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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 23, 1965, p. 4

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6wn 22 mainrr s gaceflatown ontario w ci page 4 thursday december 23rd ims editorial comment vfymf 4 precious right b 1 aad the to many ceneovens 1ke r saanaocretm privilege to bghrly the mm wturuopel elections n geor- i and hqmrtnq am a case in point in gaiieon with every office be am usewiawl wu than the public school board an we scent sffle of the reg- lanad voter who look th trouble to indl- shear pnhrana and lhlt u town weeds i ai the threshold of eplosive opawuv wall mesa problem facing mo- aldpj bodie avary day in tvsueema last than 30 of ik mim wan lo the polls to choose three of thee- five council namlt and el- ttuestnri too vhh b in transitional amj fnjnt the day whan it wat mainly sural lo an incraaung percentage of urban aaal linaa hat a venery of problems to tax the ingenuity of it elected officials b b hoi that public bodle do not get their that of haw reporting in th waauy preti people should be wall in- tl about municipal builnesl through tha pegae of tha harstd and tha milton a time to remember in tha horry of christmas prapsraliont atida dlnnert antartalnmant wa tome- ttme orgs what wa ant raally celebrating euanitalry to resident of a christian land wa are marking tha birthday of a bass whoa philosophy hat been continu ously apraackng through tha world for tsa centuoee rib teaching hava not alwaya baan fahmuav fohowad human frailty it luch that hb dodrina have- baan twilled thara haw baar disagreements sbouf tha way wa thould carry out tha chriilian rauglon and wa ara far off from creal- ang tha utopian world which could ratult holiday news tha hairf two issue of tha harald m have a large percanlaga of social banal about holiday visitors in town and aha visits local tas make to otu cnwnunkkal or tha holiday weekends cottacrlng these important newt hem at a big ob for tha harald newt depart ment and his on or which wa alwaya aak th halp of our readers and acton newepepert and from tha av tandanca of ratefioyon at tha waakfy coun- ol meeting here thara ka healthy interest in how wa ara governed but it b ttarrling to realize that appar ently only half iha paopla fn gaorgatown iniaratt themselves enough in our council business particularly to halp select tha man who will guxie georgetown l9oo deetirves coold it be that in country which hat neve bean threatened with dictator ship wa have grown complacent estum- ing that whoever u in power we wilt have good government our twwe canadian reaidenit etpac ally those who have coma from coontrtea where there u lea free choice are much mora aware of the power of the vote the irilereat in politic national provin cial and municipal cart put many of our nativeborn canadian to theme wa hope those who didnt vole on december alh will make ona new veer resolution lo use their ballot nevt decem ber if all professed christians enemplilled tlvalr faith in their dory life would not then not belt chrlitmat pratant lo ourtarve and to thw with whom wa coma in contact be to try to be a batter chrltllan in yeart lo coma fxit by attending church mora regularly hilaninr to what your mmlater hat lo uy then let ing it guide your dally living ona cannot be good plumber doctor papamaker or merchant without learning your ob properly and conttantly trying to improve your tkrll can ona than hop to be chruhan without tha tame dedication betkjtl tha partonalt thara are many inlereitina itamt which wa hope our reedera will thara yrantatltnllc phone callt chrlttmtt partlat ttff gemogeth- ert vltilort particularly from from a dfi- tanca are all bill of newt which collective ly make the herald holiday luuea inform- ativa and intaatting we will deem it favour if you phone your itamt to tha herald at 1772201 sugar and sp1 by dili smiuy beneath the tinsel at aa eae mt thoaa bird brownln and cuba ajo orel- a- aroaad la a perpetual hnj lo hornit for lha ttad at iku vat of yatrf garvlm cluba tad church uroupi ee uaa it or not tha ui wwtat orianliiuiuu m el chrlttmij hat buttle around with baxat of drattkelly in tha lul cbtaf for the tick ud tha posr mraioaii and lattoruulrai ra- palr tdx and wrap tutj far underprivllgd children alrnurt avarroua howavir umpormry it uiy b baglni to llo wllh a gabttltt datlre la ive to ion to b ona al t trait hunilb fallowihlp no dont tall ma tha true spirit at chrutmu it dltoirlnr thli ud il tw fal that m- l baa takaa over tha aaoo that th aar chriatma hu baan aamitt- la a nh of alac- treaka aad ghaualckry of advar- tbbul aad kobe and vuuarity aad sere read i dent acrea nrrrnrr cbrbtaul la l baser a auapaa obaarranm of the birtb of christ la eoawmoi aad aawiillii aaa it baa heeoma 1 1 iilif aad aaorouc plrrdcal tytea aolldaa 1 axhaoauna aad taaadauylt la crippllngv a ira a brlte lee alia and elt oarttlntr baata data and aeaelpb are pacaa flajnrei car taaabaoata ot the hrlarmta attbb aaaaoa certainly ai the dacoratlona and cataa aad flfla ara in the poor- 5 gat tbaaa ara only malarial t tuaaa tba enter tcapplnft oi fefi tba framt laatttmletaoeath tbaaa the bones ot oarbbaas tba grand pjd car- mtnralllnx alory era- a atronc as evar and gnat heart of christmas basts is warmly at i aw all yau screetes aavnlt tt veu anay klvlne at ckrlatmav evert theuah yau ajrumbla a wit and avert theuah van have fct ee wlhwt thlnet yeuraelf until ht june and ana of the frett thing about christmas th rati christmas is that tha ida that really count dont hava to ha rapped and dont coat a cent wbat naar jrift can wa rjr our ehlldran that tha leaching of tha lovely carols th tailing nauseating certainly of tha thrilling atoryr and what christians ara attar glut- greater gift can ihsy give us than th look of wonder and de light in tbair ayeat think of all iha other incom parable gilts for which no charge account or credit card it lnvoivadj an invitation lo aunt martha to spend christmas day with you even though she 88 deal is a atone belches like a hot- tanloi and always carries a crock in bar pursa a vsarm smile far your inrs- r aflv 3iyir i bend art chruvaet and th htart lrt at that year ahaata havg meed cfcrlet- esas treea leaela at a 4j eeere ewalei a warm amll for your wila on chriatntas tearnlng and tba fervent rausrk that shes navar looked levsller even though fl resamblst a tmbollowr in ihecrlntatn war a tlmpls announreniant from your wlf on chrlttmti morn lag in tha twantlath year of your marriat when your kids ara la high aehojl or oollag guess what dear were going lo bav a baty a alncer aymruthatle phont call to your balghbour on chrltt- mss rnomlng whan you diseov r thst hit front lawn display featuring santa cltui and tha seven dwarfs has blown down la th night interspersed ol course with a few jolly hoi hoi hoil in th spirit oltb season thai im tha gifts that glv real joy whether youre giving or receiving u you have th true spirit of christens now wait a minute dont rush back to tha stores with your wifes mink alola of your kids toys just in case on gift giving about trees on tha night christ was born legend sayi tl th trees hurst into bloom thus began many stories about christmas tree early folk teles described t bug tree la the midst ot forest the tree held many csndles soma straight aomi upside down at th top was an infant with a halo around his hesd v it was bellevou that th tre represented humanity th can dles dp and down aymbollt4 popl good and bad th infant was tha christ child lfc i f irbaa la tbt rjajat tjaia tab awwa tba eaeola battaaed that f a tweiftb day jaa- vary mb was tba eavaar bast j s0 cess f tbees f tba j bdar date was a aaat mabart harriet wb head treas ual et lei ha wrata af naaat la bb far aihi eve but waned that lb syeasm srest be eseeaietaty r ww leek he asaary leaves tbere be heglected tbere talds treat to ne be away gobunj you shall georgetown herald georgetown oatsria wahw c bietal rslbusber beraa bwflllr wndoetiea bupariaiaaaaht news kdltor aeeoantaat tarry uarlay allaan bndley rrtsk btullln adverrislna bfaasaer airs william cesss clark trots aha carrie beportat leaue cuxk ttava hasrlngs ht ouaed x budeaaata kraast blaka bfambar tt tba cahadlaa weekly tmerspepars tasohttlrai tad the oatarl asanrlthrat joyous message of christmas lives anew as manger scenes symbolize holy night and it cams to pais as the joyous songs in honour of tha angels were gone away from saviour a birth st yrinrlt felt them into betven the ihepherdtj thtt through th manger irna said to en another 1st ui now tad th cheery chrttluti soags go eves unto bethlehem tad tee this thing which it to put which the lord htth tntde known to us and they ctma with haste and found uary and joseph and ihe babe lying in i manger luke 2 1518 thui in tha new testament luke tells tha story of humble shepherds wstchlng in the fields shepherds to whom the herald fcngvl brought good tidings af great joy that they might seek and and the infant sav iour in still snothrr biblical account of the nativity uatthew writes of the wise urn who followed the stir to bethlehem and when they were coma into th house they uw the young child with uiry lilt mother tnd fell down tnd wor shipped him and they pre- aented unto him gifts gold and iranklncente and myrrh matthew 3 11 at chrlitmii aa christian everywhere celebrate the birth ot chrltt in church tnd home devotions the ttory of the na uvlty it told and retold but it never grows old always the welltememhered words of two ol hit disciples mstthew and luke seem to resound with re newed mesning and inspiration bringing to all some measure ol thtt aw and wonder perlenced by the thepherdt tnd th wit men long ago and now at then the sup reme tha allabsorbing moment in th ascred alary is that mo- mutt at tba manger when first ussy taw th young child with alary hit mother it rends planned far first creche in th miracle of tha manger in th madonna and tha child mankind sees tnd everpreisni reminder of th love of god th glory and promlsav chris- bass each year at christians return in heart and spirit- to bthelehem and the manger th joyous ueesag lives anew in cities churches and hornet manger scenes aymboux one again th birth of a holy child tha treasured tradition of re creating the manger hat a long aad notable history th brat creche or crib scholars tay was erected by bt thomas ot atrial and his brethren in the tiny italian village of urecchlo in im as the people of the town gathered about the manger the aral chrlttmarcarola were sung even th humblest member ol th eoagregsuon could parti eipat more fully in th ob- eervane of christmas ecreetln tk nativity in art tea through th years the masn lng of the manger has bean an riehed by hundreds of thousand of reverent recreations both craftsman and artists hive bean inspired by tha man ger jnd have thired their in splration with many tha ms donna and child appear again and again in countltts fsmout paintings and th christmas creche in miniature created by tha loving hands ol skilful craftsmen is a precious tradi tion in msny lsnds in many homes la song too the young child with mary hit mother uvet anew gathering around tha manger teens gltd volets joyfully ctrol susnt night holy night all is cslm sll is bright round yon virgin mother and child v early roman had practrital view christmas is getting too commercial this modern eompltlnt while it may have force it somewhat lacking in orlgl nallty 1 hate tha crafty arts ot idmng presents tald the witty ltomtn poet martial who lived and wrote from about 40 to 104 ad gifts are like hook uli complaint vies expressed in t series of poems written for wealthy patron at the tlma of th saturnalia th pagan festival from which cam many chrlsttaat customs martial however wat not always averse to presents af ter listing a large number ot small gifts auch u toothpicks figm napkins which had baan delivered to hlmhe pointed our thtt it wouldusve been much easier for thfc messenger to bring him live pounds of allver plst business directory chiropractor ohald a bay dc appointments made dally call tat 73461 m mill it oeeftstlevrt chiropractor oerele w career dc oeert deity by house calls arranged gryaail 1ia mel it berth o v walkm ro d0sc oanromgtmit ii mats st s brsmpteo 4514474 res 4sib14 hours i la is i pa tuesdsy to saturday vrldty d s m to t p m evenings by appointment cabr a wbstwooo bnlerte land eorveyers lie- mounuinvlew ltd a mitn1 7uii w h can- b p wettwead tr 74jo0 ha t 44144 dax developments limit bulleere ef iw hewea prop walter paehelok tvun er tyymm robl r hamilton optometrist l 118 ueuncalnvlew hd s carrettl bldg for appointment n 8773971 septic tank pumping weealnf tile trenshln i orvl -r- fill t halton aanitation irvicm reh end bill mcoewan 1 a77mis r monuments mllock cammill desions on requkst laaneet our work la greenwood camttery phonr 43i7sw u water street worth 0 a lt ot0mttlt l ai brown 0 d 35 mill st per apaelrttmente aheis 1771471 barragers cleartartahlrt launaarere tr 7417 it main s 1m oualph all wartt een art bremliee dale bennett latimer baines barrletare b aaliehesa doucla8 v latatzr wutnor r mainas tatsagla tsw m hill it oeargetewa frederick a helson aurrleter and lellcrrer 118 mouaulnvlew ed itv ctrretal building ceorgetowa tr 74jot m e kuiujersob bsrrltter and solicitor 61 mill si georgetown tr 724o4 tvan sickler ba sarritter eeluter meters v dr williams bld a itsia i t t4b1 rtlkk nrcn ucoiskd aucttomugj prompt bervlo po bos 411 tat taeae oeorgelowa murray rumaek stern co chaktirhu aceountaktg m ven th terent ti m47311 haroid fobert 9s isssia imsuranck ualtblt flm 144 oualph st or oeo juundy auro 773374 77447a on0i- wallacal thompton ird bmalaes cater clerk i tv 7341 oataartoviral animal cunic lmosalpb street br r b oaekai olbls opa sua mon wan ml eahirday ii aja printing of dlatinctiom stat lttt divsxofn vrvddino ikvnatiqns v vjjrt ri iviiwji

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