fat pay i jvpan bartow ar tim tear k wewr priotiog pabgdug 7ie home newspaper for georgetown and district omf tlsureetey rewesber leak ims tmlmuc 3r three share 1000 kin prize at stag night peter jones sboto diploma for an ontario scholar davldlott one of two geoff lovi sfd district high scftooj graduate 1o or onurlo sthojhip receive her horver graduation diploma from j l linv goh pilnclp until tkii pit iuouner miti devidston did not learn of iver 100 up urtti tiii month about irue ei6i half month after ga 13 marks wer her porcsnteo of 798 was to cloi 1o the 0 per cent required for th kip lhy the department rechocked marks a ilia award waa th result the georgetown ontario tcrvolar i keith allen who had an bo per cnt mark lelrex building move lets to bylaw stage ft ft s mlttoai nun agreed lo dttwirtlna tat 1000 eeiie nu aey when the klmsnena baa- bation draw field wu ruced te llvee ec n annual kin din- wr and augf bight u the lj toe hall kriday uu lui wan wining tin macbdiult of h r 5 hjjtorfaj ipe home 1500 uttt pulled terry gui 200 di ru bkd tood and hay ko 30 dalre fctlvd who name wwiinrf drawn after the egree- mbc noo fcuu tijhuted that th fliul flvj lti the draw could uut spbt btat that the drew protend ahouu fcy of thoee five taut tai ether two railed to the front when the field nerruwed to rive were ted arnold and kw robliuob there were two hundred ti cku la the drum at ttw start of the eliinltuuon which went all evening a roast beef dinner served by the llrarwh iso auxiliary kicked off the program lrtrt name drawn and each succeeding sstb name received a tonaolalioa prii they were dr k ucciuuy trvor uu- fj jib sutiqucki bm uid dutoh stuart youni bill hit liar or of th nlfhti tlffit win bar ai org curk u tuylawa craactst who won a draw for a sold uatw uxy boy louaja chair kin prwnt bob colltt wakomad th uctta and kin bill suatnidu handled tha eiu- cm choha ab atrtjlrtrrtnt nmvnt fturd pal doyla katby tap- pan and sylvia jay council vote to msider proposal i eartjr octobaf 0rst repoaad a lu lor fee towa amniclpal la tk ulk7 dlri laa toa mold thla ed a sayeit ium n it tbad aid th di- i torn wmld la turn tuxkua nt uttillclpil building bkrt waak a dautatlan idawntawa uarduau tbnui lb tlu with th deputy i ami toon uubuubji thur op- alaa j ltooday ta uca camt u lora acabi when a mctlod byuw ynpared i through ea a a4 vet uewsn lvir uauaa i far a iytkr laua which j caauaec thra thanths the bylaw tclvd tlu- moard aptraval rhcra i ba a rul it of 11m until ui and at lftos ihu tlm u a hank ar fl liuututlftm hu nat ttart of tha bulldlr would ba reduced to noouily tha interior the- building would have t bnuhed to tha towni ecttau and the town 1 eell tha present lain st to the arm tor m0oo0 wai a lot of critic- ahea thla plu vu bnt bt up cf llewun told 1 but none oc the counter nave been adopted can argue with a pro- ahleb givei ui a building i thla for tsoo a month a ttaal added cr to- tad wa will own the in 0 yeaw r young amid tha plan cm- bava an intelligent vole ocurea ara available for the preacnt build- cailhloomdrd afaror glbbona laid it u un- jfo put town amployaea on fapot for thbt and luch eotta be complied by an fo nt authority tar a knotlon to obtain i an estiniatacarrled on an with cr young in op- would be good for4he raliepayara at bpbiunklpajjecuoiimld huott a i r jta unalteraply oppoaed ta wbole propoaltlon taidtha a leta aaa if we can tad bw qurlr for the police rapuad th rwava or poweri laid u u not only th police department which li crowded wr on th verge of in industrial expansion and could had double ta apace or our praaeat municipal building he aid deputy reeve hunter wan tha building to slay downtown but uye tddltloa of second storey buudug would b toe coatiy if dows to th and of tha year wa should leave this tor neil years council ta deelda ha said why go through the forma lity of picturing a bylsw when you know youre going to vote against it asked ueyor gib bons the motion wss supported by ilewsor povrrs prsneis bal- lentine and smllli with tha rlher four councillors in op position rveuarstlon of a by law la wslve the towns porh op tlon on s blrx scresge which will he part of i j acre iltr being aciulre bsn indufctnsl ftrtn wsi ordered by council uondsy the flnn si yh ihrouiicd in scrmy plsni sn initial 100000 3- ft plsnt on s higliwsy front age lull junnucki sales egent for delrei ilevrlopmrriti i hsndling th drsl the lown is forfeiting its right to purrhsi the lend st tloo an sere lulesse of the lend will hsve restriction tltst it rsnnol he sold to other than a firm con trolled by the purchaser prior lo december 31 1p79 the firm has no definite plans far build lug but wants the town lots lor possible future espsnsion llsyor gibbons oooosed coun- clle move on uondsy surely we should know whst the industry plsni before ue turn over this land h said other councillors argued that t nduetry- hungry georeetown service vote i heavily liberal or harry tfaruy rvtelveo a large majority 1 tha halloa county service vet rulu of which fcav lust ban released three hundred and thlrly- boa wanruauaa from the county cut their ballot tha liberal clndidste polled me pc candidate alien uss son to ndp candidate murray kernlghan sj and indepen dent candldsta henry tlmmlns 1 the service vote makes tha ottrial results harry harlay 2mh uasson 1ssm icerntg- hsn 107m and tlmmlns s13 thar war 14 rejected ballots 67 trains set day s record through town honour diplomas for 38 high school graduates a balane between study and fdn participation in extra curricular activities but not to th point where it interfere with ones mala purpose vu th advice of paulina rowe u she look for th graduating class at the high school commence ment friday the york university student wss one of 38 who received their grade 13 graduation di plomas at the eeramony she likened attendance at university to a tranacanada trip meeting people from all provinces and different back- grounds the man who is too old to lesrn was probably always too old to learn she said pointing out that education is a cont inuing process and not shelved once exams ara finished she spoke of her high school teachers and their interest in students and she ended with a quote lrdbdlekenittwllhebes of times it wis the worst o time it wai the age of wisdom the age of foolishness it wss the season of darkness the spring of hope the winter of despair we had everything before us we bad nothing before us we were all going direct to heaven w were all going dlreottbe other way i i a special feature this year was presentation of an oil paint ing of jjl lambert who retired after 30 year aa principal and 1 taking postgraduate studies at melsasler university artist dorothy btoae unveiled her painting and the formal prc- aaotatlon w made by board chairman william carr mr lambert in turn presented it to the new principal d r turner aa a gift ta the school mr turner in a speech to tha audience outlined many changes which are being mad in the secondary school curri culum mayor joseph gibbons welcomed him to his new posi tion spd expressed appreciation for ur lamberts yesra of service the lengthy awards list wsi highlighted with preeeiruuon of ontario scholarships to top students keith allen and ellia- beta davidson a new awsrd this year went to leslie quse kenbuah the j l lambert a ward for prohclancy leadership and extracurricular activities the school band and choir took part in th program and there was a dsne in the esfe- terta afterwards for student and guests continued on rage 9 county jaycees launch getoutvofe campaign if eligible voters- in george- ing speeches and studying the town and other county munici palities dont go to the munici pal election polls in large num bers this year it wont be be cause tha respective local junior chambers of commerce didnt give it the old college try ce6tgetomjaycesndunlt in oakvlue burlington milton and acton have launched a cetoutthevot campaign 1 ait attempt ta improve on the sadly low percentage which take advantkge el utaelr fran chise the georgetown unit hu mad its first bid at shaking up local voter in thla weeks herald a letter elsewhere in the paper 1 the first of a aeries from the junior chamber aimed at fanning th election flames in the liven municipalities which make up the county no mination east election date are set and candidates are- prsetlc- usues in georgetown th no mination meeting data is no vember 23 and the election date december b in kequeslng township nomination is nov 29 and election dee t in milton th nomination date tsovethberijtimdaiielection december 8 nassagawey holds its nomi nation meeting november 29 and election december 11 aotcn has a november 15 nomination meeting and de cember 7 election in oakvllle th nomination meeting uunovember ib antl the election december14 in burlington the nomination- meeting is november ib and the election december a three top posts likely contested c6uncil will waive land public will learn municipal option aid new industry l entries tuesday night ahoiild not aak qurttluaj whit an lwartaat ftrtn hu decided to loat br kurty tajtaotvill didul tkk for druili whrfl yard drldd to locate thr9 uid cr juw too aiayr jnnph glbboaa and fcuv john fclu6u aaaojmid fc kimhm bought he tor thy built and bo bt knew who waa buying the land added cr hal undue deputy respvr hunter aaid another firm had been offetuud when tt waa aaked for plaaa and he wouldnt want to ae thla happen again im going to vote for thla but 1 don t like relrailnj 43 arivi for a 100000 aq l fac tory he aald another rourwil motion aak ed the town aourilor to elrify the towna poiltion when it ban optioned delrex land mad a down payment but baa not been completed another motion rarried to add 170000 for tha land pur chase to tha 1m5 utdgel ujy or gihbona voted in oppoaltlob to thla a motwu day record for corfle4ovo rail yard traffic vai eatabllahed thuraday nov 11th after canadian national railways funnelled trains through here because nf a viol nt wreck on tha lakeahore double track the georgetown line part of the toronto by pais system handled tt trains on tha day of tha wreck about 15 more than tha previous modem day high friday when part of tha ukeshore traffic rolled thru bare the total waa 57 tha average number of trains through georgetown per day la id two railway man dlad la the wreck which happened near port cwdil guesses 50 bagged county gama warden ted ackart haa cstlfnated tha num ber of deer killed by hunters during tha threoday deer hunt last week at 50 but you tint really ludge accurately h added there could hive ba a hundred although tha h unlaw appear ed to be quits aukful their kllla only hpraaeat a alight dant in tha county deer popu lation tha iam warden eonv nmtitad with a ehvtkui darliiiuly l for cmtwurn tf toijn lehpai tjk u r3ctiur kh tha taobjnjtioil liitiag umt tuanday nov ii aaould drtvw a la tundattei u wrlg also pgrobaiaue are rooletjta for the other tw top officee deputy rw hunter hea lndl rated he le aeeking the poaluoa of reeve ad a prohelile oppoo- itgt la llakolai rreeiiujt who od uoaday aubinitted hla realgna- uoa froni the tnduethal eoai- ntluaod id eoudcil ta aek aa uaabttouticed eouneil pulon a foaaar oouttcilaor jawea h kca- auersoci has aiaatoeiiiced hhneelf eandldete for deputy reeve and ward 3 emiahllor jim young ta a irunooured eeadldeu for thla aieo only one eouacillor ward ones bobeh rvajwls has aaid he will not aeek reeiection ob irra whe wall prvhahly he rui- iiu axe doe htnrata wavrd 1 cte utod ward 1 wil li kmlth and roy tullebune ward x other ee4ddle lnelude arthur kfeilht vwd mil lurrieoa whdildoe steeoter rjuree lteet t hyde aulpti 1u- and ai noitiaa ah aitung iwinawe j the hydro eaajniui6a and ptiblie aehool board will be running again for two yaar term at w wnkley hydra klin ltnuy lurry kltortill gudni higura- aoit and wwia wllio achooj hoerd at separate tneeling tueo dey night is holy croea arbsol ifcivnl widi he nceww for four beau oe the at3aieji clhalac septuraie hj hoerit situng tauinhttra j the mus hoerd wheee 3 yeer umj u- pire in december ere ataher thooipeod dr vl g 0dwer atoger priueau ad george xriavl police place weeks toll at over two thousand a tit driver etuaaptlag to turn into hi driveway ended up in a neighbouring driveway wbaa hi vehlcl wa bdmpad from behind u on ef four motor vehicle accident invest gaud by georgetown police ever ui nasi week polic said a 10m volkswagen driven by brie ihmllstrup we stopped facing weston guelph st shout to make a left turn in to his driveway at 76 cuelph st whea tha fallowing 195t ford driven by robert williams o john st at collided with tha hack end of use small car bum ping it into a driveway st 14 guelph sl p c harry liberty placed th amount ef property damage at 4300 ta th william ear sod 4m to the roulstrue ear the accident happened at 1 eelock saturday morning venison on somebodys future menu v some tourist looaratseonery other see it ew jones photo heres the proof the deer were -here- thmi local butckw doug bobertsoiv- rudy krpnhofr end john jerjtardpoie with aome 6f the name taken from the immediate georovown area dudngtha thnj day open deerwasoji which closed last wednesday they xyere alted by the auo teisfurhuhtera to prepare tfielr cuts of venlsort itaakt end roasts aany stories of-atio- oonful hunllrig parties reached the herald with the sllyercleekllmehouae are oppar- ehtly yielding the largest numbetiof deer -r- l irtukslly u acescuat 1 than half a block away titeed nuauta aarliar alee iavelv a ford and volkawasen and wa lnveatigaud by th mmm emcssr ceespouisdiaa tav eolnct dene th volkswaawe w4 akw making a left turn eat coalpit st wbaa struck from behind according to the pelie re port jim kagush h wber br was stopped about to make us turn onto albert st when vans mad from behind by us vwrd driven by william fcnglaby 11 kennedy st both car were eastbound damage ta this one waa umatad at iso to the kngleby ear and mm to th kagush vahsela approximately tier u the amount of dsmsir vhan a drivers front loot slipped eat th brake pedal and hit tk so ealerator well b wa peridsa his car polio aald bobert white t jnespb st wa kerallsl barking on main st opposite boucbton jewellera whew thst bnlahep occurad hi car leaped ahead into a parked car owned by john boughton ft main st fiamag to th while car wa mo and ta the boughton car woo both car are 1st model chryslers this one happened at t10 pm thursday night a pasaeugeb auotaswct ladsl laceration whan ear cam to sjetbar at th guelph bt bex- way dr lnleneeuon wednes day nov 10 the passenger wa in a 1m1 chav driven by u k sreeman ataltinafad which wa west bound on guelph when it wa in collision with an eastbouiul driven by william bergenia sul 1 straeuvill the point of impact wa at a construction isarrkad just east of the ftex way corner th bergam ear a lbsu ply mouth took tha brunt of th 7ts damage about tsm worth atogk-at- the weather hhjh lew bjh far th vreek mlow go preokpltallon j10 inches rain trace of snow ulda a c scott