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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 23, 1965, p. 17

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preach of proimsc cue jury sughtiy wash in trial by jury car pbotjes io gdly bnapton nun hijureel a bvaspton anna ra admtt- bsd to csanaawa end dsstriet msranisl hospital with a- isslesjiilaail iadarria btardir fur riding his heavy ear down a bank t ik north of st end rammias a ursa at the yule music mewls joy reverence relic uld bonam w alar raw wa driving north oa mala st when all um btuck aatt tha road iranlm 63 feet and levelled a apaad lunit alas t the continued db ior an- elber uo teas tb but stretch tii a pluag bow a txaed jv aancaoln juby sa in a bttt law mba laeuerel alrajs on o she laurnfaar in gilbert and surhvws trial by a ii il by hioh achuai asudent player- the ury man eaow with rhe defendant man bein used by hn udiof across tha his happy teelin liaries to at oiriat- aaadieval hay ol udttfeaartad this wa sir arthur etdnvaa of the of gilbert and sanivaa raat aar a small klntaax- th dnr was lake la cor- n hospital by ca lawn pour erai and trvatod by lw a wailnlftll cajmaud prooorty dattuj ni rrao to th ear which wu totally wrockd and hi u th atuid sign- th aeruuoc htpnd at 2 oclock la th morning and w investigated by hgt george laura were included in foreseen second metro yurk iuuoji ontario and cbunllei fcbuld lhmxuiie 0 fcund tttruxhaiiliua tar ar- ound yoniot3 rwtul tft cm wttb lb tvuvifuul d pari an of mnmifilh and davcldf- tnat bid lut m tln of a fiva wa bierum otmninitlm fccutig or gouho county lit th fumlka of propatwd fourcouhly jrjfloaaj uvelidkftbl uatttlaltoji uid in ttk bcxl u yitrt tb populstlftfl ol u four count- would l dbubud m uld tit dtvatlopafnt a mfulioa rould b th llrt lirj in ik formstlaa at a rg idaid ltttroliufl krd to pro- lh un our rounllm frocd ba- lntf fewlkwd up by itllro ybronta ta four fountlfi arc the lut oa la oourio to form a regional twvalopaicttt auocia titui which haa bo polltkal pow r but la a factfind at body trom tha mary full f vw ttofst jkifwpb to ttp mod- r wait ctuiataua huioipn q kdjad awtv ddsvr kkoga baw cms a favour- 1u art of ctvulnktf caawbrtv- tiooa- k id tb irtpditiod of cariai- hua toiuk titr r ai ow wltat quul joy atartia laiibr arwy t m- for tncun or tw ktudaw uroth rory hymn d cabm upon a ktidnlxht cwa aj and 0 litlu t of otuamln thj af4 hirry ta tcl- ibtalillg lh jolly tnbod of um vuilij kuck u u tlift bonufml iwck th 1u1u or lb wdvrn rudolph od r tba hootem- clkhmiilr lmud a ltatiaauj tainpoimri h s v foufid in chruunm liuplr- uoa for aou of thlr bmtt ha- bowtvrd uiuic at chrutuu atad kautr too ropl ktbasf to bir pcrformanm of haa dla mlab bach chrul baa oratorio and ktrtk ltalfaiwa du cbrut fcrt tbr ekatnplea cf m tduale oftra apecjally pt- furiud at chruttnu what -mocl- mbaats woej tha french word for chxiadm tmiu jinhday nwi or a shooi of joy- tmi muncipa1s thal kay qathar around tka piano for a final ron through bfor ortg bfora th audinc th play i being prtnrd jointly by ih hiqh tchool muiic department and drama club mtchl p4ichak it lha podu- or and ivan lonrj u- ichoofa mutic aupervitof it ihe director famous people call yue their birthday a young fanotra wife la knjtlaod five birth id a ton la 1m2 in 1b1 a baby tlrl mi barn in the uuuebuietu vil- uf ol oxford la ims tha wtf of a militant chrutiin cruaader lave birth to bar fourth daughter and in 18j in paria an artiatt uodal bora h baby hoy what did theae four blrtha have la eoidmon in each ease the ral waa bant on chriat- mu day and grew up to be- eeu a faiaoua am aeeard lag ts the book af kaoarudge these wellkbawa chriauilaa bablea were clara barton evangeline booth uaurire utrillo and sir uaat newton fpuiiir al bad crata oara bahaa civil war aiiraa was born on chriattdaa day la 131 it was her wara lhoughu of chrlatnus that led her when aha set ob to vlalt her brother a prisoner during tha civil war ta offer to take presents not only to hint but to the prisoner rela lives of all her oxford ii su neighbour subsequently clsra barton was instrumental in founding lb aaarleia red cross and served aa its president for niaay years la salvatti arc bom oa chriitmss day in 1h9 evsngellna booth was the fourth daughter of the salvation army founder wil liam booth by the age of is she ni bead of the salvation army in london and in 1dm aha took over operations for the entire united states laoiom notca- chicos clowning amuses at santas annual visit mslah hawas it waa so wonderful to be at tha brsnch on thursday to witness the happiness of tha children at the christinas tarty t is seldom thst one sees so many children gsthered together at ana time chlco the clown was tha main attraction to tha small try prior to tha arrival of santa we found it moat fascinating to observe the expressions of tha wee kiddles faces at chleo approached them to shake their hand or when ha pulled his false kaaoff to haunee a ehalr on bit real nose chlco held them apallbaund w would uks to thank htm for hi assistance which he gives no willingly each year santas arrival was a signal for the uuvto attempt ta raise the roof with loud chaaira cob collier his brother bill jim sargent tom clark and carman copland did their usual excellent job of handling the children and distributing the hundreds of gifts wa would be amis ii w failed to mention hers a word of thanks to tha ladies auxll- jaryfor uirjr generou do of t200m to assist the branch to finance the parly 4 we would also tip our hat to gord king for his most auc- ietiarul money raising c such as w hav never seen put oa at the branch for a chrut mas party before through cord kings etforts ther will be no strain put oa the branchs bnancas whkh is lndead some thing new the membership driv alghl which wax held oa friday was tar froe being a tremendous success inasmuch as it lacked attendance of members of new members to be initiated and the initiation team however those who were there witnessed a scanty admis- aioa of new number let us add that then were bo shortcuts ts the ceremony as far as comrades ilarry sav lags and jim collier were eon cemedv wbb conducted tba lni- tlatioa terexnony with dignity the erenlba was very enjoy able tor the few that were there katertainment waa e eelleat and dave bowman pro- ojuced a good lunch there anx aome new years parly tickets wit at tba bar which are available to members only until wednesday decem ber h at 800 pm after which the remaining tickets may be purchased by or for non- members to alt our comrades of branch 110 their wives and families anil to jupje of you who find time to read bar notes we wish you an old fashioned alkbby chbisthas- morklny niws church fund will get turkey supper proceeds the december meeting of the uc w of eden united church was held on uondsy night al tha home of vlrs john cordln gley wlh 13 rnembars present during the business period it was decided that starting in january esch member would pay a fee of 23e and thst the total proceeds of tha annual turkey supper would be turned over to the church fund it wai voted thst s donation be given to aid the church choir and also one be sent to the overseas relief fund the program which was in charge of mr kelvin johnston mr william hill mrs llsrry lowden and mrs john cord- ingley consisted of a christ mas contest and a game of court whist winners of the contest wan mrs edna walte mrs lena hamilton mrs flossie hall and mrs evelyn mlllcn for tha court whlitlt wax mrs john nixon and mrs edns walte a the general meeting of be ucw of hornby united church was held on wednesday night december is in tha ehurdh basement mr james snow wilt be the new president for next year the secretary and treasurer will remain for another year the devotional was in charge o mrs albert marchment and mrs douga leslie during world wsr 1 the sslvatlon army lailrs under brr jurisdiction spent christ mas as welt as many olher days ministering to the need of american doughboys tn rvance the word dough boy stems from the celebrat ed sslvstion army doughnut a world wsr i staple knawn far palntlnas one chriatmas horn child had liltle cheer in hia life on holidays or otheruuc thii waa the french painter uaurire utrillo bom on december 25 188j son of an unknown father and a mother who was s model for many of the mnnlmartre brush wielders of her lime young usurlce wss thy and withdrawn not only in child hood but throughout his life ironically reproductions of many of his paintings psrtlc- ulsrly those of the sparkling white dome of the montmsrtre church of sarr coeur are used by the thoussmls every year on christmas cards lie invented teyt sir isaac newton rncllsh phsylclst ttiathcmslician phi losopher greeted his first christmas and his first day in lincolnshire enjflsnd in 1842 t frail and sickly as s youth he devoted many boyhood decembera to inventing and making chriatmas toys mr and mrs boy south and ate and mrs keith ella tit brtmpton- visited on thursday night with mr and mrs garry jiamllton district news at a glance fc-p-inv- v public apathy bit a new low in erin last week when just six people attended a meotlng of village ratepayer called by erin village ofliclals a system af dog control andsllxm in tha village abd financial state ments were the items discussed miltom a water salesman told mil ton council last week that the installation of meters there would cut 100000000 gallons jpffthe towns projected water fcenaumpuon for 1968 milton council la considering meters to ease their water nroblenu eoetpa inuaic hospital statistics given tor november tha georgetown and district memorial lloapilal was as full ss its ever been in november according to ateliittes juat re leased uils week fact and fl gures on last months boapitsl operation show that the percen tage of occupancy in november was 74 the same month last year had a high point of b0 4 per cent moat other comparisons with november 10a4 ahow last month allghtly low nov 64 nov admlsalons 100 1s3 births 44 14 desths s 7 daily avg no of patients adults children 54 2 5bs newborn 10 81 of bassinettes in use 82 508 avg length of stsy days adults children 121 newborn 77 operations performed 83 73 xrsy exsminstiona 451 452 emergency visits 247 1b0 physiotherapy number treated 45 m during the first 11 months a 1085 there have been 1780 adult and children admitted to hospital 808 babies born and 54 deaths the total number of emergency visits was 1820 welr olnlr sahtai reindeai btmttna atloormand andexteridlnjohemour warinett irishes fcf vwy merry christmas arnold rathbun sun uf of canada 12 cower court georgetown 8774931 twentieth eebtury in too have wrttt kteund chrlitnuu probably lb most familiar axarapl i mahotll auahl and tha night visitors an opera eoaunuuioaad for ula- vtaiou nd performed annually honaggars chrutmas canuu and ltrlttens ceremony of carols sj other notable ex- aamplea ye hanar ti tuall sine the herald sngal sang bringing glad tidings of great joy ta shepherd watching their nscva tha pel af many lands hsve contribntad to the history of christmas hymns snd csrols in the fourth century st basil th great of greece emerged victorious in his alruggl tor chrtttisaity with lb byuntin emperor julian to celebrate this victory a musical poem or carol was sung in his honor tha fint day or th new year la atlll celebrated u st rualla day in greece and chil dren receive their christmas gifts on that dsy h tuoar yin in england during tudor times chriatmas calibrations began on all saints day no vember 1 and continued until candlemas on february 3 the lord of misrule acted as a master of ceremonies at tha yuleuda festivities much of the miule for all this merrymeklng ss extem poraneous msny songs war passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation sungs such ss the boara head carol referring to the boar or pig which waa tra ditional at the yule cail and the first nowell pint in us first christmas csrol com posed in the united statea was the work of an 18th cen tury leather worker named william billings reports tha book of knowledge a tanner by trade but a tuneamlth by inclination billings composed the carol a virgin unspot ted the aong lant one that la still sung and few hymnal now include it but csrol sing er today ow william hillings a considerable debt of grati tude u during puritan times in england the singing ol carols and indeed tha whole cele bration of christmas was banned tha puritanminded american colonies followed suit it we william blulngx more than any other individual wbo managed to persuade the puritan new england settler that singing songs at carjav mas wasnt sinful euro af sana among the well loved christmas hymns is it came upon a midnight clear tba words to this one were written by a unitarian minister of weston miss named edmund h sears tlmevjujt about a jiundred years agot says the book of knowledge- one melody of this hymn waa composed by a detroit we wish yob the mebriest of holidaysi 4wvi x1md stnctwa thank for your palonao towne sewing centre la aiau it x c0 to the would waaaataaaaanvsasbab wishing you the blessings of the season georgetown stationery amd oreictt sumtil n mau it i e77mll w whhti to our marry good frtamck tom iia adamson and all th jtaj- streetsville dry cleaners and shirt launderers water st fl samel wrt stttxisl holiday greetings from johnston motors oammon limited mtrtcflt mucuky comet 24e oueax sr4 east a 1966 licence plates available nowi why not end trie yiar moht by obyainirm 44 platts and yolru u womyub tjntit 19471 -j1- i v houfji flteia and 1 o 5 salurdayi onni aosed christaaaswetk-a-b- from thurs at dept of transport 0 41 main street south jirtra

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