Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1965, p. 3

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j ti i exchange wedding vows aml and mis lawwmct james uutttot poa follow ng thatr odobef 33 wwjdirwg in si gojq angkin church geo o town tha und ii h former evelyn louita sewxewt dlotlor of mr and mi jack saundoa 3 our ftm st and vha groom it tva ion of mr and mrs jamet bronton 21 vittota si isayr orangemen should foster world friendship ballot county lay a oranjte lod uh in ijol hill jonea su oaivllle chit on tliur vctunjf cm ifl 103 ivtta uu war county uuur vtmr bo norman lrr in u- chair asaiateei by uur hro orchard la ihe deputy chair moat wat bro leslie sam taa aopeial grind preaid of the imperial grind or ja council of the v orm wn wlinliuil to the toeetink bd introdufd by wor bro wor bro udera spoke it this time flvlng very in iwwtlni talk saying that we as orangemeb should get out and promote more fellowship and friendship in the world visitors presented included wor bro howard mapes coun ly raaaler of wellington coun ty rl wor bra c k browne both of lol 1131 guelph and tiro robert cook of lol 1017 ivinee ldward uland following dosing of ijaiigr lunch vis servtvl by uie mem ban of lol 3234 taff shortage delays flouridation program l a plan to tpply fluorid dlr- xctly to the teeth of 3 to 5 year i ih georgetown and throu ot the county will not be ifemied out this year and poa- lajfcly not until next summer idaltoti county medlral officer la health df archie bull told herald friday th prorrui waa onginally i to bv bn implemented by i lulton health unit thla past lavpietuber dr bull aald fundi ikjrre ben act wide for the umnici nd only a ahortafia of i jtafs u bowlttg it up dr bull tom the leratd tha i la other areai whwramh fluor lad applications have been car i xtod out clrntim i office lua i bn ttd he tald falling to i arrange thli the unit would nt apace in town aa a fluoride asmjlf rmr centre r lie aald had ataff been ivall i ahla the eenlr would hive op- i ajaed ita door tome time during i tba lte summer and accepted ltfc metrtbers of the apmifled atroup until thf end of the year the program u strictly voluntary but dr bull strong ly recommends it the program involves a me chanical cleaning of the teeth which are then given a coating of fluoride dr dull said the liquid doe not penlrate the teiih enamel but changes the molecular structure of the en amel making it more resistant to decay mail mum henflt la obtained when the fluoride is applied to those in the three year age group the whole process la ropcated again when the child ren are four years of age and again when they are five dr bull aald that an expw imental program has been car ried out for a number of years and statistical information ga thered from this shows definite improvement lie aald there is a amall scale program of fluoride application going on in the county right now but involving only ael ected croup lets play rabies increase in county two cows disease victims the incidence of rahles b i atm climbing df w j uccabe i of the ilealth of anknala dl i vision of the dept of agrl i culture told the herald friday lthet four euei of rabid animals 1 la the immediate georgetown rnlry had been confirmed lorlthln the past week a valuable pur bred aber- i tsejetf angue cow waa deatroyed vat raltbrook cam on the oth i line of eaquetlne after it had a diagnosed ta- having rab- u m u believed thla animal jltjen by a rabid fox the uma tlluatlon apparent- juried to the death of a valu iue purebred cow on the fry- i f oroa farm r r 4 acton a ifdx waa been in the field where i herd waa paatuiing about i time out the dueaae would i been inflicted en the cow iswyow willow win fran ijom wl treited twice byvet- lewjoaruna and then deatroyed ling to nelghboura who j the biiepected cazvler head into the fryer paature the acting erratically dr uccabe aald the toxea hat wen deatroyed la tyta caaea fought with dog on geor getown area farma a few weeka ago a dog on an rr 1 glen wlularaa farm died of rablee and two men who came in contact with the dog had to undergo a aerlea ot rah- lea treatment ahota nablea is an acute infectloua diaeaae eauted by a virua which affecta the nervoua ayitem dr mccabe aald the apread of rablea in wild life in the dla- trlet had not reached the al armin ata yet b he aald the tlareup trilfie paat weeaf jiaa been the moat aerloui in the current outbreak he egaln asked the herald to urgetarenta to caution their children agalnat handling any ahlaial behaving erratically wild aniuali which have con tracted the diaeaae loae their enaeof feev and often wander into communities any wild animal or pet act ing abnormally should be re ported nenr took a gift oolh la aa kid old saying but doee it apnly to the card tablet i wish that i had neir heard this old adage- at the acton bridge club last monday night i picked up southe hand oat the iouowulc deal bs urn 4 desier south north south vulnerable s q h s cdj 10 8 3 i wrf nr s j e j a 10 it a j 9 j s i ltk 10 1 d i o q j c q 7 s o s tf sx 8 7 3 3 2 11 uk k 10 c k 11 tb bidding by bill coats in the tew 1 s ww 2 c 3 s all iul hked the band to lopcried me kpkd and wbvit lay partner hid two clubs my hand snid to iuprove i juoipd to thr pd but my partner had the good ta to pafts weat ad a diamond aa yea can see thla b a singleton but 1 dont know it i eroa and led a apade to dnmmya queen won by the aoa east returned a dub right into daunssys long aull this waa a girt a free loess 1 should have opened the hones aooutb and taken a doetr look i plajwd the nine but west played the otten and i had to win in dunuay led a heart hoping that the defense would uy to cash their heart tricks but tan such kuch- wesi won the heart and ud a club tut rulnng east ud diamond west rtifflng this whole procedure was repeated once more and i ended up i-im- the inglorious down twe to add insult to injury wbso i ducked to m bw the othati had dvoe on this hand i found that twice bouth had puyd the hand at four spades down only one t must give the defense full credit for this they gv dec larer a chance to go wrung and declarer did go wrong if kast just returns a diamond the de fense will get two ruffs but no more rvom now on 1 m tsulng to uk a good long look wheo somaooe otters toe a gift si the card table october hospital month busier than last year october at gear down andl there were y2 operallona district memorial hafrplul wajdurlnj the pai bwuiui aa in buw than uaual according creue of 13 over october to tetatislica juat klcid the biaklni the yara total oia humuer of adulu and rhlldrn admitted and the numb of births were higher than the ami liunlh laat year ta was juat about every other compar uon with the exception of emer gvney vuita lat4 month 167 adulta and children were admitted to has pltal compared to 115 irt octo ber 1064 it brings the years total to 1 804 thirty three births in october 4 more than the same month a year ago brought to ul births in lofsa to 2ft4 there were 6 deatha bring log that figure to 47 the percentage of hospital bedi occupied by adults and children waa a relatively high 86 4 last month the years av erage is 74 7 and 413 per cent it available baiinettes were oc eupied by newborn compard to the year a average of 208 per cenl the averafe lenjth of stay for adulta and children to date ii 02 days and for newborn 60 days tiotu 500 twe wto jiut 140 tatter ncy vuita laat uonth the figure for the same month last year wa s3 j the avrage uiunber of adult and children patients in hoaoi tal each day was j tint under 8 in october and stands at 30 for the year to date the aver age number of newborn in the hospital was 6 6 during octo ber and 6 4 year to date power blackout ends so bridge goes on though list tuesday a power blackout kept some players homa the lighta came on in time in the legion auditorium for those present to enjoy their usual weekly sime of duplicate bridge george solty and g bey nolds were the top winners for the night second plica went to mrs wellington wilson and art norrls and third place was a tie mr and mrs george barber mikt lorusio and earl emond a strike once the course ot last resort now secras the path of least resistance septic tank pumping wdplrt tiu yrmhltttj cravat hill malyon sanitation services rh and hill juugowan w7wu ff heat your home wtay with mater oat4 mki situitt chbickk automattt gem rhlnmk cle lll- larwswttaj tul tieastw will ike weil wcdilx ckauaak will tv yajh ajkajehi kual feef kh motl ctjiak v labia wulf yejtjve eve cvaouirmuke long ten loan idea tbu b oactltr we tuva bees satung tor for th t tbraa ymn cndit val ley coataarfioa aatboritr rjialrman boy at mrtjillan jta- wbeji ha usarkad of a rac oendataoo that long term loua ba snada anra8bl to cotv aervaikta authatiiewa by the paoviiicp of ontario lor tiomxkc iat kod cotral procrwiu ftor 1 of mttm hood control pntftaana and vatar coqaervatioa prafyaaaav ww the apadfle tmrmiaouk bead wbea the raiimnawdatioii wu nude wattocaday by the aieiro- rrfjiu tarocito aiid raajshmi coeaertioo xuihorixy u ktedaj that tha pnmix bv ltotlu with tha federal rwmrd ipafcot the ertsaauaantv tad id 10q1 kfotr uw ulhorrty 36 000- oot aood cootr vod water cotjaervatioa pis a tt ilw ra that the pvvnca wy pr tnt in grama to tu flood toalrol worlu us atvmilud tuld u a pra rd u bscs tuch a raauvetl- bahai fsaily will move to north bt laat weeik bahevs and then- friends met at the ituler heme on shelley st- to rshnhretai the birthday of the founder of the behat world tarlh bahavu- ah he waa bom an teheran persia on noreanber u u17 the eldest eon of a dle doth the ante astfla itt aa the proanland one of all ag- ea whoee great tniealon ta to bring ahpot the unity of all mankind he waa bitterly op posed stripped of his paoyer joryfffivj wi the writlnga cef baxaacniah formuleted during his tosty ed family aaany of whoee mesnyears of imprisonment and ca bers bed occupied important lie dealt with every phase of position in government civil buman life with the intesrnra- end miuury aorvicee in rareta ujon u moim in lata he proclalnwd that i ectipueree and wkh prophetk 1n4 and righta exiled to the nslaoo antidpetlnai of both the near of acre and thue the prophecy of atkab 7 u was fulfilled and distent future aa air and mrs- kujer etar- kane end paye will be moving to north bay shortly they were presented wdth eoxne hooka to in working la a new ama- they have arieea in naponse to gn appeal for plrav al headqueotere at haifa israel georgetown ayrshire production leader x ceorietown ayrshire wu one of the top nine in the do minion la production during the past tnonth the records are jexiiptled eofordlng lo their 303 dey bca fet yield the georgetown cow gram plan cay uoaalind owned by a ii dark is the leading sen lor lour yeer old troducef she produced mm1 lbs tollk 8u lbs fet till per cent in s03 days with bcaj of 167 and 1u khe otdlnued tnilklng for 1u days yielding uht3 ibe milk 67 lbs fet for tu pea- cent her sire is selwood dew drop s uoy who has many high producing daughter in the clark herd and she li ciaul fled very good she was one of four cows in ontario in the top nine the others sr in quebec 3 pfi nova scotia and hrltlsh col n k the ideal time to plant tvcsoklffrt m rtowuireo u4tu shadg tmk irtciai nowy loon a w 1 w pwewrlhlal hoots in varlery nursirv and oatdin centre mapu avinuk tfilmroni r7vs1 m milt west of 7th uss oh cuck iw commencing november 1st we offer 6 r interest on 3 4 5 year guaranteed investment certificates 5v for 1 2 years this 6er is for a umlied tuie only u gtxur to uasnly the unusual cumand for morttjeee amounts 100 v100 000 ucal fob tbust funds enquibits invited halton peel trust savings co assets exceed so000u60 munches irsmpvon burlington suicne cooksvllle milton delhi had oftcl oakvllle ontario halton peel trust savings company is main st noith ttamfyon ont pie a t49 iiiua a encloted h cfieque for guaranteed inveilment cert f cate for yean at interett payable half yaafly by cheque r0 iter the certificate in tha mnv of address tortplse sbeli combs- an made from the shelf ox ft tropical marioa litrila m utat tttu uuiiiowi leix r h thompson hardware numbino ft mating tr 72971 onestop banking in a few minutes theyll be out again rittt all their banking done right now they wmnt to cash a cheque get tomething out of their gafety deposit box have their tavings account book made up next time he may be in about a loan the to buy a money order few her aunti birthday an able obliging uff looks after them and should they need h3fp on tome financial problem the manager i there a good man to talk thing over witli complete gervlce trained people conven ient oneslop banking at your chartered bank the chartered banks se your commun through 3650 btaiuhes all across canada the chartered batkli bring fullrange banking within the reach of everyone

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