Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 11, 1965, p. 11

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rif school trustees will seek to renew term y towns growing fains mean more school board planning hamy shoatui stan ixay half o cofftowa eight i worth school nmbue sord bwir public acttool hoard uiider tbe aysiea achuj to ail stand far raoeaineiioa etlpubuc school board edtninu- w gaofgetirwd municipal baa trelixtg scamus la romnsueiu t ta hord wruxu i of wo 10boo population tern ei four eight dig board come due each year the umi are ft t0 year- au four bmolic school inute wboee terse eat at the end of this owim wilson w merry twriill man i uy gudni mgurdaujx kdln wiuofl have udltated they will seek rurtlua lions prepare for santas 34th annual trip parade oat december uth the wtblgliceb united aftd roman lslho- eaauel lion club haute cuuji t buret building tbe boat hlmi will again wad u way ckrofa the street of lrgw th u nx tt jjo sow drllghling young aiid old 6a lime lut u ii wii lsit as they go i yf t auou uon jit joti and end with santa giving out at ik moment wh ftuti i uw of wftdy l yw lwg ere mwtd but it ll bopd ihoubd bags wr distribute by snore will appear in lit aerst week tur two the tbm of the float run from nursery rbymea to tv characters w anything wlllt a cajislms appeal the uoiu ctb are trying to lnterst group with origins in other lattda to illustrate thrilmaa u their home land foe the ftrt ubu it li hoped to interest junior rertner and h troupe to iubailt mixta alt cheer wader ere uo ved t eam aod brtgbtfn up the parmi had laiplw tb bands- md ttf trtr cttort there in tfour band booked utd two kore expected the urutung bajokue will alo be ihere mad ftf tour auorted elowos tu ulauteru aiioeiitioa will eater religiou float in kaeplbk with the aeaxon with yoi krmip from the an al rdiuhly a coat of uc aach wfcere doe the uoney tnie from tbe ijohi tlub bave lrn rattiai th doll dreamd ld ua dollar bllu plu luaya ebwkcbj ad tmis to balp iy ikc parade tb lioa club are bdp4 by the bualaaaa tutnuuity wui retail and ibdofttrlal la to0rauv advrruuag vartture lo keep lb pklia alive uwt ta uauy iutb ujur town oaiita 1am parade have dird bf lka uaual duaaae apathy businesswomen at vmeland conference discuss aims eight uttuuri of the llutj bau and profaatlonal women i club attended a regional con twtxct of rwglon 3 4 and 11 at frudhomue vmeland oa october 30th and 31- tbl wu the flrtt meetlrf of thi kind for three regioni and if it la found to have beeo up to eipettattoiu it will re plat the individual fneetinii the saturday aftenooa s aloaa wre individual meetlnc of the region where their an null reports ware given and diaeuiaed a work ahop follow mr mrs barry shepherd honeymoon at lake placid x immcyindoa trip to lb thouaand ulands and lakt pufld followed the marriage mm october 1 of lnu gill aad barry thaaj shepherd auv john ucuullda olaclated at th eftrahwmy la st caorgaa ajatuan church which waa decorated with breni d llow wuftu- caorga dekleer ww orgahlit tha bride who waj given in burrujr by her father la tba doable rlug ceremony wore a wejddbu ajowa of floor length whju organi and french lace 1 hr gowo had a acooped nck ua illy point aleeve and a lottl train of french lace sha wore a eryatal tiara and abould- mf uagtb vail and carried i wblu prayer book with orango dallghl roaaa and ivy there vera ave attendant his judy cough toronto waa maid f honour lira vera shepherd tb gwwroi alater in law alra valarla hatkarvllle fort erie lh bride eoualn aad uua puy coatley ware bridaatnaldi and uua janet shepherd niece of lh groom wu flower girl senior attend aau wore floor length turquolaa fowoa with empire waliu of chiffon over taffeta chiffon train and wedding ring head- klecs the flower girl wore whlu ehlffon over taffeta with turoolae trim they carried booqueu of bronxa and yellow the groom brother dennis shepherd was groomsman and ushers were tony crimes gcor ge ucneil and the bride s brother trrry gill another brother wayne gui was ring bearer at a reception in the parish hall mothers of bride and groom received vtrt gill wore a royal blue wonted 2 piece ault and lira shepherd a 2 piece jade green suit with black and whit accessories each had a corsage of white tarnations later there was a party at the odd fellowa hall there were guest from en gland ur and lira s ball and uua sheila ball from pltuburg pa ur and ura j g gill and daughter and from oakvllle toronto bramp ton scarborough and fort erie for her honeymoon trip the bride ehoaa a 3 piece white boucla suit black aceeaaorles and a corsage of red rosea ur and ura shepherd are living at rr 2 norval ha la the aon of ur and ura herbert shepherd 10 gairey drive and ta employed with domtar packaging etoblooke the bride la the daughter of ur and ura arnold gill kr 2 norval and la- employed with dellaviuand aircraft ad bd on a quelioaalre to volvlng current questions per teining to club aim and objrc live aftdpollrlc after the rtcrplioa and in formal dinner each of ihr 23 elube presented a one minute talk on their partlruur rlub problad these fell into four eategorirs irsdenhtp mem berth lp aims and objectives and communications the three regional advuer and uiu jane follet vice president of the ontario clubs each answered one of the categories sunday eaornlng was spent in discussion group and work shop and was followed by a luncheon where uisi joan wil son of guelpb president of the ontario club waa the guest apeaker those attending from town were ura uaureea walker ura ada wilkinson ulsa jean uaekentle ura lorn san ford ura elizabeth buck ura clarice king uiaa hilda krwln and ura aueeu bradley anglican misionres travel coast to coast tb- woman auilllry sad julof auxiliary of m cj s abgucait church had th bbaour i a vlut by tteti ft the cburch s ba4ovd miaaioosrua at a frcnt knatlug wbo rev jubn ucuulkia introduced ulues eva lusell uut and hit sau uui hasell is the founder and botuittry ogaiiixcr of volutcer sunday befool caxa vans in canada and ha been doing this work since lf0 with the kelp of ults layut and young women froto england usa and canada oraumrs foreign sludenu they travel to all part of canada holding bible vacation schools bunday ac boots bible lesson in public achoals out of hours church services visiting homes and sunday bchool by losl inembars during the winter the two taissloaarirs lecture in hngland the usa and canada to raise money and find trachers drlv era and skilled helpers to carry on valuable work in spreading christ s kingdom to her audience at si geor ge i uus hasell gate an in le railing and inspired talk and with the help o ukss bales showed slides of some of the places vistlwi and the work being done there were pictures of impassible roads in which they bog down in sticky mud the vans trarllrd 73 000 miles last year uri sam walker w a pre si dent thanked the lsdies on behslf of the w a and this was repeated by uls carol arthurs junior wa president whenever gaorgsrtowms growth takes a sudden spurt dobody feel that growing pains nor than men responsible tor public school facilities- at waring wodawacuy public school board member briefly i two project which could booocne lb reason for a lot of extra tune at the board tabs in mfrtthj to com the prod iag development of the hloor ami on uain st x cava he of tajo ipaueat lo the public school population ncture and as apartment build- sag propoaad comba fart public bchool territory whila of touch emailer iafloanc rould las the trhtrg spaoa there trusie fait they totiid take a aiseabu increase la park school enrolment la their lrid ainr that building ten ailll abaorb approalmalrly oo puplu bod u daalgnad fot additioea ciaaaoooia if wi rvouuvd hut the kibore farm devalop mnt and it fleet oti chapl bict public school enrolment 1 a topic of inia concert to the irusla working drawings of george uwti sistb public ubo4l were patar aawwiv rrtfj- weather balloon terra cotta resident john eves was watching an odd bat loon in the sky wednesday mor king when it descended and eaca to rest in the brickyard the large balloon had a flash lng light and on investigation proved to belong to the u s weather department he reported it to ualton wea ther bureau which sent some one to pick it up later that day mjummmtmamhmmad hornby twlvt mebn of lh evening unll or the hornby ucw rati on uondiy nlcbt t lloyi luiliunnt in stretu vhu whir lhy fnjoyed cklnru dlnnr ollowlnf tlify nturntd tn lh home of vln htul colon for their builntu un ilrt lurbtrl snow welcomed the lidlee end the new olnceri for 1b67 were elected uri lluel reld pre ident urt olive wellice ue- retery uri ullllr cril treii urer a committee to form the programj for the comlns yeir wu chosen and witl include uri ilcrtln greiton end uri john wellicr hokvax norval w i sees block printing display korvsl woman s institute noyvd a visit to the home of urs lloey hr 2 acton on thursdsy afuraoon novmbr 4uj they wrr shown bow the block printing is don on lb teiule and bow draperies are made they wre also shown rug made from sheep skin and other woollen items following the tour they re turned lo tb bom of ura graydon chester where ur joe murray and uls prairie uag uire assisted in serving lunch and a soclsl time ws enjoyed on wednesday november 3rd several number of lh norval women a institute attended the w i- lucky luncheon held at milton the luncheon served was all made from instant foods attending were ura don uur ray urs g chester urs f ilurk uls prairie uagulre urs w graham and urs h smelhe the property of the iste rill caves ha been sold and the purchaser has started to build a bouse ur and ura k hutsoa and family have sold their home and moved to dunnville where ur hutson has a job ae meat inspector ur and ura trollop of brampton purchased the property and have moved in this is the former caseley bom mrs t uartindale of sove reign sask visited tor several days with her niece ura wes ley louth and family urs uartindale sister ura d tlank of dundaa and ur and urs bob bird and two daugh tera from near hamilton visited with the louth family and ura uartindale after visiting her relative here urs louth drove her aunt to owen sound where she visited with her brother before returning home to saak approved by the board at the wedimwriey anonting and on approval by the oapariment of kjjmlmi and other authorities ill advertise for usmien at th meeting data only the ontario fire marshall ooca had okryd but with aia rgtj none oi which will ajler the basic structur at the teaiiest bf the prin cipau aaaeciatiod the school board will have signs prated and posted near the eati of each eehool eskinj vultors to report lo the principal a oface beloce going about wbalr wm they have inside the building how aid wrlgjtu worth public school pruoipal wulum kin red repceseming the principal at the to tin said there hav beetl ocraskinj when peienu bringing- books or other school llama which their children had left at home had entered the school and gone directly to their thlld a deak in a tleae- room with ibrm he said in some caac a parent waj ofl hi or her way out before the uacb- r sved rasllxed tbt had been a vialtor uf einrade said the principal feallsa the unannounced viailota try to slip in end out tjuutly bauae thy feel thl wsy they doat bother the fctatf hut bever- theuu the principal should have the knowledge of any such visitor ta the nature of their visit beer in boat charge hornby man is fined a 43 year old hornby man was fined 1135 including ctilt by magistrate james hlark wednesday for having liquor in a boat a charge of impaired drlv ing la the operating of a motor vessel wss withdrawn by the rrown when the man pleaded guilty lo the lesser chsrge a police constable told the court that tf pints of beer were found on the is foot boat june 30 after it wu stopped on lake ontario two miles from the oakville shore it s an offense to have liquor in a boat not being used bona fid a a private dwelling liana atatad hat harmbr eaars craft aa bmtssaptacl j oaav villa to wajat which eel by fagdatrvte uacfc gear the part it played a member of the towakf crew told the court h aaw the accuseds boat leave harbour weaving at a high rate of apeecl it high rate tight circles at the accused had three ulllo mods u passenger la the boat with hissu the police con stable said he had a brie aruoe wuh the no- th wsm4ttowm paeom u casend vhesa has aaaaxm ssot i af the boat aaalui be said prodoced bet dldars saaed to wee them becaoee tt- accbaao caaaad dowal voder urn twrrtlory dktloa al th bomdarea halloa conaty an lata lmkm ontarto to ta i etinaal booadary walck aboat las aailas raaa tike i aaid ftaaay lianaiu ooat oaknlla olaekm jarladktkaii ecr a aectiaaa at la lake thursday night special at v ilvers boys flannellined corduroy slims aasctine waihsbje corduroy ttims made wtrd con it vent si waitt and beiom pocket sizes 6 to 12 thushoay 4 wm oniy 199 ready made drapes fine value at garners on choice quality drapes drapes which have selected bkn shected for sunfastness decorative weave and durable fabric priced less than aaaterial cost alone solid colour dcld green jeige pinch pleated complete with hooks ready to hang well finished seams and hems t width pair 90 long urns 1 wldlh pair 90 long 3895 3wldrti pair 90 ln 5595 44 v53 1 in homi smvici if dalrl just call us t j t jacksons for clothes and gifts for the whole family watches camtcas ttansktok kabios sinoculau mens boys eikls and womem ctottws ysu ut mom for ymw moy at jackson s 28 main street n bargain centre 8774881 a sincere w thank you all the staff join with me in expressing sincere thanks to the hundreds of friends and custom ers whovlsiteo us last week during our grand opening celebration your presence and interest were very much n appreciated fred maveal staff ix ml oualph st i no t highway motor sales t74969 or t774e0 fefot 2 1 s a

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