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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 11, 1965, p. 4

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22 mtln sfte 8 o ontario wci y pa0c4 thubday november lit 1965 editorial comment changes in grade 13 a greow 13 tudantl nnn work will priwy 4 qnuter pert in determining hit fwl avapertrnantel tltndlng in 1964 najit year 33 pertanl of the greoe i 3 rnel etencilrig wlh b beaad on m hkiwi tnerlc and 63 percenr on the ertamirietlon rrlrian in jon saverel coorae have alto been eriel- gemated into on final lupartnlnt1 exern engllth franch and biology for eximpi and year later o mhomali pepert will replace th preterit tlira the ckenget will be welcomed by llo- rjentt who kv heard how difficult the orede 13 courte it lo mailer in w yatr many who go on to unlvetlty hav found that rhalr final high achool year m cua toughar than any on unlvartlry year ontario i nw lytlerfl ll almad at sit ing ih praltur of final extrrtl whlth to date hv ftvourad th photographic mam- ory to tn dalrtmanl of the whoi eblli- lie ar no ia pronouncodjn rhla way henceforth a student who providing h hat the brain power can abaons high docation mill no b penalized to heavily because he canrtot retain in hit mind enough dataiud materiel to metier ihoa alumponant final exemt it it change with which wi agree retention of battc informelleri it im portant in any job ltetenlort of datallad information in many it not what countt it that a parton know in genarel hit court ol iludy and know where to find malarial readily whan it it haadad w do not mean by thit that mamory work thoold be complataly droppad of court mamoizlng battta dalat in hltlory for example it maant of training the mind but rattmlng that actual dttal for a long panod it to ut of littla importance til vllue of hatory ll to know in whit ara an important matiar took place now municipal function a changa from private contracting to munlclpallyoperaled garbage collection system will take place thorlly in george town th lda hit bn propondad on many paaf occasion by a councillor though thli b ttt flrtt 11m it hat found tupport of council mtority w htva no partlcultr bin either for or- agalnlt th tyilem if at tome council- tort have ttld a lubittntial taving can b mada rem th tax traatury than it will hava that advantage on th othar hand it it poatlbla that a town cannot htndl thit type of builnett with quit th afflcancy of a prlval firm which mtkee it a tpaclalty th garbage departrnant hat alwayt taamad to b a whipping boy for public beef ut on garbage can b dmted and chancat ar a ratepayer it on th phon raking a futt and chancat ara loo that th matiar will b reviewed at a council m and gat a dltapproprlal amount of attention than much waighliar prob lem council li brav in taking on thit ad- dad burdan for at th mayor hat laid it wont all ba aaty up to now council hat alwayt had an aaty out and th contractor hat been bltmad rightly or wrongly for any troubl ral or fancied whan a rtla- payr complaint councillori and tha town workt da partmant now will ut tquaraly in th mid- dla and if lit garbag givat problamt 1har will ba no convanlant thoutdar to pan it on lo on thing vcan tiy in our datlmgt through tha yatri at a houuholdar and a butinaitman w hava racaivad axcallant tarvlc from avary contractor thair amplo- yaat htva ban courtaoui and halpful if aacb houtaholdar in turn would do hit part and a bid by tha regulation ui pro- par conlalnart wrap rluia pfoparly put contalnaa out on tima and lak in ampty contalnart promptly thar will ba no trou ble b tha tyitam private or public more elections coming with th fedaral electioni now a mat iar of hltlory oeorgatown it preparing of what in torn weyt it a much more inleraating election day december 6th it tha data for tha nuaf municipal election which will b pleaded by a nomination meeting on nov- amfw 23rd it it natural that in a town thli tire pceu can gat more readily involved in muntcspal politict th candidatat live among ut w lenow them much mora intimately man who have already tarved on council have talked mora titled their view on a bigger varlaly of tubecft been quoted in privala and public to e greater degree than any federal politician other than the top ech elon our georgetown quattioni and prob lem are much more ditcemible to tha av erage voter they deal with thing we tee very day waterworki ttorm tawert tubdivitioni road i parkt thar it an axcitement in tha decern bar air when the day rollt around that fed ertl politician would give their aye teeth to tee duplicated a town nomination meeting can draw a bigger attendance than any one federal politician or even a meet the candidal night whan all aipirantt are on th platform w do not mean to lay of coune that national politic ar unimportant or that people here ignore tham it t utl that there li a local touch which cannot be equalled on too large e let la news echoes hart th page ef th herald ims d mi 10 years ado i at council meeting monday night the firm of petrofina ltd wat granted a building permit to erect a tervlce nation on mountalnvlew road at no 7 hwy paned a bylaw calling for a quettion vote regarding bringing natural gat to georgetown to be put before the volert at tha municipal election the volert wih alto be atksd if thay favour an annual 1500 grant for tupport and aid of the citizenv band over 2000 people attended the official reopening of georgetown arena wedneidey when the board of parkt management held open houte both adultt and children were there in large numbert to vrew the many improvemenlt whicd have been mad in the building while there they coniumed 1683 glettet of pop and 758 boxet of popcorn and it wat all for free 9 a crackdown on tpeed w a new timing device purchated by the mown hat hectretolttt since the new policy of ittulng tummont wat inaugura ted torn 200 people have parted with cath for their v infraction of the bylaw the tyttem went into effect in augutf m ytaw aoo k thli week we welcome home from overteat lac wflf lederman ls ron mendham li stwd ralph whftmee ltcpl clifford devlton tpr kay harley gnr brocks harley wi winner of en amateur conloit at the gregory theatre lwmondey the aeoond in a terlel werei france car- iwd bvalonne smlfh donna burrowt lorn mcbride l hugotepp alfred spence bill maccormack albert cr- wl hwwih in tha unor clou and jean blair n eleanor smith in the tenlor dlvlilort the district at a glance acton yeunfett velar in aetort and drobably tha country on monday wat barbara knrton who wat juil 20 ycart ef ana whan the cut her ballot under enkllih law a peraon li deemed to ba 21 tha day before their birthday and her birthday wat tuetdty kockwood two lira bdhteri ware tllnhtly injured in a bliu which tutted tha former harrla woollen mill at rockwood laat weak the mill u now owned by grand valley conlervluon authority braupton brampton p board turned t dawn on ywca to etrect a new build ink on mtln st 8 the planning board apparently fallowed the wtthet of aurroundlnt reald enta who aald the bulldlu would harm the character of the realdestlal aectlon ohangeville orange villa pott omce wat elated for few hourt is a protection to the public when the building atarted filling with amoke tram a fire on the roof the poaul ataftt tuyed on tha job ualng flaahllghu to aee damage wat about 3000 betweeh the crosses row on row sugar and spice by bill smiley how it all began adilwutn ifroup of tilth tthool tricktrrs th olher night i wu r tilling how i nttrtd tht uh tfiehing gimt builntu vocation profulon or racket what you call it dt endi on who you ir by accident did all of th whenever poul bl but not all the time ifid not all at on but ha wajot litn lag ii had th car door opa and m by the arm and wai huitling me toward that big purely brick factory that looked mor i ilk a prlaon every acond i thought i wai under arrecl i hj wruit my family i hilt uwit a iuwday i haw wk w a iau k jwj uw tk3 alkt at w haairtt wj waua and now i hv wy own lltlla trnplre a doun or to itngjlih uacheri who are ao in we of to that they never borrow bior than 10 an aulitant da parlment hrad who htngi on bjy every word and than con tradlrti it and th thrill of at tending upartment haadi meetingi or being on tha inside hrre the big decjiiom ar tsade like what are we gonna do with kldi who carve herb lftvaa on th deki li iswrs 18 tories have won this riding helton county ha ban repreeemed faxwoy m afrt gl riding tince before 1867 end the eatchon in 19as wfafl probably be ww list in ieh hehoo voaara wml bet ahmthejl on npraaantetiv bedatnbutibn wlu fragment th county beore another federal ekacoan t s th following teble indrcetet how helton hat voted 111 more than the put 100 yeera in moat ceae the phxabty of vote for the winner la indicated lasljofvi while- liberal 1854john whit liberal 300 1 b37jonn whitaj liberal 520 lseljohn whhei liberal isojoohn while liberal lb6zjohn whitei liberal 1b72- john vnsta- liberal 1st 0 b chlihorru contervative lb75wmjulocraneyi llberel b78hon w mcoouoall contarvalive 1m2wm mcoanayi liberal i 1887john waldie uberal 1887 wm mocraneyi llbeaal i 1888 ffabvd hendertoni conaarvahwe 1b88aucj j wldle liberal 1b91devd handaraon coniarvatiya 1892 d henderaon conaarvativa 69odavd handarton conrvariva ivoodavld hendartoni gxiaasative lvoi oevld henderaorl conaarvativa 0o oeuld henderaon convarvaliva t vi 1 david handaraort contarvahva 1917 tt k andaraon coniarvalive 1921r k andertort coruarvatlga 1925 b k andartort cnavaliva 192k k artderaort coatarvatlv 1930 k andarton contarvatiu 193shoohet cleaver llbertl 19a0 huohel claavar libartl 194shuoht claavar liberal 1049huohj claavar libwal 1953sybil fwirwtt contarvaiva 1957sandy bail comarvallv 1958stndy bait conservative 1942harry htrley liberal 1963 harry harley liberal 196s harry htrley liberal 331 b31 137 13e 25 135 18 s3 v135 104 24 104 442 m lac 140 212 419 2770 1615 1351 1914 1170 1031 1604 511 1447 1182 b6s0 11078 98 9533 j t j 1 j i manufacturing tabes majority unemployed during th month of october ja4 pertom were plaid in m ploymeat by th national km ployuent service the leading lnduttriil flu- alflcatlon wai manufacturing which accounted for 14 place aunts sixty thre pucat wir mad in wholeaal and retail tride followed by 41 in cotutmetion and 40 lo aervle occupation tbr wr 2t7 male and s42 f hi lie ipplkanu rgiaur4 tx work at tb end j october thla waa lower than lb nu-a- ber of pertoni rglttcird at umi end of sptmbf liw5 wkrtl tit- wr s57 wai and mfl fmile appllcmls on lb rou tbeyi ftgure ar f or tiw t rllory arvd by lb ttrmmptoal office which ibc1uu braaptoa bramalea georgetown ortuig- vill sbelburn bid um rounding rural ar- b bar wafar on th way out of town w drov around th ilde itxeeta to idmlri th fin homei thata odd i aald lomy wife there a a big new facto ry aaiack in the middle of the residential aectlon they don t usually allow thst then i saw the roadblock out in front of th sprawling one- atony factory thar was a grim gent bcalde it welldressed but with a sort of wild glint in bis eye h flagged m down i stopped lie ram over to th car can you s out of at least on eye h queried i assured him that 1 had 4010 vl alon or some thing of that sort i thought it was soma kind of kooky plain clothes police theck tht kind you run into when youve left your driving liceni in your other pants ivar lem a ortlvartllyv k k at m i aald ij ktm t omlwd i mammbar aiwhdlag a wkal wmkftad kar dutlnt th war wthirt fe land arwiy ulrl wk nvr ju kvw up lie brightened considerably have you a tiy contagious dii taaei wai tha neit question ojk leprosy told him i was as sound ai any man in my condition could b reaming now h went with th questionnaire and you dont drink smok play tha horses or chase women right i started to point out that i fearfully w frk brlt iim lit ttta fc hj tk rublair ks but ke fud fh h atuck amfsaijt uftdar my m ajw tarud tlrt lkw- 1 ivj wadarln w4vt bad bcm f ma carta habs cnue tj my family tot ih tk car j it was not until he offered to show me the gymnasium and th cafeteria that i re allied the factory- was a high school and that i had just experienced the bard sell on teachers however it wasnt much of a witch for m i know that tha jump into teaching from big in dtulrlaliat aho salesman or abortorder cook has been a traumatic exparlenc for soma people you can se them any day loitering whitefaced loj ward th staff room after a double period with 10z the ter ror of th school but t hid little difficulty tn making the adjustment after all i had been a weekly news paper editor in thit job you spend most of your time telling people things they dont listen to and urging them to do things they dont want to do i found these invaluable training for my teaching career and i wutf fcdmlt hut thlrtoi have wall in thrae year i iwm my w upu d mhf4afcdsklpa oft it h a lot et mldniiihtlmrtjntni te-tte- business directory chiropraaor donald a 0av dc appolntmrnlt mtda dally call tk 74401 m mill tt gweel chiropraqor seram w carwh dc oeeh etlly by ai house eallt arranged i7744j1 ii a main el nart o y walk1k ko dott ortomltkiat 11 ualn si s brtmptob 4s1u14 sat 451uu hourt i ih it i pu tuetdty to sttunlty rriiliy 0 lm la 1 pu kvaalnct by appolntmeat dale bennett j latimer baines itwrumra tauchar douglas v latora ttaenar r auuttn b uu1 sl ceorfatsaa 1 cahr a wiitwood oelarle lena surveyar us uoubuinvlaw rd s tttlanale 7111 w h canr a wathu tk 73mi kai t 4414 robl r hamilton ottmfruf 116 uoueulavlear rd s carrettl dld for appolntmrnt tw 8773971 frederick tihelio arruiw uj tuutuaf us mounulnvlea hi s carrttal bullilinrj caorfetowa tl 7 buying far the trirlnaleal and ike fact that they ceuunt r any bedy alta far the at but i mada ii a plea to dick with the announced retire ment of dick shatto from tha toronto argoe of tha cfl football it lotlng one of ltt molt colorful nffurei ten yean of outstanding aarvlce to the team came to clote in hamilton a weak or to ago whan shatto played hit lilt kama for tha doubleblue lerewllh we lubmlt a plea for hit eonilderatlon to come back next year apologies to composer of kill jfmaceedlghtuujr platte dont retire richard shatto we argo fans ill hale to tea you go the team his nearly found the combination to bring the grey cup back to eld to so please dont retire rlchird shatto just give ua one more year of 22 and help the team to win the eup for our aide or your fan will end up feeling double blue zv by sgnlttah hiblm dicest h b dan a man that it called jesus anointed my eyei and i received light john 0 11 no one is ever the tame after tha touch of the ulsters hand dax developments limiykd bulmere ef fin htnta prop walter pscholok 77on r 17741 georgetown herald klallehed by ham nawaeaeert limited georgetown ontario walter c blhn v puhuther oarfhld mrbllnray production suparlnteudant newa kdllor accoununt terry harley allien bradley pvaalr mullln advertlalng vauager mrs wllllsw gaggle clerk tyolst anne currle reporter peter jones photographer leslie clark dave hitting at gtlaort j alcclemerju eroest slnko member ot th canadian weekly nawapapert aaaoclatiod and the ontario aaaoclauon monuments pollock cammll designs on request intpect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni mihe ti witer street north o a irt optomitlut l m brown 35 mill si par appalnhttentt aben 177u7i barragers cleanerashlrt launderar tk 74 is ualn s its gualph all wak vane m eremite pkahk nrcm ucensed auctionkkb prompt service p o box 413 til 73ss4 georgetown m e maufjersob qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill si georoelown tr 72444 rvansitltler bjl aurrltter sallchar naterv dr wllllanu bldgj se lula s ttt 14sj1 murray rumack stern co thartbkid accoumtahti ma vttht t terente ttl h47u1 wallaci thompson 3rd dlvlturt ceurl clerk a cammlitliwir ttthu haotd fobert 4 inwranci fuauoft rtu 1164 oualph st er gab muntfy auto 7x3x4 774473 onds i v 11 jaonarrowti animal clinic 10a gtialph street tv k ejaakla v zivlh dvm clinic open- s 8 pj momwtb et- tafurday t ii aji printing op dirrtnction statkalents lbttammtads knvelopes t wkddino invitations li m

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