha democratic process is activated by a maj ority vote and that dictator ship tantrums by the senior of ficial or a walkout publicity gimmick at county council can only frustrate thla process let us hope that the forth coming elections federal and municipals will eee the reator- allon of tha dignity of office mature judgement and common eeashitutead of the chlldiah nonsense we hare suffered in the recent put yours sincerely k l cass no education jail recqri detriment to job hunting the ftrat la the fall series of tooth roraaas took place 14 the legton ball sunday esnraiag with tka bev a x- wright pro testant twpliia ontario fanutosy goelpn the speaker mr wright cpaee of at caw things that uad a boy la the atoiarmaiory and tbaa seek large collie mmtau he tam ymx mieve dog iubid ltodr face rthrn lw w- vitlv rmrj u spfcod hmm t u tlm wtolat of lead feariiy iitltotioav h told of ttmi lack o privacy ok prioo arbtlm odjcmfury iimeaitdv tiooe and tltff ciomly atapcrvitott n4rtloa hmny hojt vmv to b utldjllt tum to raft beaowum ukary haxj avrvarf rerktwd btrfor ttnd xbm priviiit ol uroing a ttawiaj tlau to b tautbl ttm tpetkrf bvtrai thit k uryw jrrnlitat of ttaa ioliuuft ir bccwool dropouu trvm wu 10 tuml uodei awinat u lofay eu puldf tav u u bjwrd mxmlgh tor a boy or a girl witb hulrli m rt pu etaluod la tt a xd ob bf il hinj urtrt uiaia w ulicb baudcr it u foat fcemda will gmmx adliftiiiu aad ii rriuinau record to tart job o my kiiid m of lb bod youx lo 71m aexl fonua will w i day liowmbcr 14jk irtes 1 uattoo umhk uail vffl j um prpctmai sex aad tw 1 a larta cotta helirm to wea wumming fritm tatlaai vas aichttad aaear terra oatto frieqr hot iac theq najiwalj aad waiu ohdalu ha ftec aaam a trafco of um asiamal uaka county itoaiu lait atijcd auaroritka iahdati cbiaxuacoosy holko datriama of tm lugtf couw wrbaci ra bedtni toid uw vilitf aaa itpottfht itw oouiio ef6liialory mru pfmu wltfbt faftiiitieml jrhp vy fcr iw u a dtrawct i- fcult of fclarobol tilutr tjf pmolt wr dfltaklnx lao tuufb of tba bay i uaataaaaclvr and lit baiaxly frvry eawi i ferl tbit the lfwk of rraul fir and cuid tumwi la lb uahd reuab why lb boyi wrist wrotijc tkry wr not sumrirfltly wade lar of tin dahfri which etbti front thim cvrry day the ifmivrr advlistd rirli to ba vfry careful about tr-rpt- tng a rar rid with a boy lf it la bot hia car or tf h dorant bava tlw ownara jrmiijoa to drlva tt aad bmomra involved whh 10 lic he will hi ebargad with rar tbaft and you frill ba cbartjryd 61 an arcouifv- llrt ur wright anawrrrd a ttw rpoh ladiuud th log u labowiii vamptotal at kubicti ttw aimj appaarod w ba iutf avta peiftiaj pstljd tbat dtg di0paajd uu tlm uii and to ualtofd unit too4 a wajbibj for kwdeau of uw tvrra coum kxa to b oa tbn lookotit fw ttw dog aefj rcporl ceoryelown herald whw c hwim nunibrr of qurtliona frow ibi audlca and tbaaa ittdlralrdi a ral lotkit on tba jrt ef taoaa preacbt 1 bava paiotrd a pretty dim pwlur ba taudj la tloainf and i aaal to i cuhuu iffutaulwray produruoa supartauoesfuf nvw editor ahooalaat torry llaruy aluaa elxtwy vra4lk mulllfl advahuiiia id un w ilium gixi ctcrk tybut aiaua curd fuptmut pfflfer jonaa hbtloxrapbftr lfrlia clark dava luatiaja il gtlaaai j wtcuouou knt sloko uitahtr of tba caaadifci waaajy hmwipipmrt aaaocutiot aod tba oataiia aiawvlillflrt business directory chir0praq0r domalb a 0ay dc appolntmebts nude dally call tat 74441 m mill ii cearelam chir0praq0r gerald w carham dc oaaa dally by a house ealla arranged trruil 1ia mala ti north o t walk slat ko doic oatomitltlst ii ualn sl s brampton u1m74 res 4j142u hours t s m to a pm tuesdsy lossturdsy widsy s su to 9 p la evenings by appointment cakr watrwooo ttotarto l awyere 118 uounutbvlew bd a yttokaie atl w r carr b p westwaad nt yjtod staa r mlea bju deveioraorts limitid fsulldere af fine tawaaa prop walter pachelok frltuu ar trrmis monuments mlltvck s camtakll designs on bequest inspect our work la creeawoed cauetery rmohl alifs ti water street north salt robl r hamilton o lie ifeukulnvtew rd s carretsl bldg ror appointment n- 8773971 dale bennett latimer bainel aurrulars a iallcltan douglas v lattloa krenckr unb rttlangle tj1 u1u sf caorgatoas optomrriisy l m brown r 35 mill sr lur anealntthants phane intssji barragers claanarafmri laundarert til 7vf ii main s ids guelph alt work dana en promisee mnk hitch lkxnsko aucti0nekb prompt service po box 41s til vxsoi georgetown the heralrj likes news your vltllors woddinos club meeting vocation trips all help to make a live weakly papar phohei 571m1 no tharea for news maioufobert w- ssl iwuffancff uaitor fire r4 oimlph r oeo mundy auro axrwt u7t447i eorqa frefjerick a helion karrmar ohd ullchw 118 uounulnvlaw rd carreul building ceorgetowa y 6 m e miuifjeriwb qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st gasroetown tr 7jaa4 tvan sitkler bfv karrtslar talldfar haiaiv dr williams bldg m ualn s- tb 7uui wallaci thompson 3rd drvlalen caurt clark a caaamlulanar y871m1 eloaioarrowm animal clinic 104 gaalph sxrlt tv tl oaaklm v zavlht pvm cunjj open b g pja mohl wlix pftl sahwday 11 ajl printing of distinction stateafents lkttebbkads knvexqpbs wtsddino invstatipns georgetown herali a

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