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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1966, p. 8

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high tales the georgetown high school newspaper dominion party wants retention of bna act by alfred madett j on friday january 21 the 1 election for model parliament iwu held at georgetown high school the result was victory i for the dominion party the party platform that we cam- jpaigned on was 1 the retain- which turned out to be our slo gan was invented this slogan for a free opinion vote do minion was the idea of doug fitsmaurke in order to reach the voters party members visited their various history classes to pros- ling of the bna act as the ent our platform and to answer iconstuution ol canada with i certain amendments to bring it up to date and that gen- leva agreement on vietnam j could be best enforced by up- porting american involvement iin that nation at a meeting on january f4 i the party members and workers kept busy painting signs and i posters for distribution around the school at the basketball game that night copies of the i party platform were given out to the spectators on the following monday the dominion party initiated the id- i ea of records in the cafeteria at i noon with a record player j and amplifier borrowed from i- the audiovisual department we i were able to provide music for i students eating their lunches i in order to keep the camp aign rolling meetings were held each night after school in room 2i3 where party strategy was planned it was at these post- school meetings that a phrase any questions the party candidates were lesley buresh alfred madgett patti wright gordon taytpn bev gosling madeleine buresh cornelius sommer joan hani- is wendy bodgers and eleanor hill who was not positioned higher because she did not want to take an active role as a candidate of the above the ant six were elected special thanks must be given to rupert braggsmith whose fine artistic abilities made our posters mush morcvivid there are of course many people too numerous to ment ion wh6 worked hard in order to insure our victory much cred it also must be given to mr f corning our staff advisor who guided us through the campaign we enjoyed running for mod el parliament and we are proud to have taken part in the best campaign georgetown high has ever seen give provinces wider i autonomy say nationals by rofiier smith the party platform of the national party was a that for- j eign aggression in south viet nam should be replaced by a united nations peace force b that the chinese peoples re public should be admitted to the united nations and c that the provincial governments have more rights in the fields of lawmaking economy cult ure and development the eleven people who atten- ded the national party conven- lion january 12 heard an excel- 1 lent summary of political strat egy from mr ramautarsingb the national partys staff advis- roger smith was elected party chairman andy spiece who was nominated by rick currie graciously declined the morning of january 13 the national chairman gave a two minute address over the pa system to announce the election and to promise a far reaching campaign saturday january 15 a post ermaking meeting was held and the resulting 45 posters were placed around the school monday morning of cam paign week summaries of both platforms were delivered over the pa system later in the day the national party announ ced their slate of candidates as follows roger smith andy spiece tony mcauley alex goudeketting robert saxe ri chard enright john mcdonald rosemary hill james buckwald and rick currie the national partys campaign manager was steven dewdney a massive speaking campaign was organized for the national partys ten candidates during history classes three speakers presented the party platform and answered any student ques tions in regard to these policies john mcdonald was appointed chairman of the entertainment committee the party adopted the theme we can work it out and robert saxe obtained six hundred cards printed with the theme for party supporters to wear thursday the national party presented a rock v roll group called the batmen made up of ste parsons dave johnson john mcdonald and nick morc- vy the group played during the boys lunch period and att racted a lot of attention friday brought election day the national party won 398 of the ballots cast the results were of course disappointing after waging a campaign which ethgugnt bad brought the issues to the voters however we are happy that 72 of the total student body voted in this years model parliament elect ion this is a new record for georgetown high in conclusion tne national party would like to thank mr ramautarsingb for his help a si our staff advisor party jrorkers wha alligentiytor national party our supporters whae votes elected roger smith alex tcoudeketting tony mcau ley and andy spiece and all tbose who helped to make this years election a success by toting that we may know by donald young every thursday at noon in room 206 a small but indus trious club holds its meetings its members are trying to dis cover what the tenets of the christian religion are and trie means to effectively present the message to a largely lethargic school the students are an inquisitive group attempting to relate their beliefs to an ever changing world the bible is constantly studied to follow one of timothys writings- study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly div iding the word of truth to discover the word of truth in an interesting and sti mulating way the program is deliberately varied from week to week a speaker will come one week to be perhaps follow ed by a film the next week or a discussion group the meetings for the month of january illus trate this last week the rev llewellin from the glen ipoke to us on authority and disci pline he subdivided has talk into three main areas a in the home b in the school or at sue macdonald b mckeown new student council heads by linda kin as i have been a member of the student council for the past three years i have come to know the full meaning of it the student council consists of a representative from each class who meet about twice a month to discuss important ma tters concerning georgetown high the duty of each class is to bring to each meeting any problems which any student of their particular class may have these class representatives must be very responsible people and are elected by their class mates about three weeks ago a new president and vice president were elected replacing ann hardy and dave underbill who did an excellent job during their term our new pres is su san macdonald who bytoe way is the first girl to be elected as president at georgetown high biu mckeown is vice presid ent secretarytreasurer is lin da king also on the executive are mr b armstrong and mr j mccullougn who are stud ent council staff advisors 1 for one know they are great as sistance when it comes to solv ing what seems to be an end- leas amount of problems the student council is res ponsible for every club or org anisation in the school and off ers financial assistance when ever possible it is requested one member from each club be at each student council meet ing to inform us of any activit ies their organisation may have planned another purpose of the stu dent council is to keep the stu dents satisfied by providing dances with popular entertain ment about once a month the council is in charge of most of the extracurricular activities within the school the student council has many purposes but the main one is to buildup the character of every boy and girl by giving them an organization which they can turn to for assistance whenever it is needed lesley buresh roger smith head model parliament group richard enright this year for lihe fourth con secutive time georgetown high school is taking part in the halton and peel model parlia ment this enterprise is the largest one of its kind in can ada there are forty three on- tario and three montreal high schools represented giving a total of one hundred and sixty seats ten representatives com ing from each sohoot the model parliament came into existence four years ago r was set up by the united nations association of halton and peel as a scheme to inter est and inform high school stu dents on how canadas govern ment is run for the students who take an active part in the model parliament it is exper ience and training for those who may be canadas future politicians perhaps more im portant are bhe students who vote on model parliament elec tion day for it is they who must choose the government of the future during the past three years that georgetown high has been represented at the parliament it has gained renown and pres tige in 1964 georgetown high won the plaque for the delega tion making the greatest contri bution to the model parliament last year georgetowns stew art saxe who was tne leader of the opposition brought back to georgetown high the plaque for the greatest single contri bution to the model parliament last year was additionally re warding since georgetown hos ted the parliament this year as before the national and the dominion parlies will campaign in a struggle for the majority to represent our school leader of the dominion party this year is lesley buresh ol grade 12 and heading the nat- work and c in the church a film on mission work in south- east asia was shown the week before for the week before biblical study discussion group was held as a group we realize that in christ all things hold toge ther we look forward to the rest of the year cagers season finished gdhs senior basketball team front row from left jim walker pete levell lyn mackenzie mike dwyer dave vbnsolkema beck row mr r kee bob mckay jim english john laymen don persons pete mcnnmara bob smith dave mallabon jeff nurse nt j drama club making plans for showcase by jaiw graff this year the main goal of the georgetown district high school drama club is show case 667 the show is sched uled to go on in the spring we hope to make showcase a trad ition of the drama club and that the present and future members will go on presenting this show annually as well as the performers you see on the stage there is the very vital behind the scenes crew the members of tits crew are linda rudiger costu mes john graff stage mana ger volanda gqudekettinq makeup gordon layton pub licity steve parsons lighting katherine pratt ticket sales of course every group has its executives ours are john lay man president madeline bur esh vice president jackie bo- well secretary treasurer but wbo is the power behind this group of young enthusiasm tic high school students mr petcschak is the teacher who is willing to devote so much of his precious time to such a de manding club by a demanding club we mean one that quires so nmch time in order to bold it together successfully to conclude this report we of the drama club thank you the georgetown residents for supporting our past productions and we hope you will continue to do so ional party is roger smith also of grade 12 perhaps even more important are the people who work behind the scenes to make the model parliament tick this year teachers mrs tucker mr rau- maiitarsingh and mr corning are to be thanked and congrat ulated for the work they have done and without whose assist ance the model parliament could not be a success when georgetowns delega tion goes to t lkehnedy high school in cooksville on febru ary 26th i know they will make themselves heard and bring back the laurels to geor getown high for another year i would also like to urge any one who can to go and- see the model parliament in session and see canadas future politi cians in action thi oshhrosttowh hirald thursday february m 1m pagb 8 five minute interviews at two parents nights lesley buraah at some time in the montb of january every year comes that time which holds various meanings for different people vparents night has a similar sound to mothers day c fa thers day to one who didnt know of this delightful custom he would likely think that the students of geo worship their parents to such an ex tent that one day piece la just not enough however the letter taken home with each student or perhaps not taken home dispelled forever these thoughts the nights of january 13th and 29th were for the teachers extra nights of work for- the parents a not always pleasant revelation arid for the students a lilght of anxiety darting the beginning of a period with en lightened parents supervising homework for the required number of hours per night this year a new system was put into effect each teacher had two students acting as sec retaries who make appointments for parents these appoint ments were five minutes each and most teachers were busy the full time from 730 to 10 pm the secretaries were also responsible for introducing the parents to the teacher and the end of ave minutes polite ly informing the teacher that the five minutes were up and holding the door open until the parents had taken their leave the only problem in this sys tem was that in some cases teachers found that five minutes were not long enough coffee was served all even ing in the cafeteria for weary secretaries and teachers and the often disillusioned parents senior rebs end basketball season in fourth place the senior rebels finished their ims basketball season in a tie for fourth place their record of 4 wins and six losses was better than expected in the tough competition met in the district 10 league the season opener was as thrilling as they come the rebels defeated gnejph cvt by a score of 4644 in two ov ertime periods lynn mackenzie sank 4 four shots in a row to give- georgetown the victory the ttebels second game wis not quite as successful as they were defeated by st jeromes the eventual league champion the following two games were both victories for the senior as they defeated milton 3331 and then startled bishop hacdonneu with a 4ft32 win in their first encounter with john f ross the repels were trounced 6738 the same week georgetown and guelph cvi met agairi and for the sec ond time the score was close and the game exciting only this time the guelph team emerged victorious 3843 st jeromes again showed their winning style and defea ted the rebels in a decisive man ner 6340 friday night saw georgetown at home against milton the 200 plus fans were witness to a 7s22 defeat dealt out by the hands of the rebels the lollowing wednesday the bishop macdonnell team out for revenge over their previous defeat whipped the rebels 65- 32 the season final pitted john f ross against the rebeisrtne georgetown boys built up mv early lead over the royals at half time it waa 3422 the royals came back in the third quarter- and went on to win 68- 51 high point man was lynn mackenzie who scored 115 points in the regular season concrete grave1 building sand ro ad grave fill and top soil stone work tom haines dm william t 73302 attention home owners we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities- we also have good supplies of ice salt water sofetener salt master rabbit pellets and master dog food snow fence and steel fence posts we sell and ncommead master feeds master feeds stewarttown dial 8773512 georgetown we deliver wad an and sat ajm aadl waak in o oohs junior iasketbau team fnxn laft barry code dennis stiaf rick todd phil sykes brian pollock back row bill davidson ross nagorsan mike faris graham fergmjon chris cock fogmiohcuusanpjhr jsr ca ntft ontario medtcal services insurance plan

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