icjrenpian family party ilep couples anniversary w km line child ur uf ur vmua sehesu eauhrud their weddiog fcnulnry at glee williams ham o 11 mr mj mn wmuaa sdmmk w ma osue wierfsesj wltlldi tlfto wit uvld 1i actual uarrisg dsle vm deeexerber 0 wlwi ur kaattnk fend ka hfrphem were i faanjyj ai tha horn ol her lteraau lit is 19 they have un red4ou of the cun tore mi scbuk who credit valley hot mini wort we iuttilrf im the 1k to 1m4 and gssirahj lb recit wwuri i tor hwtl year and he in ptrtwrahlf ir tome tha brill lloaury uuls la town lie hu served u an kwjue- lnj tuwiuhlp councillor um m himnub the bid north hal tod utgh school district hoard lit wu on the cta tklbllf school board of fllteen years until it hecama psrt of the school area and for forty years he served on the board of stewards of glen williams united church prcmbt far a family dinner on itecenthar 11 were their wm and daughters wilt their hus and wives urs prank 4 fern vow- member of apple growers committee brill id keobeti el ceofiirlowt urs jim bartha woods of pt sdny air wuliui eleanor lliighae o twnlakemlrij sbd uii- luytabd iterjorla croe by of nt pining a tod jsiaei died a few years ago a wenknown tjorgatowri rea apple grow al ferti oil norval haj beeo elected to tfca ih of ihatrfet 1 of the oetario apple prdhucis- db trict 1 ladodca uacoln wel- laowentwerth uakon peel amf york eoontifc mr ferri wm on of five knen nsnatrl to tha rommlnoo at an election aneefing other elect- 1 d am art kemp burlington frank kkhaxdaoo afount hope heory preel nuaroo-be- lake art rvnluy mudowj vaw mj icctsp was tumod dtuir- aoaa erf th troop aod willaenr fs rpaaowtuvo oa tbe ontario avjfja trvduecra alaxketiii board until aujut lftofl tha ntaotlnj which aaw an atlatwianca of binvues trowerl ukinf an latere in tha fcaaira of tho appl fwawuon pro- rnv had bppwrtuoltj to aak uwiooj rwjfmrdut tha fun- ctioooi tha tiroarmns ovw the put bc4ioil a anatttul fcuu- nuuit wj jwmcplfcd by thair- aman art kim know is t an inooma from fej of kltaoat u 17000 for tha put yar ofl thla kuuvunt almot 000 wa apaut oa aptua vomouon with tha rmatndei baiojf eif riad ovrr to thu yaar budjfvt it ujbt u noted that the board now hu tha power to taka eourt action ajuttiat pro- duor that do bot report their baildei tblr funlly and tobia of the older crattdchudrrui a few ralativet and cltea friends altcadad tha party lnludlnf krt preival yirc ur and un jttk bukenay ur aad urt chariot willi ur and urt stanley tate ulu kleanor hepburn and ur and urt jamei wepbura toronto ur and urt- hairy savlagj ulu uartoa van wyck willlaiu0 f urt u jr carl llarold donald and and ur and urt itert carney jtad mako pajaaasti of their fw- thia la the only way men alas can work haltooa aaticultoral beprt- antativa baiary stanley com- n oo the meetinf aaid it it too had however that in a district compriaini about five hundred appupradjicere only ninateen naval ad opinion to expexat refixdin thla appl promotion plan after heariaf all the whining on tha street comer and the talking behind hcka the rumor that xroecrt didnt have a fair chance when thi plana cam la to bein wc eoadcr why only alaetaea fcrow- ri hava an opinion id exprct or u uurui at thu tima it in futurvj la ujutb wfjb tivee aad try w hope that rowfri wth kcp thel representative to get aoatethlna out of thi promotiod vua rather than kaepiaa up thii eooaiant tooi blalalai- jut bocauia you eiy ba a frtner doaoh taeta that svrryona will cater to tub lltlla whlu you taay have ue aald rrearma received u chrut tnm clftt ball for particular ear aioe than half fatal ore- arm accident occur la the bom b aura thay are not loadad la tht bout and bmr laavt theoi within rach of- children acton merchant rae west collaptes at woik dies anton nerchant rae went 44 died awlfitnry laat week la guelph general hoapital vbere he had been nuhad tier taking tuddenly 111 in nlai aiore m wife velma blair w staff member of the ceorj tetowa office of halloo health uall ur west wat active in acton eoounufijty ufa lie rnanaied and coached the lesion entry in acton ao ft ball league to two title wat a former treasurer of the tanner hockey clufa and bowled with the acton ytodj lcaxpr j he mag with the legion chorauera and wat an endman and singer in aeveral uooa fdub huwrel shows he was a member and soloist with the choir of arton united church he had just aauued tha post of junior deacon of walker uaao- b limitm tha previous day ha waa proprietor of acloa hoioa kumuhlug ktorv bwdra hit toife ha waet hit moutar urt willum waat kukrl aarvlca wat bald on kriday at tha uumley-shoe- i maker funeral home with la- urnieflt hi valrvivw cemeury eachre oiaadag iowa ea hart party bnvlojmi el tw town d gtoriawmhti omir mul chriumm patty on rddv biht kaehra pwtd aad pot prim wr bwmrdad dmibg the vera mr ml mn g strtnstr mr ud mix g timtxm mr and urt 1 rortxl mr mad hn e madkn rrmnk monti c ttilard and 0 sbnuol mlk account ior4ft per crbt o amu accident matb br clo bealod aocordini to tbe national safety league arton university reps impressed with interest in courses atatuvee of au unl- veraitlea a teacharf collega fjae mxraiag ft id and a poly- institute antwered iameatlont froca greda 11 13 and u atndents and their arenu apeelei uaiveruty night an the ceorcetowa dutrlct i school wednadjy fritd tha varioui i twgutnrt bificat tald later they wery impraaaad with the about two hundred fifty and tha type of quct- i put to them i b la the first time that a unl wattmity night has been held i aad on of tha few timet the universities represen i have taken part in such i la tha evening similar weoearams in other secondary ol during school hours i hot afforded a chance to be at parent and student were i lartroduced to tha speaker in i the bish school audltaruitti al a oclock after which each ipeaker was auigned to a room for fomms parents and stu dents were able to attend three different forums since each speaker had three successive half hours periods in whjrh to ciplsin their institutions cour ses and alternatives represented were the unl vertlly of toronto by ur it keswick admission officer for school liason ucuaiter uni versity by ur charles w h linton registrar university of guelph by ur u p gendron assistant registrar york uni versity by ur g c v wright assistant recistrsr university of waterloo by ur s gil ro binson secondsry school us son officer university of western ontario by ur g l amyot ad mission bfcer lake shore teachers collega by ur 1l r- croat vice- principal registered nurses assoc 1st on of ontario ulsa k king university to ronto school of nursing ryer- son polytechnics institute by ur a sauro rfiistrsr singing preceded santat visit a lunch arranged by tha churchs sunshin society con cluded the program receiving aicellrnt attend anre award were uiu peggy taylor a senior elssa member who had a parfect record of 3 sundays and keith robson cindy kmmersoo cathy buu trey joy kmrneraoo lawrence peck and hruee pack for 31 sundays ron uccosh brian uvlngstone uark buttrey scott livingstone allan emmrrson linda pack and tom robson for so sundays usrisn whsn debbie uccosh tim norton xllan whan allen kmmrrson and grant whsn for 40 sun days paul thompson pat kl- usoft and gail thompson for 48 sundays uary jane emroer- on and johnny emmerson for 47 sundays to our many good friends ciosio btc ij ottw mom dec vlii earls fish chips and kjuli bakekv 41 mil u n i perfect attendance honoured at baptist christmas concert twenlyrw yinl s p 1 1 t lchnrefa suttday school acholan eerrod roeciil iwirji for ei- attendince during the yoar when santa cliiis otad sifts to ill the child ton at the sunday achoolf an- nial concert saturday night a urje crowd ltitened to the and earolj ol the charac- m at chriitmai speik pro- gram in tohleh thou preieut at cbrufa birth related their i wslonj of the chrutmaa itory coloured tlldea were narrated fa ijnda stopper allan whan jine emmerion and rev lloyd whan ipeaklm ai the charac ten of the flnt chriitmai a choir of mcihberf of the junior boyf and junior fiirla elauel ung 1 heard the bella on chriitmai day and primary kindergarten and nursery elauei lang while shepherd watched and away in a manger a solo the dear utile stran gsr wai lung by linda peck the aecond part of the eve ning wai held in the church fcaieaunt where a recitation by gall thompson a carol drivers wife injured plaza entrance accident un relmke hancock si iiabella st brimpton lulfered a lacerated neck and brulies to her body when the car ihe wu riding in collided with another at the eait entrance to delrex market centre saturday after noon urt hanrocv wu a piiunger in a mho morrli sedan driven by her husband dennll hiti cock police said the hancock ear was rutbound on guelph st when a westbound 10m volks wagen driven by selfrled muiier 12 peel ave brampton started a left turn from the highway into the plus tha uuller car was just croulng the easlbound lane when the collision took place georgetown police sergeant i george louth estimsted the combined damage at 850 the accident occurred at 323 j pm f the georgetown herald printers and pubushefes 33 main st s attuol lwsi until all good uitsrtes athrisimas georgetown welder 16 oimlph si guy rodgers r rr kinsmen club 6f ofokoetqwn eat eya awef- erics hakdwau and orfts ivalru markt contri vs jm4ilai gti cic a m